Two Guardians for Little May (11 page)

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He remained silent, pulling May to her
feet. He kissed her forehead and studied her face. After a moment, he took her
by the hand and escorted her to a corner.

"Stay right there until Caine
comes home."

For once, May had no desire to
challenge him. Her weeping lessened and she felt a peace settle over her heart.
She knew, as he had promised, that Layton truly did care.


Chapter 6


"Let's go
out and celebrate our one month anniversary," Layton announced over
dinner. "My treat."

"I think we
should celebrate one month of our special girl staying out of trouble."
Caine elbowed May, who sat next to him with a pout on her face.

"Yeah, I've
been an angel."

"It depends
on how you define trouble," Layton chuckled. "I recall a little
incident just two weeks ago…"

"Did you
clean your room?" Caine interrupted.

Daddy," May said, wrinkling her nose.

"I know you
are being facetious when you call me that, but I like it. Immensely," he
laughed. "So much so that I would really like it to be a regular

Her face brightened.

really. Layton and I enjoy the terms when you are in your Middle-mode."

that?" May blinked.

"That is
when you take on the personality of a young teenager. Old enough to know
better, but young enough not to think about the consequences," Layton

"Have you
noticed how much he laughs since you've come into our lives? Every time I turn
around, there's a smile on his face. I really like seeing that, Bro,"
Caine commented.

"I'm cute.
What's not to smile about," May asked. On impulse, she picked up a dinner
roll and pitched it across the table, striking Layton right between the eyes.


"No? Then
who did? This guy," May poked Caine in the ribs, "can't hit the side
of a barn. He throws like a girl!"

asking for it, isn't she?" Layton said to his brother.

"Sure sounds
like it."

May jumped up and
sped from them on a full run, barely missing Clara as she raced by. The two men
followed in hot pursuit, leaving a confused, but amused, housekeeper in their
wake. They caught up with May as she reached the sandy edge of the lake.

"I swallowed
a bug!" she coughed, as they tackled her to the ground. "No

"I'm going
to do more than tickling," Layton announced. "I think it's time that
I show her what a real spanking feels like."

"No! It was
only a bun!" May objected, as Layton pulled her up off the sand. "I
was just playing. And I've had a real spanking by you. Remember?"

"That was
not a real spanking, but this one will be. Come along now," Layton said in
a cheery tone as he led her to a picnic bench. "It's time to get your butt

please," May pleaded, uncertain if he was serious or playing.

please. Put your backside across my knee, young lady."

May eyed him,
hesitating to obey. She had grown to know the two men very well, and neither
one carried the tell-tale sign of annoyance on their face. Grumbling, she
placed her stomach over the muscular platform.

a big meanie-head," she muttered half-heartedly.

are a naughty little girl,
Maybelle Corinne. That means one thing…"

kicked wildly as he peeled her shorts down to the tops of her thighs. The tiny,
pink cheeky panties followed, leaving him plenty of room to rest his large,
warm hand.

Layton, stop!" May demanded, fighting not to laugh nervously.

"Bad little girls get spankings on
their bare bottoms. If you would have kept that roll on your plate instead of
throwing it me, you wouldn't be getting spanked right now," Layton
announced, smiling as his hand made full contact across May's backside.

shrieked for real, twisting to look at him. "Ow! Shit, Layton! That really

cussing," he scolded, smacking her twice on the upper thigh.

May squirmed, trying to avoid the sharp smacks, which found the crown of her
bottom every time.

love the shade of red on that gorgeous little bottom," Caine said, sitting
on the top of the table to watch the show.

you need to stop!" May demanded.

paused at the unusual sound in her voice. "Why would I want to stop?"

she twisted to look at him. "Why? You're making me horny, dammit! Both of
you make me want to explode. Are you that dense? If you aren't going to play
with me, then let me go! Fuck!" May snorted, pinching Layton's leg.

are you suggesting, May?" Caine asked. "Would you like to pursue a
more physical relationship?"

shit. OW!" May yelped as Layton smacked her bottom again.

of us? Together?" Caine pressed.

both must think I am a fucking whore. Ow! Stoppp!"

your swearing. We think nothing of the sort. We are very comfortable sharing a
lover," Caine said. "We just haven't found the right girl to fill
that place for us. Until now."

need to take this elsewhere," Layton said to Caine.

Clara should be going home soon and we can have the whole house to
ourselves," Caine said back, his voice tinged with excitement.

will be continued. Just remember, my sweet," Layton stood May up, and
adjusted her panties and shorts. "Be careful what you wish for."


wiped the palms of her hands across her shorts, nervously eyeing the two
ruggedly handsome men sitting across from her at the table. Clara had made a
peach pie for dessert, and chatted cheerfully with them as she poured their
coffee. Would she ever leave? May thought, both excited and terrified. She had
not been touched in an intimate manner since that horrible day over seven
months ago, and she wasn't sure of how she would respond. But one thing was
different—she trusted them. In fact, she had fallen in love—with
both of them.

