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A Mad, Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller
Deadlier Than the Pen by Kathy Lynn Emerson
Galápagos by Kurt Vonnegut
Rare and Precious Things by Raine Miller
Everything by Melissa Pearl
Play Me Real by Tracy Wolff
Hard Frost by R. D. Wingfield
Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt
Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese
Revelations (Bloodline Series) by Kendal, Lindsay Anne
Timeline by Michael Crichton
If a Tree Falls by Jennifer Rosner
Just Deserts by Brenda Jackson
Mina by Elaine Bergstrom
The Firefly Cafe by Lily Everett
I.O.U.S.A. by Addison Wiggin, Kate Incontrera, Dorianne Perrucci