Unknown (14 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Vampire, #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Paranormal Romance, #Vampire Ballet, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Unknown
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“I’m sorry, too—for all of this,” Aleksi whispered, tracing his finger over the rim of the water glass in front of him.
For all of this? What does he mean by that?
I swallowed and nodded.

“I’m not apologizi
ng.” Kendra crossed her arms like a spoiled child.

Th-that’s fine, you don’t have t-t-to.” I shook my head and glanced around. “Let's just eat, o-okay?” Everyone at the table shifted uncomfortably. I smoothed my jacket and traced my fingers over my bangs.

“Kendra, I really do insi
st that you apologize to Autumn.” Aleksi’s voice was tight as he spoke, there was a threat there lingering between the words. She sighed and leaned against him.

“Well if you
insist, Baby. I’m sorry, Autumn.” Kendra smiled at me. “Can we just all go back to being friends again?”

I wanted to reach across the table and literally rip off her face off.
Don’t do that, it’s best to just put things behind you.




After the most awkward meal ever, I left. The others stayed, but I lied and told everyone I was proctoring another test in the morning. No one pushed me to stay. Garrett said he’d come over the next day to talk. I was thankful to walk down the street by myself without all of the complications of my friends. It was half way to the train when I noticed footsteps behind me. I turned and found Aleksi I couldn’t help but to furrow my brows as he walked passed me and nodded towards an alley.

I actually paused. Should I?
Nope, go home
After fretting with my scarf, I dipped into the darkened alleyway
. Aleksi met me in the middle, entering from the
opposite side. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there.

“I don’t think I can do this.” My heart fell as the words left his lips.

“O-oh…I… I understand, K-Kendra’s really… she’s gr
eat.” I stuttered out smoothing my coat again. He smirked and shook his head.

“I mean I don’t think I can stay away from you, Autumn. Every time I see you I need to touch you.
Even when I pick up Kendra, I can smell your perfume, and your scent coming from your apartment. It takes every bit of willpower I have to go into hers and not break the door down to yours.”

My cheeks were almost that shade of fuck-me red by the time he finished speaking. He still wanted me. I couldn’t believe it.
The act with Kendra is all mime he’s protecting both of us.
I was almost shocked by the positive response from Miss Manners.

“I thought…
well, I-I thought that you had really…” I trailed off and shook my head, and he laughed.

“You’re the only one I want, Autumn. But I can’t touch you, because if I touch you Elizabeta will know. If I speak to you in public, she’ll know. She has a million eyes and ears everywhere. Just…” He trailed off. “You can see others if you want to, I won’t ask you to go celibate. I just ask that you don’t date Garrett.”

“I...I d
on’t think that’ll be a problem.”

“I mean it, Autumn. This isn’t me being bitchy because he cares about you, it’s because he’s… look it’s not my business to tell you about his problem, but it’s worse than mine.”

“I f-find that hard to believe.” I shook my head, passing my fingers back through my hair. “I after all, now know what it feels like to have my back skinned with a b-bullwhip.”

He rubbed his face with his hand for a moment, his fingers cradling his pointed chin. Stuffing his hands back into his jacket pockets he sighed heavily.

“Still, please. I’d do something really stupid if you got hurt. Humor me?”

“It’s not even a possibility, Aleksi.” When I said his name, he grinned.

“Mmm, say that again.”


“My name, I love when you say my name.”

“Aleksi.” I purred his
name and he took a step closer, the fog of my breath floating up to his face. “Silly me I thought you liked it b-best when I s-said Master.” I couldn’t help but to bite my bottom lip.
Stop that, seriously, Autumn. He looks sideways at you and you turn to mush.

The tension between us was exquisite. Even though I knew he was with Kendra, I still wanted him. Maybe it was because I knew I couldn’t and shouldn’t have him that made me want him all the more.

Oh, Autumn, whatever am I going to do with you.” The tone of his voice sent chills down my spine.

