Thin Ice (24 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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Ian was thinking about KiKi again.
Glad she finally got herself together,
he thought of her trying to leave him. She’d been back at her own place for the last two weeks and had so far done nothing out of the ordinary. Ian believed the photos of Tariq and Sherene finally pushed her over the edge and she’d let go completely.
I should still blow his brains out for even touching her,
Ian thought sourly. He was sending her back to Mississippi for about a week. There were some loose ends to tie up with the club he bought as well as do a check-up on the operation already there. Ian had seen a different side of KiKi the other day, one he was sure she kept very well hidden given what she did.

They’d gone to the mall to do a little shopping and were coming out of Macy’s when a woman passed by with her baby. Normally they would have kept walking, but for some reason KiKi stopped and turned around to look at the child again, when the baby reached out for her.
“No, that lady doesn’t want to hold you,” the mother told the little girl, who continued to look at KiKi and reach for her.
To Ian’s surprise KiKi took the child from her mother and kissed her cheek gently, talking softly to her as the baby smiled and giggled slightly. The encounter only lasted a couple of minutes as KiKi handed the baby back and returned to Ian, walking on and not mentioning the incident again.
I never thought she would even think about kids,
Ian pondered. KiKi was beautiful and he knew they would have beautiful kids. Of course talking her into becoming pregnant might prove quite the task, Ian chuckled, dismissing the idea for now.

He thought about Tweety and how well Ryan told him she was doing. He also knew his brother was in way deep emotionally with her as well.
He needs to watch her,
Ian thought. Even as much as he loved KiKi, Ian wasn’t stupid. Both these women were skilled at what they did, and if they ever got a mind to leave, he and Ryan would be hard pressed to stop them.
Better make sure KiKi knows you’re still the one in charge,
Ian thought as he fixed his drink and sipped it. He sighed deeply deciding he would take KiKi with him to Tennessee when she came back from Mississippi in a couple of weeks. They were about to expand, but were encountering some opposition from the cartel already set in place.

Ian was planning a bloodbath, and he wanted KiKi to see firsthand how very ruthless he could be.
That should quell any more crazy ass thoughts of her leaving, or thinking of being with any other man but me,
Ian thought once again the matter settled in his mind as he grabbed his keys and headed for his hummer. He fleetingly thought about checking on KiKi, but decided against it. All the threats of Landon and Tariq were effectively eliminated as far as he was concerned. Starting the truck, Ian headed out to the meet Carlos set up with the new muscle he was thinking of bringing on board, smiling slightly, thinking of how good things were once again between him and KiKi.


The tear fell before she could catch it. Tariq gingerly took the gun from her and laid it on the coffee table, pulling her close and kissing her passionately. Kaitlyn hungrily returned his kiss as she began undressing him.

“Baby, I want you so much,” Tariq replied as he too began undressing her quickly removing her top and her bra, taking her nipple into his mouth.

“Mm, Tariq,” Kaitlyn moaned softly unbuttoning his jeans and helping him out of them.

Tariq continued to tease her nipple as he removed her thong and began to touch her softly. Kaitlyn was still moaning softly as Tariq kissed his way down her body before tasting her and sending her over the edge. Kaitlyn’s body trembled from the force of the orgasm she experienced.

Tariq made his way back to her lips kissing her again as she removed his boxers and gripped his hardness, stroking him sensually. Tariq was hard enough to cut diamonds as Kaitlyn touched him.

“Baby,” he whispered quietly in her ear, ready to enter to her.

“Tariq, wait,” Kaitlyn told him softly, pushing him gently. “Get a rubber,” she told him as he looked into her eyes.

He immediately understood and kissed her softly, rising and taking her hand leading her to his bedroom, where he retrieved the condom and laid her gently on his bed. Tariq began licking her breasts again as Kaitlyn found herself immediately hot and flowing once more. Taking the condom from the package, she helped him put in on and opened her legs inviting him inside her. Tariq entered KiKi and they both moaned with pleasure feeling the other.

Holding her tightly Tariq took his time making love to her, wanting to enjoy every moment of their time together. They’d both waited a long time to finally be together and there was no rush. Tariq kissed KiKi’s neck softly, sucking the lobe of her ear gently as she dug her nails into his back loving what he was doing inside her.

