Wild Thing (3 page)

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Authors: Mia Watts

BOOK: Wild Thing
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“Why do I think this isn’t a debate on who’s topping?”
Jack laughed. It’s what Ryan had been going for and it eased some of the tension.
“If we mess up a relationship that has the potential of going for the long haul because we can’t keep our dicks in our pants, that would be a travesty,” Jack reasoned. “If this is a relationship built on lust, it doesn’t have a chance in hell anyway.”
“Your level of optimism is astounding.”
“I want more than a fuck,” Jack said flatly. “That’s the half-full of it.”
“And you think that because I want to make blissful gay patty-cake sex with you, all I want is a temporary orgasm,” Ryan stated just as flatly.
He could feel his dick lose its starch already. What a spectacular way to find out you’ve been underestimated. Geez.
“I think there’s a strong likelihood that this would be a quick fix for both of us.”
“Or we could have both—sex now and a relationship. I’m capable of multi-tasking,” Ryan muttered. When did wanting sex feel so cheap?
“Don’t get your britches in a bunch—”
Ryan waved his hands by his naked parts pointedly.
“I’d think that the idea of someone wanting a lasting relationship would mean a little more to you,” Jack said, his tone growing terse.
“It does,” Ryan softened his voice, trying to show Jack beyond words what his heart wanted. “You do. If you want to wait, I’ll wait.”
“Really?” Jack asked surprised.
“Do you know why Justin and I broke up?” Ryan asked.
“Not really. You guys were together for a long time.”
“Six years. I thought I loved him, and it used to make me angry when he said I didn’t love him the way he loved me. We broke up because he saw something I’d managed to overlook. I’ve been in love with you for more years than I care to count. Justin saw it every time we talked, and it ate him up inside until he left me to find someone who felt that way about him.
“It took me a solid year after he left to admit that he was right. I put him through hell. So if waiting for you to see how special I think you are is what it takes, I’ll wait a lifetime.”
Ryan didn’t wait to see the look in Jack’s eyes. He turned and retrieved his clothes, dressing. It wasn’t until he tightened his belt for the second time, that he allowed himself to search out Jack’s face.
Jack had moved behind him, and when Ryan looked up, Jack pulled him easily into his arms. “You have no idea how hard it is not to touch you.”
“You can touch me anytime you want to,” Ryan assured him. “When you decide you’re ready, let me know. You’ll have to make the first move.”
“Thought I made it this time.”
“Yeah, and then slammed the door on it,” Ryan teased. “I’m not going to overstep again. You come to me when you want to take this thing further, okay?”
Jack nuzzled Ryan’s neck and Ryan wanted to steal the words out of the air, shout
fuck it
, and drag Jack to his bedroom.
“You aren’t going to make this easy on me, are you?” Ryan groaned.
Jack trailed kisses up the side of his neck. “I want to learn everything about you.”
“You already know the important stuff,” Ryan countered.
“I know the stuff that’s public record. I know your family, and I know your business. I want to know what’s important to
“If this is your way of talking me into taking you to my shoot site, I’ll do it. You only had to ask. But just realise that if you keep kissing me like this, I’m going to be walking funny all the way up there.”
“Can’t have that,” Jack murmured suggestively.
He yanked Ryan’s fly downward and reached inside.
Air exploded from Ryan’s chest. “I thought you said no sex.” His eyes rolled back as Jack took him firmly in hand.
Jack dropped to his knees in front of him, looked up. “According to a former president, what I’m about to do doesn’t constitute as sex.”
His chuckle was naughty and sent shivers up Ryan’s spine. It was nothing compared to the rush of hot and cold that sped through his veins when Jack’s mouth closed on Ryan’s exposed cock.
“Humina, humina, humina, humina.”
Ryan’s child-like noises had Jack laughing. Which was great. Really great. Ball jiggling, cock vibrating fanfuckingtasticly great.
“Mmm,” Jack moaned, taking Ryan’s cock as deep as he could.
Ryan’s dickhead slipped past the soft palate to the contracting muscles of Jack’s throat. “God bless President Clinton and his double-talk.”
