The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)
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“Surely it isn’t the same with your brother. You said yourself the two of you are close.”

Even from his height, the sigh he released brushed her forehead. “Yes, we are. And yes, if given the choice I prefer it to stay that way. But it isn’t my choice alone. Gabe has a decision to make and I’m not as confident as you that he would choose likewise.”

Having all the answers she needed for the moment—and aware Nate wouldn’t alter his outlook—she lifted herself on her toes and gave in to the kiss he sought. Perhaps actions would prove more successful than words.

After a few minutes and a kiss that had stolen her breath, Nate eased back. “How about a compromise? I attempt a more positive outlook if you continue to bestow your sweet kisses on me.”

As if washed away by their embrace, all seriousness had vanished from his face and the confident man she unwisely felt too much for had returned.

“I think I could live with that bargain.”

He brushed his lips over hers once more before he released them, keeping his hands on her waist. “A proper lady would have slapped the idea out of my head.” His tone remained light and teasing.

“Maybe I’m not as proper as you’d thought.”

“Proper or no, I’m not about to argue. Though I can’t ignore we are in your father’s house and I’m disrespecting all the faith he has placed in me.”

As endearing as his concern for her father’s feelings was—albeit a tad too late—she wouldn’t allow it. “How very honorable of you, but I’m of age and more than capable of making my own decisions.”

“Still, you can’t argue we’ve been dishonoring your father. Hell, not only your father. I’ve dishonored

“I won’t let you talk yourself out what we have shared, Nate. If I’ve been dishonored—which I’m not agreeing is the case—it was by my own choosing.”

“And your father?”

“Papa may not like it—mostly because he’ll always see me as his little girl—but he would understand it is my decision.” She slid closer. “Nate, it
my decision. It is also my choice to continue to find
with you.”

At the mention of ‘more,’ he growled low in his throat before yanking her flush to him. “Why is it I can’t refuse you?”

“It is your better sense shining through.” As he snorted a half laugh, she added, “Now, will you be joining me in my bed again or will you return to your post outside my door?”

Surprise flashed across his face. “Figured that out, I see. How is it I’ve managed to elude dangerous men but you somehow have the ability to determine all my moves?”

She smiled sweetly. “Simple. I’m smarter than you are.”

A laugh burst from his chest and she fought the urge to glance at the door to make sure no one else had heard. “You might be correct because when I’m around you, I find it hard to think.”

When he returned to caressing her lips with his kiss, she found she couldn’t think either and frankly, didn’t care.

Chapter 34

Two days after Brodford had entrusted him with the bell, Nate knew he couldn’t wait any longer. The trap needed to be sprung that night. He could feel Jarvis breathing down his neck. If he delayed much longer his focus would be split between the killer and the thief. More so than it already was.

And he couldn’t forget about the blackmailer. Even though the letters might have gone silent, it didn’t mean the person responsible had desisted. Nate doubted sending The Viper to do his dirty work had been the last of the threats. Evil had a tendency to linger.

“Nate, I don’t believe you are listening to me,” Anna complained from across the room.

He sent her a smile. “Probably because I wasn’t, sweet. You can hardly blame me. I don’t particularly have any interest in party details.”

He neglected to mention he had no interest in a gathering that would never
. He might have lost his edge since meeting Anna but he wasn’t daft enough to place her in greater danger by opening her home to a group of people. Creating a situation where Nate and his men might not be able to protect her from Jarvis.

When her father had given her a sennight to plan the event, it had been a strategic calculation. Both men had figured if anything transpired with Jarvis, it would most likely happen by then. An unhinged killer would hardly sit idly by if he had his prey in sight. The earl’s impromptu gathering was simply an excuse to keep her from the school—another place Nate felt she wasn’t safe. Little did Anna know the invitations she’d so painstakingly written had never been delivered.

She scowled from her place on the sofa—a piece of furniture for which he had a deep affection, since he could vividly recall his mouth bringing Anna to orgasm on that very cushion.

“If I have to suffer through it, so should you.”

He struggled not to laugh at the absurdity of her claim. She was the society lady, not him. He settled for raising a skeptical brow in her direction.

“Fine,” she huffed. “You might not be required to lend an ear but considering you’ve affixed yourself to my side, you could at least
to help.”

He did laugh at that. “You see, I find it quite impossible to pay attention. Not when my mind keeps wandering to the last time your sweet bottom warmed that seat.”

