We Are the Children of the Stars (30 page)

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The questions above enable us to begin to make some sense out of the confusing picture. It is easy to suppose that these people may have a defective integration between the “beast” (Hominid) and the genius (Starman) in their brain as an inherent aspect from hybridization in prehistoric times.

This explanation seems to make sense, for it is well known that schizophrenics are often very intelligent and can function well in life, providing they are not placed in positions of excessive strain or responsibility that may make them “split” mentally.

To many people, the above possible explanation for the origin of schizophrenia may seem to be of little use to humankind. But if the theory is correct, we can see immediately that some fascinating possibilities open up for the possible biochemical treatment of schizophrenia; second, for a new approach in the psychiatric treatment of this disease; and, above all, for “relief from stigma” that is typified by the epithet “kook.”

Someone more proficient in this area than the authors may be able to formulate a radically new and successful course of therapy based on the above premise. It could possibly result in a “miracle” treatment, with a good chance of recovery for many schizophrenics now regarded as hopeless cases,
if it is understood by the doctor that the patient has a mind “split” between his Hominid and his Starman heritages.

Still more significant, as possible proof of the Hybrid theory, is that very recent medical research strongly indicates how schizophrenia may be
through genes, rather than being the result of bad environment and emotional traumas.
A roundup of opinion among researchers states that “with respect to the mode of genetic transmission (through the generations), some investigators advocated a single-gene theory involving dominance. . . . Some have advocated a theory of recessiveness . . . others a double-gene mechanism.”

Isn't that a clear gene-linkage with the past hybridization of mankind?

That would go back to where Starman instilled his “brilliance gene” into the humanoid bloodline, which already of course held
the “dimwitted gene” of low Hominid intelligence. And today, still carrying those two genes, some unfortunate humans are alternately governed by
of them to display their dichotomy in mentality.

Thus, we see that the “schizophrenia genes” of the medical researchers may well be the twin genes of beasthood and brainhood, acting in our Hybrid brain cells since ancient times to turn modern victims quite literally into “split personalities.” Like anthropology and its missing link, medical and psychological science has found schizophrenia a “hot potato” that leaves them nonplussed. Nobody can be left “nonplussed” by the clear-cut Jekyll-Hyde gene explanation under our Hybrid theory.

Want to know if your birthday falls on a Sunday, in the year 1992? Charles and George (last name withheld) can tell you in a split second – and be right. Yet the two young brothers have been in a California institute for the mentally retarded since age nine. They are low-IQ idiots in all average mental activities except one – they are mathematical prodigies.

They are called “idiot geniuses” by psychiatrists, and that brings us to a new category of mental phenomena displayed by the human mind.

How can a person be both an idiot and a genius?

Actually, they are not true geniuses except in one sole direction – the weird ability they have for using instant mental calculations of the most complex kind, while yet being unable to add two and two! Their cranial “talent” works only along one narrow groove.

Here's what they can do:

  1. Tell instantly when any given date in any year ahead for twenty centuries will fall on a Sunday.
  2. Snap out without hesitation that February 15, 2002, will be on a Friday, and that August 28, 1951, was a Saturday.
  3. Tell you the birth date of any famous man in history and how old he would be if still alive today after many centuries.
  4. Recall almost any day in their own lives and state whether it was cloudy, rainy, or sunny. They never miss.

Baffled scientists call them “walking calculators.” But the amazing paradox is that the pair can neither add nor subtract, multiply nor divide any
sums in arithmetic! You can stick them on adding one apple to one pear – but not on what dates Monday will fall on for all the years from today to A.D. 3000.

When asked how they do it, the two childlike men will give a lopsided drooling smile and say, “It's in my head.” And psychiatrists admit that they have no better or more scientific answer to this near-incredible mental warp that crops up at rare times in human births and brains.

But we, the authors of this book, think
have an answer. And one that is a major backup for our Hybrid Man theory.

We call it the
Theory of Simultaneous Regression.
It proves once again that the concept of Man being a hybrid and a colony can be used – without strain – to solve many strange and baffling mysteries in human life.

One related aspect to the idiot-genius riddle is the strange fact that extremely ugly people have frequently proven to be of surpassing intelligence – so intelligent that their names are graven forever in human history.

Socrates was such an individual. He was a frog-faced, repulsive character whose greatest delight in life was a good intellectual argument.

When the “normal” Theory of Evolution is examined, it can be seen that by deduction, the most intelligent people should be the
apelike and, therefore, the most handsome of individuals. In fact, many fine intellectuals who were handsome and pleasing in appearance have drifted across the pages of history. Hollywood provides many excellent examples of high intelligence combined with extraordinary good looks.

But how can we equate this with the jarring note of the occasional
duckling in history who towered above his contemporaries in sheer intellect?

Among the ugly ducklings were men like Abraham Lincoln, Irwin S. Cobb, and Socrates as outstanding examples. These were men who were so ugly that they were actually objects of curiosity, while their contributions to mankind's wisdom, letters, laws, and sciences have been so great that their names will always command respect and honor.

Furthermore, it is difficult to equate intelligence with gigantic stature. But Lincoln was a giant for his day.
France's De Gaulle was also an enormous man of great height,
who, at an age when most other men had been retired for ten years or more, was pulling France up to powerful heights in the world community of nations.

He and the others seem not to fit Shakespeare's immortal lines: “Surely the good Lord would not put his most precious jewels into a tower four stories high.”

Is it possible to devise a theory to explain these “apemen” and “giants” who, despite their physical freakishness have high IQs and enormous capacity for synthesis, organization, and creativity?

