Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Wayward Beginning (Wayward Saints MC Book 3)
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Chapter Seven

I swear, my daughter has the
timing sometimes. Once I get her out of the room, I turn my focus back on Henley.

"Let's get back to the case,” I say, watching her expression. I know she was just thinking the worst about me. When she saw my pregnant daughter walk in, I saw a look of disgust on her face. She probably thought I was the type of man to walk out on my pregnant wife. "What do you need to know about my guys?" My tone has turned somewhat rude. I have shit to do and I'm not sure I want to spend any time with a woman who judges people before she even knows them.

"Um...," she stutters out.


She narrows her eyes at me and gets up in a huff. "I don't need anything. I will just go and talk to them myself. At which jail are they being held?"

"Henderson,” I say, tapping my pen on my desk.

She nods her head, hands me her card, and turns to walk out the door. I watch the way her ass fills out that skirt and I can't help but think about getting her naked. That girl is going to be trouble. I now have a raging hard-on that won't be going down anytime soon. I adjust myself and make my way out to the bar to find a whore to take care of the little problem the pretty little lawyer left me with.

A few hours later, I get a call from the sexy little lawyer telling me she’s got the boys a hearing, but they'll be in jail for a few days. I know they'll be just fine, so I tell her I don’t care about the costs and will pay whatever it is. I let her know I'll be at the hearing, as well. I can tell she doesn't want me to be there, but I don't really care what she wants.

I see my VP coming towards me, a smirk on his face, and I want to turn and go the other way.

"I saw that new lawyer, Cason. Damn, she's a fucking looker. You gonna fuck her, then ditch her like the rest?"

I shrug. "Probably. You and I both know there is no way a girl like that belongs with a member of a MC." He nods.

"Do you think she can get our boys out of this mess?"

"I have no fucking idea, but I really hope so. Otherwise, they are going to be serving some time.”

He looks around. "I hope she's as fiery in the courthouse as I heard she was with you. She looks determined, and I've heard some great things about her."

I smirk. "You checked up on her?"

He laughs. "You know I want what's best for the boys. I would check up on anybody who was on the block. I hear she's ruthless when it comes down to it."

I think it over for a second. Maybe she will be wild in the sack, too...

"Yeah. I hope she doesn't disappoint."

Nick slaps me on the back. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walk out the door and make my way to my bike. As I make the ten minute trip to my house, I think about the shit that’s gone down today. I never expected that run to go to shit that fast. I need Dom in Sacramento tomorrow but, instead, he’s sitting in a cell with Jase.

When I pull into my driveway, I note how fucking quiet it is. Part of me misses the chaos of having Anslie and my sons at home. I don’t spend a lot of time here, but it’s always nice to get away from the club for a while.

Once I make my way inside and turn on the lights, my phone rings. Looking down at the screen, I see Henley’s name. And here I thought she didn’t like talking to me.

“Well, hello there, angel,” I rasp.

“Hi, Cason,” she quietly states. I wait for her to go on. “Um, I need to meet with you to go over some info I received from the cops. Do you have time to do it tonight or tomorrow morning? That way, I can make sure I have all the information I need for the hearing.”

I smirk. This could be good. I can finally get this girl under me and out of my head.

“Angel, you can come over any time. I’m at my house.” I tell her the address and she says she’ll be on her way soon.

We hang up and I sit on the couch, passing the time by remembering the last time this house had someone else in it.

We just saved Anslie from Damien and I was waiting to hear the outcome of the doc’s examination on her. Sitting on the couch just waiting was the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done. There were so many times I wanted to get up and walk into that room, but I couldn’t. She needed to be able to get through this on her own, but she knew I would always be there for her.

Part of me hated that she has Brantley in the room with her. I know something is going on between them, but I’m not sure how fucking serious it is. I see the way they look at each other. Hell, maybe I made the wrong decision. Maybe I should have stayed out of it. I only wanted what was best for her. If I didn’t force her to go to college, she would have been protected.

Watching Brantley walk out of the room, I knew it was bad. He looked like he had seen a ghost. When the doctor walked out behind him, I asked him what happened to her, ending up putting my fist through the wall.

Fuck. I couldn’t believe that had happened to my little girl. I know the MC life is dangerous, but I always believed I would be able to protect my family. For the third time in my life, I almost lost someone close to me. My wife died because of this life, and both my son and daughter almost died, too.

Part of me wonders if maybe it’s time to pass the reigns over to Dominic; the other part knows I need to seek revenge for what has been happening lately.

The next week was the hardest. Anslie cried all the time and I wasn’t sure how I could help her. All she wanted was Brant, and none of us had heard from him since he left town. Not that I could blame him. 

The day she came to me and told me she was going back to Seattle was hard. In the current state she was in, I didn’t like her being so far away, but I couldn’t stop her. I know that being here just reminds her of what happened, so I let her go without a fight.

The doorbell ringing interrupts my musings. Getting up, I make my way to the door and I see the lawyer standing there, looking unsure.




Chapter Eight

Pulling up to Cason’s house is a little nerve-racking, to say the least. His modest two-story house is definitely not what I was expecting the president of an MC to own. The landscaping is perfect and the paint looks new.