“Mm, Tariq, you are so good,” she whispered, arching her back to take every inch of him.

“Damn,” she murmured again as the orgasm hit her hard.

They began to kiss passionately once more as Tariq continued to make love to her. Kaitlyn could not believe how good this man felt.
I shoulda gave it to him a long time ago, good lord,
she thought heating up once more. Tariq patiently brought her to climax another time, before groaning deeply and finishing himself. Carefully removing himself from her, he disposed of the condom and came back to join her in bed.

“Do you believe me now,” Tariq asked softly, of his love for her.

Kaitlyn smiled, telling him she did.

“Now we gotta really talk though KiKi,” Tariq told her seriously. “Cause this time, I ain’t gonna lay down and play dead, watching you walk out of my life,” he finished as she sighed deeply and began to respond to his statement.




Jaleesa was excited as hell to get out of the house alone. Well, mostly alone. Chino accompanied her as she went shopping at one of the larger department stores in the area. Ryan had given her 2K, telling her to spend it on herself. She of course bought some sexy lingerie, knowing it would keep him happy and her on his good side.
Can’t afford any fuck ups right now,
she thought picking out a couple of dresses and heading for the fitting room to try them on. She saw Chino talking to the cute salesgirl at the counter and chuckled. Jaleesa stopped at the fitting area attendant booth and showed the woman the items she had. She was handed a numbered placard and told to proceed to the dressing area.


Kaitlyn watched closely as Chino continued to flirt with the young woman at the counter. She was supposed to be in Mississippi, but that business could wait for a few hours. She’d immediately come to Louisiana to find Tweety and try to speak with her. She couldn’t believe her luck when she’d driven close to the house and saw Tweety and Chino leaving. Making sure no one else saw her, especially Ryan; she followed them here to the store. Now was her chance to finally make contact with her friend, and she wasn’t about to blow it. Kaitlyn fleetingly thought about the conversations she’d had with both Landon and Tariq last week.
Everything is very volatile right now,
she thought seeing Chino leave and head to the snack bar directly across from the store. Wasting no time, Kaitlyn grabbed a couple items as she walked and headed straight for the dressing area.

Peeking under each stall, Kaitlyn finally found what she was looking for. Tweety had a tattoo of her nickname, picture and all, tattooed on her ankle. The stalls were the old fashioned kind with the curtain instead of a door. Taking a deep breath, Kaitlyn hung the clothes in her hand on the outside and bum-rushed the stall, tackling her bestfriend and pushing her against the wall, hand over her mouth. Tweety immediately began to struggle until recognition flooded her face. Kaitlyn put her fingers to her lips and Tweety nodded. Removing her hand the two hugged tightly as the tears flowed.

“What are you doing here,” Tweety whispered.

“Ice told me you were dead,” Kaitlyn threw back as Jaleesa sighed deeply.

Giving her a quick run down of the events surrounding her current circumstance, Jaleesa also told KiKi about her plans to escape.

“We’re both getting the hell outta this bullshit,” KiKi whispered back. “There’s some shit I need to tell you,” she began as she ran down all the events going on that she learned of through Landon, as well as the very detailed plans of her own.

“I got my end covered,” Tweety told her without hesitation.

“We gotta be on point Tweety,” Kaitlyn admonished. “We won’t get a second chance,” she added as Jaleesa again told her she was ready.

“Here,” Kaitlyn told her handing her the prepaid cell phone she’d picked up on her way here. “It has like 8 hours worth of minutes on it now,” she told her as Jaleesa nodded.

“How long,” she asked as Kaitlyn sighed softly.

“7 days,” she replied as Jaleesa again nodded.

“Let me leave first,” Jaleesa told her. “Chino ass is nosy as shit, and he reports everything back to Ryan,” she added as Kaitlyn nodded.

“Be careful,” she admonished Kaitlyn.

“I will, and you too,” she told her as they embraced once more and Jaleesa grabbed the clothing leaving the dressing room and returning to the store, telling Chino she was ready and departing the plaza all together.