It was like that hushed whisper was filled with all of the dirty things he wanted to do to me and with every uttered syllable I could see them in my mind. He leaned in closer, but still he refrained from actually touching me. “Tonight, when you get home.” He cooed to my pulse, I could feel those cold puffs of air on my throat. Each time his breath caressed my pulse I trembled violently. “I want you naked on your bed.” He took a slow breath, breathing in my scent as he lingered inches from me. My toes curled in my shoes as my eyes fell closed. It was so simple, and still my body hummed with desire. “I want you to grip those iron bars of your headboard and I don’t want you to touch yourself.”
I ignored Miss Manners and instead focused on the coppery taste that was now in my mouth.

My tongue traced over the perfect indentation of my teeth in my lip and I sucked at the blood. It was Aleksi’s turn to shiver as a low, soft, groan escaped from his lips. I could hear the leather of his jacket creaking, but he stayed that inch distance from me. He might have been all about control but it was painfully clear at that moment how extremely thin that control was.

“Tonight, even though I have to sleep with Kendra, in my mind it’ll be you that’s under me. I want you to feel it. I want you to envision me making you quiver and moan. I want you to call out my name loud enough that I can hear it through those thin walls.”
You shouldn’t be turned on by this.
Oh, but I am! My mouth was dry, and my panties were so wet I could feel the cool dampness of the fabric.

“O-okay.” I breathed softly. Admittedly, I was more than just a little light headed.

“Okay?” H
e chuckled darkly, that voice softer than a sea of silk. I swallowed and glanced up at him as he took a step away from me.

“Yes, Master,
” I whispered with a blush. That leather creaked again, and a small, frustrated noise left his lips once more. Then the rarest sound broke his lips, a slow, shaky breath. But he didn’t stay inches from me, nope, he took a few steps back. “Have you deci-decided if you’re g-going to tur—”

“No, not yet…” He trailed off and shook his head. “Would you like a ride?”

“I-isn’t that breaking the rules?” I
canted my head to the side, my fingers trailing over my coat.

“Technically, yes.” He cracked a
grin and then pursed his lips. Those all too blue eyes darted to my mouth as I nursed the still bleeding cut. I could watch him warring with himself, it was present in the tightness of his shoulders and the set of his jaw. “I should go then.” He turned and started down the alley but paused after a few steps. “Do you have an earpiece for your phone?”

“I h-have a Bluetooth one…somewhere.”

“Keep it near your phone.” W
as all he added before he continued walking again.


When I reached my building, Aleksi’s car was already out front and there were lights in Kendra’s windows. They were dim, she had lit candles. I knew enough about my friend’s habits to know what that meant. Did she know?
Do you really think he told her that she was essentially a sexual surrogate?
I climbed the stairs to the seventh floor and paused on the landing. Aleksi was standing outside of Kendra’s door alone. Was he waiting for me? He smirked at me slyly, and there was enough heat behind that gaze to simmer my blood with that glance and smile. He held his finger up to his lips.

“Tonight, in my mind it’s you.” He breathed before he knocked on the door. Kendra answered in seconds, and before she could say hi, he attacked her with one of those drowning deep kisses. I stared at them.
Wow, he’s turning you into quite the voyeur isn’t he?
I shook my head and started for my own door. My pulse, however, was frantic, and I could almost feel his tongue in my mouth.

Of course I fumbled with my keys, it took me almost five minutes to get my door open. Once that heavy dark wood door click closed and the lock rattled I frantically shed my clothes. In my mind he was there, helping me out of them. His hand impatiently tugging away my coat and blouse, yanking my skirt down, throwing my heels across the apartment.

I hastily unclasped my bra and slipped out of my thin lacy panties, in my mind he ripped through them like he had my bra in the limo. I then fell back on my bed, naked like he had instructed me and I grabbed the bars of my headboard.

Closing my eyes, I thought of him. The pleasure was nondescript, but I writhed on the bed all the same. In my mind, he was between my thighs, teasing my hungry sex with his tongue. I couldn’t help but to pant and moan his name softly, as that dull nondescript pleasure continued to build.

That tell-tale thudding began and it was like someone moved the little orange lever on the View-master controlling my fantasy. I arched off of the bed, straining my arms as in my mind he raised himself between my thighs and speared his hard cock into me. The pleasure made me breathless, forcing the air from my lungs.

