The Love Laws (23 page)

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Authors: Tamara Larson

BOOK: The Love Laws
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He smoothed her
hair away from her neck and pressed his lips below her ear. She shuddered in
response and he felt her inner muscles tighten around his cock. He nearly
groaned at the unbelievable pleasure rippling along his shaft, but fought the
distraction. He needed to both reassure the incredible woman in his arms and
convince her to give him more than she was willing to give. A daunting task, to
say the least. But more than worth it if he could pull it off.

“Jamie. It was
great. Even pogo-stick sex with you is unbelievable. But give me the chance to
make it better. I need more from you. Don’t give me this cold, clinical version
of what sex with you can be like. I want everything. Just this once. So, don’t
hold back. Okay?”

She paused and
then her body stopped straining away from him. “Five minutes? I think I’ve
heard this before.”

“Just five.
This time I’ll stick to it, I promise.”

“Okay, what do
you want?” She asked suspiciously.

“Let me show
you.” He said huskily, running his hands up and down her body in a gesture that
was supposed to be both soothing and arousing. He cupped both of her breasts
and pinched her sweet little nipples as he breathed hot puffs of air against
the nape of her neck.

Despite her
determination to remain unmoved by Kevin’s skills, Jamie felt herself
responding as one of his warm hands drifted downward to cup her between her
legs. He seemed oblivious to the fact that his penis was still buried deep
within her pussy as he concentrated on strumming his fingers against her clit.

“Do you like
that, baby?” He asked as he began rolling his hips gently against her, making
his hard cock rub along the walls of her sheath, hitting every nerve ending
buried deep within her, creating the most delicious friction she’d ever

She didn’t
answer, just bit down hard on her lip and ground down on him, trying to take
back some measure of control.

“Stop,” he
whispered, “just let me love you.”

Unable to fight
her own desire anymore she gave in and allowed herself to respond to the desperate
plea in his voice. She could enjoy a few minutes with him without worrying
about the consequences or what the future held. She didn’t need to purposely
sabotage her own pleasure just to punish him for his past. She could enjoy him
fully and then move on. She almost believed it.

“Okay,” she
sighed and let go of the death grip she had on the front seat and slowly curled
back until she was draped over him like a blanket. She turned her face to the
side and brought one hand up to cup his jaw. Then she kissed his lips, softly
and sweetly.

Kevin groaned
and pulled her tight against his body, holding her fiercely as their mouth and
tongues met and played for long moments until the need for more overwhelmed
them both.

Then Kevin
began to move. He began rocking his hips up and down in a slow gliding roll that
made Jamie sigh and break their kiss. She couldn’t concentrate on his lips and
that exquisite rocking between her thighs at the same time. It was too much. So
she gripped the seat in front of them again and began moving in counter rhythm
to his slow gyrations. She circled her hips and was rewarded by his rasping
curse of delight behind her.

Soon their slow,
sensual movements became frenzied and out of control. His grunts of pleasure
echoed through the interior of the car as she rode him hard and fast in time
with his upward thrusts.

Despite the
chilly interior of the car, sweat broke out on both their bodies and they slid
against each other, their flesh slapping together faster and faster.

“God, I know
the five minutes are up, but don’t stop.” Kevin said, twisting his hips from
one side to the other to adjust the angle of his thrusts.

Jamie just shook
her head in reply. He felt so good. Even that small adjustment was all it took
and she felt her body starting to gather and reach for what promised to be a
mind-blowing orgasm. Leaning all the way forward until her the tips of her breasts
brushed his thighs she ground down on him and felt her hips take over in small
jerky thrusts she had no control over. Then it happened. A massive wave of heat
and bliss broke over her and she squeezed her inner muscles around his hard
cock, trying to hold onto the pleasure as long as possible. She made a keening
sound as her climax rocked through her core and ripples of ecstasy flowed
throughout her entire body.

Behind her, she
heard his answering roar of satisfaction and then he was thrusting hard and
fast, holding her in place with his big hands as he drove himself up into her
convulsing sheath. She felt him shudder and then he went completely still.

