The Mistress Mistake (14 page)

Read The Mistress Mistake Online

Authors: Lynda Chance

Tags: #jealousy, #possession, #virgin, #heterosexual, #monogamous, #alphamale, #badboy, #goodgirl

BOOK: The Mistress Mistake
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With that fairytale firmly in place, Jessica
left the real world behind and melted under the kisses he was
giving her.

His erection became apparent very quickly, it
pushed against her lower stomach, right above her pelvis, and sent
molten need sliding through her. He kissed her slowly, firmly,
taking his time as the pressure built between them. His hand
caressed her back, over her shirt, and trailed softly, up and down
her spine, making sweeps from the top of her shoulder blades and
down again. With each swipe of his hand, he came closer and closer
to the fullness of her bottom.

It was as if he was tantalizing her on
purpose, not moving his hand far enough down her back to soothe the
ache she felt there. She wiggled against him, wanting to feel his
touch on her butt. When she moved against him, she whimpered into
his mouth, and his lips latched onto hers, more firmly, hotly,
taking her mouth by storm and thrusting his tongue inside.

His erection grew even larger and she felt
the hardness, the heat of it pulsing beneath her. It was making her
crazy, and she crawled a few inches upward, angling her mouth above
his, and aligning her crotch with his.

When she made that move, he groaned deep in
his mouth and their kiss went wild. His hand landed where she
wanted it, on her butt, and he clenched it tightly in his hand.

She began rocking against him, irresistible
need clenching between her thighs, sending currents of pleasure
through her that flooded her with damp heat.

They kissed endlessly, his arms surrounding
her, both of his hands on the cheeks of her butt, his fingers
clenching and coming dangerously close to the cleft in between.

He broke his mouth away from hers, and he
lifted her and turned her quickly, until they were lying side by
side. Their bottom arms entwined, holding each other, and that left
each of them one hand each free to explore each other. Her hand
landed on his naked chest, and his mouth fell back to hers, his
tongue delving between her lips. He lifted her leg, and shifted it
until it hung over his hip, and the position opened her legs to

He took advantage immediately, and ran his
hand over her thigh and then between them, to the vee between her
legs, where he cupped her heat over the top of her panties. He
pressed hard, the heel of his palm massaging her, and soon she was
mindless, completely under his control.

He continued to kiss her, never letting go of
her mouth completely, but allowing her to lift away from him, just
enough to take shallow pants, and force oxygen into her lungs. His
lips trailed to the corner of her mouth. "You're so fucking
beautiful." He gave her just enough time to breathe, and then he
began kissing her again.

She let out a tiny moan, and pushed her hips
toward his, pushing her mound into his hand. He clenched her
tightly, rubbing her in circles over her panties, and then he let
go of her momentarily, and slid his fingers to grasp her hand that
played over his chest, grabbing it and sliding it between them. He
slid it down over his erection, and held it there, just long enough
for her to know he wanted it to stay there.

She let out a ragged sound of shock, and his
hand left hers and landed between her thighs again. She'd never
touched him there before, not in make believe, and not in real
life, and even though it was through the fabric of his jeans, his
strength, heat and power sent ripples of electric response down her

She slowly began to move her hand, holding it
firmly against him as he was doing to her, and the twin touches,
her hand on him and his on her, added an intimacy to their actions
that sent a heated spike to her arousal.

With his mouth devouring hers, she moaned
helplessly, and heard an answering groan coming from him.

The feel of his hard heat underneath her hand
was consuming her, she held on to him, loving the feel of his
erection, never wanting to let him go. He manipulated her clit, ran
his finger under the elastic of her panties, and swirled his finger
over her, until her hips were undulating against him.

He released her for a moment, and ran his
hand on the outside of her shirt, until his fingers landed on her
breast, and he began tweaking her nipple.

The feeling was incredible, different and
new, and in a hazy part of her brain a thought tried to enter, but
it drifted away before it could take a clear form, and all she
could do was gasp into his mouth as his hand slid down and pushed
up her shirt, where he palmed her entire breast in his hand.

He released her mouth, took a deep,
shuddering breath, and slid down her torso just enough to reach her
chest. With her shirt bunched up around her neck, he latched onto
her nipple with his lips and teeth and began licking her, grazing
the white skin of her breast with his whiskers as his mouth pulled
on her nipple.

She felt her orgasm close by, not imminent,
but just there, in the background, well within reach. He moved his
mouth to her other breast and began sucking on the top swell of her
skin while he teased its twin with his fingers.

He continued that dedicated assault on her
senses until she thought she'd go insane, and then he released her
just long enough to shove his jeans down around his hips. Grabbing
her hand, he wrapped it around his full, throbbing penis.

With his mouth holding her breast captive,
his moved his lips and tongue to her nipple again and began sucking
in earnest.

Holding his hand over hers, he began a
sliding motion, up and down, over the length of his penis. He held
her hand firmly, showing her the exact motion he wanted, and he
took his mouth off her nipple only long enough to force out, "Keep
doing it."

His lips captured her nipple again, and he
lifted his hand from hers and snaked his finger under the elastic
of her panties. He took only a few swipes at her wet clit, and then
opened her folds and pushed his long, middle finger inside of

She cried out at the impact, and the motion
of her hand on his penis faltered only a moment before she again
began the movement that seemed to excite her just as much as it did

They breathed harshly together, and within a
few minutes of the relentless, provocative petting, Jessica began
to slide down into a powerful orgasm unlike any she'd ever known.
Her internal muscles clenched around his finger and her womb began
to spasm in waves of pleasure so intense that she couldn't control
the scream that left her lips.

