Triple Threat (36 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Triple Threat
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He startled me out of my memories when he began to play with my hair. “You’re so beautiful,” he said for the 10th time that night.

I smiled yet again. “Why do you keep saying that?”

“I’m trying to make up for all the times I should’ve said it over the last few months. Every time you and I were together, but not on a date, I should have told you. And I wanna hold your hand as much as I can, too. I wanted to do that every time we went out.” He picked both of my hands up in his.

“Me too.” I relaxed against him. There was a cool breeze and the sun was starting to go down. I couldn’t remember ever being happier. Suddenly, I turned around in his arms and kissed his lips. “This is nice.”

He smiled and replied, “I told you I knew you. I know how much you like the river and this is the most romantic place I know to see it. I have so much more in store for you.” He caressed my cheek. “I’d do anything to put a smile on your face.” Then he kissed my lips and hugged me. “I could never imagine my life without you. I’ll love you forever, you know.”

“I feel the same way. I love you, too.”

We stayed to watch the sunset, which was incredible. Then we lay in the grass kissing and laughing for a while. It was the most memorable day of my life up to that point.

By the time we got to Chad’s, he was pacing and annoyed. Giovanni pulled the Harley up onto the driveway. After we both got off, Chris, Mark and Phil came to see his new motorcycle.

Mark, who had always wanted a motorcycle, was more excited than the rest. “Is it really kinda like riding a dirt bike?”

“Yeah,” Giovanni replied. “But took me a few days to adjust.”

Chris asked, “Where were you guys?”

“We had dinner and went out to a few places,” Giovanni replied.

Chris looked at Giovanni, puzzled. “Since when do roommates do things like that?”

“They’re dating now,” Chad interjected and then he walked inside.

Chris quickly followed him, saying, “Dude, what’s wrong?”

I looked at the door to the house. I felt guilty for being happy. How could I do that to Chad? As soon as Giovanni started up his bike again for Mark, I went inside.

“How could she do this to me?” I heard Chad shout. It took me a minute to realize they were in Chad’s bedroom. “I’m fucking quitting! I can’t watch her with him.”

While I walked down that hallway, Chris told him. “This band means as much to you as she does. If you quit, you’re gonna be even more miserable. Man, just suck it up and let them be happy. You know you want her happy, right?”

“You know I do, but I gotta look at them all the fucking time. If I quit, maybe I can just hang out with her sometimes, without

“She’s still your best friend.”

“Yeah, right.”

Then I heard the doorknob turn and ran back to the living room. When Chad came into view, I stopped him. “I’m sorry.” I looked up at him. “Please don’t leave the band. We need to make it together.”

“Baby, please.” He pulled away from me and walked to the kitchen.

I quickly followed him. “Chad, I still care about you.”

“But not as much as you do for him.”

“You said you wanted me to be happy. I am.”

“That doesn’t make it hurt any less. I’ll stay in the band ’til you get another guitarist, OK?”

I stood in front of him and put my hands on his waist. “Please don’t. I need you. I don’t wanna do this without you. I wanna share everything with you.”

“Everything but love.”

“That’s not fair.”

“No, it’s not. I love you and you left me!”

“There was no us, and you know it, Chad. I told you long ago it was no strings attached. You agreed.”

“Sorry, baby. I know that.” He touched my cheek. “Can you convince him to do another threesome? I can deal with him calling the shots as long as I get to sink into you again.”

“I’ll ask him. I’d like that too. Having you both was so amazing.”

He gave me a strong hug. “That’s all I can ask.”

“Are you still quitting?”

“No, baby.”

As soon as Chad and I were outside again, I went to Giovanni and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked surprised. “On the cheek?”

Then Chris came to us and put his hand on Giovanni’s shoulder. “You finally got up the guts to tell her you loved her?”

“Did everybody know besides me?” I asked.

They all answered together, “Yes!” Then they started laughing. Well, all but Chad.

Giovanni put his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear. “We’re gonna make up for all that lost time, just like we started doing already. You got me now, and I’m not gonna let you go. It doesn’t matter how long it took us to get together. It only matters what we do from here.”

After the laughter finally died, the guys packed up the vans. Giovanni put the Harley in Chad’s garage. Then we were off to our next gig.

About the Author

Bella Jeanisse hails from New York City. At 10 years old, Bella picked up her first guitar. She was instantly hooked. Because of her deep passion for tall men, rock music, tattoos and motorcycles, she has gotten to know many musicians and roadies over the years—in every possible way. And although she has been writing risqué stories about musicians for many years, she has just recently taken these tales to the next level revealing, through her protagonists, the hold some of these men still have on her. They have inspired more than they ever imagined.

The few limits Bella puts on her love-life may be found as but a shadow in her writing.

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Triple Threat Book II: Rubbed Raw
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Rubbed Raw Sneak Peak!
Chapter One

I woke up a bit groggy from the sleeping pill. They kept the nightmares away. The bed next to me was strangely empty. As my mind began to focus, I realized it was the last Tuesday of May. The day our band, Triple Threat, was to start recording our first album.

