Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) (12 page)

Read Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys)
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She gasped into his mouth, tipped her face up and kissed him with utter abandon. She slid her gloved hands beneath his coat and stroked his sides and back. The desperation in her kiss spoke more than she ever had. Even if she remained closed-lipped, he knew she wanted him. He’d pushed her farther than any lover he’d ever had and knew that he’d breached the walls of her heart. No one responded to him that way and didn’t give him the trust and love he craved.

He craved.
The words shocked him. Never had he admitted this to himself. He’d never known this desire for absolute control with his ex-wife or anyone else. Only Eva fulfilled his need to wrap his arms around something fragile and hold it near, stripping away the outer layers until the softer center was revealed to him.

A sound burst from him. He unzipped her coat and brought his warm body against hers so she didn’t get chilled. She opened her mouth wider and he swept into it, tasting her heated walls and the velvety silk of her tongue.

“I’m taking you.”

“Yes!” she whispered.

He stuck his finger in his mouth and pulled one glove off with his teeth, followed by the other. Dropping them at their feet, he reached into her coat and found the curve of her waist. Squeezing it hard, he set his lips against her bared throat and began working over the red bruise, which was now fading. He wanted it back—a marking that said she belonged to him.

She arched to give him better access, writhing when he drew on the skin. “Mason! I need you.”

“Tell me again.” His voice was ragged, as if he’d just single-handedly cut down a forest. He forced her to meet his gaze.

“I need you.”

“How?” he grated out. “Here?” He pinched her nipples through the cotton of her sweater until she screamed in ecstasy.


“And here?” Letting one hand travel downward, he dipped it into her waistband. The moist heat of her pussy met his hand and he continued on, running his finger over the seam, pressing the cotton into her needy sex.

She whimpered.

He burned to push her to give him more—give him the words he suddenly ached to hear. Finding her in the woods like this was completely unexpected and yet right. It made him realize she needed to be with him. Maybe even be with him always.

Flicking his finger against her straining pearl, he watched the bliss cross her beautiful features. Dark heat rose up in him. God, he wanted to see her tied up to his bed spread-eagle and the folds of her pussy juicy with want for him. But they’d have to make do with their surroundings.

Pulling his hand free, he lifted her again. Near the laurel there had been a fallen tree that sat low to the ground. The perfect place to lay her out.

“Mason, please…”

Moving back to the fallen tree, he kissed her before settling her on the thick trunk. His cock throbbed and he shifted it to ease it, standing back to look at her.

Her coat fell open to reveal a thick navy-blue sweater. She wore a t-shirt beneath it and God knew what else under that. Despite how warm he could make her, he couldn’t strip her in this weather. But he intended to get those jeans off her quickly.

“Lie back.” He guided her into position. Her legs splayed on either side of the trunk, her boots resting on the ground. The thickness of her coat hood cradled her head. “Your coloring against the snow is magnificent.”

She reached for him but he held her hands away. “No, darlin’. I’m in charge here, remember?”

Her eyelids fluttered and her lips parted on a sigh. “Yesss.”

Gliding his fingers into her waistband, he popped the button of her jeans. The zipper slid down with ease, exposing the V of her white cotton panties to him. He scrubbed a hand over his face, fighting for control. The sight of those innocent panties was somehow worse than the scrap of black lace he’d ripped off her before. He longed to get her soaking wet and just stand back and look at her pussy lips through the cloth…the dark shadow of the seam beckoning to him until he could stand it no more.

He couldn’t stand it now. He pulled off her boots. Lifting her ass in one palm, he tugged down her jeans. Then, removing his jacket, he spread it under her bare flesh so she didn’t get scraped on the bark.

The cold air pebbled her upper thighs and lower belly. And the space between was glistening with cream.

“You want this, don’t you, Eva?”

Her eyes darkened. “More than anything.”

“Or anyone?” Why was he pushing her to admit she wanted only him? That primal urge to possess her had taken over—a wild need that must be satiated right now in these woods.

“No one else has ever made me feel this way, Mason.”

Satisfaction threaded through his body and took up residence in his cock. “Touch yourself for me, baby. Let me see your desire on your fingers.”

She purred as she set her heels against the trunk and drew her knees upward to slide two fingers into her tight seam. He swiftly unfastened his jeans and dug into his wallet for a condom. He hadn’t carried them since high school, but now with Eva, he never knew when he’d have need of one.

Stroking her slippery folds, she moaned softly. The sound blended with the song of the wind and the rustle of the leaves. Sunlight filtered through the tree canopy and speckled her with glorious warmth.

Condom in place and cock straining, he stopped the play of her fingers before he lost control. He swung his leg over her and the tree trunk. Gripping her wrist, he brought her fingers to his nose, inhaling deeply. Her sweet musk threatened to send him over the edge.

“Taste me,” she urged.

He held her dark gaze as he drew her fingers to his mouth. He sucked her delicate, juice-coated fingers onto his tongue, groaning at the flavors. A shudder racked her and her belly dipped sharply as she inhaled.

“I can’t wait another minute, baby. Put your hands on my hips.” He positioned himself at her drenched sex, his purple head nudging her entrance. Come oozed from the tip, smearing the inside of the rubber.

She obeyed him, latching on to his hips with a force that enthralled him. Hell, everything about her completely enchanted him. In a short time, she’d consumed his actions and thoughts.

“Fill me, Mason. Please!”

In one swift thrust, he speared her. Their gasps were music, the sough of the wind the melody. He gripped her bare thighs and drew her up to meet his movements. Heat clawed at his insides. She wrapped around him so perfectly, hugging him with her body.

