Wingless Book Series (book 1) (21 page)

Read Wingless Book Series (book 1) Online

Authors: Holly Hood

Tags: #series

BOOK: Wingless Book Series (book 1)
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Take the
elevator up, sir,” he said. He was
and timid compared to Evan and Kenny.

Kenny hit the button on the
elevator in a rush, looking irritated. Ari had sunglasses on as if
she was undercover. She was wearing a tight black dress and black
high heels and she couldn’t have looked more noticeable if she’d
worn a snake around her neck. I laughed to myself at my

Getting to our rooms, Kenny and
Evan spoke low for a couple seconds and we parted ways. I flopped
down on the bed, so tired I didn’t even notice the room. It could
have been missing windows for all I knew. Before I could doze off,
Evan dove on top of me, crushing me. He practically attacked me,
holding my face with one hand, kissing me to the point I couldn’t
get air. I turned my head to breathe. He started down my neck,
undoing my shirt and flipping the covers off the bed.

Evan, I’m tired,” I said, barely

He rolled over, landing next to
me, kissing my forehead, and then wrapped his arms around me,
pulling me close to him. I could feel his breath in my hair as I
dozed off.

I got up before the alarm sounded,
sitting in a chair by the enormous window, the sunlight poured in
the room warming my legs. I sipped on some tea I’d made. Evan slept
peacefully across the room. The room was clearly a luxury suite; it
had everything you needed to live permanently-marble floors and
ceilings with such beautiful architecture.

The alarm sounded, Evan swatted
it, sitting up groggily. He looked over at me and smiled yawning.
“Morning, you must of got enough sleep,” he said, putting his feet
on the floor.

Yeah, I’m good now,” I said,
staring at him happily. He made me happy every time I saw his face.
“Even in the morning you’re beautiful,” I said, smiling at

Evan rolled his eyes not amused.
“You’re goofy in the morning,” he laughed, coming over and kissing

I’m just in a good mood,” I said,
setting my cup down and standing up to look out the

I’m glad you are. I like to see
you happy.” He kissed my forehead, looking with me out the

I’m going to get showered and
dressed,” he said, leaving the room.

I sat waiting patiently, wondering
who was on the chopping block today, what kind of person was about
to have everything taken from them. It was easier to just not pay
attention to that and just let him do his job.

Evan appeared back in the room,
wearing his typical ensemble: jeans, a black t-shirt, and a hooded
sweatshirt. He was ready. We headed out of the room and waited at
the door for Kenny and Ari. Ari came out first with a cup of coffee
in her hand, wearing a long sundress, different sunglasses, and her
hair wet and combed back on her head. She nodded at me, walking
quietly behind Kenny. I followed beside her, letting the guys lead
the way. No one spoke as we made our way out of the

We didn’t pick up the car, we just
walked around the hotel and into the pool area. Evan opened the
gate, surveying the surroundings and headed in. Kenny stood outside
longer, looking over everything as well. I felt a little awkward,
so I followed Evan inside, not sure what to do next.

Just sit down, relax,” Evan told
me, pulling me towards a lawn chair.

I sat quickly. It all was
feeling extremely
intense. I didn’t bother
asking any questions-there weren’t many people at the pool this
early in the morning, so I was at a loss as to who exactly was
about to die.

I leaned back, closing my eyes,
trying to zone out. There were a couple of children playing in the
water and it made me nervous to think that it could be them. Would
Evan make me sit and endure a child being killed? I didn’t think
so. He probably would have had me stay in the hotel

Evan!” Kenny yelled.

I sat up to see what the
deal was. Kenny motioned to the parking lot where
a couple was heading towards

The woman was middle-aged, short,
sort of stocky build, and plain. Her husband looked to be the same
age as her, balding with a beer belly. They looked like average,
every day people out for a vacation.

Kenny followed them in,
practically stalking them. I tensed up as they made their way past

Kenny, come over here,” Evan
said, motioning him over. Kenny unlocked his gaze, coming over to
me and Evan. Evan stood next to my chair, his arms crossed. “What’s
your idea?” he asked Kenny, a little blank in

Kenny was filled with life, his
eyes wild. Ari stood by the gate filing her nails, not a care in
the world. She must have gotten used to it by now.

I, on the other hand, wasn’t sure
if this was something I would ever feel completely all right about
(no matter how hard I tried). Evan seemed the same-he knew it was
his job, but at the same time you could tell that it bothered

Well, the guy is older, so we
could do a simple cardi,” Kenny said, shoving his hands in his
pockets, biting his lip.

Cardi, I figured, meant make it
look as if he had a heart attack-as in cardiac. That would be my
guess at least.

Evan looked around again.
The man they were speaking of
was coming
towards us again with a towel in hand, wearing his plain blue swim
trunks. Those were the times when I wished, maybe for once, this
man would have
decided on the zebra
Speedo. You only live once.

Kenny nodded at him, the man
nodded back, sitting in the seat next to mine. He grunted and old
man grunt as he sat down, his wife wasn’t with him. Or what seemed
like his wife at least.

How are you young lady?” he asked
in a deep, scruffy voice.

He was stern and a little
intimidating. I tensed up, feeling odd talking to a man who
was about to die. Kenny and Evan looked at me

I’m good, sir. How are you?” I
felt foolish for asking this, knowing I knew how he would be in the
next few minutes.

