Winter's Magic (Music City Hearts Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Winter's Magic (Music City Hearts Series)
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“Some things you never forget. My wife and I used to go dancing every weekend. We took ballroom lessons the first year we were married. It was her passion.” Beth felt the melancholy in his tone.

“So, I’m going to guess he wasn’t encouraging?” Jonathon moved the conversation back to Troy.

“Not in the least. What did he ask?”

“He wanted to know how you met Nicholas and when the two of you started dating. He had a hard time hiding his surprise.”

“Given his true opinion of me in the past, I’d say surprise is an understatement.” She had to smile at the image that came to mind. “Anything else?”

“I tried to be discrete.”

“I’m sure you were.” She laughed at his feigned innocence. “I’m guessing you heard more.”

Jonathon didn’t answer right away. At the next turn, Beth eyed the bar and saw Nick deep in conversation. She had a hard time not comparing him to other men. And not just physically, although his body screamed masculinity. He exuded confidence in everything he did. He knew his business inside and out. It was obvious by the attention he held that others respected his opinion.

“I can remember when my wife gazed at me that same way.”

Startled from her thoughts, Beth smiled and tried to hide her embarrassment. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Fair enough. He asked if the two of you were serious. He tried to sound casual, but men usually have a reason when they ask questions like that.”

Beth didn’t know what to say. Jonathon was wrong. The truth probably fell closer to Troy resenting her acceptance within his social sphere. When she’d told him she was choosing La Bella Vita over him, her hadn’t believed her at first. Her refusal to give in had caused him to lose control and lash out. He’d warned that time would change her mind. He'd been wrong.

“Troy doesn’t think I belong. We broke up because he was ashamed. I didn’t conform to his expectations or meet his standards.” She sighed and looked into the most compassionate eyes. “It was complicated. We went our separate ways a long time ago and I hope he’s happy now. I am.”

The song ended and they moved to the edge of the dance floor where Emily was casually trying to get her attention. Jonathon took both her hands in his. “Thank you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nicholas this happy.” He smiled, kissed her on the cheek, and then walked away.

Beth didn’t have much time to think about Jonathon’s comments before Emily began a thorough tour of the room. They ran into several old friends she hadn’t seen in years. They planned to have lunch or a girl’s night out to catch up as soon as the holidays were past.

Several people stopped to congratulate her on the success of La Bella Vita. Many of the women ooh’d and aah’d about Nick. Rumors had been flying through the circuit, but few had actually seen them together until tonight. Everyone expressed their admiration of the match, saying what a perfect couple they made.

It was getting late when Beth excused herself to the ladies’ room. She was grateful to Emily. The night had turned out so much better than she could have hoped. She missed Nick, though, and wanted another dance with him before they left. She quickly checked her makeup, touched up her lipstick, and adjusted the straps on her heels.

Emerging refreshed, she headed back to the ballroom. She remembered seeing Nick just a few minutes earlier near one of the exits to the foyer. One more dance, or maybe two, and they could go home.

Taking her time, Beth breathed in the fresh air of the hallway and thought about the night to come.

“I was hoping I’d find you here.” Troy stepped out of the ballroom just as she reached the entrance.

“Here specifically or here as in not left yet?” Beth tried not to sound surprised as her insides twisted.

“I knew you hadn’t left. Nick’s still here.”

She clearly understood his matter-of-fact tone even though his face was impassive. Given Jonathon’s report of his earlier questions, she knew he didn’t represent the Welcome Wagon.

“I’m actually on my way to find Nick.” She tried to step around him, when he caught her arm. “I really can’t talk right now, Troy. Please let me go.”

“What, you don’t have time for me?”

Beth saw his stance waver and realized he’d had too much to drink.

“We were engaged!” he said. “And you can’t give me even a minute of your precious time?”

Beth jerked her arm free and turned around, walking straight into Nick’s hard form. He caught her before she could fall.

“Is there a problem?” Though he was speaking to her, his eyes were on Troy.

“No.” She slid her arm around his waist and gently stroked one of his lapels. “I was coming to find you. I thought I might steal another dance or two before we leave.”

