The Rocker That Loves Me (Volume 4) (14 page)

Read The Rocker That Loves Me (Volume 4) Online

Authors: Terri Anne Browning

Tags: #Romance, #Music, #Adult

BOOK: The Rocker That Loves Me (Volume 4)
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Chapter 17


I hadn’t been able to sleep deep since I was a kid, but that night I slept like the dead. How could I not after Harper and I had set the sheets on fire?

I fell asleep still inside of her, unable to find the strength to move once I had caught my breath. When I opened my eyes to the morning sun shining through her window, it was to find she was no longer beside me. Jerking into a sitting position, I glanced around for her.

“Hi,” her sweet voice drifted to me from Lana’s bed. Blinking, I focused on her. She was sitting crossed legged on the full sized bed, her camera in hand as she continued to take picture after picture of me.

“Hey, beautiful. What are you doing?” I cocked my head, not caring that I was completely naked and that she was still taking pictures of me.

A small smile teased her lips as she snapped another picture of me sitting on the edge of her bed. “I hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t resist. The sun was shining across your delicious body and I had to capture it.”

“No, baby. I don’t care.” And to show her I meant it, I stood and stretched, giving her plenty of angles to capture. Her favorite? My front, especially the morning hard-on that I was sporting just for her.

After a few minutes I was ready for more than just to be the subject of her artistic eye. I wanted her maybe even more than I did the night before. How was it that I wanted her this much, and yet the need kept growing? It would consume me before long.

The camera fell from her hands and landed carefully on the bed next to her as I trapped her against Lana’s mattress. All she was wearing was a camisole and a pair of panties. Neither of which stood much of a chance. I ripped the sides of her thin panties, loving the way she squealed in excitement as my fingers sought and found her damp pussy.

Her breath hitched in my ear letting me know that she was enjoying every second of my exploration. I thrust two fingers deep then pulled them from her and rubbed her arousal over her bottom lip before sucking them into my mouth. Fuck, I loved the taste of her!

Almost shyly, I watched as her little tongue darted out and skimmed over her bottom lip, tasting herself. Her lashes lowered, but not before I saw the reaction in those incredible, violet eyes. She liked it and was aroused by her own unique flavor.

“Tastes good, doesn’t it, baby?”

Heat filled her checks but she nodded. I captured her lower lip with my own, sucking away the last of her honey. “You asked me last night to experiment with you. To guide you into the world of sex play. Do you still want that, beautiful?”

Again, she nodded and my heart doubled its already erratic rate. “I know what you are giving me, Harper. All of that trust I almost killed last night… Thank you.”

“Please don’t make me regret it,” she whispered.

“No, never,” I vowed. “I love you, Harper. That isn’t exactly easy for me. Letting someone this close is terrifying.” I pulled back a little, propping myself up on my elbow so I could look down at her. “Remember the first time I kissed you and ran?”

She flinched but didn’t turn away from me as I had feared she would. “Yes…”

I raised a hand to push back a few strands of caramel hair that had fallen across her cheek. “It was because I was terrified of tainting your sweetness. My past… It isn’t pretty, baby. And not just because of the rock and roll lifestyle I’ve led for so long. There are things that… I was just a kid, but…”

Trembling fingers gently covered my lips. “You could never taint me, Shane. Never. I already knew about the girls. Lana wasn’t exactly unforthcoming about your background.”

I kissed her fingers and carefully pulled them away. “No, I didn’t think she would be.” Harper hadn’t cared about that and it only made me love her more. But it was the other things that I feared would leave her sickened by me. “When I was a kid… I was abused.”

Violet eyes darkened. “Like Emmie?” she whispered.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “No, baby, not like Emmie.”

I still held onto her fingers, so I knew when she realized what kind of abuse I was alluding too. The warmth seemed to seep from her hand, the tips starting to tremble. Slowly, I opened my eyes to meet her gaze. The tears building in her sweet gaze tore me apart, her quivering chin breaking my heart.


“My stepdad.”

A sob escaped her and I pulled her against my chest. “No,” she whispered. “No. I… I’m sorry!” I waited for her disgust but it never came. At least not disgust for me.