She was
appalled at the words that had blurted out of her mouth, but how else was she
going to address her hidden desires? She loved being their little girl, but
sometimes the big girl's needs had to be taken care of, too. She prayed that
she wasn't making a mistake.

fidgeting," Layton ordered, his gray eyes peering hungrily at her from
over the edge of his cup.

me," May responded spontaneously.

I will, darling. I promise," he said with a wink. "We will finish
what we started earlier."

you certain you want to take it to the next level?" Caine asked quietly,
reaching across the table and catching her hand.

May bit
her lip and nodded nervously. "Yeah. I mean, if you do. Do you?"

than you know, baby. We've been hoping that this would happen for a long time.
We needed you to make the move, though. We didn't want you to feel forced or
that we needed sexual intimacy before we could be a part of you."

really embarrassed. I don't want you boys to think I'm easy or nothing."

Layton corrected. "We would never think poorly of you. Both of us have
come to, well, care about you very much."

heart sank. She wanted to be loved, not just cared for.

slump was noticed. "What's on your mind, sweet face?" Caine asked.


Layton interjected. "The word 'nothing' is neither an answer nor the
truth. When a question is asked, Daddy and I expect an immediate and honest
answer from you."

eyes grew moist upon hearing how he initiated the change from her being a big
girl to being a little one. The transition made her feel safe, but more
vulnerable. "I can't, Layton. The words hurt to say."

know it's hard sometimes to tell people how you feel," Caine said gently,
as he moved to sit next to her. He reached for her hands and kissed the back of
her wrists. "I think you know by now that neither of us will ever hurt you
on purpose. We want you to be happy."

heart pounded at the feel of his lips on her skin, and she flushed with both
desire and fear. "I'm just scared," she answered in a tiny voice.
"I don't want to be thrown away."

have no thoughts of ever throwing you away, my girl. You have no idea how
precious you are to us. But, we will take things slowly and work around any
obstacles that might come up together. We want you to be part of our lives for
a long, long time."

do? Really?"

would never lie to you, my love," Caine held her face in his hand and made
her keep eye contact. "I want you in every way I can have you. And so does
Layton. You belong to us now and neither of us are going to let you go."


promise. Have I ever broken a promise to you?" His voice took on a
different tone and May felt herself drifting back into her little girl

Daddy." She liked how that felt.

then, you have no need to worry. I do need you to try to trust me, though. I am
having to rely on my instincts, as well as my experience, okay? I will make
sure that we take care of you in the very best way."

sir. I'm sorry I'm so bad."

aren't being bad at all, baby," Layton said, his brow drawn into a frown.
"There is nothing wrong with how you feel, and I am very proud of you for
telling us." He looked over at Caine. "I have an idea. Let's start
her from the beginning tonight, and see how it goes."

was thinking the same thing. We'll go to my room. I have everything we need to
take care of her there."

I in trouble?"

more than usual, darling," Caine winked at her. "You do have the rest
of your spanking from Layton to finish."

don't want a spanking." May offered her best pouty face, hoping that
neither would believe her. In fact, a good, long spanking was exactly what she
want, and need, but there was no way
in bloody hell she was going to tell them that. Not in this lifetime!

girls need to pay the price for the naughty things they do. It's how we help
them grow up to be well-behaved young ladies." Layton said with a stern

don't wanna grow up. Please don't make me," May begged. She was surprised
to realize that her request held some sincerity.

you worry. There are only two incidences when you will have to be a big girl.
The first is when we are around people who don't understand our special
relationship. The second," Caine leaned into her and kissed her lightly on
the forehead, "is in the bedroom."

looked uncertain, Maybelle. Spill it." Layton observed.

guess I just feel disposable," she looked away. "Like eventually
you'll get bored and not want me. I hate this."

not true, Maybelle. Not at all." Layton joined her on the other side.
"That's your old life talking."

wish I could believe you."

I can be rather persuasive when it comes to reinforcing things," Layton
announced. "Like the first time I spanked you, I will make the same
promise. By the time I am done with you, you will know exactly where you stand
with me."

will I, baby girl," Caine planted a tiny kiss on her lips, "as will

I like it?" May asked timidly.

locked eyes with Caine, waiting for the answer. "I doubt it. But you will
know exactly how we feel about you when it's all over. This confusion you are
experiencing will be gone."

wish I could believe you," May said, leaning her head against Caine's arm.

will after tonight. All your fears and doubt will be put to rest. I
promise," he said, lifting her mouth to touch his. She parted her lips and
invited the softness of his tongue to touch her own. Her motions grew bolder as
she responded to his hunger, and she returned the kiss with an explosion of
passion. It stole her breath away, but also her heart.

it up, you two. Clara just left, which means that we can get to business,"
Layton said, standing as he pushed his chair from the table. He waited until
Caine stood up and stepped aside, leaving May sitting with a look of confusion
on her face. "Maybelle Corinne, I want you to put your nose back in the
corner until I call for you."

did I do?"

what Layton tells you to do, young lady," Caine ordered. "No temper
tantrums, either."

wrinkled her brow in confusion, looking back and forth between the two men. She
felt her mood heighten when she realized that they were taking her into this
special world for real! She wondered how far they would go, hoping they would
know what she needed more than she did.
here goes…

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