Wicked Ride (19 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #Contemporary, #erotic, #Wyoming, #steamy, #romance, #cowboy

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Pulling back so he can see my
face, I give him censuring look and ask, “You
really think his name is Magnus Albright? He’ll never be found
because he’s a shadow and he goes by many names.”

“Jesus fuck,” he
grumbles as he pushes himself up and pull his arms away from me.
Logan holds himself up on one elbow and looks down at me, his other
hand coming up to push some hair off my face. “I don’t
even fucking know your last name. I’ve fucked the shit out of
you, going to do that again and again, and I don’t know your
last name.”

Sadness fills me up, and I shrug.
“You don’t
know any of the last names of the women you fuck from The Silo, I’m

He winces and I know that cut

Bending down, he drags his lips
across mine and cups his palm to my face. “Yeah,
but the difference is I want to know yours. Want to know every damn
thing about you, and even things you don’t know about

I blink at him, astonished by the
fervor in his tone, yet still on guard as he’s
asking something that a good con artist never gives up.

“What’s your last
name, baby?” he pushes at me, and I have no control over my
reaction. I’ve got years and years ingrained in me to hold
myself aloof from personal attachments, and I know my eyes go a bit

“It’s never a good
idea for someone like me to give my full name,” I say coolly.

He jerks in surprise over my
refusal, and then narrows his eyes at me. “You
still have my cum puddled warm inside of you, but you don’t
trust me enough to tell me your last name?”

I hold silent.

And then he understands why,
commanding me. “You
are not going through with this con.”

“I have to,” I say
with a sigh of regret. “My dad’s life is at stake.”

“We’ll find another
way to get you both out of this,” he responds resolutely as he
leans back over me, putting his hand down on the mattress beside my
ribs so I’m caged in.

displaying his dominance over me, in a classic alpha move to get me
to come to heel.

“You are absolutely not
going back into The Silo to suck cock unless it’s my cock,”
he adds on with a grunt.


“There is no other way,”
I say in exasperation. “My dad can’t just walk away. He
knows no other type of life. No other way to support himself. This is
it for him. He’s stuck in that world. He’s stuck working
for Magnus. If I want my dad to live, I have to pull this off and
ensure Magnus gets his money.”

not prepared for what he says next. “I’ll put in the
winning bid.”

And I can read the look on his
face clearly, and it makes me wince.
not? Wouldn’t
be the first time I’d bought pussy.

“Are you fucking out of
your mind?” I snap at him, putting my hands to his chest to try
to push him away from me. “You couldn’t possibly have
that type of money.”

He gives me a condescending
laugh. “What are you
going to fetch? A hundred thousand? Five hundred thousand?”

I roll my eyes at him, but remind
him resolutely. “It’s
more than a fly fisherman can afford.”

He doesn’t
debate this with me, but instead says with utter confidence, “I’ll
figure something out, but you are not going through with this.”

“Yes. I. Am,” I
punctuate through gritted teeth. “My father is all I have in
this world, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me
from doing what’s necessary to make sure I don’t lose
him. You have no idea the type of man Magnus is, and—”

Logan moves so suddenly, I can’t
do anything but suck in my breath in shock.

Throwing his leg over me, he
moves to straddle my chest but holds his weight off me. His legs have
me pinned at my upper arms. He puts his palms on the pillow beside my
head before hunching over and putting that beautiful face all up in
my space.

“Tired of listening to you
tell me we can’t fix this another way,” he growls at me.
“Tired of you thinking you’re going to go back in that
Silo and let another man touch you.”

“Get off—”

“Tired of listening to you
period,” he says with a grin. He flexes his hips so that his
dick, which is now brutally hard, brushes against my lips.

My eyes flare wide with surprise,
but I restrain myself from opening my mouth to take him in. It’s
what I really want to do, but, instead, I give him a loathsome glare
that doesn’t come close to hitting the mark because he laughs
at me.

“Open up, Auralie,”
he whispers with a grin, pushing the tip of his cock against my
closed lips. “Let me fill that pretty mouth up.”