He gripped Jack’s head, fingers spearing through the light brown waves as Jack’s lips tightened, and he swallowed around Ryan’s cock, before pulling off. His teeth grazed the spongy tip, tongue burrowed gently into the tiny hole at the top. Jack’s lips popped over the helmet ridge then took him deep again.
Slick and full, Ryan thought his cock might burst. The idea of Jack’s hands on him had been enough to send him over the edge when he beat-off, the reality of Jack’s mouth on him—oh, hell, he was going to come!
Ryan tugged on his hair. “I’m gonna come.”
Jack’s fingers snaked into Ryan’s open zipper, curled around his testicles while his thumb gently massaged the drawing orbs.
“Jack! I’m gonna—”
Jack grunted acknowledgement, held the shaft with his free hand, and swallowed Ryan as far as he could go.
Understanding wasn’t hard to find. Ryan flexed hard against his mouth, his hips almost moving of their own accord. Ass flexing, chest heaving, desperately trying to hold back and let go all at the same time, Ryan cried out, spilling his seed down Jack’s throat.
He thrust to a stop, his fingers still digging into the sides of Jack’s head. “Oh my God.”
Jack sucked off, looking up at Ryan impishly. With the side of his thumb, he wiped the moisture from the corners of his mouth. “Mm, tasty.”
Ryan threw his head back, laughing. Jack stood and pulled him against his chest. “I love the way you laugh,” he whispered against Ryan’s ear.
Ryan clutched him close. “The idea of losing you is so much more difficult when you tell me you want me. You make my knees weak.”
“Nah, I’m just fantastic at giving blow jobs,” Jack joked.
“Tonight, in the pup-tent, I’d like to return the favour if you’ll let me.”
“I’ll think about it.” Jack pulled back far enough to wink. “C’mon. We’d better go before we lose any more of this day.”
Ryan groaned. “Yes, sir, Officer Allen.”
Jack tussled Ryan’s hair, then dodged out of reach when Ryan made a grab for him. Jack snagged the nylon bag of supplies, and his shirt, then raced for the truck.
“Hey, no fair! I have to dig out the tent!” Ryan called after him.
Jack laughed. “I guess that means I win.”
It occurred to Ryan that he didn’t really know what the race was about or the prize for winning, but playfulness seemed to have struck both of them, and that seemed more important than technicalities.
Except for one.
He bent down in the closet and pulled out the wrapped tent. Slinging it over his shoulder, he smiled at Jack through the open front door. As he got to the porch and turned to lock the cabin, his smile faded somewhat.
What will Jack do when he finds out the truth about my wolf

Chapter Three

It was probably four shades of wrong to feel so giddy about giving another guy a blow job, Jack thought. And it might have been if it’d been anyone other than Ryan Walsh. How many times had he thought about the lean, sleek body bumping against his?

Couldn’t begin to count them all.
He distinctly remembered looking forward to gym class when they played football, praying they were on opposite teams so he could tackle him. Ryan had an aloofness about him that naturally kept people at arm’s length. He was considered a loner. Smart, quiet, deadly glances from beneath hanging forelocks…that’s how Jack remembered school with him.
Then there were the glimpses of him during the summer months when college kids returned home and the town woke its sleepy self up to host picnics and outdoor dances. Ryan was the watchful shadow in the corner.
Every time Jack even imagined Ryan looking his direction, he got butterflies. The day he’d discovered that Ryan liked guys had sent his dream life into overdrive. God, to be kissed by those sultry lips and feel that body move against his, all broad shoulders and long legs…
He was getting hot just thinking of it.
Ryan asking for Jack’s help from time to time had been Clancy’s idea. Clancy had probably seen Jack mooning from a distance and thought he’d help his partner out of his misery. As a result, Jack’s DNR job benefited from the knowledge Ryan had acquired as a wildlife photographer.
But then there’d been Justin. Justin had stopped the town. His movie star looks and come hither eyes had every persuasion fascinated. That they’d been solely directed at Ryan and had sent the town into full gossip mode. Which was probably why Jack had never felt the need to announce his sexuality.
