When the Heart Lies (29 page)

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Authors: Christina North

BOOK: When the Heart Lies
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Nick’s face deflated.

Xavier changed the subject. “Your mother wasn’t able to give us any information today.” He didn’t mention the bank account Angela had set up for Wayde.

“I don’t know what you expected to get out of her. Why doesn’t Kinsley want me to go to her? Doesn’t she want to come back? To me?”

“I don’t know any more than you do, Nick. I’m sure you’ll both have a lot to deal with when she gets home.”

Nick went to the bar and then stopped himself. “I’ve never wanted things to work out more than I do now. I’m just never sure how to go about it. Shit. I need a drink. But I guess slowing down on that would be a start, huh.”

Xavier laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder as he left the room.

~ ~ ~

The creak of the old truck door opening and interior light flickering on roused Kinsley from the on again off again slumber she’d fallen into during the long ride from Shallow Water to Le Grand. Jackson stood beside her at the passenger door of the truck. When her eyes opened, he smiled and leaned in, removing her seat belt. The belt released, and he backed away, stopping when his face was level with hers. “You’re even more beautiful when you sleep,” he said. Stepping aside, he extended his hand. She took hold of it, and he helped her tired, aching body from the truck.

She was unsure of the time, knowing only that it was late. Jackson looked equally spent. The events of the day hung somewhere in the not so deep recesses of her mind. Uncertain of what she felt about them, she elected to keep them there for a bit. She welcomed Jackson’s warm arm wrapped firmly around her shoulders, both guiding and reassuring her along the way. They entered the hotel, checked in, and went straight to the suite. They bypassed the living area. Jackson directed her into one of the lavish bedrooms and stood at the door as she looked around the room.

She turned to him. “Thank you… for everything.”

A slight nod and brief lowering of his eyes acknowledged her statement. “The things Xavier sent are being brought up. Do you want me to call down for anything? The bellman said there’s twenty-four hour room service. I can put something on TV. What can I do?”

“Maybe just some tea? A hot shower? I’m sure there’s a robe and towels in the bathroom. Once I’m done, the only thing I’m going to need is that bed. Maybe you could keep me company until I fall off to sleep?” The thought of being alone in the strange hotel room after the events of the day unnerved her. Coming to terms with what she’d done was going to be a process. A process much like the one she’d face soon when she returned home and started confronting all the things that lead to this day.

By the time she showered and settled into bed, still wearing the bulky robe that somehow, rather than being cumbersome, made her feel protected and secure, Jackson knocked and entered with her tea. After setting the tray up, he took a seat in the bedside chair.

“Are you sure you want company?” he said as he twisted the cap off the beer he’d grabbed from the small kitchen’s fridge.

She cozied onto her side, packing blankets around her and leaving her arms free to turn and grab her tea. After taking a long sip, she sighed. “Yes, I do. I’d rather not be alone. I see you also took advantage of the amenities.”

He was wearing one of the plush robes, and his hair was still damp from showering. The two of them smelled of the fresh scent of hotel soap and were flushed from lingering under the welcoming heat and wet of the waterfall-like showers. The night was quiet, except for the soft music mixing with the rustlings of the mellow white caps hitting the beach. She listened and watched as the sheer curtain of the patio door blew in cadence with the sounds that lulled her to sleep.

Sometime during the night, Jackson got into bed with her. She remembered dreaming, the adrenaline-induced tingling and coolness that came over her body, the fear, and then the comfort of his warmth encasing her when he draped his arm over her, hugging her close. The fact she felt at peace once he was by her side troubled her. Was she okay with what she’d done? And what kind of person did that make her?

~ ~ ~

Kinsley’s cheek pressed firmly against Jackson’s hard yet velvety, muscled chest. Still semi-asleep, she didn’t open her eyes, but slid her hand up and rested her palm on the closest peck. His tiny bead-like nipple hardened beneath her hand when she unintentionally grazed the tip with a light involuntary movement of her palm. Her own nipples hardened from the responsiveness of his body and the images the touch elicited. The sensation growing between her legs intensified, and her bent leg traveled upward, attempting to reign in the need. When she bumped his morning hardness with her knee, her breath held. The shaft of his generous maleness pressed against her thigh, increasing the ache in her center. To regain her composure, she turned her back to him. He pulled her in and snuggled closer, his large package settling into the upside-down heart of her ass cheeks. The fabric between them left little to the imagination. His robe was fully open. She fought the urge to arch back and press fully into him. Her body stiffened as she contemplated how awkward the next couple days might be if she simply jumped out of bed and headed straight into a cold shower, forgetting all about their little agreement. The opportunity never came. His hand slid up her arm and rested on her bare shoulder where the robe had inched down. His soft lips laid a gentle kiss there. She laid her hand over his.

“Are you okay, Kinsley?”

“I think so. Does being okay make me awful?”

He turned her, so she was facing him when he spoke and kissed her other shoulder. “No. No, it doesn’t. It’s normal to question things. Maybe you always will. Don’t let this consume you. Promise me you won’t. I’m here. If you need to talk, I’m here.”

He tilted her chin upward so her eyes met his. The pad of his calloused thumb slid across her lips. When the salty digit crossed them again, they instinctively parted and came down softly, sucking only the very tip. A little cry of guilty frustration
stole out. He covered her cry with his mouth, taking the sound from her. Her entire body floated into the warmth and suppleness of the kiss. Open mouthed, they searched, each movement brought new and secret longings. Hands traveled slowly and freely, both taking and leaving imprints of each other’s need. When his hand cupped her breast, the heat from his skin soaked deep into her body, and when his finger and thumb took the nipple between them, squeezing, the sensation pulled like a ripcord on both her sex and her conscience. His dick jerked. She spun around breaking away
from his embrace and jumped from the bed, gathering her robe up around her.