The noises she began making pushed him over
the edge, and he pushed his hips into her hand, growling from low
within his throat. As pleasure cascaded through her bloodstream, he
pumped his hips two more times and then went completely still,
coming with her and spilling his seed into her hand.


Later that night, her back was curled against
him with her t-shirt firmly in place again and sleep was almost
upon her. His arms tightened around her and he spoke and said
something that sounded like it had been bothering him. "You were
more than just a virgin. You were barely experienced at all."

Her eyes flew open and she stared,
unseeingly, at the wall as his words hit her. But it was a
statement, not a question, and she didn't respond.

He nudged against her, demanding an answer.
"Why?" he asked simply.

She answered him in as few words as she could
manage and hoped they were enough because she was tired and didn't
really want to ever have this conversation with him. "My home life,
you know, sucked. My mother was pretty worthless, and from the time
I was fifteen, I had a job. I worked as many hours as I could,
while still going to school. I dedicated my life to good grades,
putting food in my stomach, and getting away from the only way of
life that I'd ever known. I didn't have time for boys."

"When did she go to prison?"

"During my senior year, and luckily for me,
after I turned eighteen."

"Did you live alone until you graduated?"

"No. I got kicked out of the trailer that we
rented. There was an amazing school counselor, and she took me in
until I left for college the next fall. She helped me get the
scholarship, held my hand, I guess you could say, as I filled out
application after application."

"Is that why you chose UTD? Because of the

"Yeah. They offer some of the best academic
scholarships in the state. I did just the opposite as most kids. I
chose the college first, because of the scholarship, and then I
picked a major that the school offered. It was the only way I could
get a college education."

His lips pressed softly against her shoulder
before he spoke again, in a raspy whisper. "Did you know that I
graduated from UTD?"

His words sank in and totally floored,
Jessica rolled over until she faced him. His hand went to cup the
side of her face. "No way." UTD was only a mid-size college, and a
fairly new one at that. You didn't run into people every day who
were alumni. Sure, around this particular area of DFW, you ran into
students from the school everywhere, but Jessica hadn't known he
lived this close. She still didn't know where he lived.

He smiled as his hand played with her hair.
"Sure. Computer science undergrad, and I did my MBA there as

"Why haven't you told me that before?"

"I don't know." His mouth flattened into a
thin line and his eyes became hooded once again in a look she
recognized. It was as if a mask came over his face and Jessica's
stomach sank. "Go to sleep," he ordered, and before he could see
the pain that came over her face, she flipped back over and tried
to fall into a sleep that she knew would only elude her.


If her nights were spent with Connor, Jessica
spent her daytime hours applying for any and all scholarships, no
matter how small, as well as searching for a job close by.

She carved out a few lazy hours a week by the
swimming pool, working on her tan. She hung out with Eric and his
friend Travis a lot, out by the pool, and found out that Eric's
cousin was beginning to get desperate for a place to live. Jessica
kept that information rolling around in the back of her mind,
although she couldn't commit to anything in her current

But then two things happened at once that
almost blew her mind. They for sure rocked her world, knocking her
off the semi-balanced axis she'd been floating on.

The first happened while she spent a cloudy
day inside, on the Internet, searching for a job.

All the good summer internships were already
taken, but that didn't mean she couldn't get a job and earn some
money during her free time. That is, if she could find a job close

She spent a lot of time online that
particular morning, and made a note of three job possibilities, and
then she began making phone calls. Two of them were too far away to
even consider, but the third was certainly within reason. It was at
a large chain grocery store, and the lady she spoke to explained
they needed someone immediately and full time. When Jessica told
her she was a student at the university and could only work
full-time during the summer, the other woman sounded impressed with
her credentials and almost promised her the job if she'd only come
in and apply in person.

Jessica didn't waste any time. She walked the
half block to the bus stop and within twenty minutes she'd scored
the job.

Only after accepting the position, did she
find out about the hours she would need to work. It concerned her
and she knew she needed to speak to Connor about it. Two of the
shifts she would need to cover would be in the evening, and not
only would they bleed over into the time he always visited her, but
she was concerned about walking from the bus stop to the apartment
complex in the dark.

Maybe she could get some mace or

And then the second miracle happened. When
she let herself back into the apartment, she checked her email and
almost fainted. Fainted in a very, very good way.

She'd received the five thousand dollar
scholarship from the petroleum company. She read the email through
five times, and every time it came up the same. As she silently
calculated, she figured she'd have enough money from the
scholarship to pay her fall tuition and fees, and have a little bit
left over. Her mind began to race. She had five grand. She had a
job. She had a roommate if she wanted one.

Holy crap. She could make this work. She
could survive for at least one semester without Connor's money. And
a plan for one semester was all she really needed for the

As much as she was starting to feel for him,
she hated their arrangement. She didn't want to give him up
, she
truly didn't.
But she wanted to give up his money, in a big

She pulled out her copy of the lease
agreement he'd made her sign and file away, and she studied it,
trying to understand it. The lease was in her name, but he'd
co-signed it. That meant he was on the hook to pay for it, but if
she began paying for it with the money from her new job, as well as
what a roommate would bring, then she couldn't be kicked out. At
least that was her understanding.

She worried over what to tell Connor. She
didn't want to lose him; she wanted to keep seeing him. But she
wanted their relationship to be a normal one, and for them to be
equals, and she didn't know how he would react to that. She knew he
was coming to care for her, as much as he tried to hide it. But he
kept himself so closed off from her. He never volunteered any
information about himself, and anytime she got too emotionally
close, he would shut down and edge away from her again. It was for
that exact reason that she still slept with her t-shirt on, and
she'd never allowed him to remove it, except for that one magical
time of make-believe. If he needed his self-protection, then so
too, did she.

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