He knew who he was, so what if the town had an opinion about it.
Justin had killed Jack’s hopes. Jack hadn’t wanted to give him the time of day. What he’d wanted, what he’d really wanted was Ryan. Ryan’s teasing eyes and playful smile haunted every moment of thought when the man entered the room.
Then Justin had left.
Secretly, Jack wanted to cheer. Later he’d wanted to cry because unattainable Ryan was easy to lust over and know he’d never have. Not with a guy like Justin around. But single Ryan, just as unattainable because Jack wasn’t his type and never would be, well, that was just made Jack pathetic.
Jack kept his eyes trained on Ryan’s back as he led the way through the trees. Ryan’s feet almost hovered they were so silent on the underbrush. Jack, however, tromped. Which sucked because he was DNR and he should have
skill when sneaking up on the NR.
Ryan’s movements were fluid. His shoulders swayed, his back almost twisted into each step, but his walk wasn’t awkward. No, Ryan moved like he was part of the woods, like he belonged there.
He couldn’t fucking believe he’d turned down a chance to have sex with Ryan. What the hell had he been thinking? Was he worried that Ryan deciding Jack might be his type after all would be squashed to nothing more than an orgasmic smear after laying him?
What if he didn’t live up to Justin? Or, worse, what if being in love with Ryan from a distance was sexier than actually sharing the daily baggage?
God, he was shallow.
That wasn’t it either. He had no real fear that
wouldn’t live up to the hype. Jack was more worried about being a one-nighter for him, a side fling out of nostalgic curiosity that would be discarded later. If he held out, made Ryan get to know him better—okay, better than he already did—then maybe he could charm Ryan into actually falling in love with him.
That was it wasn’t it? Even though Ryan had said he’d wait because both Ryan and Justin recognised he wanted Jack more.
That had to be a line. It
to be. A
line, but a line.
“You’re awfully quiet back there,” Ryan commented.
“Enjoying the view.”
Ryan stopped and looked back at him. “Is it wrong that I hope you’re referring to me?”
Jack gave him a shove on his back. “Keep it movin’ Walsh.”
“Ten paces and we’re there. This is the flattest area before the rocks. I think there was something about a reciprocal blow job?”
Jack felt like a sappy idiot for grinning, but he kind of liked having Ryan pine for him, even if it was temporary.
“I want to see your blind, check out the blood reported there. Aren’t you worried about your equipment?” Jack asked.
“The cops around here are slow, but even I know they’ve already confiscated my stuff. Why do you think I packed another bag? I need photography equipment to film wildlife. Pretty sure an etch-n-sketch wouldn’t capture the same intensity.”
“Ha, ha,” Jack monotoned. “Set up the tent. I’ll be right back.”
“You don’t know where the blind is.”
“Rocks facing the lake? Easy enough. I’ll start by looking for blood and a great hiding place. I’m pretty good at spotting human disturbance.” He pointed to the badge on his shirt. “Comes with the job.”
“Apparently, so do the guns.” Ryan frowned as he watched Jack reposition the rifles over his shoulder after removing the nylon bag.
Jack moved off, climbing his way over the rugged, white rock. Pebble skittered under his feet and he nearly lost his grip twice. He knew Ryan was watching.
Way to show off your skills there, Ace
Easing over the ledge, he found the way down a little less tricky. Ryan’s hideaway would have been completely overlooked if Jack hadn’t seen the blood. How had a hiker found it? The trail by the shore wasn’t too far off. Jack continued down until he stood on the path.
Afternoon sun glowed warmly around the rocks. Backlighting would be a problem for anyone shooting into the sunlight. He supposed that may have been the effect Ryan was after, pleasant glow, shadowed figures of birds on the water. He could see why the location appealed to him.
Looking back towards the ledge, at this point in the day, light would glint off a lens. He supposed that’s how the hiker had seen the blind. But if Ryan had already left the spot, his camera would have been put away. No camera, no glinting lens.
