Untouched (10 page)

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Authors: Lilly Wilde

BOOK: Untouched
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He leaned in towards me, so close his lips almost touched my ear and whispered, “I know you liked it. All of it.” Right on cue Virginia clenched. 

He was right. I completely identified with his desire for this because I felt the same. I could sense myself being drawn uncontrollably to him. And I knew that if I didn’t come up with something to stop myself, I would be lost in him. I could feel it happening already. This was the one thing that I had been truly afraid of; the one thing I had run from for years. It was much more than the sexual appeal. It was him. Everything about him drew me in. I was terrified. He didn’t want me to fight this and I didn’t want to but I knew that if I didn't, I would be opening a door to heartache…and possibly suffering the same fate as my mom.

“I never said that I didn’t like it. I said that it should stop.”

“I told you and I will continue telling you until you accept it…I want you.”

“Well, what if I don’t want you? Are you planning to force yourself on me?”

“That’s too ridiculous of a question to warrant a response Aria.”

The sound of voices nearing prompted him to grab my hand. “Come with me.” I followed as he led me into a corridor. We approached a closed door. He looked around, I assumed to ensure we weren’t seen, and he opened the door. We entered a dark vacant room. Without looking for a light switch, he reached to lock the door, grabbed me in his arms and pressed my back firmly to the door. In one fluid movement, he was on his knees in front of me sliding my dress up over my thighs. I didn’t object as he pushed my thighs apart and slid a finger under my panties, pulling them aside. Then his mouth was on me. I leaned my head back against the door, panting as his tongue opened the soft wet folds. My urge to resist vanished as his warm tongue began expertly massaging my moist cunt. I melted into his mouth.

“You taste so good,” he whispered between long deep licks.

My moans of pleasure reverberated throughout my body as he lifted one leg over his shoulder opening me wider for him.



I arrived at Boston Logan International and strolled directly to airport security. I was pleasantly surprised to see a line that moved relatively quickly. I made my way to the terminal but not before a stop at Starbucks to grab a Chai Tea Latte. I reached the US Airways gate, took a seat and grabbed my phone to check in with April. We had planned to arrive at St. Barts as close to the same time as possible. I was scheduled to arrive around 3 o’clock in the morning and she at 8 o’clock. Soon after checking in with April, there was an announcement of a flight delay which ultimately became a delay of four hours due to mechanical issues.

Later when I boarded my flight, I was embroiled in thoughts of Aiden and his proposal. Indecent? Maybe. Sexually satisfying? Most definitely. Dangerous? Extraordinarily more than I should entertain. I was backtracking to see how I’d reached this point. I went from a resounding no to giving that man parts of me that I never allowed anyone to access. That damned dance, it was the final piece that drove me directly into his arms or onto his cock was a more apt description.

That was the second time that salsa dancing had led to something
unexpected. The difference being that the first time it happened, it was with someone I trusted to not hurt me. It happened on my Venezuelan trip with April. We were headed back to our hotel room; it had been an amazing night filled with hot guys, strong drinks, wet bodies and salsa dancing. It had gotten pretty late and the club was about to close. April and I said goodnight to our dance partners, much to their disappointment and took a cab back to the hotel. We straggled out of the cab and up to our room, loud and giggling like two school-aged girls. We were so wasted that it took nearly five minutes to place the hotel door card in the correct spot to unlock the door. We finally stumbled into the room, shoes in hand.

“Tonight was a blast Aria.”

“Yeah, it was huh? I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. But you know, I think one of us had too much to drink though,” I added giggling.

“Wow! That’s a shock. I usually have to listen to you go on and on defending yourself before you admit anything. I really didn’t want to say it but you did go way overboard.”

“Me?” I asked.

“Yes, you.”

“Uh, I was referring to you April. You could barely stand toward the end of the night, let alone dance. That’s why I had the remarkable idea to leave before your salsa dancing took a turn for the worse.”

“My salsa dancing? I’m such an awesome dancer that I could do it in my sleep, so no doubt I’m equally awesome under the influence of a little alcohol. You on the other hand, you lose judgment and go a bit far on the sexy part of the dance. That’s why I had the remarkable idea to get out of there before that guy lost control and tried to fuck you right there on the dance floor.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything that you or any of those other women weren’t doing. And by the way, I had the idea to come back to the hotel…not you. See, you’re too drunk to remember what happened even thirty minutes ago,” I added laughing.

