Triple Threat (7 page)

Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Triple Threat
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“Yeah, I know.”

“You can’t deal with ‘no strings attached’ anymore, can you?”

“I can do it, baby. I promise. Forget I got upset, please.”

“I’d rather not be sweaty when we go,” Giovanni said as he came back with a change of clothes.

I looked at Chad one more time. He was putting things away. “Go, baby.”

Once at my place, Giovanni and I both took a shower; separately, to my dismay. But I knew he was a bit on the conservative side. He never said or did anything like Chad would. He treated me with respect and I liked it, but I longed for more. He did smile when he saw me in a towel. I, on the other hand, almost jumped him when I saw him in one.

I put on my shortest skirt and sexiest top along with spiked heels. I felt that would draw the most attention. Giovanni stared at me when I showed him my outfit. “Wow, you look amazing.” There was a hint of lust in his tone.

“And you look hot.” I bit my lip as I leered at him in his usual black jeans that hugged his ass and a tight black T-shirt that showed off every incredible muscle.

He rolled his eyes. “No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do.” I ran a hand down his arm. “This shirt makes you look so strong.”

He smiled and blushed. “Can we just go?”

“If you want.” I picked up his hand, wanting to express how I felt about him.

He looked at me, but didn’t pull away. Then he kissed my fingers. “You’re something special, you know.”

The first few places we went to had male managers, so Giovanni twirled me around and showed me off. They all gave us a shot.

The last one had a female manager. As Giovanni spoke to her, I stood nearby at the bar, leaning over a bit. Several patrons of the club hit on me, and other guys just whispered to me how much they liked my tattoo.

I looked towards Giovanni and gave him my sexiest smile. When he bit his lip, I giggled. I loved when I was able to affect him in that way.

“So, what do you think?” I heard him ask, still watching me.

The manager said, “If she gets attention like that all the time, then hell yeah, I’ll book you guys. Be back next Saturday night at nine.”

Giovanni came to me and pulled me close to him. “It’s working, but I don’t like doing it this way. I’m exploiting you.”

I sighed. “It’s for the band. I’ll do anything to help us get famous.”

“But I don’t like the way the guys look at you. If one of them touches you again, I’m gonna clock ’em.”

I smirked. He was protecting me again. “So hold me, and pretend I’m yours.”

He pulled me by the hand to a place with a good view of the band. Then he stood behind me, with his hands on my bare waist. “No-one’ll touch you now.”

I took a deep breath, glad he took the hint. I wished he felt the same as I did.

The band on the stage was playing a cross between reggae and punk rock which was very different, and the beat was great. I started moving my hips to the music. After a bit, Giovanni moved with me a little.

I leaned back on him, hoping he would kiss me or something. He pulled my hips closer to him and I reached my hand up to touch his hair. It almost felt like dancing with Chad, but less intimate. We moved pretty well together.

I could feel desire start to take hold in me as his hands slid up and down my sides. Then, as he pressed his body against mine, I knew he felt that way too. His hard cock moved with his body, driving me even crazier.

“I like this,” Giovanni whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes and imagined we were alone. Then soon, I felt him sliding my panties down under my skirt. His hands moved to my hips as he drove his cock into me. I threw my head back, anticipating incredible pleasure from him. He didn’t disappoint me, after withdrawing somewhat, he thrust back into me and I seized with a sudden feeling of ecstasy.

“You OK?”

I opened my eyes and realized I was fantasizing while Giovanni held me. “Um… I… uh…”

“Forget I said anything.” He pulled me back until my entire body was against his. “I thought you moaned. It must’ve been my imagination.”

I wanted so badly to tell him I was daydreaming about him. But I didn’t want to wind up having only meaningless sex with him. I wanted more from him. At least, I was pretty sure I did. My dreams with him were only about sex. Did I want him as another lover? That couldn’t be. It had to be more.

I sighed and cleared my head. I wanted to enjoy being with Giovanni like that. Normally, our trips were all business. As he held me so close, I hoped I could feel that connected to him again.

“We should hang out more often like that.” Giovanni said as he helped me out of his van on my block. “That was fun.”

I smiled at him. “Yeah, it was.”