Over the next hour we talked about my past. For the first time in my life I told the whole story, something I hadn’t even told Drake and Emmie. It was hard, for both of us, but we held each other as I got it all out. How Rusty had come to my room one night when Drake was gone for a week at band camp. The pain and humiliation of that horrible night…

“I hate to even touch myself,” I whispered into her hair. “My hands are rough, like his were.”

“So…” She paused and cleared her tear clogged throat. “You’ve never..?”

I shook my head. “Never.”

Slowly, she raised her head. Her glasses were streaked with tears, and she took them off, tossing them on the bedside table. I watched, a little anxious as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Her hands combed through her long, caramel hair, and a shaky sigh escaped her. For a long moment she sat there, not moving, not speaking, and I grew worried that I had killed her desire for me.

But then she reached for the edges of her camisole and pulled it over her head, leaving her naked. When she turned around to face me, her eyes were bright with determination…and passion. “I want to erase all of those memories for you. I want to take away the pain.”

Relief washed over me and I pulled her back into my arms. “You do that every time you are in my arms.”

“Then I will have to make sure I never leave them.” Her lips caught mine in perhaps the gentlest kiss we had ever shared. It took my breath away.

The kiss lasted forever, but I didn’t want it to ever end.

Silky fingertips traced over my skin from my face to my waist, learning me like I had tried to learn her. When she broke the kiss, I felt lost for a moment before those hot, damp lips kissed a path down to my chest. Lips like satin settled over my heart, leaving me breathless for another reason altogether. Violet eyes rose to meet mine as she kissed my heart again. Just as she had given me her trust last night, I could see that she was giving me something even more special in this moment.

They weren’t the words that I wanted to hear, but this would do. Seeing the love shining at me from those purple depths would definitely do!

Harper let her kiss trail lower, her little tongue dipping for a second into my naval, making me aware that she was indeed learning what I liked. Her perfect little tits brushed over my thighs, the hard nipples combing through the rough hair on my legs. Silky hair tickled across my abdomen as her head traveled lower, and I couldn’t hold back the groan when her hot breath whispered over the head of my aching dick.

I reached for her hair, pulling it to one side so I could see her face as she kissed the tip of my weeping cock then slid her tongue down the length. Fuck! Could there ever be a sexier sight than this girl sucking on my cock?

When she reached the base, she sucked my balls into her mouth. There was a delicate
as she released them carefully. “I want to kiss your hurt away.”

All I could do was nod because my throat was suddenly too dry, too tight. There was no way of describing this moment between us. Sweet. Beautiful. Full of love and, yes, passion. But those words couldn’t fully describe the feeling in my heart as she lowered her head and took me into her mouth. It couldn’t come close to explaining how in awe I was. Harper kissed every inch of my cock, kissed and licked my balls until I didn’t know if I was even still breathing.

She paused and took hold of my right hand. Her lips kissed my palm, the thick calluses left on my thumb from years of playing the guitar. I jerked as she guided my hand to my dick and cupped my fingers around the shaft.

“Look at me, Shane,” she instructed in that soft, sweet voice of hers. “Don’t look away.”

The first guided stroke made me a little less hard, just a little. I wanted to look away, to let go of my dick, but her hold on me was stronger than those needs. Her fingers kept their firm yet gentle hold on mine and increased the pace of our strokes. That sexy as sin mouth lowered over the tip, and I went completely rock hard once more.

The sweetness of the moment was still there, but as she sucked me and guided me to jack the shaft of my dick, I went mindless. It felt so good, so fucking good. The pace was too slow and I increased it without her help, without her hand holding mine. I tightened my fist, pumping harder into the hot cavern of her mouth. My dick grew thicker and longer in my hand, and still I didn’t slow the pace.

Harper raised her head and kissed me, holding on to my shoulders as I jerked myself off for the first time in my life.

I could feel the release building, and with a shout of her name I exploded. It sprayed over her stomach, but she didn’t move away. Instead, she deepened the kiss, rubbing her stomach against mine as she spread my release over us both. We slid together perfectly and without even thinking about it, I thrust my still hard dick deep inside of her.