This is a bad idea. Before I get to the door, I think about leaving and waiting until the hearing to talk to Cason, but this is important. I knock and wait for him to answer.

When the door opens, my mind goes blank. His jeans fit him perfectly, and his messy hair is calling to me.

“Hey, angel. Come in.” He motions me through the door. I’m still not sure why he calls me angel. Part of me likes it, but the other part is wary of it.

“Thanks for meeting with me,” I say, looking around. His house is really nice. We walk into the kitchen and he offers me a seat at the table. He hasn’t said a word yet, which makes me nervous.

“Anything you need to get the boys out? You thirsty?” he asks.

I nod, and he grabs a bottle of wine off the counter. He doesn’t strike me as a man who drinks wine, so I think of all the women who have been in this house. I don’t even know why I care. I don’t need a man. I work way too many hours to even think about men, let alone an MC President who has arms as big as my thigh.

He sets the wine glass in front of me and I thank him. Taking a sip, I moan a little. It is so good that I can’t help it. He sits next to me and stares at me for a minute.

Clearing his throat, he asks, “So, what is so important that you needed to meet with me before the hearing?”

I set my glass back down and grab my bag off the floor. Pulling my notebook and pen out, I flip to the page I need.

“According to records, these men have been arrested before. The police are going to use their records, and their involvement with your club, against them.”

His expression stays the same and I can’t get a read on him. “I know their records. Those boys haven’t done anything that any other teenager wouldn’t have done. They were kids last time they were arrested, and weren’t part of the club yet.”

I watch him in fascination. He really thinks that will matter to a judge and jury? “Cason, they won’t care that they were underage during those arrests. They grew up in a motorcycle club. People frown on stuff like that.”

“People only frown on it when they are judgmental pricks. Those boys are great men and would never hurt someone until given just cause. They were just protecting their family.”

I don’t agree with his logic, but I continue to listen.

“My wife was gunned down the same way those bastards tried to gun us down. Those boys were just paying those assholes back. We don’t let anyone shoot at us and get away with it.”

I can’t help the gasp that slips out of my mouth. “I’m so sorry about your wife,” I whisper.

My mind is reeling and I’m starting to understand why they went after those guys.

“Angel, don’t. It was twenty years ago.”

A sad look covers his face and I want to take away his pain. I reach my hand across the table and place it on his. He looks up at me, then pulls me to him. I am now standing in front of him, my butt against the kitchen table. His hands start creeping up my thighs, and my body gets the chills.

He puts a hand on my hip and stands up. Lifting me up, he sets me on the table and runs his fingers along my jaw. His fingers tangle in my curly, shoulder-length hair as he pulls my head closer. Watching his eyes, I know he’s going to kiss me and I’m powerless to stop it. I want it more than I want my next breath.

His breath smells like tobacco and whiskey. I look into his blue eyes and feel my panties get wet.

I know that whatever happens right now won’t mean a thing in the morning, but I still can’t get myself to turn away from him.

I don’t want anything serious right now, so what the hell? I lean towards him and bring my mouth within an inch of his. He licks his lips, and I feel his tongue brush against my lips with the movement.

Slowly, his mouth descends on mine and I kiss him back with fervor. His hand cups my breast, and I want him to take it into his mouth. He runs his other hand up my thigh and under my skirt. Just as he inches it up, the front door opens and, gasping, we pull apart.

“Dad, you here? Nick said you were…” He trails off when he spots us. “Shit. Sorry, old man. Didn’t know you had company,” he smirks. I can see the resemblance in their faces.

After researching Cason Davoli and the Wayward Saints MC, I found out he has four sons and a daughter. He looks way too young to have five adult kids.

“Bent, what the fuck are you doing here?” Cason growls out. I stand up and smooth my hands down my skirt.

“I need to talk to you about something, but I’ll come back later,” he states, looking between us.


Bentley motions to me and raises his eyebrows.

“She’s the lawyer working on your brother’s case. Tell me what you want.” I can tell he’s starting to get irritated, but I’m a little unsure why he’s letting me stay to listen.

“You sure she’s cool?” he asks, eyebrows raised. He nods again. “Okay. We went back to where the guys got arrested and found something that might help with the case.”

I watch in utter fascination, waiting.

“Here is the video surveillance tape from the area. I also have some pictures that prove the cops were just trying to arrest our men. Everyone knows those fuckers have been trying to get a few of ours behind bars for a while.”

“Can I see the video?” I ask.

They both snap their heads in my direction. Cason nods and tells me to follow him down the hall to his office. Once inside, he plugs the flash drive into his computer and pulls the video up.

I am shocked at what I see. The Wayward Saints are walking towards the men gathered around the van, and they seem to be arguing about something. The other group pulls their guns and one fires a round into the shoulder of one of Cason’s men.

I wince, but I can’t take my eyes off the screen. When the police show up, they shake hands with the other group!

Crooked cops
? I will make sure to take all of them down. This isn’t right. No matter how dangerous the Wayward Saints are, they don’t deserve to be set up.

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