“Do you remember how he responded when you went down on him?” she asked laughing.

“What? I did no such thing.”

“Yep, you kinda did,” she replied.

She opened her purse and pulled out her iPhone and located a salsa tune.

She grabbed my hands and pulled me to the center of the room.

“Dance with me and I‘ll show you. You are him and I’ll be you.”

She began moving like a sultry exotic dancer closing the distance between us. She turned around and gyrated her butt so that it was touching me.

“I did not do that.”

“Uh, yeah you did. But wait, there’s more,” she added giggling.

She turned and placed her hands on my shoulders sliding them down as she moved down towards the floor, her face in front of Virginia and her hands on my ass as she rubbed her lips in my pelvic area. She lost her balance on the way back up and fell into me, pushing me back on the couch and we both erupted into drunken laughter, our faces mere inches apart.

“I’m so glad we’re best friends. I love you Aria.”

“I love you too April.” April kissed me briefly on the lips and we started laughing again and before I knew it, we were engrossed in a deep kiss.

“What are we doing?” I asked laughing.

“I don’t know but I think I like it,” she replied and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the bedroom. We were standing near the bed staring at each other. We both giggled and somehow a sultry kiss erupted that made me feel things I’d never felt before. I reached to grab her breasts as we continued kissing. She leaned down and grabbed the hem of my dress and lifted it over my head. She removed my bra and I reached to unbutton her dress to discover she wasn’t wearing a bra at all. Her breasts were achingly swollen, her nipples erect and eager. I grasped them both in my hands and leaned closer to softly kiss her still blossoming nipples. A low moan escaped her mouth as I started to circle my tongue around her nipple before pulling it between my lips, sucking. She pulled me closer and we began to kiss again as we lay on the bed, our bodies writhing. 

As we kissed, I trailed my hand down her body and eased two fingers inside her, stroking her hot flesh. She began grinding, urging me to pump harder. I pushed a third finger inside her and probed deeper. I pulled back and eased my fingers out of her, sliding them over her lips. She licked her juices from my fingers and pulled me in to kiss her as her hands moved to my shoulders urging me downward. I slid down the bed between her thighs and softly kissed the tip of her clit. I licked and sucked on the sensitive bud as she moaned and grinded on my face.  She sat up; her elbows supporting her upper body, watching me. “Let me taste you,” she said. “Sit on my face.” I licked her slick flesh once more and then positioned myself atop her mouth facing her feet. She grabbed my ass, pulling me down, burying her face in my sex. Her tongue eased inside me and I nearly convulsed. It felt so good, so soft and sensual. 

She passionately licked and sucked as I leaned downward and slid my fingers between her slick folds. I lapped at her clit as I twirled my fingers inside her. She was so wet, my fingers were soaked. I pushed my fingers in deeper, moving them faster.  She dug her fingers in my ass, pulling me downward as I writhed shamelessly on her mouth, our moans in unison as we approached a climax. I felt the tightening of my core and cried out, the vicious orgasm flowing through me. I felt her deep moans vibrating into me as she shivered, her climax claiming her as she suctioned my clit, sucking so hard that my body trembled over her. Her tongue laced over my sex one final time before releasing me. I fell on the bed beside her, breathless and exhausted. Our breathing slowly calmed and we drifted off to sleep.

The light of the morning sun shone brightly in the bedroom inviting me to join the new day. I slowly opened my eyes which sent a direct message to my head, reminding it to throb mercilessly from the over indulgence of alcohol the previous night. I turned over in bed coming face to face with April. She was asleep and practically uncovered, revealing her breasts. I found it odd that she was in my bed and even more so that she was naked. I realized my own state of nakedness and the memories of the previous night came rushing back.

She and I had never done anything like that before. Yes, we had kissed before, goofing around after having too many drinks but who hadn’t kissed their best girlfriend in this day and age? But to go as far as having sex with her, the thought had never crossed my mind.

I quietly slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Stepping in the steaming hot flow of water, I closed my eyes and allowed the water to caress my body as my mind drifted to the previous night’s jaunt with April.  I was alarmed when I felt soft hands on my shoulders and turned to see she had stepped in the shower behind me. We exchanged knowing smiles and I turned to face the water. We showered, washed our hair and stepped out of the shower to start our day. Not a word was spoken about the previous night’s events.




