Touched (6 page)

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Authors: Allegra Skye

BOOK: Touched
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“Thank you,” said Cooper. “We are both very tired.”

“And you will have your own room, naturally.” Ilyana’s eyebrows rose.

 “We all eat each meal together,” she continued in an arch tone. “The Torches do not like to be separated from one another. In fact, in our community, it is a crime. We need to be together to protect our strength and power. We do as much as we can together. The stronger the bonds between us, the greater our light will shine. We are commanded to shine our light upon humans, to help them through the darkness that floods the earth.”

And what about me? thought Keira. Who is shining their light and love on me?

Clearly, the Torches could read minds. Ilyana responded instantly. “We shine our light upon humans,” she retorted. “You are no longer a human, dear.”

Keira shivered deeply.

“Perhaps you were a human at one time, until your total nature awakened.”

“There was a terrible accident,” Cooper said.

“That very well could have done it,” Ilyana said. “Blows to the head, severe trauma, dismantle the programming and awaken the deeper nature within. Usually these accidents and traumas are perfectly timed. This one was most likely planned hundreds of years ago.”

While Keira found it fascinating to hear this, it also made her feel more lost, like an outsider, unacceptable. It also made her suddenly wonder about her twin sister Amanda, and what had become of her. When Keira left, Amanda had just come out of her coma. Was she out of the hospital now? Had she been able to go back to school and live the semblance of a normal life?

Ilyana snapped her fingers, the doors to her room glided opened and the two men re-appeared. “The guides will show you to your room,” she said to Keira, who had a strong moment of fear.


Keira tossed in her bed all night long, not able to sleep for a moment. Her bed was a slab close to the floor covered by a thin, green sheet. The rest of the room was made of silver stone and the two, small windows were placed so high up on the wall, no one could look out or in. She felt as if she were imprisoned in a cell. Did they plan to they toss her in and throw away the key? With accommodations like this, it was hard to imagine that The Torches were a tribe dedicated to bringing light into the world.

The thought of Cooper’s mother sent shivers up Keria’s spine. She can’t stand me, Keira thought, and it will never change. Of course, she would never tell Cooper that. Despite herself, Keira started to cry. There was no one who would ever welcome her the way Cooper had been welcomed. There was no place she felt she belonged. She cried for a long time, until falling into a restless, fitful sleep.








Percy arrived at Bertram High early in the morning. Percy and Cooper were exactly the same age, born the same day, the same hour. Percy never liked Cooper though, Deep down he always knew something was off with that guy. He’d often seen Cooper standing off to the side, when the rest of the tribe was feeding, looking disturbed. What’s he disturbed about? Percy had wondered. Now, he knew. He’d been a traitor all along. So, when Cooper escaped, even though the entire tribe was shaken and screeching, Percy was relieved.

It was good having Cooper gone. It brought Percy more attention, made him look better by contrast. Cooper had always been Senica’s favorite and Percy hated that. There was never a question that Percy was handsomer, the best looking guy in the coven. No one could compete with his fantastic, rugged, flaming looks. The minute he walked into a room, all eyes were always on him.

And he had other gifts as well. He had his way with girls easily and was totally immune to human emotions. No matter what happened, his shield had never been compromised. No human had ever gotten close to him. Not even once. With Cooper gone, there would be room for him now. He could rise to the heights, show them what he was made of. He couldn’t wait.

The assignment Percy got at Bertram High would be a snap. He would enjoy every minute of it. Getting some human girl to love him, and then using her to get information, was right up his alley. He had to do it quick though-- this human they were after, Keira, was on the move, and no one was sure when she’d strike again. Percy had to find out her whereabouts from her twin sister, Amanda. A piece of cake. He’d do it in a flash, pretend Amanda was the love of his life, suck her in, get what he needed and dump her in a flash. What a blast. She’d get all upset, feel insecure, worthless. So much the better. The more misery she felt, the happier he’d be. If she got upset enough, she might even provide a terrific feed.