I lost myself to the pleasure as my body melted and those thuds from the other side of the wall picked up speed. The pleasure continued to build and build, until it broke, with my body spasming around nothingness with a loud cry. I chanted his name like a prayer as my body contorted in what was one of the more fulfilling orgasms I had ever experienced. I was practically seated upright with my head thrown back and my ankles crossed with my feet raised off of the bed. I also heard a muffled cry from the other side of the wall as I collapsed on the bed panting attempting to catch my breath.

I was gelatinous. There was nothing solid about me as I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Once the glow had died down, I suddenly felt alone. I was acutely aware that I was in my apartment by myself, without a body to snuggle against—it was what I was in dire need of as I laid on my bed. I wanted to drift off to sleep beside him with my head on his chest.

My phone rang and I almost jumped out of my skin. I scrambled out of bed, as the beeping continued. I was one of those people who never set the ringer on their phone. By the fourth ring I answered, slipping the small Bluetooth ear bud into place. I didn’t know the number, but I still answered.

“Hello?” I said in a voice far more breathy than I would have liked. It sounded like I just finished having sex.

“I wish I
could be up there with you now.” Aleksi’s voice whispered in my ear. I let out a soft sigh and walked back to the bed.

“Well I wish you could have been there for all of it

“Come to the window.”

“Give me a sec, I need
m-my robe.”

“No robe, I want to see you.” The heat in his voice made me press my knees together and all of sudden my skin was hot, and my pulse beating between my legs again. He could dismantle me with a
single word.

“A-alright” I swallowed and Miss Manners damn near had a heart attack.
Are you fucking insane? Someone will see! Do you really want the entire neighborhood to see you naked?!
Still with a deep breath I stepped in front of the small window near the corner. I pulled back the curtain and raised the shade.

“Mm, beautiful.” H
e purred. “Touch your breasts—offer them to me.” He instructed as I peered out of the glass. He was leaning against his car looking up at me. I hesitated and adjusted the Bluetooth in my ear before I slid my hands over the sides of my breasts and lifted them. “Magnificent.” That simple word, knowing that I pleased him made me feel immensely thrilled and more than a little lightheaded. “Now I want you to show me how wet you are.”

I swallowed, there was no moisture in my mouth—it was like I had been walking through the desert for decades. With my heart beating like it was going to jump from my chest, I fluttered my fingers down my body, letting my heavy breasts fall before trailing down my stomach to my bare sex. Spreading my legs a little bit I parted the lips of my sex for him and he purred.

“My beautiful, Autumn.” H
e breathed huskily. “Touch yourself for me, I want to watch you cum.” With those words, my pulse jumped to all of the points of my body, and the fact that I was standing in the window seemed to melt away.

As my fingers slipped between the lips of my sex and my eyes fell closed a soft moan broke my lips. “Mmm, that’s it lovely, Autumn. Open your eyes, look at me. I want to see your face, beautiful.” My hips rose and fell seeking the pressure and friction my fingers offered as my gaze fixed on him. “That’s it.” He cooed, as I felt my skin prickle and my muscles tense as that delicious pleasure built. I raised up on my toes as my body writhed. I bit my lip, hard, and yelped as I caught the wound. However, the pain tipped me over the edge. “That’s it, cum for me.” He demanded and I yowled practically like a cat in heat as my orgasm set me off balance. I fell to the floor with a thud with his chuckling ever present in my ear. “Are you alright?” He inquired after a moment.

“I’m… I’m fine.
” I panted, “But I don’t know if I c-can peel myself off of the floor.” I laughed nervously.

“You don’t need to. If I could be there, I’d gather you in my arms and take you to bed. And I’d
feed from you and then we’d sleep.”

“It’s not fair.

“No, it’s not. But things hardly are in my world, my beautiful Autumn. I’ve learned to make the best of horrible situations.”

just want to… lay in your arms.” I murmured as I relaxed on the floor, kicking a foot up to rest on the windowsill.

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