Jack ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. Carefully making his way up the rocks, he looked around the nook. There was blood. A lot of blood. Dried and puddled in some places, an amount like that would have left a mark. Ryan was scratch-free.
So what was wandering around out there un-scratch-free? The wolf? God, he really didn’t want to have this conversation with Ryan.
He got back to camp, noting the cosy tent barely big enough for two grown men and gave Ryan a wry smile. “Home sweet home?”
Ryan smiled back, shrugging. “You said you wanted a tour. I’m a full-service kind of guy.”
Jack’s smile died. “You didn’t tell me you’d seen the wolf.”
“I haven’t.”
Jack explained his theory.
“Maybe an animal came to inspect the human scent my things were leaving in his territory, he got cut up on the rocks, and the hiker saw the blood.”
He noticed the bundle of branches Ryan was collecting and began picking them up too. “I guess.”
“You’re determined to think I’m hiding something,” Ryan complained.
“You are. I know you that well, at least.”
“What makes you think I am?”
Jack put the branches beside Ryan’s pile as Ryan began building the fire.
“Normally, when you smile or move, you have this kind of effortless grace. When you hide something, there’s a strain on your movements. An extra forced ease,” Jack said.
“Because you know me so well,” Ryan scoffed lightly.
“Because I watch you enough to know the difference. Remember when Larry Johnson ran for student government? You were his best friend, but you got uncomfortable when he gave his speech to the student body. Found out later he wanted to date Linnea Kolstag, the reigning treasurer. You knew it was the only reason he was running, not because he wanted to make a difference. When you stood beside him for his speech, you had the same uncomfortable body language you do now.”
“One instance,” Ryan dismissed.
“Joanna Fredericks, Michael Aplee, Susan Friestad, Maris Halvorson. Should I continue, or do you need me to spell out all the times you knew something about them and wouldn’t tell?”
“I’ll find out eventually. What are you hiding?” Jack asked, trying again. He squatted down beside Ryan, looking at his profile intently. He watched the way his eyelashes swooped down to conceal his eyes, the quick flicker of a smile and the almost shrug that was more of a twitch.
Ryan faced him, absently poking tinder into the fledgeling flames. The sounds of evening already circled closer and the sun, blocked by the rock outcropping as it descended across the lake, out of sight, make the moment feel intimate.
He just had that way about him. Details became significant when Jack was with him. His fingers curled around a branch, the yellow flames highlighting each expression as it crossed his face and disappeared—they all felt precious somehow.
Ryan took Jack’s upper arm and tugged gently. It knocked Jack off balance, but they were close enough that it served only to make him lean heavily on Ryan. “I’ll tell you. I promise. I want to because it’s important to me that you understand, but I also need to know that I matter to you as much as you matter to me.”
Those words turned Jack’s fears to smoke. How could he doubt the look in those eyes? That expression wasn’t one of a player trying to get laid, it was the look of a man who was waiting with his heart on his sleeve.
“You matter, Ryan. It’s scary how much.”
The ghost of a smile touched Ryan’s lips. “Yeah?”
He kissed Jack and Jack thought he could taste wood smoke, pine, and heated coals in the easy embrace. It felt comfortable. If felt safe. Jack wound an arm around Ryan’s shoulders, holding him as close as he could without toppling them. Ryan didn’t seem to have any such concerns and they fell to their backs, shoulder to shoulder, kiss broken but still smiling as they looked at each other.
“I used to wonder what kissing you would be like,” Ryan said.
“It’s sunshine. Makes me hot and toasty. You feel…strong. I like it.”
Jack puzzled. “Strong? You’re twice my strength.”
“Yeah, but you’re solid. I kiss you and it feels like I’m kissing
“Makes for sore lips,” Jack teased.
Ryan rolled up on his side. “It makes me want forever. With you. Does that scare you?”
Ryan’s face blocked the darkening sky. Only a little light remained and the firelight was too far distant to have much illuminating effect at this stage of dusk. His hair hung down over his shoulders, moving slightly in the nearly non-existent breeze. His bottomless brown eyes appeared black and his eyebrows had drawn together in the middle, waiting for Jack’s answer.
