Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) (13 page)

Read Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys)
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His heart flipped over and sped out of control. She was here, and for the day, she was his.

A voice in his heart screamed that he wanted more, but he shut it off and stepped up to her door.

“Hey, stranger. You need a lift?” Her joking tone brought a smile to his lips.

“That’s what you’re into this morning? Because I’ll be glad to role-play.” His darker insinuation brought a flush to her cheeks. Taking pity on her, he said, “Turn off the car, Eva. Walk with me.”

She did as he asked and he opened her door for her, drawing her out as if she were a chain from a velvet box. She unraveled into his arms and he tucked her snugly against him, burrowing his nose in her fragrant hair and allowing his body to come to life at her nearness.

“Mason, are you okay?” Her words were muffled against his coat.

He took her hand and led her away from the little car. Beneath their boots, the snow crunched. Her glove was soft in his leather one. Her thumb moved back and forth over his, giving him an immediate hard-on.

Pondering her question, he thought about how to answer. He didn’t truly think he
okay. Smitten, yeah. Filled with lust, definitely. There was more, and he didn’t want to contemplate it yet.

They reached the blind again. “Sit with me and talk.”

She hesitated, looking up at him with those fathomless eyes that he could tip right into and drown in. “Okay.”

He pulled out the stool for her and she sank to it, never removing her gaze from him. He offered her the thermos of coffee but she refused it, knotting her hands in her lap.

“Tell me about your life, Eva.”

She started. “W-what?”

He drew up his stool close to hers and gathered her hands into one of his. “I don’t know enough about you. I know that you come to work at seven on the dot and that your eyes grow darker when you come—”

She blushed furiously.

“But I don’t know what you do when you get in that car and go home.”
I need to know.

She fidgeted and the action looked so like her restless movements in bed, his balls began to ache with fullness. He wanted to peel off her outer jacket and skim her curves, nuzzle the swells of her breasts and maybe sink his teeth lightly into one.

He bit back the growl that pressed his lips.

“Hmm. I go home to my son. Mason, do you think there’s someone else?”

He drew up straight. “No, why?”

She grew flustered, sputtering in reply. “The other day in the woods… You asked if you were the only one.”

“Ah.” He scuffed a hand over his two-day-old beard. He’d pushed her then, wanting to hear her say the things her body already told him. That she was in love with him.

Wasn’t she?

Unsure, he didn’t speak.

Her warm brown gaze seemed to drill into him. “You’re the only one in my life, Mason. I don’t… I haven’t been with anyone since Bill.”

His gaze ticked up to hers. “Does your son remember his dad?”

A distant look crossed her face and hardened her features. “No. He sees the pictures and talks about him, but he was too small to remember.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Not really.” Her instantaneous reply made him study her harder. Wishing he knew what was going on in that pretty little head of hers, he took a sip of the hot coffee.

“Brady is pretty well-adjusted,” she went on. “He has people who love him and that’s all that matters.”

“But he doesn’t crave male attention? Miss that bond a son has with his father?”

Her brows crinkled. “Maybe he’s too young right now.”

Mason crossed his ankle over his knee and leaned forward, placing the coffee in her hands. “Maybe.”

“We’ll visit my mom and dad this summer if we—” She broke off, drew a deep breath and then plowed on. “If we have the money. Brady loves his grandpa. He can get lots of male bonding then. They’d like us to come live with them.”

His air was cut off, leaving him with a feeling that he’d strangle. What would he do if she left? All this time he’d been thinking hard about what would happen if he left her, not the other way around. “And you’re thinking about moving?”

“I don’t know. I would prefer not to. I don’t have to make that decision right now.”

“But you might have to later?”

She met his stare straight on, and for the first time, he saw into her soul. That wall she’d erected between him and her personal life crumbled momentarily. His heart reached out to her. Damn, how he wished she would purge to him, tell him everything that was hurting her now and ever had in the past.

Finally she nodded but the veil was drawn over her pain again. “Yes, I might have to make that decision someday.”

He gazed across the wetlands at the small wooden box that housed the pair of geese. He’d placed fresh straw in it to give them a warm nest. A few pieces protruded from the square door but he was unable to see the pair that was mated for life.

“Decisions that affect your life so strongly are difficult to make,” he said. “I have a few of my own, and I’m not sure what to do.”

She swallowed audibly, but he noticed she hadn’t taken a drink of the coffee. “Like what, Mason?”

He tugged his knit cap down lower on his brow, wishing he hadn’t brought up the topic but determined to say it aloud. If she knew he might sell the business and leave the area, she might be forced to show him some emotion—some small indication that she cared about him the way he did about her.

“I never meant to stay here and run my father’s business. I sort of settled into it because at the time I didn’t want to let it go. It’s an empire he built, and selling off something that meant so much to him was beyond me for a long time.”

A stony expression froze her face. “Now you’re ready to take that step?”

No, goddammit, I’d love to take another step if only you’d give me the words.

He shook his head. “Not sure yet. Jack Caffrey’s accident is tipping the scales. But there’s a lot that would need to be done before I could sell.”

Something moved behind her eyes. “I’m sure there is.” She sank her teeth into her lower lip. He focused on her plump flesh, zeroing in until he could see nothing of the beautiful world but Eva.

“I’d help you in any way I could, Mason. But I have to say… I don’t want—” She broke off, struggling.

He watched her, silently urging her to let him know her thoughts and feelings.

Finally, she said, “I don’t want you to go.” Tears sparked in her eyes.