Percy had been warned not to feed off her, though-- it was important to keep this one whole. She was a rich source of information. Once they got Keira, they’d make her pay for it all she’d done. Then he could do what he wanted with Amanda. Time was of the essence. The battle with the light forces was coming to a peak. There were 28 more days left to vanquish them.

Percy thought all humans were stupid. It was their dumb emotions that made them that way. They got so excited over nothing one minute, and then the next minute, depressed as hell. What a weird species. He’d be happy to drink in all their vital energy, swallow their messed up thoughts and brains. They didn’t know how to use their brain power anyway. Those idiots never learned.

Percy settled, dressed in khaki pants and a blue shirt to fit in with the kids at Bertram High. Someone in the coven had made calls to the admissions office, saying he’d just moved into town. He was told to report into the main desk at the high school at 8 a.m. sharp.


Percy grinned as he walked through the halls to the office of admissions. The place was beginning to fill up with kids, chatting, hanging together. As he walked down the hallway, they moved to the side, making room for him to pass. Wherever he went, he carried an atmosphere of power and authority, and people noticed him.

“Who’s that?” he heard a bunch of girls whisper, eyeing him up at down. He had to do his best to keep himself from laughing out loud at all of them.

The woman at the admission’s desk, Mrs. Heighten, looked up sharply, as he walked in.

“Percy Graham,” he said politely and extended his hand.

She did not take it, just looked down. He probably spoke too loudly, he thought, and his energy was probably too much for her. The old dopey lady didn’t know what to do.

“I have your papers here,” Mrs. Heighten said in a muffled tone, still looking away.

Why wouldn’t she meet his eyes? Was she drawn to him or what? Did she find him irresistible, like all the rest? He loved sucking them into his web and stood without moving and stared at her.

Finally, she looked up.

“You’re placed in the early track,” she said nervously. “Room 101.”

He nodded. She looked distressed. He’d better tone down the energy, play it cool. These humans were all easy prey for him. Some of them felt uneasy around him right away. He didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself, create any suspicions.

“Thank you so much for your assistance,” he said in an obsequious tone.

She didn’t buy it for a second, though. She looked at him strangely and started to grill him.

“What school did you say you were from, Percy?”

“Donton High,” he said. The Shadows had prepared him with all kinds of backup information. Donton High was in a very poor neighborhood, three towns down. They often lost records of students, so many came in and out.

Her brow wrinkled. But fortunately, that very minute, as fate would have it, the door to the office opened and a beautiful, slim, graceful female with an amazing body, long blonde hair and shining blue eyes walked in.

Percy and the girl stared at each other for a second. Wow, thought Percy, one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. For a human, she’s really something. He actually felt taken aback. He wasn’t used to seeing females like this one in the human race. And to top it off, she was bold and daring, just kept staring at him without blinking an eye.

“Amanda, so good to see you,” Mrs. Heighten, got up to give her a hug.

Percy couldn’t believe it. Amanda – it had to be the one he’d been sent to capture. Was this good luck or what?

“I heard you’d returned to school a week ago,” Mrs. Heighten continued, “it’s so very good to see you again.”

“Great to be back,” Amanda said brightly, all the time looking at Percy over Mrs. Heighten’s shoulder. In fact, she couldn’t take her eyes off him for a second.

Percy licked his lips slowly.

Amanda smiled at him.

Wow, this was going to be heaven, he thought. A daring girl who could meet him half way. He’d have her in bed in no time and drive her crazy. It would be great - she’d be putty in his hands and before long, would spill her guts to him. It always happened that way. But this one would be fun. Someone up for a challenge.

Just then the door to the office opened again, and a tall, nice looking guy walked in. He went right over to Amanda and put his arm around her shoulder, pressing her close to him. Percy watched with amusement.

“Hi, Tom,” she chirped.

Must be her boyfriend, Percy thought.

“Tom, you must be ecstatic to have Amanda back,” Mrs. Heighten beamed.