Jack twisted a strand of Ryan’s hair around his finger. “I think it should. I think it’s supposed to.”
“But it also feels like we’ve spent a lifetime getting this far. I can’t feel like it’s wrong,” Jack murmured.
“Don’t over think it.”
Ryan kissed him. Jack sank his fingers into Ryan’s hair, relishing the feel of warm breath when autumn evening air stung his cheeks in contrast. Silken threads held his hands enthralled as Jack deepened the kiss. Still soft, but now needy, Ryan’s kisses grew more demanding. He welcomed Jack’s tongue into his mouth, suckling it, tangling with it until they were both breathless.
Ryan’s hands stole downwards along Jack’s body. He unbuttoned the shirt and shoved the undershirt up to reach Jack’s chest and belly. Then dipping his head, Ryan tracked kisses along Jack’s jaw, down his neck, the length of his sternum and back up to capture a cold-pinched nipple in his mouth.
Cold to hot on the sensitive bud, Jack hissed sharply, his back arching of its own accord as he unconsciously reached for more of the drawing warmth that lit his insides with a different kind of fire.
“Now?” Jack asked.
“Uh huh,” he said, letting go of the nipple.
The cold, wet shock had Jack hissing all over again. He grabbed Ryan’s head and yanked it back to his icy flesh. “No more talking. Frostbite.”
Ryan nibbled, apparently liking the suggestion of “biting”, even if Jack hadn’t intended it. Yet the sensation had Jack squirming.
The pressure of a hand sliding down his torso, fingers dipping into his pants, effectively divided Jack’s attention. Ryan’s inquisitive mouth followed the same path. Jack’s breath came shallowly, his abdomen caving with pleasure the lower Ryan moved.
His belt and pants undone in swift order, Jack squeezed his eyes shut, absorbed with the sensation of having his lower body bared to all of nature. He liked the feel of cold air on his heated shaft. He flexed his cock, stretching it stupidly as though it would appeal to Ryan faster.
He needn’t have worried. Ryan traced the underside with the tip of his tongue, massaged the soft underspot where flared rim curved open.
Jack bit back a moan.
From there, he followed the trail of a single drop to its origin, sipping from the tip. Hot, cold, dry, wet, sucking, flicking, it was enough to drive Jack crazy. With a grunt of frustration, he lifted his hips to Ryan.
Ryan chuckled. “I thought you said you were a quiet lover.”
“You gonna hold me to that?”
“Not on your life,” Ryan murmured. “Writhe all you want, babe. Just come screamin’.”
Ryan made his mouth into a tight “O” and pushed it firmly down Jack’s cock. His flattened tongue on the underside stroked and moulded to Jack’s form. Ryan reached up and pressed his hand to Jack’s chest as he began to suck.
Pleasure rippled through the friction, mounting with each outward draw and inward swell. His balls pulled up into his body both from cold and pleasure as the familiar tingle of orgasm began its parade on his senses, starting at the base of his spine.
Seeming to sense he was close, Ryan worked him faster, deeper. Jack’s hips came up, fucking Ryan’s mouth the same way Ryan had been unable to control himself earlier. Jack bucked, grinding his teeth and shouting into each thrust.
Suddenly he couldn’t move, so taken with orgasm as his ass clenched tight and his body convulsed. Volcano sparks of pleasure shot embers behind his eyes, down his thighs, along each nerve ending. Jack erupted on a howl, not even trying to hold back the sounds his body demanded of him.
Ryan cleaned him off and crawled back up Jack’s body. “I’ll never believe another word you say, hot stuff. You’re a screamer through and through.” He chuckled.
Jack joined in, pulling him down on top. “I don’t care what the former president claims. That right there was spectacular sex.”
“So you’re opposed to something a little more invasive?” Ryan hedged.
“Bodies are just bodies, Ryan,” Jack said, cupping Ryan’s face. “It’s the heart and mind I’m more concerned about. When are you going to trust me with yours?”
Ryan’s gaze flicked away. “We should get some sleep. You probably want to watch for the wolf tonight. Do you want to take turns?”

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