Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1)
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I turned on the mp3 on my phone and placed it on the white and cream marbled sink as I climbed inside. As I laid in the tub, my body finally relaxed and I started drifting off to sleep. I woke up to my phone ringing an unfamiliar song, and chilled water.

I got out of the tub, thankful I didn’t drown, and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into the bedroom and put on a pair of sweats and a tank top.

I grabbed my phone and headed back into the living room with it. There were a few messages from Andrew telling me we leave in ten days and what all we needed. Then there was a voice mail from an unlisted number. I called and listened and nearly dropped the phone when I heard Jax’s voice come through.

I’m always here if you need me.”




The days had flown by how could it be Thursday already? I had just gotten back from getting my hair ombre’d from brown to blond and was packing my bag as quick as I could. Andrew's and I’s flight was in just a few hours. I hadn’t heard another word from Jax, but I made no attempt to call him either. I did, however, play his message a million times.

I stalked his social media as more photos of the blond showed up. I must be a glutton for punishment; because, as much as it bothered me, every day I continued to look and see if she was still in the picture. I couldn’t shake the unnatural hatred I felt for her without even knowing her. I really should have stopped looking, but I had become a cyber-stalker and could no longer help myself.

After packing my bags, I set them by the front door and walked into the living room with my phone. I wanted to call my dad and check on him. When my mom died, he didn’t know how to cope with it or how to raise me on his own; so we stopped talking, and Chase’s mom and Jax’s parents stepped in and helped. Jax and Chase spent time with him and that allowed me to maintain my distance from him.

I was never angry with him for how things turned out. I hoped that we would fall into a better relationship one day, but it hadn’t happened. My birthday was on Saturday and we would be in New York, so I wanted to see if my dad wanted to go out to celebrate the big 25.

Hey, dad,” I spoke softly as he answered the phone.

Hey Candy, how have you been?” My dad asked.

I am good dad, how are you?”

I’m good Candy cane. I miss seeing your face around here.” My dad’s reply tugged at my heart.

Dad, I am coming into town for work. We will be in town for a week. Do you want to go to dinner with me Saturday night?”

For your birthday? Of course, but wouldn’t you rather spend the time with your friends?” My dad had no idea what had transpired to make me leave, and obviously no one had allowed him to hear it through the grape vine.

No dad, I was thinking you and me grabbing something from Gray’s Papaya or the Cafeteria.”

I’m in, I love both places and would love to see you. How is California?” My dad asked, trying to keep the conversation from dying out.

It’s good. Surprisingly cold, but good. How is the house?” I responded, wondering if he was taking care of himself.

It’s good. Last month Jaxson came over with his friends and put on a new roof for me. Then this morning he was out here shoveling the driveway because we got some snow.”

Jax, has been helping you?” I tried to keep the shock out of my voice as I asked.

Jax has come by every afternoon since my fall.” My dad replied.

What fall?” I exclaimed

I was trying to put up the Christmas lights and fell off the ladder. I got a bump on the head and a sore bottom, but considering the alternative, I got away easy.”

My heart shattered. I hadn’t called to check on him in months. I never gave him my new number to call me. He could have died and had no way to tell me. I thought cutting my New York life out was the way to go, but now I felt like a horrid daughter. I would have to make sure I said thank you to Jax.

We wrapped up the conversation as Andrew arrived and started putting the bags in the cab. I shut everything off in the house and locked it up. I took a deep breath and climbed into the cab.




The airport had a two hour delay, due to snow in New York. We sat at the coffee shop and waited, as time ticked by so slowly. I couldn’t shake the bad daughter feeling I was having. I wanted to thank Jax as well for stepping up, but I was scared of what he would say to me. I did sneak out of his house and run three thousand miles away from him and everyone I knew. I was a coward!


Andrew was waiting in line to get us coffee, so I utilized my time alone by calling my voice-mail and plugging in Jax’s number.


Thank you for taking care of my dad.”


I left the message and hung up my phone. I watched as an elderly couple sitting across from me were sharing a coffee and muffin. They were waiting for their kid’s flight and looked as though they couldn’t afford to buy each a cup of coffee.

I was drawn to them and watched, as the love they had overflowed and made up for the fact that they didn’t have money. I stood up and cut in front of Andrew in line, as he went to the register. I ordered two blueberry muffins and two coffees. Then I took them to the older couple.

