This Broken Beautiful Thing (16 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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a fucking sedative! Hurry!” someone shouts and I turn my attention back to the two boys that are rolling on the floor.

“You don’t
get her Hunter, not her! You can have everything but her! She’s mine!” Jace says as he pushes Hunter into the table causing beer bottles and glass to fly everywhere.

I watch as a few guys
attempt to stop them but Hunter tells them to stay out of it.

Hunter doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t punch Jax
back and instead he keeps trying to block the punches coming from Jace’s fist.

“I got
him, hold the boy down!” I watch as someone brings a syringe near Jace.

“No! Don’t hurt him!” I cry out but
it’s too late the guy has already injected Jace. I watch as Jace’s body becomes clumsy and Hunter places him on the ground. I crawl up to Jace and place his head on my lap. His eyes are droopy and I can see he is fighting for control. He looks like a little boy in my arms.

“I’m so sorry I left, I just needed some space
away from here…I’m so sorry Jace. I don’t want to cause you pain.” My hand strokes his cheek and he gives me a small smile.

“Need you baby. Don’t leave me alone. It’s dark
inside.” He says breathlessly putting his hand over his heart. I bend down and kiss his forehead. As I lift my head to look down at him, he’s already fast asleep.

let the boys put him to bed and let’s clean you up.” Hunter says as the guys pull Jace away from me. Hunter picks me up and leads me to the bathroom.

He sits me on the counter and wets a cloth, he brings it to my nose and I wince. “Sorry
Princess…” he mumbles.

He cleans all the blood away from my face and wipes my hands down. I look at his face noticing a small cut and
swelling around his jaw.

“That boys my brother but he’s not good for you babe. He’s got too much shit
going on in his head and it’s going to kill him one day or worse…hurt you.” Hunter says softly. He looks sad, I saw how hurt he looked when Jace told him that he wasn’t his brother. I don’t say anything instead get another cloth and start wiping away the blood off his face. He gives me a sad smile and stands there as I clean him up.

He helps me off the counter and I head to my room
to change into pajamas. I place a large shirt of Jace’s on and my normal sleep shorts. 

e apartment is a mess and it’s very quiet. Everyone has either gone to sleep or has left. I peek inside Jace’s room to find him sleeping on his bed. I close his door and quietly walk down the passage towards the kitchen, after getting an ice bag for my nose I spot another door open, one I haven’t been in before. I find Hunter sitting on the bed, he hasn’t got a shirt on and I see his back covered in tribal designs, his head is resting in his hands looking so torn and sad. I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be okay.

I walk quietly into the room, he doesn’t notice me coming in. I sit next to him on the bed and rest my cheek on his shoulder. His body relaxes and he sits up straight looking down at me
, I notice his watery eyes. I pick up the ice bag that was intended for my nose and place it gently on his jaw. He covers my hand with his.

Princess.” He says continuing to use my pet name. I don’t mind though, if that’s what makes him feel better.

I place my arms around his waist
and place my cheek on his chest. I know he doesn’t expect it because he tenses for a few seconds before relaxing against me. He places the ice bag on the bed next to him and wraps both arms around me.

“I’m sorry Hunter, all of this is my fault, I shouldn’t have left like that. It’s what I do…I run. I’m sorry. Jace didn’t mean
what he said to you, he was just upset. He is your brother and will always be. He loves you very much, if he didn’t you’d probably be dead by now.” I squeeze my arms.

, you really are a life size Teddy Bear. Ya’ know sometimes we big guys need hugs too.” Hunter says into my hair.

I giggle, “He told you about that huh?”

“Yeah Rave tells me everything. He didn’t tell me about the baby though.” Hunter says and I freeze at his announcement.

“Don’t worry babe, God knows I
can’t judge.” Hunter says looks intently at me as I pull away. He places the ice bag on my nose.

“How’d you find out? And how did you know where I was?” I ask him taking hold of the ice bag now.

“Fucking Rachelle called Jace and I had his phone so I answered it. She told me she was worried about you running around this time of the night with those college boys in your state and that you were upset. So I asked what she meant and she told me, I now understood why you were sick earlier too. Called Jesse to see if you were with him and he said you weren’t but told me you might be at the park. Didn’t expect to see you with the Jock though.” Hunter says grunting at the mention of “The Jock”.

“You don’t have to scowl like
that every time you mention him. He’s actually a great guy. We’ve probably been friends for as long as Caleb and I were, never best friends though. We only really became close these last few years.” I lie down on his bed looking at the ceiling holding the ice against my nose. I sound as if I have a blocked nose but the ice is easing the pain.

“I may be able to control my anger but Jace can’t, don’t ever let him see you like I
did with that boy tonight, you hear me?” Hunter says in a firmer tone he’s never used on me before.

“Okay…” I say quietly.

“Who’s Caleb.” he asks.

“An ex.” I simply say hoping he doesn’t ask any more questions.

He nods his head, I raise the ice pack and he takes it from me and places it back on his jaw.

“This is the only family I have. I have no one else. This club…is all I have.” Hunter says quietly almost as if talking to myself. I lie on my side and rest my head on my folded arm.

“Daddy and Anna are all I have. Momma back home doesn’t really want me…I think I was a reminder of everything she couldn’t have, all the things she missed out on because she gave birth to me. She only kept me so she wouldn’t be alone and to spite daddy. She left me alone a lot though. You’d think I would learn from her mistakes right?” I let out a chuckle, “Funny, I’m sitting in her situation now too. At least I had daddy…my baby isn’t going to have one.”