I looked towards my building and at the police cars with their lights on in front of it. Giovanni still had my hand in his. I squeezed it, feeling anxious. I could only imagine why there were so many.

When we got closer, we saw policemen talking to my neighbors. “I’m right here,” he assured me as I shuddered with sudden fear. He put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

“A woman on the first floor was attacked.” That was all we were told as we came closer.

I had to show my ID to go through the doors that led to the lobby. The locks were broken. I started to get even more nervous.

Giovanni must have felt it somehow. “It’s OK,” he whispered in my ear as he pulled me into his arms. When we got to my apartment door, he looked at me. “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” He touched my cheek. “I don’t want you to be afraid.”

“Yes,” I admitted, terrified of letting him leave.

Once we were inside, I changed into pajamas. I did it in the bathroom, too nervous to let him see my body. When I came out, Giovanni had found the extra pillow and blanket in the closet and set it up on the couch. He also had taken off his shoes, socks and shorts.

I bit my lip as I looked at him. “You can sleep in my bed,” I offered, hoping he would do it.

“I can’t do that,” he replied. “I’m a bit old-fashioned.” Then he kissed my lips, quickly. “Good night, Crystal.”

I was shocked.
Where did that come from?
He had kissed me on the cheek a few times, but never my mouth. I said, “’Night, Giovanni.” Then I walked into the next room and lay down, all alone.

I thought about the night we had together. My feelings for him had not gone away from the day I met him almost a year earlier. But was it only lust? Why was I able to sleep with Chad while I still yearned for Giovanni? Was Chad a replacement because I couldn’t have him?

I didn’t think so. I cared about Chad too much to allow that. I had always wanted Chad. It was just the right time for us to become lovers.

But what if that was all Giovanni and I had? Would that be good enough? How could I find out for sure? Maybe if I slept with him, as well, I would just know. Would it be different?

I heard Giovanni sigh in the other room. I really wanted him to hold me. Not have sex, just feel his body against mine. Maybe I needed assurance because of the break in. Or maybe there was something more to my feelings for him.

I woke up when I heard a noise. Then I heard footsteps in the hallway. I jumped out of my bed and ran to Giovanni. I grabbed his hands and held on tight.

He woke up easily. “What’s wrong?”

“I heard something.” I was shaking.

He got up and checked the hallway as I clung to the back of his shirt. “It’s your neighbor.” Then he turned around and hugged me. “I’m here. No-one’s coming in.” He caressed my hair. “Do you want me to sleep in your bed with you?”

“Please,” I responded desperately.

He kissed my cheek. Then he grabbed the pillow on the couch and led me back to bed. I was so fearful. I couldn’t let him go. So, he tossed the pillow down then just lifted me up and got me on the bed. I let go so I could get under the blanket and he did the same.

We soon were both lying on our sides and he had his arms around me from behind me. I felt like I was in heaven. He held me close to him and acted like such a gentleman. I was really hoping he would cop a feel, but he only put a hand just under my top, over my flat abdomen.

“Gimme your hand,” he whispered. He had an arm under my neck and opened that hand to me.

I clutched it tightly with both hands. “Don’t let go, please.”

“I won’t.” He pulled my body back against him a bit more. “I got you. Nothing’s gonna happen. I promise.” He kissed the back of my neck. “Close your eyes and dream about something that makes you happy. I’m right here.”

I woke up in Giovanni’s arms. He was stroking my hair and caressing my arm. My head was resting on his bicep. I didn’t move, so he would think I was asleep. I liked him touching me that way. I feared he would stop if I was awake.

He kissed my neck a few times and sighed. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered then shifted his body a bit.

I felt his stiff cock against my ass and it felt good. I closed my eyes as my need for him built. I wanted him to touch more of me. To encourage him, I leaned against him. In the process, my bottom moved across his crotch.

“Oh, Crystal, don’t,” he softly begged me, then pushed it into me more. “Damn, I want you. Why do you gotta be so hot?” Then after a minute, I heard him whisper. “Crystal, you still asleep?”

I made sure to stay still and not make a sound. He ran a hand down my side. Then he moved it under my top. Soon he had my breast in his hand. He sighed as he caressed it and rubbed my nipple with his fingers. I wanted to moan, but I didn’t dare.

