Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures (33 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures
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She knew Pavel could smell her fear, hear her heart beating fast and hard in her breasts, but he could also smell her arousal. He had to know her pussy was creamy with want, her clit throbbing in need as she sat on his lap, his hard cock digging into the soft fleshy mound of her belly and the heat of Rickard’s body smoldering at her back.

Her slight nod was all he waited for.


Camille Anthony

Pavel looked up at Rickard. “Tonight, I will honor the ancient pact between our

peoples and place my mate in your keeping.” Rickard reached for her and Pavel’s hands clamped on her arms as he fought to control his possessiveness. “For this one night only, she consents to be possessed by you, my Prince.”

“So be it.” Rickard directed his answer to Pavel, but stared the while into Kaila’s eyes.

She gulped. The wicked glint in Rickard’s eyes made her knees quake.

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


Double Dagwood Sandwich

“According to ancient law and the everlasting pact between the House of Orloffberg

and the Werewulves of Drestovia, I, Prince Wagner Rupert Rickard Orloffberg, ruling

sovereign of Drestovia, do hereby claim first night’s right to the mate of the Janecek Alpha Prime, Pavel Andreiavich. I swear upon my body -- the instrument with which I will seal this agreement -- to honor his true-bond mate above all but my own bride, to be her shield and her support and if necessary, act as father to her children. She shall want for nothing and our pact shall extend to every member of the pack. This I swear.”

Pavel looked on as Rickard took his mate’s mouth, wedded his lips to hers. Helpless to resist the urge to protest a male, even this one, touching what was his; he tightened his arms around Kaila, forcing himself to do nothing else as she responded to Rickard’s practiced kiss.

He couldn’t fault her, having first-hand knowledge of Rickard’s proficiency in these matters.

The man certainly knew what to do with those juicy lips of his.

Unobtrusively, Pavel shifted her on his lap until she faced outward, allowing Rickard freer access to her mouth and breasts. The man dropped to his knees before her, slim strong fingers curling over her knees and pressing outward, widening her stance. Rickard gazed down at her, hands brushing back and forth, up and down her inner thighs.

He heard Kaila catch her breath, saw Rickard’s pale blue eyes gleam, regarding her

with an emotion very close to love. Her rich scent rose on the air, telling Pavel of Kaila’s building need. “Rickard, I don’t know…what if --”

The prince placed a finger across her lips, sealing her doubts behind them. “I adore

your courage and gentle heart. Overhearing your story tonight, my heart aches for your pain.

Let us wash away those memories, replace them with something stronger. We will show you your true worth, sweet Kaila. But you must never allow anyone to say you are not beautiful.

See how beautiful you are in our eyes.”


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Rickard tipped her head up, demanding her attention. Her wide brown eyes gazed into

blue, then she was turning her head to look at him, and Pavel felt his eyes beginning to smolder. He gazed down at her, a slight smile playing about his lips. “What my prince says is true. I love every succulent inch of you, each abundantly lush curve.”

“What if I do something wrong? What if I don’t please you?”

Rickard’s gentle smile tugged at Pavel’s heart. He could predict the words that would come out of his prince’s mouth. He’d heard them before, almost twenty years ago.

There is no right or wrong where love is concerned…only pleasure. Your satisfaction is all that matters.

Rickard hadn’t trusted his sentiments to verbal speech, choosing instead to make his

point mind-to-mind. Hearing him caused Kaila to gasp. Pavel knew it shocked her to hear Rickard as well as she could hear him. Watching her reactions, he felt unsure how she would take learning the prince shared such a private link with them. She wasn’t slow. It wouldn’t take long for her to realize he and Rickard had once been intimate.

“What is Rickard to you, Pavel? What is he to me?”

“A friend.”

“A very intimate, loving friend.” White eyebrows waggled in a suggestive manner.

Kaila’s startled gazed flew to Pavel’s, her brown pupils large. “You and he…?”

Pavel’s lips tightened. He should have known Rickard wouldn’t be discreet. Staring

over her head into Rickard’s unrepentant gaze he answered her query with the honesty he’d promised her. “I didn’t want you to discover it this way, but yes. We’ve been intimate.”

Her lips thinned. “Is he my competition?” Before he could answer, she turned and

speared Rickard with a fulminating glare. Balling her hands into fists, she struck him on the shoulders, anger darkening her already dusky face. “Are you? Do I have to fight you for him?

