Irresistible Impulse by Robert K. Tanenbaum
Manhunt by James Barrington
Vision Impossible by Victoria Laurie
Kleber's Convoy by Antony Trew
Drive-by Saviours by Chris Benjamin
A Season for the Heart by Chater, Elizabeth
Sketch a Falling Star by Sharon Pape
Frostbitten by Heather Beck
Puzzle for Pilgrims by Patrick Quentin
Blue Plate Special by Michelle D. Kwasney
The Iron Khan by Williams, Liz, Halpern, Marty, Pillar, Amanda, Notley, Reece
The Tinkerer's Daughter by Jamie Sedgwick
Deadly Chase by Wendy Davy
Whistle-Stop West by Arleta Richardson
A House in the Sunflowers by Ruth Silvestre