Vampire: Desire of Blood (Desires of Blood Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Vampire: Desire of Blood (Desires of Blood Book 1)
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Royce needed her to stay human. He needed her humanity and he needed Beth Ann in his life. A brilliant ADA, she knew how to handle the judicial system. So far, they’d proved to be an excellent team because of their melding of who they were. An unemotional do-gooder and a smart human lawmaker, besides getting along superbly in bed. He snickered, she was the best fuck he’d had in centuries, of that he was sure.

Oh, yea, she was definitely the best fuck he’d ever had. But was she becoming more? Impossible, he thought. Impossible, he’d never experience love again.

Chapter Two


He watched her beautiful face as she neared her pleasure. He pulled his cock in and out of her numerous times. Each thrust bringing them closer to nirvana. Their hearts were beating fast, their breath labored and sweat erupted from every pore as he grabbed her neck letting his fangs to sink into her throbbing vein. He let her blood burst forth into his mouth, and it dripped slowly down his throat, the salty richness invigorating him. He’d only take a few precious ounces because he needed nothing more to hold him until his body screamed out for more.

He’d learned over the years to control his hunger. He could be around wounded and bleeding humans even though he hadn’t fed in weeks. He was by far a superior creature and he’d learned control after many years of extravagant behavior.

Royce pumped hard and then Beth Ann begged. “Oh, baby I’m ready, please, please…” He rammed one more time into her and they came together, his bite aiding them both, to orgasm.

The only time his slow beating heart increased was during sex. He also didn’t need as many breaths as he did when he was human but during sex, his body demanded more oxygen. The sweat erupted during any excitement he experienced, and that’s when he needed blood At the point of orgasm every vampire found it was best to feed. Replenishment was necessary and they found that to do so, enhanced the experience for both, it was euphoric.

But Royce’s body wasn’t done yet. His cock throbbed and still was hard. Pelvis to pelvis he ground his into Beth Ann’s.

“Jesus Christ,” she sobbed holding onto to his neck. Fangs now were back inside his gums, his eyes hazel, and his vampire persona neatly tucked away. Once again, he began to fuck her with fast hard strokes, full of energy, and playful as he rolled his cock around inside of her. He took himself out and pulled her legs wide. In an instant, he had her thighs around his head and his tongue devoured her clit. He ate her out until she screamed.

“Royce, please inside of me, oh God fuck me!”

He was happy to, as he mounted her again and fucked her hard, slamming into her, their bodies again slick with sweat. He ejaculated again, finally rendering his cock sated and softened. It took two orgasms and ejaculations to satisfy any male vampire. They were literal fucking machines.

He held her close, only because he understood that this is what she needed. He craved nothing after sex or a feeding. Royce hated the emptiness, the oneness he experienced afterward. It was at times like this that he missed humanity the most. He moved aside her hair and licked at the two small puncture wounds. His saliva aided in the healing. In a few moments, the skin would be smooth and soft never displaying any disfigurement.

Vampires experienced most emotions, but not love or any great deal of compassion. Unfortunately, when some newborn vampires realized the one human emotion they couldn’t experience was love, they took their own lives by walking into the sunlight. It was a sure death sentence because it would take centuries to build up a tolerance to the sun’s strong rays.

Even after Royce found he couldn’t love anymore it made no difference to him. He’d given up on love quickly because he’d lost everything and everyone he ever cared about. After becoming a vampire, the hurt, the loneliness and despair lessened. He welcomed the numbness and the lack of emotion. Now after centuries he found he missed the intimacy he knew he no longer would be able to feel or give.

Perhaps that was the main reason he never ventured to turn any more humans into vampires. Call it empathy, call it whatever you like, he was never walking down that road again. He’d done his share of creating abominations and he was happy that he only had three to contend with, all women.

But that also was centuries before, when there such a lack of control and consideration for the human race. As time went on and man became more
all creatures followed suit and changed their barbaric ways. As of late, there seem to be a revival of crime among his kind. That infuriated him it was time to investigate some vampire nests in the area.

He no longer was part of any nest, but lived very much as a human. Some never gave up the old ways and a few newly made vampires were trying to capture a lost way of life. Now he saw it might be a problem for the city. There were too many missing persons in the last few months and newborn stillbirths. The police rarely picked up on the stillbirths because the thought was horrific. A vampire checked out all channels, blood after all was the mainstay of their diet.

The process of deciding who would become a vampire wasn’t any great science. Vampires came from all walks of life and there was no discrimination when it came to blood. Doctors or nurses at hospitals were no exception and trancing those around them to get the blood of innocents couldn’t be ruled out.