Because I will!”

Laughing, Rickard caught her hands, ensnared them in his steely grip. Pushing

between her knees, he edged closer until the weight of his body pressed Kaila’s back against Pavel’s chest. “God, she’s feisty, Pavel! Is she this passionate when you fuck her?”

A wash of color flooded Kaila’s cheeks. Pavel could almost feel the heated

embarrassment enveloping her quaking body. “Don’t you dare answer that, Pavel!”

He ignored her. “Yes, she is. Passionate. Lusty. Giving.” His hands roved up and down her arms. “I have never had such a generous lover. Every time with her is better than the last.”

“See?” Rickard asked, applying firm pressure to turn Kaila’s stubborn face up to his.

“There is your answer. I am not your enemy, Kaila. I am no longer Pavel’s lover. I still love him as I love you. I would never hurt you and any fool can see that you love Pavel more than I ever did.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


He sighed, looking across her shoulder into Pavel’s eyes. “One day soon we will tell you our story. Perhaps you will understand what drove us in those days. I will tell you this: your mate saved my sanity, my kingdom, and my life. I owe him everything.”

As always, Rickard’s vehement words made him uncomfortable. “You owe me nothing.

What I did, I did for love.”

Rickard and Kaila glanced at each other before both went off into peals of laughter.

Even though the joke was on him, Pavel was grateful their laughter lightened the tension between them.

Kaila laid her head back, resting it on his shoulder. “You are too modest, my love.”

“I see you’ve learned his ways.” Rickard quirked an eyebrow before his gaze snagged on Kaila’s more than generous breasts. Her laughter had set them jiggling and now they quaked gently, her deep brown, tightly puckered nipples riding the lighter brown swells. His smile died. His pants tented as his cock rose. He wet his lips. “Damn, those look good. Oh, man, I have to…”

Pavel’s stomach clenched as he held Kaila still, watched his friend’s head descend,

watched Rickard’s lips closing over his mate’s stiff nipple, drawing hard on it.

“Ah! Oh, god!”

Kaila jackknifed in his arms. Pavel’s fierce grin exposed his fangs as Kaila bowed her upper body, pushing more of her breast into Orloffberg’s suckling mouth. He could barely growl the question, “Do you like that, Kaila? Like the way he’s drawing on your pouty, thick nipple?”

She groaned. “I shouldn’t, but God help me, I do!”

Her tortured statement moved him. Pavel’s jealousy melted away. He didn’t want her

feeling guilty. None of this was her fault. Instead, he wanted her to enjoy this night.

For Kaila, he would conquer his inner wulf’s inborn compulsion to horde his mate’s

pleasure to himself. For her, he would make sure he and Rickard between them gave her all the sensation she could stand… enough and more to push her right over the erotic edge.

“Yes, you should. You should love every moment. I want you to grab every drop of pleasure and squeeze it dry, baby.”

Pavel lifted his hand and tweaked her free nipple, groaning with rising lust as her cries fell on his ears. His cock twitched and grew with every sweet little mewling sound she made.

His fingers tugged on the turgid tip in tandem with Rickard’s strong pulls as he continued to suckle the one deep in the hot confines of his mouth.

He thought his head… both heads…would blow off when Kaila ground her butt

against his aching cock. He was saved by Rickard pulling away, his mouth releasing her breast with an audible pop. “Your breast is divine, Kaila. I could suckle all night long. But I only have this night and I want more…”


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The prince grabbed the tails of his shirt and tore them apart, scattering buttons and revealing a chest with skin smooth as milk, spread over an expanse of rippling muscle. He took Kaila’s hands, brought them to his chest and let go, leaving her to smooth them down that pale slope.

Pavel gasped for breath. The contrast of her dark skin against Rickard’s lightness was dramatic. He let his hands glide down his woman’s side, slid them between her thighs, and pulled her legs wide apart. “You want more? Taste her, then. Lick her clit, suck on her pussy, and see why I can never get enough of her.”

Without a word, Rickard sank lower, brought his mouth to her open cunt, and latched

on, mouth busy as a cub’s at his mother’s tit. While Rickard feasted between his mate’s legs, Pavel palmed her breasts, kneading and tugging on her erect nipples. “Give me your mouth, woman!”

