The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Guardian: Paranormal Fantasy New Adult Young Adult Angel Romance (A Fight for Light Novel Book 1)
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“Can you not join her?” He sounded surprised.

“My fate does not lie with hers. I have a different destiny. My dreams show a different path right now. This may change with her decisions,” she explained, “or it may remain the same.”

“Dreams?” He asked, confusion in his voice.

“Surely you remember the legends? We have premonitions, truth dreams.” Gran reminded him.

“Yes, I remember now. Rhiannon has these too doesn’t she?”

“Yes, but she doesn’t understand the meaning. I fear for her sometimes. Her nightmares are increasing. The time is getting closer. I know the war is not far off now. You have confirmed it tonight.” Gran sounded tired.

“She needs to be prepared. You know what must be done now.” Kellen sounded urgent. “Tomorrow. We cannot put it off any longer.”

“Yes,” Gran replied, “we’ll tell her tomorrow. Let her sleep now.”

“Yes, you should get some rest too. I will stand watch tonight.”

“Thank you.” I heard Gran say.

It was quiet for a moment. Then I heard Gran speak, her voice full of emotion.

“Kellen, if something happens to me, I need you to promise me that you will watch over her. No matter what her choices are, if you are together or not. I need to know that she will be safe.”

“I will never leave her nor will I ever stop protecting her. If she chooses not to be with me, I will stay her Guardian, to the best of my ability, sanctioned or not. I will not break my vow,” he promised. I heard the sound of metal scraping something soft.

“I know you mean that Kellen. No need to spill your blood. I will hold you to your oath. Nothing in heaven or in hell will be able to stop me if you break it,” she promised, “thank you again.”

I heard the scraping of chairs against the floor as they got up. I waited in the silence trying to understand all that I had heard. There wasn’t much that made sense. I was still trying to sort it out when I fell back to sleep.

Chapter Fifteen


I awoke to the sound of soft snoring nearby. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the bright light streaming in from the living room windows. Feeling the pressure of an arm on my leg, I looked down. Kellen was sitting on the floor next to the couch. His head and one arm were resting on my hip and thigh. He must have fallen asleep next to me.

My protector. My Guardian. He was so much more than that of course. My heart swelled as I looked at his face. He was just as handsome when he was sleeping. I smiled. He kept his promise. He was still here when I woke up.

I really didn’t want to move and wake him but my body was so stiff. I tried to move my leg just a tiny bit. It woke him up anyway. His eyes shot open fast, his face alert. He straightened up, looking around the room, anxiously taking in his surroundings. When his eyes fell on me he relaxed and smiled.

“Good morning,” I said, “sorry to wake you.”

He yawned and stretched. “No, it’s fine. I needed to get up anyway.”

I sat up, stretching slightly, and put my arms around my legs. I watched as he threw himself on the floor and started doing push-ups. I giggled.

“Do you always wake up that way?” I asked.

He grinned at me. “Of course, I need to keep myself strong.”

He hopped back up after a minute and sat down on the couch next to me, his breathing slightly accelerated.

“Show off,” I accused him.

He laughed and pulled me close to him. I looked up into his eyes, smiling. Suddenly all of the teasing was gone. His eyes were liquid green again. I realized at that moment what that extra something was I had been seeing in his eyes lately. It was deep desire. A resonating longing.

The knowledge of that set my heart racing as I knew I desired him too. It was way too early to be thinking about a physical relationship (I wasn’t ready for that anyway). This desire I felt for him was more than physical. I could hardly explain it even to myself. It was a desire to be connected on every plane to him; spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and every other way. Every fiber in my being called out to be in connection with him. It was the strongest sensation I had ever had. It overwhelmed and exhilarated me at the same time.

I could see the same understanding reflected in his eyes as they looked intently into mine. I slowly lifted my hand and placed it against his cheek. His hand covered mine for a brief moment, before he took it and placed a kiss on my palm. I felt so perfect in that moment. My eyes started to tear up as I thought about how much I truly loved him. I thought my chest was going to burst with the strength of my emotions.

I finally got it. I understood for the first time what it meant to love someone this much. I understood what it meant to love someone enough to lay down your life for them. To give everything, every part of yourself. To relinquish control and give in completely. I knew if I ever had to make that choice, I could do it without hesitation.