Jamie slowly
forced her muscles to unclench around him but didn’t move off his lap. Instead
she threw her head back and stretched sensuously, reaching upward towards the
ceiling of the car. She was surprised to feel his hands tenderly smoothing up her
back. He didn’t seem the cuddly type and yet he was drawing her back against
him once again. She thought about resisting, but his warmth was too tempting.
She allowed him to hold her and nearly purred with satisfaction as his huge
hands settled possessively on her open thighs.

“You okay?” He
asked, pressing a sweet kiss against her ear.

she said, before she could think about it. She ran her hands down his forearms,
idly playing with the silky golden hair for a long moment until she reached his
watch. Then reality swept in.

“Shit,” she
said, looking at the face of his chunky platinum Rolex. “It’s past one. I’ve
got to get out of here.” Without much grace, she began trying to scramble off
his lap.

“Whoah. Not
much for the afterglow, are you?” Kevin said chuckling while holding her effortlessly
in place. “Isn’t this the part where we cuddle and reflect on what just
happened? And possibly discuss when it can happen again? Like as soon as
possible, I hope.”

Was he serious?
Cuddling? Reflecting? What happened to the man-whore? “Look Kev. This was
great. It really was. I forgot how amazing it can be, so thank you.” She turned
slightly and kissed him above the eyebrow in a conciliatory gesture. “Now, I
really have to get to an appointment. So, can you kindly let me up?”

Kevin was
silent as he took care of the condom and helped her off his lap. He watched her
intently as she gathered her clothes and began pulling them on haphazardly.

“So, that’s
it?” He finally asked as he jerked up his jeans and tucked himself away.

Jamie sighed as
she hurriedly buttoned up her cardigan. “Kevin. We said ‘no strings’ remember?
Two consenting, horny adults in a public place, right?”

“Yeah, right.”
He said evenly as he looked out the window at where the rain had slowed to a
trickle. “At least let me drive you where you need to go. Is it close?”

“Don’t worry
about it. It’ll be faster if I just walk.” Jamie said, so intent on making
herself presentable she didn’t even notice that Kevin looked like he’d just
been slapped.

“Alright,” he
said softly.

“Now. Get
dressed before you catch cold. Okay?” She said as she shrugged back into her
coat and tucked her wild hair into her beret.

He nodded but
didn’t move towards his clothing.

“Kevin. Please
don’t be like this.” She touched his arm and tried to catch his eyes, but he
was staring out the window with a completely blank expression on his handsome
face. He didn’t look angry exactly. Or confused. Or hurt. Just void of emotion.
Very unlike the usual animated Kevin she had come to know recently.

She couldn’t
help but take a few moments to study and admire him. His hair was tousled like
mad from the rain and being rubbed against the back seat but he didn’t look
ridiculous. He looked incredible. His bare chest rippled with so much muscle he
looked like he belonged in a beefcake calendar. For one brief moment she
wondered what she was doing. Why would she leave this gorgeous creature? For
what? To make an appointment she didn’t want to face anyway?

But the longer
she stayed the harder it was going to be to leave. And she really didn’t want
to hurt him more than she had already. Getting away from him was the kindest
thing she could do. For either of them. Because every second she was with him
more feelings bubbled to the surface. Feelings that had no place between them.

she placed her fingers on his cool cheek and turned his face towards her. “I
like you. I really do, but you know there can’t be anything more than this,
right?” Her voice sounded surprisingly self-assured to her own ears, but the
words seemed hollow, like she was speaking a line. She hoped he didn’t notice.

“Why?” He
gripped her hand where it rested on his cheek and gave her an intense look. All
blankness disappeared from his expression and she could see everything there in
his eyes. He looked desperate and in pain. She hated what she had done to him
but didn’t see what other choice she had. A clean break was best.

Jamie couldn’t
look at him so she rolled her eyes heavenward, trying to recapture their light
banter from before. “You know why. Mr. Promiscuous.”