Her cries spilled into his mouth and he ate them up, devouring the hot, honeyed

depths of her mouth. He took her like a bandit, held her up at passion’s point while he ripped all control from her. His hands kept her wide, kept her open for Rickard’s voracious tongue as together they pushed her toward the first glittering edge of night.

She bucked on his thighs, body twisting under the lash of teeth, tongue, and lips, so close to going over Pavel could feel the fine tremors running up and down her spine. Her hands scrabbled for purchase at his biceps, nails dug into his skin as her every muscle clenched in rigid need.

“Let go. Come in his mouth,” Pavel ordered, his voice the catalyst for her orgasm. He continued to work her nipples while she screamed and spasmed.

“God, that was delicious!” Licking his lips, Rickard rose from between Kaila’s

outstretched thighs. He unzipped his pants and kicked them off, revealing a long, thick erection. “I can’t wait to get in your tight little cunt, sweetheart.” He fisted his cock and pumped it a few times before aiming it at Kaila’s dripping pussy.

Pavel growled a warning. “Stop! You don’t go in uncovered, Rickard. Mine is the only

sperm to go in my bitch’s womb.”

The prince nodded, bent for his pants, and retrieved a condom. “I knew that, just forgot in the heat of the moment.” He tore the package and donned the latex covering, blue eyes twinkling with mischief. He winked at Kaila, who was beginning to show signs of

nervousness now that she’d come down from her sexual high. “Don’t worry darling, I’m not as big as our guy, here. I’ll give you all of the pleasure, none of the pain.” To Pavel, he said,

“Keep her legs open and lean back, Pavel.”

Curious, Pavel did as he said, leaning backward so Kaila was spread open on his chest and belly. His stiff cock reared from beneath her bottom, the bulbous tip fiery red with hot blood. He bit back a groan when Rickard, with a wicked grin, rubbed his cock up and down the slick groove of Kaila’s folds, bumping against his cock on each downward swoop. “Stop fucking around, Rickard.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


“Surely you don’t mind a little foreplay to soften you up, sweet.” The other man

laughed softly at Pavel’s sour expression and began easing into Kaila’s splayed pussy.

Pavel couldn’t have looked away if his life depended on it. Tears clogged his throat as he watched his best friend’s cock disappear into his wife-to-be’s cunt. “Oh, Kaila, darling, you are so fucking beautiful!”

“You are, sweet thing. Indeed you are,” Rickard agreed, beginning a slow, gentle

fucking that soon had Kaila keening and worrying her bottom lip. “You are so tight and hot!

God, Pavel, but you are a lucky dog!”

Pavel had eyes only for Kaila, eyes riveted on plush lips flattened by the girth of

Rickard’s cock as it glided in and out of her wet folds. Gradually, though, he became aware of her stiffening, her ardor fading. Searching her eyes, he frowned, opened the deeply personal channel only the two of them could access.

What’s wrong, my heart?

I’m sorry, Pavel. This doesn’t feel right.


Rickard in my…in your pussy. You made me say it, remember? It’s yours. My pussy i


yours, not Rickard’s.

She couldn’t have given him a more precious gift. The tears overflowed then. “Pull out, Rickard.”

To his credit, he did so immediately. “What’s wrong?”

Kaila hung her head, but Pavel wasn’t having that. Sitting up, he let her close her legs before shifting her back around to face him. “Kaila doesn’t feel comfortable with this.”

“It’s not you, Rickard, believe me!” She was quick to let him know she didn’t mean to insult him.

He held up a hand. “Stop. You owe me no explanations. You’ve honored me beyond

measure and I’ll --” He made to turn away and Pavel bit the side of his cheek, derailing his grin at the forlorn bobbing of his friend’s cock.

“Wait.” Kaila’s soft cry halted Rickard in his steps. “I only want Pavel in my pussy, but if you wanted to…you know…” She shyly glanced down and around as she patted her flank.

Rickard followed her gesture and his eyes widened, and then flashed up to meet Pavel’s amused gaze. “You’re asking for a sandwich?”

This time, Kaila was the one grinning. “I’m volunteering to be the meat…unless you’re vegetarian.”

Pavel felt his eyes go white-hot at the idea. A pulse beat in his eager cock, his balls filled until they were heavy and tight. With Kaila between them, he could freely share love with Rickard. He could almost see it: his cock, hard and high, knotted in her pussy while Rickard reamed that small anus of hers. Their cocks would rub together, separated only by 188

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