The man cleared his throat,
his graying hair glistening in the sunlight. He looked like any
other man his age-probably had a loving family at home. His skin
was worn in all the right spots, his blue eyes a little dull from
age. And as I stared at them, I realized
they had no life left in them, as if it was already gone. I
shrugged it off, thinking I was going a little

I’m good. Me and the wife are
here on vacation, having a good time.” He nodded, lying back in his

Well, that’s, uh, good,” I
stumbled, looking at Evan. Kenny watched the man intently for a

Evan came over to me, kneeling
down. “Why don’t you go sit over there?” he whispered.

What? Why?” I asked,

Just listen to me. I don’t want
anything happening to you.” He motioned with his eyes.

I got up, annoyed, heading to the
gate where Ari stood. She peered over the top of her sunglasses at
me before going back to filing her nails. I was surprised there was
anything left of her nails by this time.

Kenny walked over to the pool as
if he was looking at something in there. He surveyed some more
before he turned to look at the man. I started to feel horribly
sick. If it hadn’t been for him talking to me I probably wouldn’t
have felt like this.

I walked over to Evan who was
concentrating on Kenny, and grabbed his arm. “I’m going up to our
room,” I said, squeezing his arm to get his attention.

Okay, here’s the card,” he said
in a hurry.

I headed out the gates and around
the fence taking one last glance at the man. He was motionless in
the chair, his arm dangling off to the side. As I made it close to
the hotel lobby, I heard a loud scream followed by several staff
running past, practically knocking me over.

I was confused at the quickness
these men seemed to find out, it didn’t make any sense at all. My
mind raced and caused me to turn around and go back. I ran back
that way, half running, and then trying to stay calm and walk as to
not make a scene.

I stopped at the fence to see
several hotel staff hovering over the man, his legs the only thing
visible. Evan was outside the fence only a few feet from me. Kenny
was still in the pool area. Ari was standing close to Evan,
practically hiding behind him.

Evan didn’t seem to notice
me as I approached him and Ari, they just
kept on staring. “What’s happening?” I

Kenny is going to mess it up,”
Evan said as if I wasn’t asking anything.

His arm was tense, his body rigid
as I touched his arm. “What do you mean?” I asked confused. How
could Kenny mess up an already dead person?

Ari, get in there and get him.
Get him now,” Evan hissed.

Ari jolted forward, hesitating. “I
can’t,” she said, moving back. Evan pushed her lightly, putting
hardly any force behind it.

Do it now!” he hissed at

I’d never heard him sound so mean
to a girl before.

Ari immediately headed into the
pool area. She stopped in the gateway and took a deep breath before
she yelled. “Kenny, let’s get going!” she said, acting

Kenny didn’t look or move and I
finally began to realize something was wrong. As I scanned over the
scene, I realized that men were trying CPR on the man. They were
working feverishly to bring him back.

Kenny kept his gaze on what was
happening while a small crowd had formed- some already talking on
their cell phones. It was clear the ambulance was on the way,
sirens blazed in the background making it all too real. Kenny
started out the gate, bumping past Ari as he headed towards us. His
face was cold and empty.

I looked at the man and
gasped. The two men who were trying to help save him were now lying
beside him on each side. Kenny had
done something that wasn’t meant to be done. Panic ensued and a
woman screamed. Evan grabbed my arm, practically breaking it off as
he tried his best to keep his composure as we all started a small
trek back to the hotel.

Do you think I should take care
of that one to0?” Kenny asked Evan, walking at a little faster pace
than us.

Don’t even think about it. You
already screwed all of it up. It’s a big enough mess now,” Evan
ranted, heading up the hotel stairs. He still had a strong grip on
my arm. I barely kept on my feet as we headed to the

Ow, Evan chill out!” I yelled,
swatting his grip. He finally let me go.

As we all climbed into
elevator, Evan looked furious. Kenny
seemed a little oblivious. I was certain he was going to attack

Do you not realize what is going
to happen when we get home to Carlo!” he yelled at Kenny. His face
went from one shade of red to another.

What was I supposed to do, dude?
They were trying to-“

Evan threw up his hands.
“You know who you are. Do you really think they could of undone
what we do?!” He tapped Kenny on his chest with a hard,
thud. “Do you

Kenny rushed out the elevator. I
think he knew he was close to a beat down. “I don’t know what I was
thinking. I just got a little nervous,” he said, pacing the

I don’t know what it was, but I
think you’re losing your mind. You were ready to off that woman
back there too!” Evan yelled.

Never did I think Chaos could
ensue for a family of impossible beings, but that just proved to me
that no matter who you were, drama always found its way into

Chapter 21


Long talk


The ride back was not fun. I
ditched the plan to argue Evan into the driver’s seat. Judging from
both guys current state of mind, it wouldn’t have been a good
thing. Evan had lost his good mood and he wasn’t saying much. He
stared out the window, his arm around me. No matter what happened
there was one thing I was sure of, Evan would always be

Kenny kept the radio off, not
speaking either. Ari passed out, her feet hanging out the window,
her dress lazily blowing here and there as we drove down the
highway. I stared out my own window, wondering what this meant for
them. Would Carlo know about this? Or did it take one of us saying
something for him to find out? I wasn’t sure how it worked. I just
knew, judging from the man I met, he wouldn’t be happy.

A loud ring sounded off throughout
the car. Kenny fumbled around, pulling out his cell phone. He
tossed it back to Evan. It hit his knee, sliding onto the

Evan picked it up, sighing. “Why
am I the one answering it?” he asked irritably. He gripped the cell
phone making it disappear in his hand.

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