Weapon of Desire (23 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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My phone rings, it is Anthony. “Hi babe, what are you up to?”

My heart flutters as I grin to myself. I can hear chatting in the background and recognise Marie’s voice which throws me into a fit of jealousy. “We are eating Pizza and just about to watch a movie, is that Marie I can hear?”

Yes” he washes over that question. “Have you taken your medication?”

“I will after we have eaten. Are you having a nice time with Marie?” I ca
n’t hide my insecurity when he’s with her.

“Darcey, are you jealous?” His tone is mischievous provoking
a reaction.

“Do as you please, why should I care?” I notice my mother rolling her eyes and shaking her head at my ill attitude.

“You care because you love me, am I wrong?” I’m silent listening to him “You love me touching you, kissing you, deep inside you until you come and I love everything about you.”

“Anthony is that the drink talking?” I blush a little as my Mum fidgets clearing away pizza boxes to the kitchen.

“No I have had two glasses of white wine and a whole bottle of Chateau Darcey.”

He is silent again.

“Anthony I miss you.” I can’t resist him any longer.

“Darcey, I miss you too. I better go as they are looking for me, speak to you tomorrow evening. Good night.”

up on the sofa in pyjamas we watch Chicago together for it must be the 10
time! We chat making plans to stay overnight in the West End to see the show and also go shopping when I return from Dubai. My first day back to work with a full on meeting and producing a Business Case, not to mention sex on my desk has totally exhausted me. Soon enough I fall asleep on the sofa as Mum tidies away glasses and the empty bottle of wine.

I wake to see daylight through the curtains finding myself curled up
under a duvet on the sofa. I have managed to sleep through the whole night and I am so pleased with myself. Stretching I spot that it has just gone seven in the morning and my brain is kicking into gear immediately thinking about the cooking and cleaning to be done before lunchtime.

Still in
my pyjamas I make some fresh coffee and toast as I start on my cheesecake biscuit base and melted chocolate for the filling. By the time Mum emerges the pudding is baking in the oven and I am cracking on with my layered terrine.

“Morning dear, did you sleep well?” She is showered, dressed and clutching a basket of
laundry that she stuffs into the washing machine.

thanks; I’m making good progress with the menu for tomorrow.” I spoon in my final avocado layer and place the terrine back in the fridge to set. “Pudding and Starter done!”

The time is only 8.25am as
I load the dishwasher with the many bowls, pans and spoons. The next three hours I change the bed linen, hoover, dust and clean the bathroom and shower rooms. I then turn my attention to artistically arranging flower displays of fresh orange Gerber, white Roses and Chrysanthemums in the kitchen and lounge. The whole house gleams and smells of delicious white chocolate cheesecake as it sits to cool on the kitchen work surface. Mum and I, still in my pyjamas slump on the sofa to enjoy a well-earned coffee.

While I
shower and dress choosing jeans and my favourite figure hugging turquoise top, Mum knocks up a wicked Chicken Caesar Salad. We sit eating at the breakfast bar enjoying each other’s company. I have forgotten how good it felt to live with someone and share the household chores and cooking at the weekend.

Simon turns up
on time at 1.30pm and we get ridiculously excited about being chauffeured to town in a silver luxurious Bentley.  We relax back in the soft grey leather seats and watch the world go by through the tinted windows as though I had not a worry in the world right now.

We reach Dee
na’s shop and Simon escorts us in and then waits in the car park. Mum is overjoyed to see Lesley again and the first half hour is spent with chit chat as I swish through the rows of hanging dresses watching my mother’s smiling face. I love to see her happy like this.

“Oh Darcey, this is so you!” Lesley holds up
a beautiful black lace dress with a nude corseted petticoat. “The men won’t be able to take their eyes off you.”

The dress is sophisticated with lace
covering the breast up to the neck bone and cupping the shoulders before dropping away at the back to the waist.  I grin taking the dress in one hand holding it up to take a better look.

Lesley smiles as she holds up another dres
s against her slight frame. It’s rich emerald green silk which complements her short red hair with a v neck showing off her bust gathering to one side at the waist in a cluster of diamantes before elegantly falling from the hip to the floor. “This is beautiful; I think I’m going to try this one on.”


Like teenagers we gather in the changing room and admire our figures in the mirror which the dresses show off perfectly. The black lace material hugs my body and the expanse of bare skin down my back enfolding my bottom before kicking out from the knee touching the floor. Mum sits on the sofa and smiles with glee as she watches us twirl and dance around the changing room.

“What about shoes?” Lesley excitedly exclaims, Deena returns promptly.

“What size are you both?” Deena gets busy searching for glittery, jewel encrusted shoes and sandals. She quickly returns and the floor becomes littered with the sexiest footwear I have ever seen. Wow the difference a pair of heels can make to how a dress can look.

One hour later we
conclude choosing our equally glitzy earrings and clutch bags; in particular I choose one that I can comfortably hide a Beretta inside. This shopping is really exhausting. We emerge from the shop at 4.15pm and dusk is upon us, where has the afternoon gone. Time really does fly when you are having fun and not once did I think about German gangsters or poor Simon waiting outside in the car park.

“I think it must be nearly happy hour!” Lesley strolls ahead spotting Simon with the headlights on.
He steps out of the Bentley and opens the boot unloading Lesley and I of our bags of goodies.

“Was it a good afternoon of shopping ladies?” Simon seems cheery and talkative.

“Yes and now we’re ready for cocktails at Willie’s Bar.” I sink into the sumptuous front passenger seat feeling extremely pleased with successfully completing all my tasks today. Mum and Lesley relax in the back.

“Are we collecting Lola?” Mum squeaks from the back

“No she is meeting us at the bar straight from work. Her last appointment finishes at 5.15pm.” I flip down the passenger visor to apply some fresh lip gloss.

