The Trail Master's Bride (15 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

BOOK: The Trail Master's Bride
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As before, his mouth found hers and muffled the sounds of her passion. As he drove inside her with relentless, hard strokes, his thumb found her again, rubbing and teasing the hard bud in front until she melted around him, groaning as her body shuddered in release. After she was spent, he rolled her again, this time to her back where he proceeded to plunge into her, taking her hard and deep. Ignoring the blankets as they abraded her still tender skin, her arms came around him. She clung to him as he built that sense of urgency within her once more. Her legs encircled his hips and her hands swept low, finding his buttocks and the flexing, bunching steel of his muscles beneath. Matching him thrust for thrust, he drove into her, sending her into another spectacular climax. Both of them cried out, their mouths capturing and dispelling the collective sounds of their ecstasy as they came together beautifully and completely.

After, when she’d regained the ability to speak, she lay across his chest muttering in frustration, “I swore to rebuff your advances if you tried anything. You shouldn’t get a reward for spanking me so, husband.”

“And you shouldn’t be so rewarded after a spanking, wife. But we both found pleasure so our wrongs cancel each other out.”

“I’m not over being mad at you, I’ll have you know.”

“I didn’t expect you to be, darlin’. In fact, I didn’t expect a warm welcome at all tonight and thank you for that. However, even a cold greeting in the aftermath won’t prevent what happened from happening again. I’ll do what’s necessary to keep you safe, Mina. Now then, come up here and kiss me goodnight so we can get some sleep.” He didn’t give her much choice as he hauled her up his body until their lips aligned. Entwining his fingers in her hair, he angled her head for his kiss.

“I need to have my head examined for agreeing to be your wife. Mr. Jacobs was the better and safer choice.”

“As I recall, I didn’t give you a choice.” His lips claimed hers, his tongue delving within until she was breathless. When he released her and had settled her against him once more, he add, “If you think Ben wouldn’t have taken you over his knee, you’re wrong. I know for a fact that he’s a spanking man too.”

She tensed in surprise. “Not Ben Jacobs. He’s sweet and kind.”

“He had three daughters and a wife,” Weston replied as if that was proof enough of his claim. “He also told me the belt came out on at least one occasion.”

Her head came up. “No.”

“Yes,” he replied softly, grinning up at her. “So be careful what you wish for. Besides, he couldn’t have handled you. You need a young, virile man, with enough stamina to douse your fire and deal with all of your shenanigans.”

“I’m not familiar with the term, husband, although I’m fairly certain that it isn’t complimentary. I also take exception to needing to be handled, but I’m too tired to argue the point right now.”

“A miracle of miracles,” came his teasing reply.

“Wes!” Her protest was token, bearing very little heat.

“I’m teasing, Mina.”

“I haven’t forgiven you yet, you know.”

His arms flexed around her, pulling her back to lie against his chest. “I do know that, darlin’.”

Hearing the amusement in his tone, she frowned, recognizing that she’d let him off entirely too easily by allowing his sweet talk and intimate touches to sway her. At once, she recalled how she had practically ripped open his trousers while begging him to take her again. Stifling a groan, she turned her face into his chest. Plainly, she had an equal role in her own seduction. The groan that emanated from her throat was quite different than the ones of minutes before.

“Wes, I—” she began, but stopped, too chagrined to go on and not really sure what to say in any case.

“Shh, darlin’, as I told you before, my lady will enjoy our loving.” Somehow, he had read her thoughts exactly. “And there’s no cause to be ashamed when you do.” The hands on her bottom flexed, not squeezing hard, though firm enough to end further conversation. “Go to sleep, now. We can talk more tomorrow. Morning comes early enough as it is.”

Though embarrassed by her wanton display, she couldn’t deny the underlying contentment she felt in his arms. Unable to stifle a yawn, she acknowledged silently that he was right, morning came quickly. Deciding to take up her snit again in the light of a new day, she snuggled deeper, wriggling until she found a comfortable position and settled against his chest. Although she hadn’t thought it possible an hour ago—he made her so mad sometimes—she fell asleep in an instant with his breath in her hair, his heart beating strong and sound beneath her ear, and his palms on her warm cheeks beneath the length of her rucked-up skirt.