“You have us Harley don’t you worry
, your baby will have plenty of fathers to fill that role. You’ll never be like your mother, don’t ever compare yourself to that woman. Come here.” He says pulling me into his arms. We lay there together in silence. After a few minutes I decide I better get to bed.

“Goodnight Hunter, thank you for everything.” I said kissing his cheek and stepping away from him.

“Night Princess, sleep well. I’ll make sure prince charming doesn’t choke on his own vomit in his sleep. Damn idiot was wasted.” Hunter says shaking his head.

I fell asleep quickly knowing Hunter would make sure Jace was okay. I prayed the drug was strong enough to keep Jace from having nightmares.



I woke up to the sound of a door closing and then I felt movement behind me in the bed. I kept still and acted as if I was asleep. I felt their large hard body snuggle against mine and I smelt their minty breath as they kissed my shoulder. As soon as he placed his hand under my shirt onto my belly I knew who is was.

Jace must
have just got out the shower; his skin was soft and his scent fresh. He shaved too as I felt his soft chin against my collarbone as he lifted the hair away from my neck and placed it higher on the pillow giving me a soft kiss on my neck letting his lips linger there for a few seconds, I couldn’t stop the shivers from running through my body.

The room was still dark with curtains closed, even though it was about midday only a
slit of light came through. My body was a little stiff and my nose hurt like a bitch.

“It was a mistake…it meant nothing.” He whispers against my neck. I flinch…
Please tell me he didn’t feel that. Please…

I lay there hoping an apology will finally make
its way out of his mouth but nothing comes. He’s not sorry about what he did…only sorry he got caught. It feels like a repeat episode…memories of what happened the night I caught Caleb come rushing in.

I know you’re awake baby please talk to me.”

“It doesn’t matter Jace. I don’t care what you
two did.” I say in a ruff soft voice.

“You don’t care?” he says as he tenses behind me.

“Jace…you can do whatever you want, we are not attached or anything, you’re not my boyfriend. I don’t care what you do and who you do it with.” as I say the words out loud I know I’m lying, they are so far from the truth. I don’t know why but I want Jace, I want all of him and I don’t want to share him but I’m done being weak in front of these men. I’ve been weak and look where it got me? I need to keep my distance from these men, I need space.

“Really?” he says letting out a deep breath as if my statement just gave him freedom.
Guess it did.

I turn to look at him. “Yeah Jace
, all good.”

His eyes widen, “
Shit baby what happened?” he gently touches my nose and I wince and pull away from him.

climb out of bed and leave a dumbstruck Jace staring at me as I make my way to the joined bathroom, I don’t want him to see me breakdown. I close the door and lean against it and whisper, “You happened Jace…”

I wipe away the tears and look into the mirror, the bridge of my nose is just a little purple but
I’m sure some make up will cover it up fine.

I make my way back to my room expecting Jace to be exactly where I left him but he’s gone. I pick out clothes and head for a shower.

I’m busy putting makeup on in front of my floor length mirror when Anna walks in with a plate of pancakes, the smell makes my stomach rumble.

babes, how you feeling? Oh my God! Who did this?” Anna says cupping my chin and placing the food on the counter so she can inspect me.

“It’s okay, I’m okay it was just a wrong place
- wrong time thing. Someone bumped into me. It’s cool I swear.” I smile at her and continue to put foundation on my face to cover my nose up.

“And the baby? Are you sure you’re fine? Maybe we should go to the doctor sweetie.” Anna says worriedly
as she starts making my bed for me then sits on it.

“I’m fine mom thank you. What time is dad opening the
bar today?” I say grabbing the plate and sitting on the bed next to her. She smiles at me and grabs a pancake off my plate.

In about an hour babe, it’s already after lunch sweetie. Your dads not in a good mood honey, especially after coming back to find our home wrecked, he was furious with the boys but they don’t want to say who’s to blame. Do you know what happened?” she asks me curiously.

actually I was out last night. I met up with a friend of mine.” I smile thinking about Brent.

“That’s great Harley, I’m so happy for you.” She says giving me half a hug.

“Oh Honey before I forget I made an appointment for you for Friday with the doctor.” She says excitedly.

“Thank you for
everything, you don’t know how much I appreciate everything you and daddy have done for me. I’m sorry for how I behaved the other night, I just-” I pull away from the hug and she interrupts me putting her hands up.

“No no no, don’t apologize for what you did. You did great, you are such a brave strong girl don’t let anyone change you. You stood up for what was right. You were right Harley. Well in your mind that’s what you thought was right. You
’ve only been here for a little while honey but you’ll see how those girls behave around our men. You may stand up for them but don’t ever expect them to do the same. They’ll walk over any woman just to get into this club. Be careful my love, I’m so proud of you Harley.” She says before giving me another tight hug before leaving.

eating the pancakes and making my way out my room I see Jace’s door is closed so I continue my way down the hall to the stairs. The house is clean and there’s no evidence of what happened last night. Apart from a missing table and a few ornaments the place looks the same as it did two days ago.

There’s a few guys laying
on the sofas in the lounge and they greet me as I pass. I make my way down the stairs to the bar as Jesse walks through the kitchen with a few clean glasses from the kitchen. 

“Harley! How you doing babe?” Jesse says
as he sets the glasses on the bar and turns to give me a hug, I squeal when my feet lift off the floor and he spins me around.

“Jesse stop!” I
giggle wiggling out of his grip, he finally lets me down.

“Baby girl, you’ve finally decided to get out of bed.”
Dad teases as he gives me a hug.

sorry… wasn’t well last night and I guess my body was exhausted.” I make my way over to the glasses and start placing them on the shelves.

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