“Yes!” she cried, her head tossed back. Her hair flew back over her shoulders, leaving it wild and untamed. So fucking sexy! “Harder!” she commanded.

I sat up with her still in my arms, my dick deep inside her tight pussy. Her arms held on to my shoulders, and I cupped her perfect ass as I thrust faster. Her muscles contracted around my cock, letting me know that she was getting close. She was so hot, so tight, and I needed her to come for me before I could let myself join her.

I licked my finger and then skimmed it down her ass before gently thrusting it into her most forbidden of passages. Every muscle in her body seemed to contract, and I was rewarded with her pussy convulsing as she came apart in my arms.

“Shane!” The way she screamed my name drove me crazy. She scratched her nails over my shoulders and that pleasure filled pain sent me flying over the edge.

Chapter 18


While Shane showered I went in search of coffee and something sweet to eat. I was starving and couldn’t remember the last time I had eaten. Dinner last night had completely killed my appetite, but after the morning Shane and I had just had, I was ravenous.

Dallas was sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in, her phone in hand as fingers moved with quick, sure movements. Her head snapped up when she heard me, and I saw the look in her eyes. She looked a little guilty and I realized that she must have known about Shane’s dinner plans.

“Well…” I muttered as I crossed to the coffee pot and poured a bigger than normal cup. “You suck.”

“I’m sorry, Harp.”

“You should be. Don’t you think you should have warned me what I was walking into last night, Dallas?” I demanded, turning to face her.

“No, because then you wouldn’t have faced them. You would have just kicked his ass out.” She grimaced. “And you really needed to deal with your mom, Harp.”

I glared at her for another long moment before sitting down beside her at the table. “I know. I stood up to her last night…”

Dallas’s eyes widened and then she grinned. “Good. I’m glad. You should have done that years ago.”

“You still should have told me,” I grumbled under my breath before taking another swallow of my hot coffee.

“I swear it won’t happen again.” Dallas tossed her phone aside, giving me her full attention now. “So, how did it go? I know the rock star is here. I think the whole fucking building knows that he’s here after this morning. Things couldn’t have gone that badly.”

For the next ten minutes I told her all about the evening before. Dallas listened intently while I filled her in on the disastrous dinner, the arrival of Emmie, and then getting home to find Shane had run the entire way. When I was done, because there really wasn’t anything she needed to know about what came after, Dallas shook her head. “Sounds like he has it bad.”

“He says he loves me,” I confided.

“Yeah, I know. I see it in his eyes.” Dallas gave me a small smile. “Apparently not all rockers are complete douchebags.”

I raised a brow, wondering about her own rocker romance. “How are things with Axton? Have you spoken to him since the other night?”

Slim shoulders lifted in a shrug and she grimaced again, causing her Monroe piercing to lift with the motion. “He’s called and left a few texts, but I’m not really worried about answering him back. He really isn’t worth my time.”

“So you don’t know if he really hooked up with Gabriella at that party or not?”

Dallas stood and went to the fridge to take out a bottle of diet Coke. “I know he did, so it doesn’t matter. He loves her.”

I didn’t know what to think. I had seen Axton with Dallas only once, but I knew that he felt something stronger for her than just lust. Still, she knew him better than I did, so I wasn’t going to put my foot in it. If Dallas wanted to call it quits with Mr. Rock God, then that was her choice.

My phone buzzed with an email, and I glanced down at it to find it was from my new boss. I frowned as I read the document and then muttered a curse. “Well there goes my plans,” I grumbled.


“My boss wants me to handle a story that someone else refused to do.” I stood, coffee in hand. “I don’t care, but good grief. A little more than an hour’s notice would’ve been nice.”

Shane was just coming out of the bathroom when I entered my bedroom. He had a pair of basketball shorts on and nothing else as he used a towel to dry his hair. “You look grumpy.”

I blew out a frustrated breath. “Yeah, I kind of am. I have to work. Guess we won’t be going shopping after all.”