There was an announcement that we had reached the approved altitude. I reached for my laptop to check my work email when I remembered that I had forgotten to set my out-of-office message. I skimmed the list of new email messages and didn’t notice anything too pressing. One name stood out that seemed vaguely familiar but since I didn’t fully recognize the name, I would wait and check it once I was back at the office. I set my automated message and checked my personal email. There was a message from Aiden. How did he get my email address? I clicked to open it.


I hope you enjoy your vacation but not so much so that you forget your promise. I’m anxiously awaiting your answer. Your delicious smell is still on my lips. I‘ve licked my lips so much in the past hour that they are damn near chapped.

I want you.


Virginia, although sore, immediately tightened. Did she ever get enough?  I clicked reply.

It’s only been a few hours. Wasn’t twice today enough to sate your appetite? One would think so but obviously not when it comes to you.

I smiled and clicked send.

His response.

How is the flight?

I typed a reply.

The flight is great except for a minor annoyance that I can’t seem to escape, even at 40,000 feet!

I opened his next email.

Oh, so you’ve got jokes? I don’t recall your finding anything remotely annoying when I was fucking you. If memory serves, I rendered you speechless.

I didn’t reply.

A few moments later, another email.

Are you ignoring me?

I didn’t answer. I powered off my computer, placed it in my bag and reclined my seat to get some rest. I wanted to enjoy the next four days. But how could I do that when the very reason I needed the escape was lurking in the shadows?




In what seemed like minutes, the voice of the airline attendant awakened me.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened …”

I adjusted my seat in preparation for landing. I was once again mentally exhausted, which had become the norm as of late; I had slept the entire flight. It was over before I could spend any necessary time pondering Aiden’s suggestion. In the small amount of time in which I had thought of Aiden, I had been unable to focus on the terms of the proposal due to my involuntary memories of the elevator, my office and the dark room on the yacht. He had made an offer to which I wanted to agree but it was on his terms, not mine. That was atypical for me; I set the terms and the other party agreed – even if he were expecting more, he always agreed. Now the tables had turned and I was being propositioned. I felt cheap. I wondered if this was how the men felt. No, I doubted that. What was I thinking? I laughed to myself as I walked through the US Airways air bridge.

Thankful that I only had a carry-on, I took the escalator down one level and found the sign for ground transportation. We were staying in Pointe Milou at the Mirande Villa; a short ten minutes from the airport. I was exhausted but the excitement of beginning my vacation overshadowed my need for sleep. I sighed happily. This beautiful paradise offered all the ingredients for a successful holiday with my best friend and I couldn’t wait to get started.

Exiting the cab, a valet secured my bag leading me to the welcome center concierge. I noticed April sitting near the indoor fountain talking to a handsome stranger. Well I assumed it was a stranger but with April you never knew. She was a hot-guy magnet. She never kept any of them around for any measurable amount of time, which was another story within itself. She was a gorgeous brunette, slightly taller than I was with a few more curves- her boobs and ass were a little more accentuated than mine. She practically lived in the gym and was actually the ideal weight, not like those skinny girls that starve to stay in a size 2! It was her laugh that had caught my attention; she had a very distinct laugh, it was almost contagious. I completed the check- in process and rushed over to say hi to the one person who truly felt like family to me. She glanced up in time to see me approaching and jumped from her seat, squealing as she rushed to meet me hugging me so hard I started to laugh.

“Finally,” she said.

“Finally what?” I asked.

“You’re here silly!”

“I’m glad to see you too,” I replied smiling. “So, who’s your friend?” I asked referring to the guy with whom she was engrossed in conversation a few seconds ago.

“Oh, just some guy I was sitting beside on the plane. We struck up a conversation and ended up sharing a cab here. Isn’t he hot?”

April walked over to him and introduced us. He was actually even more appealing up close. We exchanged friendly conversation until the concierge notified us that the ferry shuttle to the villa had arrived. We said our goodbyes and headed outside. We were both anxious to get to the villa and start our vacation.

The shuttle ride revealed the breathtaking luxuriousness of the beach-fringed volcanic isle. It was a virtual paradise of exotic colors and clear tranquil waters. I was disappointed at the thought of only having a few days here. Our itinerary consisted of snorkeling, soaking up the tropical sun, clubbing and shopping the local boutiques. Oh and of course the hot guys, which was the main reason I initially booked this trip but recent events had proved that motive pointless.

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