This Broken Beautiful Thing (5 page)

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Authors: Sophie Summers

BOOK: This Broken Beautiful Thing
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My dad asks
me, “You really want to stay with us?”

“Yeah daddy, I need to get away from here
besides the college is just a Block away from you anyway. I don’t think mom really wants me around in any case, she won’t even notice I’m gone.” I say softly, sad at the fact that my own mother wasn’t here when I woke up.

My father
tenses and I notice the frown lines on his forehead, I can tell he’s pretty angry right now at her. “I swear I could kill that woman for treating you this way!” he says loudly as he runs his hands through his hair in frustration. 

“Are you
okay to  stay with us? You know…since we live in the club house most of the time and all the boys from the club are always around? It’s usually rowdy and you may see things you won’t like. I could buy you  your own apartment if you like, anything you want baby, I can do it?” he says calmly as sits in the chair next to the hospital bed and  places my small hands in his much larger ones.

“No dad
, its fine…I really don’t want to be alone. I don’t mind all of that as long as you and Mom are around I’ll be fine.”  I smile sweetly at him and he returns the smile.

“Of course we will be
there, I’m so happy you decided to stay with us honey!” Anna says as she walks in the room and kisses me on the cheek happily.

Mom, uh…did the doctor say anything to you guys while I was sleeping?” I ask nervously hoping the doctor hasn’t mentioned anything about the baby. Thinking about the baby, I place my hand on my stomach praying that my little bundle is still safe inside me.

“No honey
, I asked the nurse while I was in the hallway and she said she should be here shortly.” Anna says concerned.

Mom, will you and daddy be able to go over to the trailer and fetch my things, I don’t want to go back there.” I say to both of them then turn toward my father, “I need Mom to go with you because of all the girly stuff I need but I don’t want her to go alone in case Momma comes and causes trouble… you’re the only one that can talk to her.”

“Okay sweetie, I’ll call Jace to come stay with you while we
’re gone. You’re going to be fine by yourself?” Daddy asks me, I nod and give him a small smile.

They each kiss and hug me
gently, careful not to hurt me and leave just as Jace walks in the door. My father whispers something to him then leaves.

Jace walks up to me, smiles then kisses me on my forehead,
the way he lets his lips linger against my skin is rather intimate. My head is spinning, why the hell is he acting like this and why do I feel a bond with him, like we just click? I’ve just met him a few hours ago and he’s acting like we’ve known each other for years.

Guess when you
’re in a life or death situation it brings you closer to the person you’re sharing it with….

How are you feeling? You had me nervous there a couple times…” he says as he sits on the bed next to me and holds my hands.

“I’m…I don’t know how I am
… I just want to speak to a doctor and find out how my baby is doing…are you okay?” I ask him trying to find my voice, I feel so shy when it comes to him and it’s probably due to the fact that he’s gorgeous in a spank-me-and-whisper- dirty-things-to-me kinda way. He’s not the usual boy next door type that I’m usually around.

“Yeah baby I’m all good, just a couple scratches.” Jace says as he looks down at my hands in his.

I hear the door open and I see Ashley’s mom walk in, I straighten in my seat , she walks up to me and eyes Jace who continues to hold my hand in his.

I cringe, even though she didn’t do anything I can’t help but think of her slutty daughter who ruined my life.

“How are you feeling honey?” She says as she looks over my chart.

Been better, is the baby okay?” I ask quickly needing an answer.

“Yes honey the baby is
fine, the impact from the steering wheel caused a slight tear in your placenta. You need to stay on bed rest for a few days and take the medicine I prescribe you. Your father has emphasized that you will be living with him and he wants you out of here as soon as possible. So if everything goes as planned then he can take you home this afternoon but you need to take it easy. If you don’t, you can put your baby’s life in danger. You are really bruised around your stomach and ribs but I have medicine for the pain. I also wanted to speak to you about your weight, you need to put on some more, the baby is taking all your nutrients and vitamins but you are underweight as it is Harley. I’ve also got vitamins that you need to take daily, for you and your baby health. We did an ultrasound while you were under and it looks like you’re about fourteen weeks now but you aren’t showing because you’re underweight. Although your baby is getting the nutrients, you being underweight is not good for either of you.” She says in a stern motherly tone, I can see this bothers Jace as he sits there glaring at her, he isn’t aware of the fact that she is Ashley’s mother.

I didn’t realize I could be that far along, that means I was pregnant longer than I realized. I was disappointed in myself when
Lynn lectured me on my weight; I never want to cause my baby harm ever.

“Harley who is your…uh
…friend here?” Lynn says in a snotty voice.

“He’s um –”
I say but I’m interrupted by Jace.

“I’m her
man, why are you speaking to her so rudely?” Jace says as he turns around and stands up next to the bed opposite Lynn with an angry expression.

“Jace, wait
. This is Ashley’s mom, you know that best friend I told you about? I’ve known Lynn for a long time and she’s like a mother to me. Calm down big man.” I say as I reach out for his arm and pull him closer to me.

Sorry Ma’am.” He murmurs looking back and forth between us.

“Honey why did he say he’s your
? Why isn’t Caleb here with you?” she asks genuinely now looking back at me.

e and Caleb aren’t… I mean… he-” I say but I’m interrupted yet again by Jace.

“Well that piece of shit isn’t here because Harley caught him having sex with none other than…
your daughter
!” Jace sneers as his temper rises again and his face turns red. I hear Lynn gasp and cover her mouth in shock.

What! Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry honey…I don’t know what to do with her anymore.” She walks back and forth scratching her head. “I don’t understand how she could do that to you? You both are as close as sisters! She loves you as much as we do. I’m so sorry honey, don’t you worry when I see that girl her father and I
be having a few words, her behavior is so disappointing.” Lynn says in an angry tone. “What is going to happen to the baby and you? Where will you be going? Have you told Caleb yet?” she rambles on nervously as her attention turns back on me.

“I’m going to be living with my father
as you already know. I still have to tell them about the baby. You know I was supposed to tell
tonight, you knew how special tonight was…but yeah… I am going to tell him, I just need a little space right now. I can’t look at him in the face after what he did…not for a while at least.” I say as I wipe the tears away from my face. Jace comes up to me and rubs my back, he smells good… manly.

Of course honey…you call me if you need anything.” She gives me a hug and leaves the room.

Jace and I sit in silence before he decides to speak up.

“Sorry about my temper…I kind of have a short fuse and I didn’t like the way she was talking to you.” Jace says as he moves his hands through his long messy hair moving the hair that’s falling into his face.

“Yeah I noticed. “ I

“You know
… you didn’t have to lie to your father about the accident. I deserved to get my ass beat by him for skipping the light.” He says as he sits on the chair next to my bed and gets comfortable leaning back with his arms behind his head, boots up right against my bed. His arms are covered with various tattoos and it only adds to his masculine beauty.

don’t want there to be a dead body on my hands.” I tease him and he chuckles. “Why did you skip the light?”

h…was on a job and I was trying to get out of there quickly. I had someone on my tail but when I hit you, they drove past not wanting to be there when the cop’s came. I wasn’t focused on the road and I didn’t even see your car until it was too late. I’m sorry babe.” Jace says and his voice is full of sorrow.

“A job?” I ask him.

“Um…yeah for your dad and please don’t ask me what job because I really don’t want you to think badly of me anymore than you already do.” He lets out a small laugh but I know he’s faking it, just trying to sway from the topic.

“C’mon just tell me
? I give him a pleading look and I can see he’s about to cave.

“Okay but you keep this between me and you and don’t tell your daddy, he will kill me if he hears me telling his little girl all his club business. Ah man
… I really don’t want to tell you.” he signs but continues.

so Grimm sends me around for the money runs. Meaning, I collect the cash from the guys that owe him but…if they don’t …I ah….rough them up a little…just to get the point across that we don’t expect tardiness on our payments. So that’s what happened tonight, I had to get in and outta there quickly before anyone sees but a couple of their guys came after me. I swear I never saw you at the robots and I feel terrible that I’ve put you through all of this.” Jace says quietly and I see the regret all over his face.

I knew the club was dangerous and my dad was involved in illegal activities but I didn’t know the extent of it all. I
don’t understand how the Jace I’ve met , the one whose treated me with such gentleness is basically a hit man for my father. I’m shocked by what he tells me even though he looks exactly like the dangerous type I should stay away from, but I can’t seem to get him out of my head.

We spend the rest of the morning
chatting, I enjoy his company and spending time with him. My father and Anna come back and he looks angry, my mother was most probably at the house when he arrived. He doesn’t mention anything to me but I notice the tension in the air.

My father argued with Lynn when she said she wanted me to stay in hospital for a few more days. He was still in the dark about the baby so to him all I had wrong with me was a few scratches and bruises. After he informed her that he will make sure his doctor keeps an eye on me she reluctantly let
me leave that afternoon. Jace wheeled me out and I was thankful that Caleb and Ashley weren’t outside waiting for me. Jace helped me into my father’s SUV’s, dad’s Harley sits on a trailer at the back of the car. Yeah that bike is daddy’s pride and joy, no one else is allowed to drive it.

I’m guessing you’ve realized how I ended up with the name I have...

My body is sore and stiff, the medicine I was prescribed was definitely doing its magic. Jace sits in the back with me while Anna and daddy are up front. We’re escorted all three hours back to the club house. I woke up as Jace carried me into a room and placed me on the bed. I knew it was his room from the scent that surrounded me. He placed a side light on and I sat up in bed wiping my eyes.

Grimm told me to look after you;, he hasn’t had a chance to get your room ready. Guess you will be sleeping next to me so I can keep an eye on you if anything happens.”  Jace winks as he closes his room door and stalks over towards a desk where he throws his leather jacket over the chair. I notice him pull something out from the back of his jeans and put it in the drawer next to his bed, it lands with a loud thud. I look closer….a gun. My eyes widen with surprise and I’m a little scared. I’ve never seen one in real life.

I’ve only ever been around guys my age and even then they were never really much to look at because Caleb was everything I wanted and more. Aside from my father
, I’ve never been around guys like Jace, he is angry and mean looking but the way he talks to me and treats me is something else. I’m so in awe of him and even though my conscience is screaming and telling me not to go down this road I just can’t keep my eyes off him.

He sits on the bed
and takes his boots off, followed by his shirt. He’s definitely something else. His chest has a tattoo of two large sparrows surrounded by beautiful red roses. His nipples are pierced too with small little studs in each. He suddenly stands and I watch his hands go to his black studded belt but suddenly he stops with his fingers on the zip of his jeans and he looks down at me.

“Um… Sweetness
, you might want to turn around, I’m commando.” His sexy grin appears and I know I’ve been caught staring
. Thank goodness I’m not drooling.
I quickly turn my head and hide it in his pillow covering my face as I lie down.

Oh god how am I going to get any sleep with all THAT
next to me…Argh…

I feel the bed
dip behind me and the covers are pulled, I move up to the other side of the bed as far away from him as possible. I take a sneak peak to see him getting comfortable leaning his hands behind his head.

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