The Only Thing That Matters (39 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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BOOK: The Only Thing That Matters
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We are not simply biological creatures,
the result of a happenstance of chemical processes,
walking the earth just trying to get through it all
with a minimum of harm to ourselves and others.
We are Creations of the Deity, Products of the Divine,
Individuations of God. We are Singular Expressions
of The Singularity, Essential Elements
of the Essence of Life Itself

The Body thinks it has an agenda that is important,
and the Mind imagines that its agenda
is vital to your survival. But the older you get
the more you realize that it is the Soul's agenda,
and only the Soul's agenda, that matters

There is no such thing
as the “opposite” of Love.
Love is the only energy in our reality
that has no opposite—although
there are many expressions of Love
that look like its opposite.
Only a Master can see they are
all the same … and so, only a Master
can understand, and thus not even have to
forgive, that which is done in the name of Fear

You cannot make a mistake,
you can only make a decision
that will be your next important step

All challenges are a sign of
spiritual strength, and of the
readiness of the Soul
to move on; to evolve
even further

Publisher's Note:
Each day an inspirational thought, drawn from the messages in
Conversations with God
, is sent to anyone who asks for it by simply subscribing to a service, which is free from
The above is a sampling of those daily messages. The more you create such Awareness as coming to you from a place seemingly outside of yourself, the more you will experience it coming to you from a place deep within. Enjoy the messages both ways, for Life informs Life about Life through the Process of Life Itself—and you
that process.)

Contact Points

More information on the wonderful material in this book may be found at
, which, as indicated in the Afterword, is a portal to many extensions of the messages of
Conversations with God.
There is a great deal of resource material at the multiple sites opened by this portal, as well as opportunities to join others around the world in expressing The Only Thing That Matters in on-the-ground situations.

You may find it interesting to watch as a woman from Argentina calls in via Skype with a question about discerning the difference between messages from the Soul and those from the Mind. The video is viewable at …

More of the poems of Em Claire may be found at
. Her audio recordings are particularly enjoyed by her fans, as they offer her own oral interpretation, adding to the impact of the words themselves. The recordings, as well a gift book,
Silent Sacred Holy Deepening Heart
, from which the poems here have been drawn, are available at her website.

“Go outside and play!”
said God.
“I have given you Universes as fields to run free in!
And here
– take this and wrap yourself in it –
It's called:
and it will always,
keep you warm.
And stars! The sun and the moon and the stars!
Look upon these often, for they will remind you of your own light!
And eyes … oh, gaze into
Lover's eyes;
gaze into
Other's eyes
for they have given you
as fields to run free in.
I have given you everything you need.
Now go, go,
go outside
“Go Outside and Play”
©2007 em claire

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