Shane tossed the towel aside and reached for me. Dropping a tender kiss on my lips, he let his hands rub down my back and over my hips. Strong fingers gripped my ass hard through my sleep shorts. “Don’t be disappointed. I’ll take care of everything, and we can do something tonight.”

I smiled. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. We can’t really go out to that kind of store, not without some tabloid picking up the story. I don’t want you exposed to that shit, so we will have to go a more discreet direction.”

I was curious now. “How so?” I thought we would just find a local porn shop and buy everything that looked like fun, but I was kind of clueless about what those things might be.

“Don’t worry about it, beautiful. Just trust me to guide you.” He kissed me, lingering for just a minute before stepping back. “Text me and let me know when you’re finished and I’ll pick you up. In the meantime I’ll go check on Lana.”

Curiosity ate at me all afternoon as I traveled uptown to the hotel where some band was staying today, and today only, before heading off for a three month long tour across the Midwest. The band proved to be difficult to question for the interview, but I somehow got through it and got some good pictures that I sent to my boss.

Shane texted me that he was on his way, and I started on the rough draft of my interview on my phone while I waited.

I had been sitting in the lobby awhile when a shadow appeared beside of me, and I raised my head to find the more difficult band member that I had just interviewed standing there watching me. It was a little unnerving, but I gave him a forced smile.

“Hi.” I thought his name was Trey, but I couldn’t be sure. He and the other band members of Drunken Monkeys had spent more time making sexual comments than answering the questions my boss had requested I ask.

“I was hoping you hadn’t gone far.”

I shrugged. “Nope, I’m waiting on my boyfriend to pick me up.” I put a little more emphasis on the word boyfriend, hoping the jerk would take the hint and go away. He really gave me the creeps, even if he was kind of hot. Something in his hazel eyes just didn’t set right with me.

There was an empty chair beside of me and Trey took it. He sat on the edge, leaning closer toward me as he spoke. “How about coming upstairs with me for a few hours? I really want to see what is under that cute little skirt.”

“And I’m really trying hard not to puke.” I glared at him. “Let’s see who succeeds first, asshole.”

A big, slightly beefy hand reached over and rubbed over my knee before I could move. “Don’t play hard to get, pretty girl. You know I’m a sure thing.”

I felt bile rise in the back of my throat as his hand touched my skin. Without thinking about it, I picked my keys and lifted the little can of Mace. One, two, three…

Trey, the Drunken Monkey screamed as the Mace entered his eyes. Jumping up, rubbing at his face, he started calling me all kinds of vile names. I tried not to laugh at him, really, I did. He was used to getting any girl to fall into bed with him and it had gone to his head. My first rejection must have sounded like a hard to get line, but my second more forceful rejection was hard to take in.

“What the hell is going on here?” A deep voice that never failed to send shivers through me had me raising my head.

The can of Mace was still in my hand. When Shane saw it and put that together with the reaction of the hurting rocker, his entire expression changed to something I had never seen before. And I hoped I never saw it again. His face contorted with a spasm of rage, and the next thing I knew Trey was lying on the floor of a five star hotel. He was no longer screaming in pain because Shane had knocked his ass out.

“You fucking asshole!” Shane yelled in the unconscious man’s face. “Touch my girl again and I will break your fucking neck!”

He was shaking with rage, his face so red it was almost purple. I jumped up and grabbed his arm, afraid he would start kicking the other man.

“Hey, hey.” I forced him to turn and face me. When my arms went around him, I could actually feel the rage fading a little. “It’s okay. Nothing happened.”

“Something obviously happened or you wouldn’t have had to protect yourself!” Shane growled. “Fuck this, you are not going to any more interviews unless I’m with you.”

I wanted to argue, but knew now—while he was still vibrating with anger—was not the right time. So I let it go for the moment.

On the floor, Trey groaned as he slowly came around. I turned so I was standing between him and Shane.

“What happened?” he mumbled as he glanced around. When his gaze focused on Shane, he blinked, his eyes obviously still stinging from the Mace. “Stevenson?”

“Yup.” Shane’s arms wrapped around my waist, staking his claim. “Stay the fuck away from my girl.”