Nick didn’t move.


When he finally looked down at her, his face softened. Without another word, he turned and led her back to the ballroom.

“What did he want?” They’d barely reached the dance floor before Nick asked the question.

“I don’t know. I was coming back from the ladies’ room when he stopped me. He just said he wanted to talk.”

“That’s all he said?”

“I think he’s had too much to drink.”

“He’s not as harmless as you think he is.” Nick began leading her around the dance floor. He was mechanically smooth, not missing a step. His arms were rigid, holding her so close she could feel the agitated heartbeat in his chest.

“He’s angry and I can’t figure out why. I don’t think he’d ever hurt me. Maybe if I’d talked to him before he started drinking this wouldn’t have happened.”

“You could be right. But I didn’t like the way he handled you earlier and I don’t want him bothering you.” Nick reached up and gently rubbed his thumb across her cheek. Their eyes locked and she melted under his gaze.

“I’ll make you a deal,” she whispered.

“A deal?”

“No more talk about Troy,” she said as the next song started.


“Dance with me one more song.”

“I can do that.”

“Then take me home with you and love me until morning.”

He was giving her that smile now. The one that made her insides quiver with anticipation. The same one that had given her the bravery to slide her dress off in his office two days ago. “Your wish is my command.”

Hearing the roughness in his voice, Beth’s throat went dry. Nick’s eyes had turned pitch black and held hers like a vise. He drew her against him. Not with the rigid anger from before, but in a passionate embrace, promising everything she’d asked for.

Barely breathing, she couldn’t look away. She felt him reading her soul. Leaving his mark. And for the moment, no one else existed.

She had no idea how long they’d been sequestered in a privatge corner of the dance floor, moving in a circle of their own. Neither one spoke. At some point, Nick led them back into the flowing congregation. The connection softened enough for Beth to catch her breath, leaving a heated simmer flowing through her veins.

The moment the limousine door shut, Nick gathered Beth onto his lap and kissed her until she lay helpless in his arms. A mixture of emotions poured through him as her hand cradled his cheek, and then slid around the back of his neck and into his hair.

She seemed to understand the urgency he couldn’t put into words as her mouth moved against his with the same voracious craving. The longing in his chest to feel her against him, under him, to be inside her was so crushing he thought he might stop breathing.

More than anything, though, he wanted to love her. Not in a frenzied reaction of jealousy or possession. He wanted to make love to her in a slow, all-night caress that would join their souls and leave them sated in the morning.

Nick broke the kiss and laid her head against his shoulder, breathing heavy, trying to slow his heart. He felt her snuggle into the embrace. One hand around his back and the other tugging the ends of his bowtie until it came free. She let the material drop into his offered hand.

Beth’s fingers didn’t stop. Continuing with a single hand, she unfastened the top button of his shirt. Then the next. By the time he tucked the tie into his jacket pocket, she had five buttons open and was working on the sixth.

So much for letting his heart slow. With his shirt undone, he could feel her soft breath against his skin. Her lips began moving up the side of his neck as her hand slid into the opening just above his waist. Nick tried to relax and enjoy her ministrations. He could handle it. He could. They would be home in just . . . ten . . . minutes . . .

When the limousine stopped, Nick quickly buttoned his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair. He stepped out of the car and then offered her his hand. The driver smiled professionally, pretending not to notice their obvious disarray.

Nick led them inside, through the kitchen, and down the hallway to his bedroom. An easy silence filled the air as he slid the tuxedo jacket off and laid it across the back of a chair, while slipping out of his dress shoes.

He took Beth into his arms and touched her lips with his. A soft caress, only a hint of where the night would eventually lead. He wanted to take his time and savor every touch. He stared deep into her eyes. “I’m going to love you slowly and thoroughly. Turn around.”

Taking her shoulders in his hands, he pulled her body back against his and began to press slow, deliberate kisses behind one of her ears. He made a project of kissing every inch of her ivory soft skin. His lips glided down her neck, then he made his way across the bare skin of her back. When he reached the other side, he ran his tongue across the lobe of her ear and felt her quiver.

