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Drt by Eric Thomas
Highland Warrior by Hannah Howell
Save Me by Shara Azod
Medical Mission by George Ivanoff
The Dark Lady by Mike Resnick
Vengeance of Orion by Ben Bova
Warlord of Antares by Alan Burt Akers
Where We Are Now by Carolyn Osborn
Blood Release by Eric Roberts
August Gale by Walsh, Barbara
The Scarlet King by Charles Kaluza
The Visconti House by Elsbeth Edgar
Maud's House by Sherry Roberts
Watching Her by Metal, Scarlett
Picnic on Nearside by John Varley
The Well of Tears by Trahan, Roberta
Isle of the Dead by Alex Connor
Naughty by J.A. Konrath, Ann Voss Peterson, Jack Kilborn
The Haunting of Grey Cliffs by Nina Coombs Pykare