Elation burst in his chest. He tore the thermos from her hands and dropped it to the floor. And then he scooped her into his arms, pulling her off the stool and onto his lap, commanding her mouth, kissing her until she was gasping. Still he couldn’t get enough.

She touched him all over, clinging to his shoulders, wrapping her arms around his torso, clasping his face and forcing him to kiss her more roughly. “Mason, let’s go into the office and check the answering machine.”

He met her gaze.

“And then you can take me to bed.”

He made a noise in his chest. To him, her suggestion was as good as telling him to love her.

But he already did.

* * * * *


Mason held Eva’s gaze, the dark depths of his eyes a caress that she felt all over her body. Her nipples were hard and aching and her bra felt too tight. But she could breathe. Here in his bedroom, she let go of her financial worries and even the terror that he’d sell the business and just listened to her body and the thrum of her heart.

He closed the door behind him with a soft
. His legs were braced wide and his gloved fists clenched at his sides as he stared at her. “Take off your clothes, Eva.”

She pulled off her winter coat and then removed her boots, glancing at him between her actions. Everything about him called to her, but the sight of his leather gloves thrilled her to her core.

Her pussy squeezed and juices flooded her panties. She’d worn the red lace ones for him today, hoping he’d abandon their work if only for five minutes. Today they had only one logging team going and their manager was one of the most experienced in the state, so he wouldn’t require much guidance. As she and Mason passed through the office, kissing passionately, he’d torn his mouth free long enough to tell her he was confident that team wouldn’t be calling in for a while.

She pinched the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. Her hair waved around her shoulders, stroking her skin and raising gooseflesh. Her gaze shot to Mason’s again.

He continued to stare at her, an intense expression on his rugged features. His eyes were narrowed but his lips relaxed. Full. Enticing. Would he taste her today?

Reaching around her back, she found her bra clasp.

“Leave the bra.”

A shiver ran over her at his command. She wanted to beg him to be allowed to remove it. If he didn’t touch her breasts, she’d die.

Keeping her lips together and her plea in, she unbuttoned her black dress pants. Aware of the growing bulge in his jeans, she slipped the cloth down her hips, removing her socks too.

Standing in only her bra and panties, she waited for his next instructions. Their gazes clashed and held, held, until she grew dizzy and stars burst behind her eyes. Suddenly she realized she wasn’t breathing.

Dragging a gulp of air into her lungs, she found it flavored with Mason’s musk. God, she wanted to kiss a path down his thick chest to his carved abs, and lower, nuzzling the nest of his pubic hair.

“The panties, baby. Take them off.”

She jerked into action, hooking her thumbs in the red lace and drawing them down. When she looked up at him again, he was stroking his cock through his jeans. Trembling now, she stepped out of her panties. She moved to let them drop to the floor but he stopped her.

“Bring them to me.”

As she obeyed, her hips swayed more than usual because her thighs were slippery. Her bare feet scuffed the thick pile carpet and a log shifted in the fireplace, crackling.

Her nerve endings felt electrified by his gaze and the excitement of what he was about to do. She came within a foot of him and a wall of heat from his body bathed her.

He started to remove his gloves but she stayed him. “Will you leave them on?”

A rumble sounded in his chest. “Mmm, you like them, baby? For you, I will.” He held out a leather-clad palm and she placed the scrap of her panties on it.

Holding her gaze, he drew them to his face and inhaled deeply.

A spear of need ripped through her. She clamped her thighs together to keep from touching herself. Her nubbin throbbed within her soaking folds.

Again, he breathed in the essence of her panties, his eyes hooded with desire. “Turn around.”

Shuddering with absolute need, she did his bidding. At once, he clutched her wrists together. The cool touch of his leather gloves against her wrists ignited her. The smoothness sent images racing through her mind, of one index finger running down the seam of her pussy and entering her.

Out of control, she rocked her hips backward, thrusting her ass toward him. She longed to see the length of his cock in his black-clad fist, the velvety shaft pulsating and pre-come oozing from the tip.

Knowing better than to beg, she waited as he knotted her wrists together using her panties.

She threw a glance over her shoulder.

“Don’t turn around.”

The rustling sound of clothes being removed reached her. She mentally undressed him—heavy coat, worn flannel shirt, jeans, boots—all abandoned, leaving him in his tight black boxers, his cock canted sideways, the head nearly touching his hip.

More moisture flowed from her. She inhaled sharply when she felt his rough facial hair against her bare spine. Writhing, she barely contained her need to cry out.

He ground his jaw against her lower back and down to her bound hands. He nuzzled her bonds, inhaling the scents of her musk on her panties again. White heat captured her and she nearly turned to face him.

He gripped her hips with his gloved hands. “Don’t move, Eva. I’m going to do what I want with you. How does that sound?”


“Like this.” With a shock, she felt his tongue on the seam of her buttocks. Warm, wet heat swirled up and down, prodding inward with every pass. The intimate and forbidden kiss sent dark tendrils of bliss through her like ink in a pool of water.

“Bend over.” His hot breath fanned her ass cheek, nearly unhinging her.


“Shh.” He pressed on the small of her back until she tipped forward enough for him. Then, using his gloved hands, he parted her globes and thrust his tongue deeply between them.

Whips of need lashed her as he stroked her. Juices pooled between her thighs. When he breached her nether hole, she cried out. The lusty tone echoed throughout the room. He prodded the ridges, running his tongue around them until her legs grew weak.

He supported her and sent his tongue into the opening. In slow, mind-numbing flicks, he tasted her. He pulled back and a minute later she felt his bare finger at her opening. He eased the tip in.

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