Trey muttered a curse. “I didn’t know she was your girl, fucker. And really? You have a steady girl?” His gaze traveled to me and over my body almost leeringly. “Not that I can question your taste.” But then he wiped his hands over his eyes. They were watering from the reaction to the chemical. “Fuck, this hurts!”

Because the lobby was off to the side of the hotel entrance, no one had noticed our confrontation. But with Trey continuing to curse it drew the attention of the manager and a few others. The manager, an older man with almost completely gray hair, stepped forward. “Is there a problem here?”

Shane turned to face the man. “The guy has something in his eyes,” he informed the manager with a face that was like stone it was so hard. “He may need medical attention.”

I glanced down at the other rocker. His face was red, the burn from the Mace affecting the skin around his eyes as well. I bit my lip, feeling sorry for the guy now.

“This doesn’t look good at all,” the manager commented when he crouched down to take a better look at the guy’s eyes. “What happened, sir?”

I waited for the Drunken Monkey to tell the older man that I had assaulted him. I had a sudden fear that the cops were going to be called and I’d be arrested for spraying Trey with my Mace. Instead, he grumbled something about being stupid and left it at that.

Shane tightened his hold on my waist and urged me to move away from the group that was now forming around us. When
we where outside in front of the hotel, he pulled me against him and kissed me hard. “I don’t think I like your job anymore.”

I gave me a small smile. “It’s not so bad,” I assured him. “And I carry my Mace for things like this.”

“I’m buying you a Taser. You can fry the next guy’s ass. Not that I see this happening again. No one will touch you when I’m with you.”

I bit my tongue to keep from arguing with him but couldn’t help but smile at how protecting and possessive he was.


I was still shaking a little by the time the taxi pulled to a stop in front of Sensual House. I couldn’t get the thought of some guy trying to manhandle Harper out of my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more pissed I got. But my girl sure had shown some balls today.

I knew Trey from way back when Demon’s Wings had first gotten started. He and the other Drunken Monkeys were hard-core, worse than Demon’s Wings or even OtherWorld when it came to causing trouble and partying. There had even been a rumor a few years before that their drummer had raped an underage girl after one of their concerts. And I wasn’t all that sure it was just a rumor.

So it was little wonder why I was so torn up over Harper’s ordeal. But with her holding on to me the entire taxi ride, I was beginning to feel calmer. Simply having her hand on my arm was enough to ground me.

I paid the driver and then pulled her out with me. She frowned up at the huge brownstone building. It looked like any other place in the city and in beautiful condition on the outside with a nondescript look that was completely misleading to the business that was housed inside. Sensual House was one of several sex clubs that were located in New York. It catered to every possible sex fetish known to man, and some that weren’t even invented yet.

I hadn’t ever been to Sensual House before and knew that it was a more couple oriented place than what I usually went for. While most clubs catered to casual sex, Sensual House was exclusively for couples, couples that were experimenting or just needed to spice up their sex life. A place where both partners could feel safe and secure with the added anonymity.

When Harper had asked for toys to experiment with, I had known this was the place for us.

“Where are we?” she asked as she continued to stare up at the brownstone.

I didn’t answer but pulled her up the steps and rang the doorbell. A woman answered the door with an air of professionalism to her. “Yes?”

“Shane Stevenson.” I had called ahead to make arrangements for everything I wanted and needed for Harper’s first time. My name and the password that each client was given was my key inside. “Red room.”

The woman tilted her head and stepped back to let us enter. The foyer was typical of any business, clean and stylish in décor. Harper remained quiet beside me as the woman closed the door behind us. “Welcome to Sensual House, Mr. Stevenson. Your room is already prepared. My
name is Yvonne. Should you and your lovely guest need anything, please use your in-room phone and we will be happy to assist you in any way.”

I took the key that she offered and lead Harper upstairs. When we reached our room, I pulled her inside and finally explained where we were. Her eyes widened. A part of me had been worried that this would freak her out; that this wasn’t something that she would go for. But as the surprise started to fade, I could see the hunger filling those violet eyes I loved so much.

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