Soon, Giovanni came in the room with breakfast. He did romantic things like that often. Smiling, I sat up slowly because dizziness was a side effect of the medicine.

“I love you so much. You’re amazing.”

He put the tray on the bed next to me. “My love, I live to make you happy.” He kissed me on the lips.

I swallowed my anti-depressant along with some juice. More than two weeks prior, a fan followed me home and attacked me. I was in therapy and on medication to help me cope.

Giovanni interrupted my thoughts. “I wanna start running again. Think you’ll be up to it soon?”

“Sure,” I agreed. “But I haven’t run in a long time.”

He smiled at me and kissed me again. “I’ll build you up to it. I used to run every morning.” Worried about my safety, he had changed his routine.

“Chad told me he wouldn’t mind if we worked out in his garage. I love your muscles, and I don’t want them neglected.”

He laughed. “You only want me for my body, don’t you?” Then he flexed his heavily-muscled his arms for me.

I bit my lip as he moved. He wore only gym shorts. His physique was amazing. I loved him inside and out and his body called to me.

Giovanni patted my leg over the blanket. “Seriously, we have to move. It’s almost eight, and we gotta be at the studio at 11. I’m not sure how long this is gonna take.” He walked to his dresser and pulled out socks.

I started eating, watching the colorful fire-breathing dragon tattoo on his back move. I found it very sexy, not that his other tats were dull. The first time I saw him without a shirt, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

“Hey, finish up, or I’ll put a shirt on.”

“No, please don’t,” I begged with a frown.

Soon, I got off the bed. I felt Giovanni’s eyes on me as I walked out of the room, naked. I turned around just at the doorway. He was leering at me, so I smiled.

I went to my room to get clothes. It may be strange, but we had kept our clothes separate. When I moved in with him after my attack, we were only friends with benefits. We planned to sleep separately most of the time. That didn’t even last a day. Before our gig that night, we had both admitted we were in love with the other.

Once outside, Giovanni showed me how to stretch, then we took off down the block. It was very hard to keep up with him, so I watched his body move from behind. At one point, when he saw I was getting tired, he took my hand in his, and we walked for a while.

By the time we got back to the house, Giovanni was still raring to go. I opened Chad’s garage so he could blow off some more energy. Chad lived across the street from us. His van wasn’t in the driveway, so I assumed he was out running errands.

Chad was my best friend since we were eight years old. He was also my ex-lover, so things were complicated. Chad had always felt no guy in the world was good enough for me, except
. He said he was fine with Giovanni being with me, but I knew better.

I jokingly hit the heavy bag hooked to the ceiling. It barely moved, and Giovanni laughed. He hit it, and it swung wildly until he stopped it.

“You hit like a girl.”

Then the door that led to the house opened, and Chad appeared in the doorway. “What’re you guys doing here?”

I looked up at him. He was six feet, four inches tall, a foot over me. “Your van isn’t here. I thought you were out.”

He came out in his boxers, not shy in the least. “Phil borrowed it, and I was working.” Phil was one of our longtime roadies, along with Mark.

Other than Phil and Mark, Chad was the only one of us with a regular day job. He had much higher rent and didn’t want to take the chance of being short. He planned to work from home during the recording of the CD. I had no idea where he was going to find the time to do it all.

He walked to me, put an arm around me and kissed my lips. “Everything OK?” he whispered.

“Things are good. The medicine’s working.”

“Good.” He hugged me tight. “I’ll always save you. I promise.”

He had saved me from a much worse fate that awful night. His innocent comment stirred up frightening thoughts in my head.
If he hadn't come when he did…

Chad rubbed my back. “Baby, he’s not coming back. I swear he’s still in jail.” He always knew what was in my head.

“I know.” I held back the tears. “I’m gonna go splash some water on my face.”

He kissed my lips again. “OK, my baby girl.”

“Chad, I told you not to...”

Chad quickly cut Giovanni off, “OK, OK, I forgot, only on the cheek. Sorry, man.”

I went straight to his room, where I still had some of my things. He couldn’t give them back to me yet, and I guess I couldn’t take them either. I knew he missed me sleeping in his bed several times a week.

I washed my face and leaned over the sink, trying to control my emotions. It was much easier to do on the medication. Before I was on it, I frequently had bouts of crying for an hour or so. I feared my attacker returning to finish the job. He had gotten so close before Chad saved me.

When I got back to the garage, both Giovanni and Chad were lifting weights. Chad was lying on the bench in his boxers, and I could see right up them. I tried not to look, but he was right in front of me. His cock was huge; about seven inches limp and more than 11 inches hard. I loved how he looked naked. I smiled a bit, suddenly feeling him inside of me again as if it were yesterday. It had been seventeen days since we last had sex, but I was sure it felt like a lifetime to Chad.

I looked away after a minute. It was hard for me not to think of him, and I knew it was going to be hard for Chad not to touch me. He had never had to do that before. Even when I had a boyfriend before Giovanni, I didn’t deny him. He was Chad, and it was different.

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