Lust sizzles in Logan’s
eyes and I feel myself falling prey to it, but I refuse to give in.
Besides, something about arguing with him and the hard fucking that
occurs because of it is too good to pass up. So I remain stubborn.
“This doesn’t change—”

The minute my mouth opens, he
pushes forward and fills my mouth with his cock, stopping before he
butts against the back of my throat. I suck against him reactively,
and he groans his approval. My mouth is stretched wide and I’m
rendered speechless—which I think he likes very much at this
moment—and God help me, but that excites the hell out of me.

I can’t
talk, but I let him know what I’m thinking in this very moment.
My eyes level warmly on his.
going to let you fuck my mouth, Logan, but this conversation isn’t
over by a long shot.

He grins at me. Rising up on his
knees a bit for better leverage, he begins a slow pumping in and out
of my mouth. Once he rises, I note my hands are free so I bring them
up and sink my nails into his ass—hard.

“Fuck that hurts,” he
complains, but he doesn’t miss a stroke. And then he smiles
down at me almost evilly. “But that’s okay… I’m
only going to fuck your mouth for a few minutes… just enough
to get your jaw sore. Then I’m going to flip you over and tan
your backside for even doubting that I can get us out of this mess.”

I moan against his cock, not
knowing if it’s
because I’m turned on by what he just said or that he cares
enough about me to help me through this.


Chapter 17




in the viewing room again, my eyes already adjusted to the bright
light. Doctors are shoulder to shoulder as they hunch over the
operating table. My body leans left, and then right… just
can’t fucking see. I know I should know who’s on that
table, but it’s just escaping me.

I look to my right,
immediately frustrated the faces are blurred and unrecognizable. I
turn to my left, expecting the same, but instead, I meet a pair of
crystal-blue eyes smiling at me sadly.


I stare at her, confused as to
why she’s
here. How in the hell did she even get admitted? I look over her
shoulder at the long row of people sitting to her left, but they’re
all blurred as well. I can tell, however, that they’re all
facing forward and watching the procedure down below.

With great effort, and because
I’m afraid
I’ll miss something important, I tear my eyes away from Auralie
and look through the glass to the doctors below.

The whoosh of the respirator
is expected, as is the beeping from the EKG monitor. I still can’t
see a fucking thing though as to what they’re doing, but a few
words filter up through the speakers mounted in the corners of the
viewing room.

I can’t
locate the bleeder. Can I get some more suction?”

fifty over forty… heartrate 120… she’s in
hemorrhagic shock…”

Icy prickles cause my hair to
stand up, and my heart starts beating rapidly. My ears strain to hear
more because I still can’t
see shit below.

hang another
unit of O-Neg.”

she’s had
three already…”

can I get some
fucking suction here…”

The doctors move only
nominally, still huddled over the table. For as dire as the situation
seems, no one seems to be doing much to the patient before them. It’s
driving me nuts I can’t get a glimpse… then maybe I


In desperation, I turn to my
left. Auralie is
still looking at me sadly.

Can you see anything
from where you’re sitting?” I ask her desperately.

She gives a slow shake of her
head, and I curse at the fates.

I start to turn back. Perhaps
I’ll get out
of my chair and beat on the glass… tell those motherfuckers to

A warm hand presses down on my
thigh, and I feel Auralie’s
delicate fingers press into the muscle there. I turn back to look at
her, and she leans in to whisper, “You should fuck me, Logan.”

Excuse me?” I
ask, my head turning so I can get a quick glance back to the
operating table. Still completely obscured. I look back to her. “What
did you say?”

Her hand slides up my leg, and
it feels hot. I mean, really hot, as if it’s
lighting the skin under my pants on fire. I want to turn to look back
at the procedure below because I’m afraid I’ll miss
something, yet I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from her hand
that’s creeping steadily up my leg.

Logan,” she
murmurs, and I slide my eyes up to meet hers. She gives me an
encouraging look. “You really should fuck me.”