Her eyes narrowed for a fraction of a moment before they flew wide as she caught his meaning. Clearly flustered with the reminder of how she’d fell apart against his mouth, Anna returned to her notes. Nate didn’t think she’d be pestering him anytime soon.

She might have transformed into a bold tigress but she’d always retain a part of the innocent lady he’d first met. And he’d developed ill-advised affections for both. Feelings he would have to address after Jarvis and the thief were dealt with.

Before he left Anna for good.

He ignored the clenching of his gut at the thought of never again caressing the smooth curves of her body or battling her willful determination. Hell, he’d admit it—at least to himself—he’d miss
of her.

Helpless to change the inevitable, Nate forced his mind to return to the preparation he’d been plotting in his head—tasks that had nothing to do with a dinner party.

He had already set the plan in motion. Word had been sent to Foxmoore, eliciting his return to the house late in the afternoon. He would then position himself once everyone was occupied with the evening meal. Over the last two days, Nate had doubled his efforts to ensure all the staff knew he carried the Bes bell with him.

His gaze slid to the small box containing the ugly artifact. It sat on the table before Anna. He could have found a hiding place to keep the bell safe but there wouldn’t be much point to all his planning if the thief couldn’t find the bell to steal it.

Also, anyone with a lick of sense would suspect something if he left the damn bell sitting next to his bed for anyone to take.

His plan involved a bit more finesse—he was a skilled detective, after all. Now he only needed an impromptu situation where he’d be forced to leave the bell unattended, while somehow alerting the staff that the bell was unguarded. And not just any room, but abandoned where Foxmoore would be secretly keeping his lookout.

By tonight Nate hoped to have his answers—good or bad—and he could return his attentions to the killer who most certainly wanted him dead.

Anna struggled to keep her eyes from returning to the box holding her future. When Nate had placed it on the table beside her, it had been as if the fates were mocking her. She’d actually been relieved Nate
been listening to the details for her father’s gathering. Her ramblings probably hadn’t made much sense since her focus lingered on the dratted bell. Some days she wished Mr. Thomas hadn’t appeared with the cursed thing.

In an attempt to prove she wasn’t secretly contemplating grabbing the box and making a run for it, she tried to reengage Nate—ignoring the sensual picture he’d painted for her during her last attempt.

“Have you heard from your brother?”

That got his attention. “I’m not one of your students, Anna. My problems aren’t for you to fix.”

His slight grin might have taken the bite out of his words but she still felt his warning to leave it alone. Fortunately for her, she’d yet to do as he asked.

“Surely you’re wondering what he is thinking. Wouldn’t it be better to just ask him? Be the one to go to him?”

“To what avail? So he can wash his hands of me sooner?” The grin remained but his eyes cooled. “Sorry, sweet, I’d rather live in denial on this one. Gives me time to fool myself into thinking I haven’t lost the only family I have left.”

“You don’t know that for certain. I’ve never met the duke, but the man you’ve spoken of would not turn his back on his brother for having a career. For being successful.”

The sliver of icy blue remaining in his eyes melted. “You might not see it but that would be worse. I won’t be responsible for hindering Gabe’s attempt to change public perception of the Wesbrook line.”

Her eyes flickered from his and landed on the bell. Even if she succeeded with using the relic to make Mr. Rollins go away for good, her betrayal guaranteed whatever she and Nate shared would end. She couldn’t face him again knowing what she’d done.

Her sad fate didn’t mean she wouldn’t try to help him. “Since you refuse to see it any other way, I’ll leave your brother’s actions to speak for him. Don’t think I won’t gloat when he not only supports your career but chides you for not including him in your life.”

He chuckled. “I would not expect less.”

“Nate, what are we doing?” The question flew out of her mouth. She wished for nothing more than to shove it back in.

“Well, as usual, you are trying to argue you are right and I am wrong.”

His features remained smooth—without a speck of understanding—and she didn’t know if he elected to be intentionally obtuse or if he truly didn’t comprehend the full meaning of her question. If she had any common sense she would take his cue and not push the issue. However, since Nate had entered her life, her common sense had vanished.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Hardly what I was referring to. And I think you know it.”