He’d learned that during the middle ages, some newborn female vampires had taken to midwifery and taking blood from innocents. He’d hate to think he’d be facing that once again.

Beth Ann held him close. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed being in her arms or the thought of knowing she cared deeply for him. With Beth Ann he managed to retain some of his humanity. Her love for him created a connection helping him deal with humans on a daily basis. When he’d had a difficult night, getting her input on human behavior calmed him down, eased his frustrations and need to eliminate the perps he had to deal with. He respected her and her position in the judicial system. He couldn’t deny she made living in the twenty first century bearable and it would be so easy to turn her keeping her with him for an eternity. But he’d sworn never to do that again. Especially since Lucinda was driving him crazy lately.

She’d fallen in love with a magician, no, she disagreed, he was a warlock, a man with an extreme knowledge of the dark arts. Christ, magic, that shit even unnerved him and so did Lucinda.

“Royce baby, you seem to be deep in thought. How about coming back to me and the present?” she cooed.

“Sorry baby, the job sometimes haunts me. There’s been a spike in crime the last few months, a shit load of missing person reports and I need to check the hospital records, see if there have been reports of unattended vampire bites,” he said holding her tighter.

“I do know all about that, I am after all an assistant district attorney,” she said. “Like you, I’m concerned, but tonight Royce, can we put the bullshit that goes on in the city where it belongs, out there and not in here with us.”

“I can wipe it from my mind Beth Ann as easy as saying abracadabra, but can you?”

“Watch me, my vampire,” she said snuggling into his arms as he rolled to the side. She was sound asleep in seconds. He rested also but his mind was on the past and on the future, always looking for clues and ways to keep the city he loved safe. Beth Ann was a perfect fit. He pulled the covers over them and closed his eyes. He erased the present from his mind and let the past roll in. His thoughts were on Lucinda. He hadn’t heard from her in over twenty-hour hours. He hoped that didn’t indicate she was in trouble. A fucking warlock, she had to hook up with a fucking warlock. He’d heard from Magenta, she was okay and she’d met someone. The woman could talk, he was just glad she’d found someone else to listen to her. And Dahlia had checked in. She was alone and finding herself, Christ what the fuck was he thinking when he made these three vampires? He knew that answer, his cock of course.

Then there was his job. He loved being a cop and the city needed more like him. Crime had changed its face in the last years. He was grateful the
accepted the
different ones.
Unfortunately, once they’d all came out of the woodwork hunting crime became a whole new adventure his kind of adventure.

He turned to gaze at Beth Ann and smiled. He’d kill anyone or anything that tried to hurt her. Again he thought about his
He sighed, he had no feelings what he experienced was instinct, nothing more. He closed his eyes and let his mind rest. An echo reverberated through his head, yeah sure. Ah, fuck he needed to shut down for a while, so he let his mind wander.

He could still remember waking up and realizing he was no longer human. That was over a thousand years ago and many lifetimes had passed since then. However, Royce knew the draw because it’s how he became a vampire. He’d begged for it and the beautiful creature who took him gave him what he had craved. He’d never forget Simone, she gave birth to him, perhaps not in the human way, but she was his mother in the vampire sense. Royce Bellamy would reinvent himself many times over as he journeyed through time. He still could recount the day he was


Chapter Three

1044 A.D.


Royce Bellamy was once a thirty-five year old French farmer, who had true happiness in his life but had lost his family to a grave illness. He witnessed his two small boys and lovely wife ravaged by sickness. Then he was nothing more than a human and had tried what he could to treat them, but his efforts were futile. Despondent and alone, he became a warrior fighting for whatever cause he could find. He’d been seriously wounded during a fierce battle in 1044 A.D. fighting for a little town known as Tours, in France. He would have died, but for a young woman named Simone. At dusk, the villagers came out to scavenge through the bodies to find what valuables they could. There she found him, and he was barely alive. When night fell, she came back for him and dragged him to her home. There she sated her need for blood because she was a vampire. There she fed on him.

When he opened his eyes after what must have been days, he found her asleep by his side. It was daylight, the sun peered through the rough-hewn wooden shutters, and when he went to get up, he felt surprisingly strong. That was impossible. He’d been stabbed countless times and was in unbearable pain. He remembered her face vaguely and the excruciating pain as she dragged him in the dark. Now as he went to rise from the bed, he felt as though he could conquer the world. It was then he noticed he was naked and so was she.