Before I can even answer, and
before I can take another quick peek into the surgical room, her
small hand covers my crotch and she squeezes what I’m
surprised to find out is a hard-on I’m sporting.

Talk about inappropriate.

My hand comes up to cover hers
with the intent to remove it, as I have far more important things to
do right now. But the minute my palm touches the back of her hand, I
find myself pressing her hand down on me harder and forcing her
fingers to curl around the outline of my erection.

I groan and lift my hips up,
because fuck…
that feels so damn good.

I should probably undo my
belt… get my
zipper down.

losing her…” I hear someone yell, and my head snaps
toward the glass.

Logan… I need
you inside me,” Auralie murmurs, squeezing my cock. I use my
hand to make hers start to jack me through my jeans, even as my eyes
remain pinned helplessly on the doctors below.

pressure’s falling…”

I want you deep inside
me, Logan.”

gone into cardiac arrest…”

Baby… I can make
this all go away if you just fuck me…”

A long, slow beep from the EKG

No,” I cry out to
the doctors below.

“Logan,” I hear as
someone shakes my shoulder hard. “Come on, honey. Wake up for

My eyes snap open, and I
immediately recognize the interior of my trailer.

I know I’m
on my bed.

I also know that is Auralie’s
soft body sitting in the bed next to me with her hand on my shoulder.

covered in a thin sheen of sweat. My heart is pounding pretty hard,
and I’m keenly aware I have a raging hard-on.

“Are you okay?”
Auralie asks in a tremulous voice. “I think you were having a

I turn my head, but I can’t
make out her facial features in the gloom. I can tell by the tone of
her voice she’s wigged out.

For fuck’s
sake… I’m wigged out too, because that was the same old
dream that was seemingly mixed with something else. It’s still
with me, causing pulsing images of the viewing room, the operating
table, the hunched-over doctors to all flash before me.

Gritting my teeth, I grab
Auralie’s hand and
put it to my cock. I make her curl her fingers around and stroke it a
few times, then remove my hand and let her take over. She does so
without question and I give a relieved groan, my mind instantly
focusing only on the pleasure she gives me.

“Were you having a
nightmare?” she presses me tentatively as my cock fucks her
hand and my hips start thrusting into her grasp.

I don’t
answer but instead roll over her, forcing her to lie back on the bed.
She loses her grip on me, and I immediately see the operating room
again in my head. My hand reaches out blindly to the window ledge
above my bed, desperately seeking the bottle of lube I keep up there.
I knock over my alarm clock, fumble over my phone, and finally latch
onto it.

The doctor on the end…
he starts to turn to let me see the table.

Coming up on my knees in between
her legs, I flip the cap and pour a hefty amount into my palm before
using my thumb to latch it shut. The bottle falls forgotten. My lubed
palm goes to my dick where I coat it thoroughly.

“Logan?” Auralie
whispers in confusion.

A small body on the table…
covered in a sheet.

I fall onto Auralie, her legs
spreading for me automatically, and I shove my cock into her with a

She gasps, her entire body
stiffening from my invasion, but I’m
immediately filled with a warm peace. Her pussy is gripping my dick
in such a way that everything else just becomes moot as I start
fucking her.

Leaning my head down, I kiss her
softly as my hips pump away the misery before whispering to her,
“Sorry, baby. Just
needed you badly.”

She answers me with a moan and
her hands to my ass, urging me to go deeper. I fuck her so thoroughly
that we both come quickly. As I orgasm, I can barely remember my own
name much less a stupid dream.

that’s the stuff that nightmare demolition is made of.




I crashed hard after I fucked
Auralie post nightmare. Banished those god-awful memories good
because the only dreams I had after that were of fucking Auralie
again, which ensured I woke up with a hard-on and feeling horny but
oddly refreshed. Downside was that I didn’t
have time to act on my instincts to have her again, but instead,
slipped out of bed and quietly put my clothes on. It was barely six
AM, but I always wake up early because that’s normally when my
workday starts out on the river.

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