Ten Year Crush by Toshia Slade
The Tin Box by Kim Fielding
Viking Warrior Rebel by Asa Maria Bradley
Greygallows by KATHY
The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher
Lost Daughters by Mary Monroe
Fleeced by Hazel Edwards
The Twisted Cross by Mack Maloney
The 8th Continent by Matt London
The Fat Flush Cookbook by Ann Louise Gittleman
Namaste by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant, Realm, Sands
Lights to My Siren by Lani Lynn Vale
Looks to Die For by Janice Kaplan
The Keys of the Kingdom by A. J. Cronin
Experiment In Love by Clay Estrada, Rita
The Omega Cage by Steve Perry
Playing Around by Elena Moreno