Chapter Ten



A few days later, Mina was still sulking and heartsick over Weston’s lack of faith in her. She hadn’t spoken more than a handful of words to him during that time, which consisted mainly of one-word answers or a painfully polite thank you when he assisted her in some way. He, on the other hand, acted much the same, pointing out things of interest on the trail, or telling stories from his past trips, and naturally, giving the occasional order when necessary. It was beginning to wear on her by the third day, and she missed the conversations they used to have during the day when she asked the million questions which he, ever patient, never seemed to tire of. She’d bitten her tongue right after lunch, when she saw a herd of antelope grazing nearby. Curiosity and a multitude of questions welled up inside her but she quashed them, sticking to what was beginning to seem like a childish game.

It was mid-afternoon when he abruptly slowed the team and signaled a halt to the wagons behind them. Surprised that their demanding taskmaster, who rarely stopped for anything short of blood, broken bones, and dismemberment, would do such a thing, sparked Mina’s interest. He was closed-mouthed until they set up and ate lunch. Then with the entire train curiously following, he led them a short ways on foot to the top of a rise. On the other side, surrounded by tall, lush grasses, was the most beautiful glimmering blue pond Mina had ever seen.

“The water appears to be bubbling,” she commented, forgetting in her excitement that she wasn’t speaking to him if she could keep from it. With childlike fascination, her eyes locked onto the pool.

“That’s because it is,” he replied with an easy grin. “These ponds are fed by underground mineral springs. I don’t know all the science behind it, except that there is some kind of gas below the surface that makes the water effervescent. Even better, the water is warm. It’s like sinking into a fizzy bath.”

“Hot springs,” Mina gushed in awe. “I’ve read about them, but never—” Mina glanced at him, beaming with childlike excitement, practically bouncing up and down as she grasped his arm, asking, “Can we put our feet in?”

“Certainly,” he said, grinning just as broadly, her enthusiasm infectious. “The Indians in these parts believe the waters have healing properties. Let’s go find out.” He grabbed her hand and towed her along to the pond’s edge.

Mina didn’t waste a second and quickly had her boots and stockings off. With her skirts bunched in both hands, she held them high over her ankles and dipped in a toe. Laughing merrily, she jumped back, twisting to Weston. “It is fizzy! Just like a soda from the fountain at Newburgh’s Pharmacy back home.”

“That’s probably why folks passing by have begun to call this Soda Springs.”

“Perfect,” she giggled as she took a full step into the water, standing with both feet submerged.

Splashing beside her told her Weston had joined her. With a sidelong look, she took in his bare feet and trousers rolled up to his knees. To Mina, he made quite a hilarious picture and after days in a sustained sulk, she felt giddiness bubble up from within. Soon she was doubled over, holding her stomach as peals of laughter rolled past her lips. He simply shrugged and with a mischievous grin, stepped in further, now up to his calves.

Not to be outdone, or to miss out on a moment of this purely hedonistic pleasure in the middle of nowhere, Mina followed, uncaring that her legs were showing almost to her knees or that her skirts were wet because when she looked around the other women were doing the exact same thing.

“Oh, to take a bath in this wonderful pool.” She exhaled longingly while closing her eyes. “What a dream come true.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than her feet left the ground and Weston was carrying her deeper into the pool.

“Wes,” she squealed in protest, though giggling the whole while. “I’ll be soaked through.”

“You’ve got other clothes and I’m aiming to make your dream come true, right about now.” When the water was waist high, he dipped down. With her arms around his neck, she groaned as the warm water enveloped her body.

“Heaven on earth,” Mina breathed as she leaned back, letting the sparkling waters soothe her aching muscles. She ignored the shouts and giggles, as well as the splashes and squeals as the others followed their lead. When she turned her head and peeked at the bank where a few less adventurous holdouts remained, she said low, for Weston’s ears only, “Cowards. They don’t know what they’re missing.”

“It’s good to see you smile and hear you laugh, darlin’.” He dunked them lower until the water rose to his neck, forcing Mina to sit upright in his arms or go under. With her face near his, he asked softly, “Am I forgiven yet, sweetheart?”