He didn’t smile
at her teasing tone. His lips actually thinned and a vein she’d never noticed before
seemed to pulse at his temple. Yet when he finally spoke his tone was a sexy
growling purr that made her icy nipples stand up and take notice. “No, I don’t
know,” he rasped. “We make each other laugh and we just had astronomical sex.
Plus, we share an appreciation for fine lingerie. Seems like an excellent basis
for something more. Don’t you think?”

Jamie seriously
considered launching herself back into his lap and forgetting about everything
but another round of reverse cowgirl but her pride wouldn’t allow it. Instead
she gave him a brief, pitying look and gently disentangled her hand from his
fingers. “No, it isn’t. Seriously. Kevin. I wish I could tell you what you want
to hear, but I don’t feel the same way. I don’t have time for a relationship
and I really don’t have time for this conversation right now.”

Kevin started
to argue but she was already gone. The door slammed shut with finality and he
was alone in the backseat of his old car: half naked and confused as hell. What
had just happened here? Had he just been used and discarded? Apparently so. And
by the woman he was falling in love with. Payback was such a complete and utter
bitch. God, he needed a drink.


Chapter Twelve

After fleeing the scene in the
parking lot like a scared but satisfied rabbit Jamie trudged up the hill
towards her childhood home and tried not to think about what had just happened.
She was unsuccessful. Every step she took was an agonizing physical reminder as
long unused muscles protested both the uphill hike and the recent more intimate
workout she’d taken on thanks to Mr. Kevin Hall and his impressive equipment.

Her Real Estate
Agent was waiting patiently in the driveway of the house. Pamela was
middle-aged, aggressive and unflappable. Jamie was eternally grateful for this
last trait as Pam didn’t even comment on her wet and bedraggled state.

The two women
shook hands pleasantly and Jamie dug deep into the pocket of her coat for the
keys. At first she panicked because all she could find were Kevin’s dark
sunglasses in her pocket. She pulled them out and looked at them for a moment,
thinking back to the moment when she’d yanked them off his face. She’d wanted
so desperately to ask about his badly bruised nose, but hadn’t wanted to seem
concerned. How stupid. He must think she was heartless.

“Miss Martin?”
Pam asked, sounded worried. “Is everything alright? Did you leave the keys in
your car maybe?”

“Oh. Sorry.”
Jamie shook her head and buried the sunglasses deep within her pocket to keep
them safe. “Here they are,” she said a tad too brightly as she dangled the keys
from her fingers.

 Jamie managed
to avoid thinking about Kevin for the next hour. The pain of what she was doing
provided an excellent distraction from what had just happened, though she felt
a little awkward meeting with anyone with her torn underwear dangling between
her legs.

Somehow she was
able to show the property to Pamela without becoming too distraught. She came
here on a fairly regular basis but usually avoided the areas of the house that
held the most emotional impact. As a result there were parts of the house she
hadn’t seen since those awful days after the funeral. She’d spent the most part
of that week crying non-stop as she threw things out and gathered the objects
which held the memories of her parents she could share with her sister.

Clay had
borrowed the keys several months ago and re-painted everything as a gift. He
knew the two Martin girls were incapable of moving forward so he’d taken
matters into his own hands and made the changes necessary for some closure. As
a result the top floor loft of the four-storey house looked oddly unfamiliar to
Jamie as she climbed the steps to her mother’s favorite room.

The two women
finished the tour standing in the huge front window overlooking the bay. As
Pamela oohed over the view Jamie felt her control starting to slip away. This
was the place where June Martin had spent so many hours standing vigil, waiting
for her wayward daughter to come home. This was where her mother had sat on
that window seat and been disappointed. By her. Over and over again.

Standing in this
spot Jamie expected to feel some kind of tangible reminder of her past. A hint
of her mother’s presence. Maybe a whisper of censure. But there was nothing.
She was gone. This place was void of everything but stale memories. Jamie had
hoped coming here would provide her with a sense of peace but instead anger
washed over her. She would never get the chance to win her mother’s approval
now. No act of contrition could ever make up for all she’d done to defy her
parents and cause them pain.

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