Losing Gramps had proved one very important point to me. You have to make the most of the time you have with the people you love. You never know how long you are given. And life was much too short for regrets. Love was too important to let go, especially once you found it. Love was the anchor of all life, all true and amazing experience, and all good and infinite happiness.

I realized something important at that moment. Something life altering, something simple. Love. Perfect, all consuming, and all encompassing. The truth of love resonated inside me. It gave me sudden clarity. The love of two people, deeply and unequivocally attached to one another, unable to be broken by any human weapons. A bond forged so strong nothing on earth could break it. It was

Love didn’t have boundaries. Love didn’t have limits. I thought about 1 Corinthians 13 from the bible. It says: “Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over another’s sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance. There are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of them all is love.”

People could be all of these things, like rude and selfish, but never love. Love could only be pure. Love was the embodiment of everything good. Love could conquer anything. I had never thought of those words this way before. I guess you could not fully comprehend the true meaning of love unless you were
love. Maybe parents and grandparents, and probably people of deep faith, but no one else. You had to be touched in a deep place to fully comprehend it. When love really touched you, it changed your life forever.

I lifted my hands to place them on either side of Kellen’s face. I made sure he was looking at me before I spoke. His eyes locked with mine.

“I love you,” I told him simply. I said it with every ounce of conviction I had.

I was unprepared for his response. His eyes glistened. He slipped down on the floor and pulled me close to him. He slid his arms around my waist, encircling me, and leaned his head down to bury it in my lap. We stayed that way a long time. Both of us breathing quietly and saying nothing. I stroked his hair absently with my fingers, eliciting a contented sigh from his throat.

Eventually he sat up. His face looked so glorious, like the sun itself had kissed him with warmth. His smile was unlike anything I had ever seen. He truly beamed as he looked at me.

“Thank you,” he said, “for loving me.” His voice broke slightly.

My throat was so tight that I couldn’t answer. I just nodded. He was still kneeling on the floor next to me. He leaned in close and kissed my lips, long and gently, a world of meaning conveyed in that one sweet act.

“I love you too,” he whispered softly, “more than I ever dreamed possible.”

I smiled. I knew exactly what he meant.

He stood up slowly, his eyes watching my face. I heard a noise next to the stairway and looked over. It was Gran. She had a strange expression on her face. How long had she been standing there?

Kellen looked at her and smiled. Silent communication passed between them. She looked back at him with a puzzled expression which quickly changed to understanding. She nodded to him in return.

“I saw everything. I’m sorry dear, I came down to check on you. It’s late and I thought you might be hungry,” Gran admitted.

“It’s ok Gran,” I said, since I did not mind. All the better. She would understand the depth of my feelings for him now. “I am hungry.”

“Why don’t you take a shower? Breakfast will be ready by the time you are done.”

“I will. Thanks Gran!” I jumped up and placed a quick kiss on her cheek and blew one to Kellen as I ran up the stairs to my room.

I quickly gathered my robe and a towel and skipped into the bathroom. Humming to myself, I closed the door and turned on the hot water. I paused in front of the mirror and nearly fell over. I looked terrible. My hair was a tangled mess of curls, my cheeks were flushed, and my eyes were red. My clothes were all wrinkled from having spent the night on the couch. I probably had morning breath. How did Kellen miss that?

I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing. When I was done, I brushed them again just in case. I stayed in the shower longer than I meant to, letting the hot water relax my stiff muscles. I eventually turned off the water and got out. Toweling off quickly, I ran the brush through my hair. I decided to keep it simple. I put some mousse in my hair and scrunched it up with my fingers. It looked let the curls dry loose. I blew it dry half way and pinned a strand away from my face on each side with a thin barrette.

I wanted to look special today. I had a hard time finding something to wear. I finally chose a long maxi dress. It had thin straps with a sweetheart neckline and an empire waist. It was a cream background with gold and roses splashed all over on it. The design looked like a watercolor painting. It was brand new. I put a pair of small thin gold hoops in my ears and then added my necklace from Kellen and Gran. Lastly, I threw a few gold bangles on my left wrist and some cherry lip gloss on my lips. I looked in the mirror for a moment and then skipped down the stairs toward the kitchen.