The roads are busy with people rushing to get home after a day shopping in town. My stomach is a flutter as I think about seeing Anthony tomorrow and meeting his family again. Or perhaps my belly was rumbling with hunger since our light salad lunch. I can
’t wait to see his reaction on Thursday evening when I walk in wearing that gorgeous, racy new dress.

Pulling up at Willie’s Bar Simon waves as we run inside then goes in search of a parking bay. He has been given strict instructions not to leave
my side and I cynically wonder who has insisted on this.

The bar is quiet for early evening apart from small groups
huddled at the bar and sofas enjoying their cocktails and freshly prepared grilled fish platters. We claim our bar stools and eye the cocktail list.

“Do you both like Strawberry Daiquiri?” I put down my list and Mum and Lesley both nod looking overwhelmed with the choice.  “Let’s have a jug between us.”

They both close their menus and the cute barman is instantly on the case.

“Those fish platters look good.” Lesley licks her lips and picks up the food menu.

“Shall we order a couple of different platters to share and then if we still have room we can attack an equally naughty pudding?”

“Sounds good to me, let’s wait for Lola she won’t be much longer” I tak
e hold of the jug of Daiquiri. “Shall we move to the cosy leather sofas?”

While we wait for Lola, Lesley and I decide to make rough notes for our acceptance speech.
It begins with the usual stuff recognising how the Army’s entrepreneurial approach has made it all possible to get the project off the ground and change so many children’s lives for the better. Lesley speaks of her first-hand experience with military pupils and how they now have a stable base with close constant friends and peers.

Simon eventually perches himself on a stool at the bar ordering coffee and reading his newspaper.
Lola arrives earlier and I hug her tightly not realising how much I have missed seeing her. Pouring her a Daiquiri we begin telling her all about our wonderful afternoon spending money on dresses, shoes and bags. She looks worried when she spots the small cuts just about visible on my cheek.

are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself involved in?” She sips her cocktail sitting on the edge of the sofa. “Don’t answer that, I know exactly what you’re thinking. Daniel hasn’t exactly been an angel.”

“Lola I love them both but I trust Anthony with my life.” I nod my head towards Si
mon “With this much security I ‘m sure nothing is going to happen to me.”

“So it is true, you and Anthony are an item?” Lesley scoots up to the edge of her seat. “I knew it!
His behaviour was very strange at the management meeting.”

I blush a little
appreciating that I’d never spoken to Lesley about us. “Well we have a hushed relationship with everything going on around us at the moment.”

“So what happened between you and Daniel?” Lesley is fired up and pumping me to tell all.

“Let’s just say Daniel found romance elsewhere.” I’m starting to feel as though Simon is cramping our style and eager to get rid of him. “I’m just going to have a quick chat with Simon, I’ll be right back.”

Simon eyes me suspiciously as I appr
oach. “Simon, why don’t you take a couple of hours off to go home, relax and have dinner? We’re fine here; we won’t be going anywhere else.”

“Darcey, you know I’
ve to be with you at all times.” He shifts back in his stool.

“But it’
s only a couple of hours, what can happen?” I smile sweetly “I’m sure you have stuff you need to do.”

Looking un
der pressure he answers “Ok, I get the message, you want some space. I’ll wait in the car.” I watch him slurp back his coffee and fold away his newspaper.

Darcey, any issues call me immediately.” Simon disappears towards the car park as I return to the sofas feeling relieved.

“Come on let’s get some more drinks and order food.” I grab my handbag “More cocktails or wine?”

“Wine please” Lesley sinks back again into the sofa.

“That would be lovely, a nice cold white to go with the fish platters.” Mum licks her lips.

“I’ll help you.” Lola stands and curls an arm around my shoulders “come on.”

Lola and I go back
a long way, living in the same neighbourhood and hanging around with the same friends. She’s always been there each time we moved back from stints of being relocated abroad with Dad.

s your love life at the moment Lola?”

“What love life! To have one would be nice.” Lola greets the barman to place our order. “Hi can we have a bottle of Pinot
Grigio with one hot and one cold seafood platter, thank you.”

“Coming up, I’
ll add this to your tab.” The barman gives Lola a sexy smile and she enjoys the attention.

My phone rings inside my handbag
, at a glance I can see it is Anthony calling. “Hi” The reception is poor and I can vaguely hear his voice. I mouth to Lola that I’m going to take it outside. Reaching the pavement I try to talk again.

“Hi, how’s
things at Hornchurch, have you been busy with Marie?”

“Yes but
I had to postpone this afternoon’s meeting. I’ll fill you in when I see you.” Anthony sounds on edge as though he has something important to tell me.

“Anthony is everything ok?”

“Darcey, I need you to keep with Simon at all times. Is he with you now?”

I start to panic wondering whether he knows that I
’ve sent him packing. While immersed in our conversation I can feel a dig in my side. With the phone still attached to my ear I tilt my head to the side to see a gun poking my ribs. I follow the arm up to the face of a man.

“Oh shit!” I exclaim r
ealising this is not a friendly familiar face.

s tall, dark almost Italian in appearance, wearing a dark grey suit and black shirt. “Hello Darcey, remember me? Put the phone down and move towards that parked silver car.”

My mouth doesn’
t engage as I try to consider what to do next. I can hear Anthony yelling down the phone warning me not to go with him then shouts “Darcey use your gun.”

“Ok take it easy, I’
ll put the phone away.” I slowly lower my hands to my bag, opening the clasp and dropping the phone inside the zipped pocket while grabbing my gun and releasing the safety mechanism. He pushes me into the road towards the silver car which suddenly bursts into action, revving up pulling alongside us. The rear door swings open as I abruptly withdraw my gun. Turning swiftly our eyes lock as I aim directly at his chest.

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