You nice folks look like you could use a little liquid energy and a snack,” I stated, as I sat their coffees down in front of them and then the muffins.

Thank you dear.” The woman nearly had tears in her eyes. “What’s your name?”

My name is Candice. What are your names?” I asked, enthralled with them for some unknown reason.

I am Helen and he’s Henry.”

My face fell when I heard the name, Henry. It wasn’t as common as one would think. The first person who came to mind was Chase, as that was his middle name.

It was nice to meet you.” I responded, and went to get up. Gently, the lady put her hand on mine.

Excuse me for saying, but you look sad. What’s ailing you, dear?” Helen asked, and I didn’t know why but I wanted to tell her.

My fiancé died, and then I turned my back on my best friend. My stomach is really angry with me about it all right now.” I replied in a rush.

You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Death affects people differently. Henry is my second husband. My first husband died in Vietnam. Henry was his sergeant and we fell in love when he came home to take care of me during my loss. Life happens fast. One day I was burying my husband, then three months later I was engaged to Henry. We have been married forty years now. Sometimes you just need to let life happen and not carry around guilt or remorse. Life is too short for that.”

She seemed like a wise woman, but who can get married that fast after burying their other half? I can’t help but feel like I am doing something wrong by not even visiting Chase’s grave. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like if I married someone else.

It was really nice to meet you,” I spoke quietly, and went to stand up, when she pulled my hand to hers once more.

You know, when I was little there was an old wives tale that said when you’re feeling low or blue, you take a walk in the ocean. It will clean out the mucky feelings you have and let you start anew. Mother used to tell us to stand in the water and make a wish. Maybe you should try it.” Helen replied, and my heart melted.

I had given up on wishing on the water when I fled from New York. My wishes went unanswered because I still ached from the loss of my other half. Maybe I need to try again, and I would when I got to New York.

We finally boarded the plane and I slept the whole way to New York. I was exhausted. My body refused to come off of its hiatus since I learned I would be returning to New York. Andrew admitted that he could have taken someone else; but, since he enjoyed spending time with me and had gotten familiar with my background, when they determined the meeting would be in New York he chose me. He told me he felt like I had unfinished business there and needed to deal with it.

We landed at Newark, and decided to rent a car instead of waiting out a six-hour layover. The entire ride seemed long and tedious as I impatiently waited for us to get into the city. When I saw my concrete paradise come into view, we were near the river heading toward the Lincoln Tunnel. A rush of emotion rolled over me, but it wasn’t sadness. It shocked me but I felt elated.

You ready?” Andrew asked, as we drove through the tunnel filled with yellow lights and honking horns.

Yea, I think I am.”

An hour and three detours from car accidents later, we arrived in front of our hotel. We were staying at the Waldorf Astoria Towers. In all my time in New York I had never been inside the elegant lobby at the Waldorf.

This room is yours and I am right across the hall from you.” Andrew whispered, as he handed me my key card in front of the elevator.

Thanks,” I replied, as I took the key and we entered the elevator. As we approached my room, I waved the key card in front of my door. I went to grab the handle of my luggage, but saw Andrew was already coming in with my luggage. I felt a little awkward that he was just coming in the room with me, but shrugged it off as a nervous reaction to being back in town. He was always in my house, so I didn’t understand why I felt so off here.

Thanks for bringing that in,” I spoke softly, as I walked to the window. I pulled the sheer curtains and looked across the way. The Empire State building was glowing red, white, and blue, as snow fell from the sky.

Andrew walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I slid my hand over his arms as we stared at the falling snow.

Thank you,” I whispered.

For what?” Andrew asked softly by my ear.

For bringing me home. I missed my cement paradise. If you look out at the horizon, there is nothing prettier than my steel and concrete skyline at sunset in the snow.”

It’s gorgeous. Anytime I can be of assistance, I would like to help. Get some rest now, and we will hit it hard at 7am in the conference room.” Andrew whispered, as he placed a kiss on my cheek. Then he released me and took his bags to his room.

I took in the room. The living room portion had yellow walls with white trim. It contrasted nicely with the blue furniture and blue carpet. I had a desk, a dining room table, and even a fireplace. I was in awe already and it was just the living room.

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