“Please don’t wake up,” he quietly said, then sighed again. “You have such nice tits.”

Then his hand slid under my panties. He forced it between my legs and stroked me with his fingers. He started to kiss the back of my neck softly while thrusting into me.

“Wow, this is nice too,” he said.

It felt so good, but his fingers only stayed in there long enough to get me wet. When he pulled his hand away, I was sorely disappointed. I hoped I hadn’t moved and spooked him.

I got my answer when I felt my clothes coming off. I shut my eyes tightly as he laid me on my back. He got them off slowly.

I was soon naked and hoping he would continue. It was hard to stay still at that point. But if I wanted him to fuck me, I had to keep up the charade. I felt the bed move then slowly my legs were being positioned, opened wide.

Within seconds, he was on top of me and pushing his rock hard cock into me. I wanted to cry out from the pleasure that filled me with. I longed to open my eyes and enjoy seeing him over me, but, then he might stop.

Once he was in as deep as possible, he hooked my legs in his arms and started driving into me hard and fast.
How does he expect me to sleep through that?
I wondered. I tried not to express how it felt, but a moan escaped.

“You like that, huh?” Giovanni asked. “How about this?’

He began slamming into me roughly. I gasped and opened my eyes. He was smiling at me. He must have known I was awake.

“I’m not stupid,” he told me. “I knew you wanted me to fuck you. Is it all you hoped for?”

I moaned as he went faster. “Yes, now fuck me harder!” I shouted.

“Whatever you say.”

He got to his knees and lifted my hips, then started to pound me as hard as he could. It seemed like it should hurt, maybe a whole lot, but it felt incredible, I could hear his hips slapping into mine. It was an enchanting sound. I let out another moan as my insides responded to the violence. Then I screamed. I felt like I was ripping at the seams. The orgasm was so strong, I felt it in my toes.

“My turn,” he whispered then he shoved into me hard and held his hips to mine.

I felt him letting go inside me and realized he had no condom on. I cried out. “No, no, no!” I didn’t want him to get me pregnant.

He smiled down at me as his semen continued to work its way into my body. He held my hips up at such an angle it was all going deep within me.

I started to cry. I didn’t want a baby, not then. “No, no, no!”

“Crystal, wake up.” I felt my body shaking. “Crystal. It’s a dream.” It was Giovanni’s voice. I opened my eyes. I was still on my side. “Hey, you OK?”

It had only been a dream. I turned over. Giovanni and I were both dressed. I hugged him and started crying. I knew he would never make me have his baby. It was just a stupid dream.

“You were moaning in your sleep then you started saying ‘no.’ Was it a good dream or a bad one?”

I leaned my head on his chest. “It was good at first.”

“Just forget about it. I’m right here with you,” he assured me. “Go back to sleep. It’s only like three in the morning.” He held me as close as possible and ran his hands up and down my back under my top.


“Baby, we have to get up.” I heard as Giovanni and I were dancing. “Baby, your mom called three times already.” Then I realized it was Chad calling to me and I was only dreaming again.

I opened my eyes and looked at Chad. We were lying in his bed and I was in his arms. I loved waking up that way. But sometimes I wished he was Giovanni. Waking up to Giovanni felt different.

I was so out of it, I could barely think. Then I remembered why Chad was waking me. My parents had come for a visit. They were at his parent’s house. Mine had moved to California the month before, because my dad was transferred.

“Do we have to bring anything?” Chad asked me.

I blinked my eyes, trying to shake the need to go back to sleep. I was too tired to even reply to him.

He caressed my cheek. “Man, you’re so beautiful in the morning, especially naked.” He smiled at me slyly, then rolled us so he was on top. “I know how to wake you up.”

He started kissing my neck and slowly running his fingers through my hair. He knew how to turn me on fast. When he bit my neck lightly, I sighed. Then he opened my legs and slid his erection over my clit a few times. That made me moan. I loved that feeling, with or without clothes.

I could feel the blood rushing to my loins. My need was building quicker than ever before. Chad reached over to the nightstand, where he had thrown a few condoms the night before. Meanwhile, he took as much of my right breast into his mouth as he could and swirled his tongue around my hard nipple. Already I was completely on fire.

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