Events began to materialize in his head and he had visions of her riding his cock, of him fucking her hard and longer than he’d ever been capable of doing. All he could see was her wild red head of hair falling in disarray around them and her intense blue eyes taking him in as they fucked. He shook his head he had to clear his mind because his next vision cut him to the bone. His hand went to his neck and then he saw her again this vision caused him to take a deep breath. Was it possible the monster he remembered was the small lovely woman who now lay sound asleep before him?

He walked over to the window and opened the shutters. The light and heat nearly knocked him off his feet. The burning that began overwhelmed him. He slammed the shutters shut. He inspected the skin on his arms and his eyes widened in wonder. They were red and blistered but as he watched, they dissipated. Then his eyes scanned over the young woman on the bed and his cock began to twinge. Blood flowed quickly to his now swollen appendage. He was horny. He was confused and he was scared. What the hell had she done to him?

He climbed back onto the bed and scanned her body. Her eyes fluttered. She was awakening.

“What have you done to me?” he asked quietly.

Nothing, she didn’t respond. He tried again, “Please wake up. I have questions.”

Her eyes opened slowly. “What are you doing? Have you opened the windows?” she bolted into an upright sitting position. “You must not let the light in.” She went to get up and he pushed her gently back. “No windows are open. I found out how dangerous that is. Now will you tell me what’s going on and what you’ve done to me?”

She sunk back into the covers and let a small smile come to her face. “I saved your life.” He now heard how light and sexy her voice was.

“I know you did, thank you. But now you’ll tell me how you saved a man who was mortally wounded, who should have died?”

She sat up and let the covers fall from her ample breasts. “Do you think I used magic?” she said seductively.

“No, I don’t believe in magic.”

“Ah, do you believe in good and evil?”

He swiftly grabbed her by the neck. “I have no time for riddles. Now tell me what have you done to me?”

“I made you a vampire. It was the only way to save you. You begged me to take you to change you.”

His hand dropped from her neck. “You’re lying,” he whispered. “There’s no such thing as a vampire. You’re daft and lying,” he growled.

“I’m not lying. Perhaps I should show you,” she said pushing back onto the bed as she smiled baring her gums. Fangs had already begun to puncture through them and her eyes had begun to change color. The deep crimson was horrific as well has the transformation of the skin on her face. The lovely young woman was transformed into the monster of his dreams but he wasn’t afraid of her. No, he was attracted to her. His cock was hard. His gums ached.

His hands came to his face and he could feel the sharp planes, he also felt the pain in his gums. She was indeed telling the truth. “What have you done to me bitch!” he shouted as his hands roamed over his face then to his mouth. 

She laughed, “Come to me, fuck me. We’re one now.” She held her arms open and motioned for him to come to her. He did.

Royce tried to fight his need to fuck her, but he couldn’t. He was on her and inside her in seconds. He rammed his hard cock into her repeatedly. He’d never fucked anyone so hard. Her screams of pleasure goaded him on, pushed him further and then she grabbed his neck and bit down. Her fangs felt amazing as she took his blood. He howled into the early morning as he came. Nothing could compare to his orgasm with her.  

His need wasn’t sated, not yet. When he gazed at her, she was again a lovely young woman and not some hideous monster. His gums ached and then he moaned. There was pain, a hot searing pain as his fangs broke through his gums for the first time. He needed to feed. He took her arm and bit down. He could feel the warm blood enter his mouth. He drank and rolled the salty mixture over his tongue. He milked her veins taking each precious drop as nourishment. By doing so, he’d completed his transformation and his fealty to the creature beneath him.

Then another vision broke through his consciousness. He remembered waking to her licking his wounds. Her tongue had been like a healing balm. Each stroke took away more pain. She’d opened a vein in her wrist and let him drink from her. He remembered his ferocious thirst. She’d told him then her name and what she was. At that time she’d given him an option. She’d not turn him against his will because she’d taken pity on his soul. If he wanted to become a vampire, he had to ask. He not only asked, he begged her to turn him. She told him she’d comply and it would take time for him to transition to a vampire. 

He stayed with Simone for over one hundred years. During those years, she taught him how to be a proper vampire and a far nobler creature than he’d been led to believe. It also put a stop to her searching for those who were near death so she could feed from them before they passed on. The vampire in him took over. He needed more blood, more stimulation, and more sex. They took to the towns and picked one unsuspecting human after another to play with. He had no preference, male or female would due. Simone never had a playmate; he now began to show her the real vampire inside him. He became a monster and she followed in his footsteps.

Royce tried never to look back on those days with Simone, unfortunately, he could see them as plain as day, and he could play them over like a video. Sometimes, the ability to do so was a curse.

It was when he left Simone that he met Lucinda and learned vampires weren’t the only unexplained phenomenon. She was a witch.

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