“Agent Gordon?” the field agent queried as he stuck his head in Ben’s office.

“Yeah, what you got?” he asked the man.

The agent gave him the file and left him to look it over. He opened the folder and found all the information he’d requested on Ian Bailey. The man had an extensive criminal background, but he’d managed to beat the system every time they picked him up. Ben noticed something else interesting as he read the file. The name Giovanni English popped up a lot.
Something not quite right there,
he thought, pleased with his decision not to include the locals in his investigation and pending bust.

Ben felt completely justified with raid using the information Landon and his own undercover officers supplied him with concerning Ian’s drug and gambling activities. There had been entirely too much trafficking and laundering going on between Georgia and Alabama and they wanted to stop it. He saw two properties that the man owned. One didn’t fit the description Landon had given him; however they would raid that one also, in addition to the club, and hopefully find more drugs and money.

The other was further out in a remote area, Elberton, a small close-knit community where the pace was slower and a person could hide if they had a mind too. He made notes in his folder to definitely include this property. He had the feeling it would be one of the prime spots Ian would choose to hide if the heat was on and they missed him in the initial sweeps. He picked up the phone and called Landon as promised. It was a small thing considering how far out his friend was willing to stick his neck to help them net this clown and his whole crew.

“OK, thanks for calling Ben, and thanks for everything,” Landon told his friend, after hearing everything Ben told him, happier than he’d been for a while.

“Don’t thank me yet Landon,” Ben told him. “We’ve still got to get this fool in custody, find Kaitlyn, and get my agents out unharmed,” he finished and Landon told him he understood.

Ben told Landon he would contact him again soon. He had to go and see to all the paperwork and get everyone in place for the raids. Landon thanked him again and they disconnected.


Ryan was in her face and Jaleesa was trying her best not to flip out. After seeing KiKi today she was anxious as hell and more than ready for this bullshit to be over. Taking a deep breath and calming her nerves, Jaleesa reined her thoughts in.

“Ryan, what the hell are you talking about,” Jaleesa tried. “What man,” she threw out again, genuinely confused why he was so angry.

“The muthafucka you was talking to in the mall, grinnin’ and shit with,” Ryan threw back.

Jaleesa thought for a few moments more until it finally snapped for her and she frowned deeply. “You know what,” she answered tensely. “If Chino is gonna come back and tell you some bullshit,” she began, never taking her eyes from Ryan’s own deep stare. “He at least needs to have all the facts straight,” Jaleesa finished angrily, turning to walk away.

Ryan grabbed her arm and turned her around. Jaleesa winced slightly in pain.

“I’m sorry,” he told her earnestly, not meaning to hurt her. “I want a damned answer though,” he added, letting her know he hadn’t forgotten the original question.

Jaleesa took a long breath and looked at him crossly for a few moments more before she answered his question.

“Yeah, I was talking to a dude in the mall,” she told him as Ryan continued to smolder. “But if Mr. Chino had bothered to pay attention, instead of trying to pick up some bitch to fuck,” she threw out. “He would know why I was talking to dude,” she finished as Ryan finally spoke.

“So why the hell were you,” he asked tightly.

“Ryan,” Jaleesa began patiently. “Dude was tryna hit on me, yes,” she explained as Ryan frowned deeper. “But,” she continued. “I immediately steered him here to the house, actually managed to make an appointment for miss cotton candy,” she added as Ryan began to relax a bit. “Dude wants sex,” she told him plainly. “He’d been tryna hit on old girl at the perfume counter, but she was playin’ that role,” Jaleesa continued as she saw Ryan calming more and more. “So I told him, hell, why play the game,” she went on. “I mean he was gonna pay for it either way,” she added as Ryan smiled slightly. “That’s what I explained to him, dinner, movies, whatever,” Jaleesa continued. “That’s payment, so why not just be upfront, pay for what you want, and at least know for sure at the end of the evening you’re gonna feel the pussy and get your nut,” she finished as Ryan chuckled and hugged her.

“I told you Ryan,” Jaleesa began again looking into his eyes. “I’m not gonna cheat on you,” she added as Ryan apologized and kissed her softly.

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