When his eyes reflected uncertainty, she wagered he understood. “I do know, sweet. I’m just not sure how to answer.” Instead of remaining on his feet, he dropped onto the chair across from her, placing his arms on his knees as he gave her his full regard. “I know I want you, that despite our turbulent beginnings, I enjoy being with you. As for the rest, I’m not certain.”

Her body at once heated and cooled. His blunt declaration fed the hunger that surrounded her whenever he was near. Knowing he was also torn felt comforting. In contradiction, the thought of her affection for him amounting to nothing sent chills through her.

To at last find a man she enjoyed, yet she’d essentially made it impossible for them to be together. In fairness to him—and to prevent her deeper heartache—she should stop this romance from furthering. Like most events lately, she didn’t possess the power to keep from being foolish.

“I want you, too.” Her admission provoked a wide grin and the flash of his white teeth.

“If you keep looking at me with passion in your eyes, I’ll have a new memory of the sofa to add to my collection.”

Despite all he’d done to her body—and how she’d explored his in return—she couldn’t prevent the heat that overtook her.

“The rosy flush of your cheeks isn’t helping matters. Just makes me want to see how far the color goes.”

Dratted man
. Her skin tingled in reaction and he still sat a good four feet from her.

Nate gave a slight shake of his head and the burgeoning desire she’d begun to feel suddenly cleared. “Anna, we have to be sensible. I’ve already been entirely too reckless. You could be carrying my child as we speak.”

His decree successfully drained the heat from her face. She might have been innocent before Nate but she knew where relations between a man and a woman led. She’d been too swept away by the emotions he’d stirred to give proper thought—or likewise care—about the consequences.

He kept to his chair yet shifted closer. “I knew what I was doing, love. I never forgot the risk. I was—am—prepared to face whatever may come. You won’t be alone.”

She quietly studied his words. Each one spoke of his duty and should have destroyed their moments together. What woman would want a man who thought of her as an obligation?

However, the sincerity behind his assertion told a different tale. Even if he hadn’t said it, she understood enough of his past to know he wouldn’t abandon her or his child. Maybe a silent fragment of her had counted on it. If he had gotten her with child, it would create an unbreakable link between them.

Nevertheless, she wasn’t some silly miss who’d place the blame on him. She took full responsibility. Even if she hadn’t stopped and weighed the consequences, the risks had been clear. She ran her eyes over his broad form and remembered how gently his strong arms had held her. Any uncertainty had been worth it.

Adrift in her thoughts, Nate’s crinkled brow alerted her to her silence, and his need for her response. She met his gaze squarely. “Nate, you weren’t the only one partaking in our lovemaking. I am as accountable as you. I trust you. If not, I never would have shared my body with you.”

She hadn’t considered she could be so blunt, but when the lines on his forehead cleared, she was thankful she had been.

“You’ll let me know? Promise that no matter what happens, you will inform me if you are with child?” he asked.

Since mention of the thief destroyed her ability to articulate, she could only nod in agreement. How could she have forgotten? The possibility of carrying his child would result in a link binding him to a woman who’d lied and deceived him.

Unaware she was dying on the inside, he continued to speak. “As much as I don’t want to, I think we should take a step back. Forgo additional intimacy. At least until things are resolved with the stolen items and we have less to consider.”

She nodded again.

“Just because I can’t touch you, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company in a less sensual sense, though. I meant it when I said I enjoy being with you. You are a beautiful, caring woman who has dedicated herself to others. Despite being demanding and willful.” He winked at her. “I find myself looking forward to our verbal skirmishes. Since you are essentially stuck with me until I can establish you are not in any danger, we might as well carry on as friends.”

Oh, dear Lord! I love this man.

Somewhere between him calling her beautiful, and confessing his enjoyment of their bickering, the little pulse that beat in her chest whenever he was near, and craved him when he wasn’t, had become far more than simply tender feelings.

She had foolishly fallen in love with Nathaniel Frederickson.

From the corner of her eye, Anna peered at the bell as her happiness died. She’d fallen in love with the man she was about to betray.

Perhaps it wasn’t too late to change things. Maybe she could still fix it. Find another way.

Thoughts of Clara and all the young girls like her slipped into Anna’s head, ending her last flicker of hope. She took away what might be the only chance for some of those students to have a more secured future, if she and the school failed.

The bell her only choice left, Anna blinked away the tears burning in her eyes and answered, thankfully without a crack in her voice, “Friends it is.”

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