“I don’t know. I swore to never talk to you after—” She stopped short of the saying the actual word, wrinkling her nose instead. “I’m not sure I’d go so far as absolution, although this is certainly aiding your cause.”

He hugged her tighter, burying his face in her neck as he surreptitiously licked up the side. “I didn’t have yard goods or chocolate, so this was the best I could do.”

Confused, she tilted her head back, trying to see him. “What was that about chocolate?”

He shook his head, his face still buried in the curve of her neck. “Admit it, Mina. The spanking wasn’t all that bad. I went easy on you.”

She tugged on his dark hair until he lifted his head and she could see him. “It wasn’t the spanking that hurt me, Wes. It was your lack of trust when I was telling the truth.”

His eyes searched hers at length. Mina could tell he wanted to believe her, but still had uncertainties.

“If I were on trial, I know I’d be found guilty, locked up, and the key thrown away for good. Still, you’re my husband. You’re supposed to give me the benefit of the doubt despite the damning evidence.”

“Blind trust, huh. Is that how you’ve found marriages to be, Mina? Your parents, for example?”

She snorted, scoffing at the notion. “Hardly. My father only spoke to my mother when necessary. He felt a woman had one function in marriage, to procreate a male heir. Two if you count keeping the household and bending over backwards to meet his every need.”

“That’s three, darlin’.”

She tipped her head to the side in reflection. “So it is.”

“Did your father never discipline you?”

“He did, using a stout oak paddle. So, yes, comparatively speaking, what you gave me was mild. Still, I’d hoped when I wed that my marriage would be vastly different from theirs, filled with happiness, kindness, and…”

“And what, Mina,” he urged quietly.


“You expected that from Elliott Hobart?”

Without humor, she laughed harshly at the idea. “I was talking about my girlish hopes. Elliott was forced upon me. Once we were wed, he stole my inheritance to fund this trip and turned into a man even worse than my father. Papa was indifferent. At the very least, he provided for me and saw that I had the necessities.” She paused, considering her rustic existence the past few months and conceded, “Much more than the necessities, I’ve come to realize. Elliott, on the other hand, was condescending, cruel, and cared not one whit about me other than the money that I brought when he said ‘I do.’ His words hurt more than a paddling ever could.”

“As did mine when I didn’t believe you.”

She looked down, her hand on his shoulder idly pulling at the wet collar of his broadcloth shirt. He was nothing like Elliott, not in any way, so to compare him to her first husband was unfair. Weston had said he’d do whatever was necessary to keep her safe. Elliott would have let her wander into an Indian encampment or a den of coyotes without a fare thee well, or a good riddance.

“Although not every moment can be filled with happiness, Mina,” he went on. “I’ll strive for kindness and love.” His tone was so sincere and the look on his face so entirely earnest, she surrendered, her hand coming up out of the water to rest against his scruff-covered jaw.

“You’ve succeeded in that already, Wes, most of the time, at least.”

Having come full circle in the conversation, Wes didn’t miss her subtle rebuke. “Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what explanation can you offer?”

Her eyes shifted up, meeting his directly. “I’ve racked my brain. I swear, the only thing I can come up with is that someone has been having quite a lark at my expense.”

“You think these are pranks? The brake and loose oxen weren’t very funny. That was the prime reason I tanned your butt, darlin’. Someone could have been hurt, in particular, you.”

“So you weren’t angry with me for being a ninny? I’ve heard that before.”

His arms tightened around her. “Do not compare me to Hobart. I care for you deeply, Mina. In fact, I’ve fallen in love with you and want you with me a good long time. The times I’ve spanked you were because you scared the wits out of me and placed yourself at risk.”

“What about the dung incident? I wasn’t in any danger then.”

He quirked a brow and simply stared at her as if asking if that particular event truly needed explanation.

“Right. That was simply dreadful of me.” She wasn’t successful in preventing a giggle from escaping as she recalled the shocked look on his face. Suddenly, something else that he said penetrated. “Wait! You’re in love with me?”

His eyes raised heavenward. “It took long enough for that to sink in. I’m offended you were thinking of buffalo dung while I was baring my heart.”

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