Village E3: Survival of the Human Spirit (17 page)

BOOK: Village E3: Survival of the Human Spirit
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Enoch was gone, but two men who
looked like Enoch came to John's side.
It is time,
John understood one
of them think, as he looked at their expressionless faces. John instantly felt
himself becoming light headed. With the lightheadedness, came a sense of
euphoria that he had never experienced before. It was a little like the shot of
morphine he got in the hospital, when he had been in a car accident. This
feeling was better though.

The feeling of euphoria slowly became
a tingling sensation all over his body. This new feeling wasn't painful, but it
wasn't pleasant either. Two more men arrived, with a container large enough for
a man to fit in.
That looks a little like a coffin,
thought John.
this what it feels like to die,
he wondered. John's thoughts slowly
transitioned to darkness. Two of the men lifted John from the ground.

The next day, on the same beach where
John woke up, a young man from Kansas opened his eyes. He was alone and
confused. He didn't know how he got to a beach from Kansas. He looked around
and saw his clothes from the day before, and a few items from his home.

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