She turned her head away, feeling childish for the sudden outburst. “I’m sorry, I don’t—I want to …” She really did want to, but she was afraid if she did, she’d never be able to stop.

He closed his robe and got up from the bed, backing out as he spoke. “I shouldn’t have gotten into bed with you. I—”

She stopped him, making eye contact again. “It’s okay. I needed you here, and I was glad when you came to me. I’m not sure why I jumped up. I…” Love and security blanketed her when he slid into her bed only hours ago. Why panic now? Her head was unsettled. That must be why she was being so ridiculous.

He gathered his beer bottle and the teacup. The mood turned awkward. “Everything’s okay,” he said. “I’ll go. I have a few things I need to take care of before we head to the police station. Remember, this is all just routine questioning. Are you hungry? Do you need anything?”

She fidgeted and glanced away. “Not right now.”

He nodded and turned, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

She realized when he was gone she wouldn’t be able to connect with him until she saw Max with her own eyes. They’d been separated before, but not under these types of circumstances. Even though he was safe at home, she needed him to hear her say she would be home with him soon. Mid-morning would be a good time. She’d call him then.

Less than an hour later, she was drifting in deep thought. She sat, hugging her knees to her chest in the bed side chair and attempting to make sense of all that had happened. A knock broke into her thoughts, and it was a welcome intrusion.

Jackson poked his head around the door. “I have a surprise for you.” In his hands, he held an open laptop computer with the
Dora the Explorer
theme song playing in the background. “I borrowed the laptop from the hotel.” He spun the laptop around to face her, and Max’s face was smiling back.

A yelp of happiness slipped from her. She was touched he was able to anticipate her needs, even though he’d only known her for a short time. After a long, reassuring video call with Max, she was convinced he was happily enjoying the long awaited reunion with Nick and Xavier.


Chapter 20






The cooler weather confined Xavier and his morning routine to the breakfast nook. The fall leaves and the shimmering sunlight on the calm water contrasted the glare of the summer sun and hectic boating traffic of the season. He sat, gazing out at the lake. In his relaxed position, he appeared peaceful. With all family members safe and accounted for, his cell phone sat on the table beside him, silent. He seem to be unaware of Jonathan entering the kitchen until he spoke.

“Good morning, Xavier.” Jonathan poured himself a cup of coffee and topped off Xavier’s before sitting with him at the table.

“Morning. I was hoping I’d catch you before I went out. Angela’s ready to go to rehab. In Texas. From what her doctor says, the treatment is the best money can buy. The hospital staff is arranging for her transportation. She’ll leave the day after tomorrow. I’ll join her the day after Kinsley comes home.”

Jonathan nodded. “I’ll make the arrangements. Perhaps you could vacation there and take some time for yourself. Any business could be done remotely.”

“So, you’re telling me to get the hell out of town and not get in the middle of anything?”

“Precisely.”  Jonathan was indispensable. When Xavier needed to hear the truth, he’d always deliver.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing. This time, if Nick and Kinsley are going to try to make their marriage work, I need to step back. I can’t be the confident shoulder for Kinsley to lean on. That shoulder has to be Nick’s. Well, she should be home tomorrow or the day after. We’ll have a small dinner here for her homecoming.” His cell rang, and he picked it up, checking the caller ID before answering.

“Good morning, Olivia. How are things going down there?”

“Well, everything appears to have happened just as Kinsley said. Jackson’s bringing her in today. What the DA does with the case is out of my hands.”

“I understand. I’m glad Jackson agreed to stay. I didn’t want a total stranger with her.”

“Well, I’m sure they’re far from strangers at this point. I hope you know what you’re doing. Jackson’s in love with her, you know. Nick will be lucky if she comes home at all.”

“I had my suspicions about his attachment to her. She’ll come home, though. How long she’ll stay is still a mystery. I suppose a lot will depend on how she and Nick come together after all this time.”

Nick came into the kitchen as Xavier’s call ended.

“Nick. Just the person I wanted to talk to. When Kinsley comes home, I want to have a small family dinner for her. I thought she’d want to visit with Mia, too. That is, if she doesn’t know about the two of you. Would you mind calling and inviting her? It’d be better if Mia heard from you that Kinsley’s coming back.”

Nick took a long sip of his coffee. “Just invite her. What difference will it make who she hears it from?” He turned and left.

~ ~ ~

When Kinsley and Jackson returned to the hotel from the police station, she went to the balcony, finally clearheaded enough to take in her surroundings. The penthouse suite was spectacular with a breathtaking view of the Atlantic. The boats were alive, festive, and the people on the beach were oblivious to the tropical dreams they painted for the onlookers. The day was one of the longest of her life, yet the sun was just setting. She should be exhausted, but her only need was for a long, hot bath, room service, good wine, and some easy company. The questioning at the police station was grueling and long, but the detectives were kind and not overly suspicious considering she had been the victim. Still, it wasn’t without guilt that she relayed the story several times. Jackson tried to explain that in a situation like this, she was doing the best for all concerned: her family, and herself. She resolved to buy it.

Jackson sized up the generous amount of boxes and bags Xavier sent. “Think he thought to send me clean underwear?” He had a doubtful smirk on his face. “I’m wearing the ones the hotel sent back from the cleaners this morning.”

She pursed her lips and mockingly said, “I’m sure I could find something for you.”

His full lips gathered to one side. “Sorry, nothing you have could hold me.” His eyes twinkled, but he managed to avoid the big wink. “I saw a men’s shop downstairs, I’ll pick up some things while you’re in the bath, if you’re okay with me leaving.”

“That’s fine, but be sure to come back. New clothes don’t count unless you show them off to someone when you get them.”

He peered around the corner. “I vaguely remember the customary post-shopping torture from living with Scar.”

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