“That doesn’t even begin to describe it,” Tom said, looking at Amanda with moon eyes, the way the humans did.
Boy, this guy’s got it bad
, thought Percy.
The idiot’s in for a huge fall.

“It’s a miracle having her back,” Tom crooned on. “I got my life back when Amanda woke up from the coma.”

Amanda looked at him and smiled, happy and flushed.

Percy stared at the two little red spots that rose on her smooth cheeks. He remembered then that the Shadows told him that this girl had been in a terrible car accident in a storm, with her twin sister Keira, driving. She’d been in a coma for a long while, probably woke up recently. That could explain the energy he felt around her. It was different from the others, to be sure, more daring and bristling.

  It was easy to see that Tom was terrified of losing her again. He kept hugging her and pulling her to him. Percy didn’t like that. As Tom held her, though, she quickly looked up and glanced over at Percy for a second. She was checking him out, wanted to see how he was reacting. Again, Percy wanted to laugh out loud.

This boyfriend can hug her all he wants,
Percy thought,
he’s no match for me! Enjoy her while you can, buddy
, Percy thought.
It’s all temporary.







As morning came, thin light came in from the windows above. A gong sounded outside, bouncing off the walls and echoing throughout the compound. Keira had no idea what it meant. She went to the door and heard feet outside scurrying back and forth. The Tribe had awakened and was going somewhere.

The door to her room didn’t have a handle and she didn’t know how to open it. She leaned on it with all her strength and suddenly it shook and pushed open. Keira spilled out into the hallway, which was filled with what looked like tall, pale people, dressed in pastel silk, gracefully gliding. They were busily flowing down the hallway. Keira joined in and moved along with the flow, wondering where it would lead her.

In a few moments as they all swept around the corner, she realized that they were headed to the dining room, down the hall. Keira flowed along with them into a huge, dome like room, made of crystal, with glass walls. She could see the trees outside, surrounding the room, keeping it shady and cool. A smell of sweet food rose up to greet her.

Keira stood at the edge of the dining room, looking around, smelling the sweet pudding, suddenly filled with pangs of great hunger. She saw rows and rows of crystal tables with Torches sitting at them, holding china bowls in their hands, eating from them.

  At the far end of the room, one table was overflowing, with an air of excitement around it. Keira walked in that direction, hoping to find a place to sit and a way to get some food.

As she got closer to the overflowing table, her heart sank. She stopped cold. There was Cooper seated in the center of the table, glowing, everyone surrounding him with great joy. And – sitting next to him, gleaming, was a young, beautiful woman, with long red hair, huge blue eyes and a perfect aquiline face, like his. She was staring up at him with adoration, entirely enchanted.

Keira couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her breath stopped and her mind fell into a dark spin. It was her worst fear - right in front of her eyes, more horrible than she could ever have imagined. Cooper with someone else!

Keira never dreamed that Cooper would meet someone else so quickly. This young, gorgeous woman was part of his tribe. It seemed as if they’d been together forever. He wasn’t looking back at her, but she was staring at him.

 Keira’s heart broke into tiny pieces as she stood there watching. She realized immediately that no matter what she said or did, she would always be the outsider. Keira couldn’t stand it for another second. Her hands and feet grew icy cold as she spun around and fled out of the dining room, into the hallway. The moment she got outside the dining room doors, to her amazement, the two thin men who had greeted them, were standing there, waiting.

“Ilyana would like to see you immediately,” one of them said quickly, lisping over his words.

“Why?” Keira bristled in agony.

They were startled by her harshness. “There is never a question here of
,” they uttered. “Here, we just do as we are told.”

“So, take me to her,” Keira muttered, giving them both dark glances.

They just smiled to each other and led Keira down the hall, around a corner and up several steps into Ilyana’s room.


When Keira walked into her room, Ilyana was sitting in a yellow silk gown, on a golden chair, her long, auburn hair down over her shoulders, waiting. Keira was stunned to be in the presence of such great, timeless beauty. She’d never seen a woman like this before. Of course, Keira thought, she’s not human, she’s living in a different dimension. I’m no match for her.

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