He released her shoulders. His mouth at the base of her neck, he inhaled her delicate scent. Beth rarely wore perfume, but he caught a hint of her lavender shampoo, mixed with the warming glow of her anticipation. He kissed his way down her neck and then her back as he lowered the zipper of the ball gown one inch at a time.

As the material opened for him, he covered her with his mouth, tasting the salty sweet essence of her skin. When he reached the small of her back, he knelt behind her, slid the zipper the remaining distance, and let the dress fall to the floor.

Fueled by a visible shiver and her soft moan, Nick took hold of her hips and made his way across her waist before heading back up the center of her spine. When he reached the clasp of her strapless bra, he released each hook and it joined the dress at his feet.

Standing behind her again, Nick’s hands splayed across her stomach, leisurely sliding up until he felt her ribs. Then he cupped her bare breasts and let out a strained exhale. Her body—so perfect. His control was slipping under the exquisite torture.

Nick let go and circled around her to the bed. In one swift motion, the decorative pillows slid onto the floor and the duvet and sheets were yanked back. “Lay down before your legs give out.”

She smiled and cocked one eyebrow. “I’m tougher than you think, Mr. Chester. My legs are perfectly fine.” But she complied and slid onto the sheets.

He shifted over her and gazed into her beautiful sparkling eyes. “I was being proactive, Ms. Sergeant. You’re going to thank me.”

Ignoring any response she may have wanted to make, Nick lowered himself and took one of her breasts in his mouth. He suckled and teased the hard tip until he heard the quick inhale of her breath. Her fingers began a lazy stroke across his shoulders.

When his mouth moved to the other breast, his hand replaced it and mimicked the circling of her nipple with his tongue. Her stroking increased and her legs began a restless movement against his hips. He continued to tease, drawing the tight bud between his lips, then soothing with the caress of his tongue. Slowly increasing the pressure, he continued until her body arched in response.

Then he moved lower.

Nick kissed his way down past her navel, then slid her panties down her legs. Before moving back up, he took off both of her shoes and rolled down the shear hose.

He kissed her knees and then licked her inner thighs. Feeling her stiffen, he reached up and touched her stomach, letting his fingers glide across the delicate skin in a gentle circle. “Just let me taste you, Beth.”

Their eyes met and held for a long moment.

“Do you trust me?” Something in his chest loosened at the sound of her voice saying
. The answer seemed to encompass more than what his question had asked.

Her head fell back and she relaxed her legs, letting them fall at his direction. Settling in, he took hold of her hips and began a languid assault.

His tongue started in a slow circling of her core. He groaned and drew her tighter against his mouth as he dipped inside for another taste. Her essence, achingly sweet, so intoxicating that he forgot all about moving slow.

He felt starved. He’d been craving her for days, wanting exactly this. Licking deep, he let the force of his hunger take over.

Her voice, crying out his name, broke through just as he felt the spasms begin.
Oh, sweet heaven
. He didn’t stop. Couldn’t stop, until he felt the last tremor of her climax fade.

He kissed his way down her inner thighs before making his way back up her body. Stopping to pay brief attention to her breasts one last time, he took them into his hands and kneaded until he felt the tension in her body returning. The shiver that went through her was almost too much—he couldn’t wait any longer.

Sliding into her, he leaned down and took her mouth. Beth met him stroke for stroke with an urgency that rivaled his own desperation. He wanted nothing less than her total surrender. Her body. Her soul. Her heart. She belonged to him.

Her fingers dug into his back as her hips lifted to meet his thrusts. When she wrapped her legs around his waist, he pushed deeper and felt the waves begin.

He held, absorbing the sensation of her pleasure gripping him, drawing him in until he fractured.

After several minutes of silence, Nick rolled to his back and brought her with him. Still joined and sprawled across his chest, he could feel the beat of her heart as his fingers traced invisible designs across her back. He reached down and lifted the silk sheet over them.

He imagined holding Beth in his arms every night and waking up next to her every morning. When she’d looked at him with those pleading eyes and said
Take me home with you and love me until morning
, he’d realized he didn’t want just tonight. He wanted every night. He needed to share the rest of his life with Beth. If she would have him.

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