I paused in the living room as I passed the new pictures Gran had added to the coffee table. There was a collage of pictures of Kellen and I that had been taken by Gran here at the house on prom night. One photo was just the three of us: Gran, Gramps, and me. In a separate frame the professional prom photos were also displayed. I smiled as I looked at them, thinking of how special that night had been for us, at least before the phone call. I quickly dismissed it from my mind, determined to make this day a happy one.

I skipped into the kitchen, jubilant with the knowledge of newfound love. My heart was light as I entered. Kellen and Gran both looked up when I came in. They smiled at me.

“Rhiannon, you look beautiful.” Kellen complemented, his eyes widening in appreciation.

“Very lovely dear, I really like the new dress,” Gran agreed.

I noticed Kellen had already showered and changed clothes as well. How did he do that so fast? He was looking very handsome in tan cargo pants and a deep green polo shirt. The color really set off his eyes.

I smiled. Then I smelled the food. My stomach growled loudly. Kellen jumped up and placed a kiss on my cheek. Then he took my hand and led me to the table. He pulled out a chair for me to sit and then sat next to me.

Gran started heaping food on the table. She had outdone herself. There were scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, a tower of toast, sausage links, a big bowl of fresh fruit, and another tower of pancakes. There was warm syrup in the gravy bowl and fresh squeezed orange juice as well. It all smelled so wonderful. My mouth was watering.

Gran said a quick blessing and we started filling our plates. I put a little bit of everything on my plate and started eating. I noticed with humor that Kellen was actually eating off of two plates. I guess he didn’t have enough room on one. I still couldn’t believe how much he could eat. I guess all of that strength required a lot of fuel for energy.

He caught me watching him and grinned at me. Ridiculous. He was so easily placated. I rolled my eyes at him. After we were done eating, Gran poured some coffee for herself and Kellen.

“Don’t you like coffee?” He asked.

“I love the smell but not the way it tastes.” I made a face. “Surely you have seen my morning fruit, avocado, and almond milk smoothies?”

He grinned at me again. I don’t think my answer surprised him any. “Of course.”

“So, what are you kids doing today?” Gran asked.

Kellen spoke up. “I wanted to take Rhiannon out this afternoon and come back for dinner if that’s ok.”

“Sure,” Gran smiled. “How about pot roast tonight?”

“You are spoiling me Gran.” He grinned.

I looked at him with one eyebrow raised in curiosity.

“Gran said I may as well call her that too,” he explained.

“Why not? It looks like you have been adopted anyway. Look how much she feeds you,” I said with another eye roll.

“True.” He did not even have the decency to look embarrassed.

Kellen and I got up and started clearing the table. But Gran told us to go on.

“Go enjoy yourselves this afternoon. I’ll see you this evening.” Gran looked at me and winked.

I gave her a hug and went to get my shoes. I slipped my feet in the thin sandals. Then I ran upstairs to brush my teeth again and put on more lip gloss. When I got back to the stairs Kellen was standing there waiting for me.

He opened his arms as an invitation. I skipped down the stairs and ran into them. He crushed me into a giant bear hug and then swung me around several times before setting me down on the ground. I looked at him, laughing breathlessly. His mood was just as light as mine. He took my hand and we headed out the front door.

“How about my place?” He asked.

I still hadn’t seen his house yet. The thought was a little intimidating.

“Ok,” I said nervously.

He laughed. “I just want to be alone with you for a while. No interruptions.”

“Oh, that’s fine with me,” I told him. Probably too fine with me. All alone at his place? I was excited and scared at the same time.

Kellen opened the door for me and I sat down in the Hummer. He was around and in the car himself before I had finished buckling myself in. We drove in silence while I messed with the radio. I found a rock station and let Radiohead blast through the speakers.

Something suddenly occurred to me. Why did Kellen never mention his family? Why didn’t I know more about them? And why did he always change the subject and distract me before I could
ask him? I think I had my answer. He was hiding information, maybe he didn’t trust me. Maybe he was just protecting me but that didn’t matter anymore. I already knew the truth. I knew about the enemy. So why be so mysterious? After all of the declarations of love, we were passed the secrecy now, right?

I didn’t want to ruin the mood but I was too curious to let it go.

“You’re not really staying with family are you?” I asked him once we had merged onto the highway.

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