The Mistress of Black Grove Manor (105 page)

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“I’m sorry, Sarah… I never meant-”

“I know,”  She cut him off.  “I understand… I’m not mad.” 

And the strange part is that she wasn’t.  She wasn’t mad at him at all for what he would be doing to her.  He was sending her home without any sign of a feature. 
Maybe I should stay here.
She thought. 

“I’d like to see you before you leave… if you want to see me.”  He sounded ashamed.

“Of course I’d like to see you,”  A smile touched her lips.

They spoke for a couple more minutes before saying goodbye.  Sarah hung up and walked into the living room.  Jen and Dylan looked up from each other’s gaze quickly, their cheeks going a soft shade of pink.

“Is everything alright?”  Jen asked.

“Jah,”  Sarah didn’t bother trying to hold the tears back. 
Why am I even crying?
“Just… John won’t be coming home… at all.”

Dylan jumped to his feet, and rushed over to her.  His arms wrapped around her.

“It’s okay,” He whispered. “it’ll all be okay.”

He pulled away from her after a couple of seconds.  Sarah whipped her tears away and faced her new friends.

“I… I was going to stay a little longer.  I’m not ready to face my family and go back home.”

Jen turned to look at Dylan. “Speaking of back home.”  She raised an eyebrow.

Dylan blushed.

No one said anything.

“Well, are you going to tell her or not?”  Jen prodded.

“What?  Tell me what?”  Sarah didn’t want secrets.  She didn’t want anyone else to keep things from her.

“Well now that I’m on the spot I’d better,” He muttered. Dylan took a deep breath. “I was thinking… that maybe when you go home….” He paused.  Sarah waited, her heart racing.  What was he going to say? “I could go with you.  Just for a visit of course.”  He added the last part quickly.

Jen looked less than pleased.

“You don’t think he should?”  Sarah raised an eyebrow as she padded over to the seat she’d sat in last night.

“I think…”  Jen shook her head.  “I think he’s my best friend and I don’t want to see him jump into anything crazy, but you’re both adults and I can’t stop you- plus I like
.  Much better than any of the girls he’s ever had a crush on before now.”

Dylan’s entire face turned a deep shade of pink. “Let’s just eat, we can… talk more later.” 


Three months later


Things had moved fast, and Dylan had been the one who wanted them to move that fast and now here they were.  Sarah’s parents had been more than happy to take him in, after all they’d expected to have a large family so they had a spare room.

Sarah’s mother was more than happy when she came home and told them that she’d found love from an English man.  Her entire family was supportive, the entire community was- even when Sarah had gotten a cell phone, though she tried to hide it from as many people as she could everyone knew it was happening.  They turned a blind eye, and when Sarah and Dylan planned for his first visit to the community everyone greeted him with open arms- Even John’s family.

John hadn’t been home, except to tell everyone that he wouldn’t be coming back for good.  He did promise to come visit.

“Morning,”  Sarah gave her future husband a smile as she poured him a cup of tea.  He took her from her, pulling her into a soft hug, and quickly letting go.  He was still getting used to the lifestyle change but the men had welcomed him quickly, and the women were happy to help in any way they could.  Though Eve Johnson had taken
much of a liking to him when he first came here.

These days Dylan was outside before Sarah was even dressed.  He said he enjoyed the hard work and the good night’s sleep.

“I’ve struggled with sleeping all my life,” He gave a sheepish grin.  “Since I’ve been here I’ve been sleeping like a baby- er,” He paused, glancing at Sarah. “Bobli.” He corrected himself.

Sarah smiled proudly, giving him a single nod.

“What’s on the agenda for the day?” He asked.

“I’ve got to help meamm with some baby preparations Emma.  I didn’t have time to weed the garden yesterday so I’ve got to catch up on that, after that I was going to try and get a dent in that wardrobe of your.”

“Would’ya like me to get started on the garden for you?”

“Nee, but danka. I’m sure deatt will put you to work soon enough.”  Sarah’s eyes sparkled.  Deatt loved having a man around the house to help him with work- although he wouldn’t admit it.

Dylan placed a quick kiss on her cheek, drained his tea cup and handed it back to her before walking back outside.

Meamm cleared her throat.  Sarah’s cheeks flushed as she realized her mother had seen them kiss, something she normally tried to keep hidden as much as possible.

“I wanted to show you something.” 

“Of course.”  Sarah rinsed the mug quickly and followed her mother into her parents’ bedroom.  She gasped as she saw what was on the bed.

A wedding dress.

“It was mine when I married your deatt, you should try it on but if it fits I’d be honored to see you wearing it on your wedding day.”

The wedding was still a ways away but there had been talk about it.  They both had to be baptized first, and Sarah wanted to give Dylan enough time to make sure that this lifestyle
what he wanted.  The men had started talking about cost of a house, and when they would put it up.  Harvesting was coming up fast, and after that the community would have more time on their hands.  Hopefully enough time to get a small house up before all the baptizing.
And then ideally Dylan and I will be married before the new end of the year.
She reached out and touched the soft fabric of her mother’s wedding dress.

“You kept it all this time.”

“When I gave birth to a little girl I promised myself that I’d keep this dress so she could be married in it.  Marrying your father is the best thing I ever did, choosing this life… and having you have made me happier than I ever was.  Your father and I love each other, deeply and we have been lucky.  I hope this dress gives you as much love and happiness- and judging by the way that mann of yours looks at you, you’ve already got that love.”

The End







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