He closed his eyes and listened to the woods and his woman’s pleasure. He knew he could drive her to heights she’d never experienced but he wanted more. The softest part of his heart broke open and she trickled in without warning.

“Come on me, baby. Flood my cock.”

“You’re soooo…deeeep,” she rasped.

Her body shuddered around him and with a cry, she splintered in his hold. He pounded her harder, forcing the orgasm to peak as his cock twitched with his own release. He threw his head back and roared at the sky. In that moment, he had no idea what he was going to do about the logging business or his decision to sell it. But he knew one thing—he wasn’t going to be happy without Eva.

He drew her against him, cradling her while their breathing slowed and their waves of pleasure washed away. Regretfully he helped her to dress without putting her socks into the snow. He tied her boots for her and zipped up her coat.

She was softer now, made looser from his attentions. But there was still a worried light in her eyes he didn’t understand.

He pulled her against him and stroked her spine. “You sure you won’t come home with me?”

“No, Brady will be waiting for me. The sitter can’t stay very long. I promised to be back after— Well, soon.” She avoided his gaze again, casting a look far off where her footprints were now deepening in the sunshine.

He followed her stare, his mind casting about for some way to ask her to come over and bring Brady too when he spotted it. A spatter of blood on the pristine snow—the blood of a deer she’d shot and lied to him about.

* * * * *


Eva couldn’t stop shaking. The shock of finding herself with a dead deer in the woods and Mason bearing down on her clashed with the physical release she’d had. Add that to the exertion it took to go back and get the animal after he’d left the woods, prepare the deer and drag it to her car, then load it into the small hatchback, and she was spent.

Her knees wobbled as she climbed from her car. The curtain in the front window twitched aside and she heard a cry from inside that could only be Brady.

That’s right, I’m home and I somehow have to drag this animal to the shed to hang so we can freeze the meat and eat it for the next four months.

Her hands were rimmed with blood. She couldn’t bear to look at them. Not because it grossed her out but because she considered the blood tainted. She’d taken the deer on Mason’s land and then lied to him about it.

Her chest tightened anew. In the woods, she’d done everything she could to hide the spot where the animal had bled out. She’d kicked snow over it, stirred up the mud and even dragged some fallen branches over it. Hopefully he’d never go check, but if he did, it wouldn’t take a genius to realize what she’d done.

Betrayed him.

Fatigue struck her as she mounted the few steps to the front door. Brady whipped it open before she could and hurled himself at her legs. They threatened to buckle but she grasped the doorframe before she fell.

“Hey, little boy. You look like you had some cookie dough.”

“I did! It’s chocolate chip and so yummy!”

“Let me in. I need to wash up and then I’ll sample one.” She scooted past the babysitter and toed off her boots. Brady danced around her all the way to the bathroom. She answered him patiently but her mind was far away.

Enclosed in the bathroom alone, she scrubbed her hands clean and then looked at her reflection in the mirror. What was she doing? Was she any better than Bill? She was deceiving Mason about the money and had outright lied about the deer.

Tears threatened and she battled them, holding her eyes wide to keep them from dropping. She flooded the sink with cold water again and splashed her face until she calmed. Then she went about peeling off her layers until she wore only her thin tee and jeans.

She didn’t want to think about the stickiness between her thighs from her encounter with Mason in the woods, but her blood simmered at the mere memory.

Just focus on your life and your family. Pay off the debt and you’ll be free.

But would she? She wasn’t intimate with Mason because of her obligation to pay off the money her husband had stolen. Her link to Mason Dorsey went much deeper.

She paid the babysitter and thanked her. Brady kissed his caregiver and favorite playmate goodbye, and then Eva contemplated how to get the deer to the shed. Her nearest neighbor was a half mile away. She still had no phone to call him, but knew if she showed up at his house, asking for help, the retired mechanic would aid her. She could offer him some of the harvest in repayment.

Feeling bolstered by her decision, she put her son into the car and they drove to the neighbor’s house. Later, while her neighbor hung and dressed the deer in her shed, she thought about Mason and how she could possibly give her body to him freely but withhold her mind, her emotions and her heart.

Chapter Eight


Mason unscrewed the cap of his thermos and the steam from the hot coffee wafted out. He drew a deep breath of the scented air. Around him the world was at peace. The breeze was nonexistent, the clouds fluffy in the bright-blue sky. The snow had ceased to fall but the wetlands glittered with ice.

Long ago his father had erected a blind. Sometimes they’d hunt geese from it, but now Mason couldn’t bear to take down a bird that inhabited his land. He loved to sit here and watch the creatures. Times like this, it cleared his head.

He had no idea what his purpose was anymore. After Jack Caffrey’s accident, the business was a little strapped. Eva assured Mason that it would get better once the disability picked up and started paying, but right now their payroll account was low. And the last thing Mason wanted to do was dip into the big account. His dad always said that was for emergencies and big-ticket items such as new equipment.

In all his life, Mason had never experienced money troubles and he didn’t want to start now. He’d always had good food, warm clothes and a sturdy roof over his head.

Thinking of these things brought to mind Eva. What
she been doing in his woods? Hunting, without question, but why? The only thing he could guess was that she was low on funds and needed the meat. He was the last person to deny her the right to feed herself and her son.

He set his coffee aside without drinking it. Fuck, how could he help her without it seeming like charity? Christmas was a day away. She had meat but did she have other things like gifts and cookies and a tree?

The stillness of the air was broken with the churning of her car tires on snow as she trundled carefully up the long drive.

Was it seven o’clock already?

He gained his feet and kicked the wooden stool against the back wall of the blind. Then, grabbing his coffee, he picked his way through the high grass to the driveway. She braked the instant she spotted him, a smile wreathing her gorgeous face.

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