In our opinion, these strange geniuses can only be explained by starting with the assumption that Man is a Hybrid who occasionally has “throwbacks” or regressive types occurring in his progeny.

And, on rare occasions, humans produce a kind of individual that may be called a
“simultaneous regression type.”
That is, they are both
throw-backs at the same time. It admirably explains Lincoln being superintelligent, ugly, and of enormous physical stature. He could most definitely have been a product of regression, for his
was closer to that of our outerspace ancestors, and at the same time, his
was closer to the giant apes of the past.

His case is a very vivid reminder of a previously quoted verse in Genesis: “There were giants in the earth in those days; . . . the same became mighty men of old, men of renown.” Then there are
the words of the famous anthropologist, Weidenrich: “I believe that giants are ranged somewhere in the human line – in the prehistory of Man.”

If it is assumed that this argument provides a logical explanation for the ugly-geniuses and giant-geniuses who have so enriched the intellectual heritage of mankind, then we can at the same time reiterate that such “mixed” geniuses are arguments
in favor of Man's being a Hybrid

For, if Man is the product of
or conventional Evolution, a regressive type of individual
would never, never have high intelligence

Evolution simply cannot work “backwards” that way.

It is the assumption that intelligence
to modern Man's is ranged somewhere in Man's
that permits us to explain the ugly genius and the mental giant (both ways) of history. At the same time, it permits us to view with equanimity the current concept that the unusually intelligent people who are also handsome, superior types are but normal products of an exceptional advance in the evolutionary development of mankind.

It is the
that prove the rule – the Hybrid Man theory.

This fledgling theory of simultaneous regression also permits that previous perplexing mystery of mankind to be explained – the idiot-geniuses.

It is important first to delve deeper into the unbelievable abilities of these idiot-geniuses, so that we see how impossible it is for that fantastic mental performance to come out of classic Evolution. A few lines from a textbook on psychology will be examined and this will lead us back to our idiot-genius enigma.

Arithmetical prodigies have been found among the ranks of the feebleminded. . . . A favorite feat is to determine the number of minutes a person has lived, from a knowledge of his age or date of birth (without paper and pencil). Multiplication of three place numbers, naming square roots and cube roots of four
place numbers have also been executed within a few seconds.

Seconds! If any of you have ever worked out cube roots of four-place numbers,
with pencil and paper
, you know how laborious and time-consuming such calculations are.

And again:

Henry Mondeaux, the untutored son of a poor woodcutter, is a famous example of remarkable arithmetic ability in an otherwise dull person. In his childhood, he received no instruction, but was sent to tend sheep at the age of 12. . . . He worked out for his own use many special devices and aids to computations. After long exercise at these calculations, he offered to tell people the number of seconds in their ages. At this time a schoolmaster became interested in him and offered to instruct him. Unfortunately the boy had a very poor memory for names and addresses and he spent nearly a month searching the city before he was able to locate his benefactor. . . . He demonstrated his ability to solve [the following]:

“There is a fountain containing an unknown quantity of water; around it stand people with vessels capable of containing a certain unknown quantity. They draw at the following rate: the first takes 100 quarts and 1/13 of the remainder; the second takes 200 quarts and 1/13 of the remainder; the third takes 300 quarts and 1/13 of the remainder and so on until the fountain is emptied.”

Mondeaux gave the correct answer to this question in a few seconds.

Here again is the strange mixture of incredible ability in one line of human endeavor coupled with quite the opposite in other
areas, namely, idiot-like or apelike mental processes combined with “calculating genius.” And/or with physical anomalies.

As Socrates, gifted beyond belief in philosophy, was froglike in appearance, so Mondeaux, the “lightning calculator,” took almost a month to find his benefactor – a schoolteacher – in the city!

Again, the theory of simultaneous regression, easily supportable by findings from genetics, can explain Henri Mondeaux.

To be explicit, his incredible mathematical ability would be a product of regression to this ability in Man's outer-space ancestors, while his lack of intelligence in all other areas was a parallel regression to the level of intelligence of Man's apelike ancestors.

Many other mysteries of mankind can be understood and interpreted through this theory of simultaneous regression. It is actually a corollary of the main theory that Man is a Hybrid – a mental phenomenon that does not take us by surprise but, indeed, is
if modern Man's mind is a “melting pot” of two minds, earthly and nonearthly.

Hence, we claim – quite reasonably, we think – that idiotgeniuses, ugly-geniuses, giant-geniuses, and all such weird physical/mental anomalies are a
direct consequence and proof
of the Hybrid Man theory.

It is not only some forms of mental illness, genius, and idiocy, combined with certain unusual physical characteristics, that are strange aspects of the human psyche. Beyond those are still further wonders of the human mentality on an even higher and more inexplicable plane.

First of these is the possibility that
racial memory
exists within us all, deeply buried and seldom, if ever, seeing the light of conscious memory in most individuals.

So little research has been done in this area – mostly by reason of biologists refusing to take the subject seriously because it smacks of “mysticism” – that there is little to present here. Nevertheless, it may be that many so-called cases of “reincarnation” believed in by various occult groups and Eastern philosophies are really manifestations of racial memory from ancient times, carried within the person's memory bank in his brain.

The visions of a “former life” may merely be the sudden dredging up of those fragmentary and fleeting memories that could not have happened in his own life – but could have happened to his ancestors and been passed along to him unknowingly as an evanescent memory.

Some cases of supposed reincarnation have been investigated so thoroughly that there can be little doubt that the person has had “extranormal” access to a body of facts and events that occurred before his time, sometimes centuries ago.

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