02_Coyote in Provence (30 page)

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Authors: Dianne Harman

BOOK: 02_Coyote in Provence
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“This is deep shit if you ask me,” said one man, convinced but still a little tentative.


“Yeah, we take ourselves way too seriously,” said another, grinning mischievously.


“We’re beginning to understand how much time, energy and resources we waste fearing death, when we could instead enjoy life and live life in the here and now,” said an elderly lady.


"When a person is about to be hanged to death, when a soldier begins running towards death in the battlefield, when someone with unrequited love and crushed heart finally takes that first step (after all those years of self-imposed incarceration), instead of fear, there is a smile on the face," said the chairman.


"Not a smile that represents madness but a smile brought about by a realization that everything that can be taken has been taken, and in spite of everything being taken - nothing has been or can be taken, that the word "to take" itself is a fallacy, born out of the limitation of language - a bastard offering of intelligence (not intellect) that will never be able to put even the faintest brilliance of 'the essence/ the source' into word, that only sound, guttural sound, from the very depths of the human soul, even with all its infiniteness, can do, only limited justice, to the infinite energy that lies dormant within the very depths of your Self, that realization takes birth.


"That to finally overcome the illusion of illusions, the biggest illusion that exists - Death, either physical, emotional or mental - that death does not exist, and is a figment of your imagination - unlocks a million nuclear reactions, bursting and overflowing with energy, like a mischievous child who is unable to fathom weariness, stress or fatigue, and smiles at them, because the child knows, because the child has not yet lost its awareness."


This was followed by a round of silence, a silence that was deep, peaceful and oddly nourishing. It was customary for people to start hyperventilating when the topic of death raised its ugly head - the one thing that everyone hated, vehemently and passionately. Death needed to be killed by all means, and if they could they would. All of sudden they realized that death was but an illusion, that reality was different, that their sense organs were playing this elaborate game of hide and seek that kept them imprisoned in fear of death all through life - when the simple truth is - death does not exist!


"Before I move on, I'd like to quickly talk about your financial blueprint that controls your ability to earn. It can be changed but many people find it impossible to do so," said the chairman.


"Why is that?" asked an impatient young man before the chairman could finish.


"Beneath that blueprint is another blueprint and beneath that another one, until you reach the 'blueprint of all blueprints'," said the chairman.


Everyone waited with baited breath for the chairman to blurt out this big secret; most looked like dogs with their tongues hanging out, waiting for the ball to be thrown, so that they could pounce on it before anyone else could get to it.


"Just like computers have only two states - 0 and 1, human beings too have only two states - will this hurt me (will I die) or will this help me (will I survive)?" said the chairman.


"Everything is a reflection of everything. It's not surprising that computers have only two states because those (we humans) who gave birth to computers too have only two states.


"Your external reality is a projection of your internal energy.


"The supreme priority of the organism (you) is survival, and the organism will do anything and everything in its power to ensure its safety.


"If the opportunity to make money arises then the organism will do everything in its power to prevent that from happening because making money "involves risks," and why put your sweet ass on the line when everything seems fine right now?


"If you start putting your rump on the line then the organism activates your memory banks, puts it into overdrive, and in no time your mind is overflowing with horrific scenarios (all of them imaginary) of what would happen if you attempted to do something out of the ordinary. This is the organism's way of telling you that if you do something different then life might tear you another asshole, which is rather unnecessary, because the one you have right now seems to be functioning quite normally.


"Your stress levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure shoot straight through the roof. All of sudden something as simple as breathing becomes difficult; some gasp, some hyperventilate and some start sweating like little piglets. You run to the fridge, grab a can of soda, a big piece of cake, plonk on the sofa, turn on the TV and everything is back to where it always was - being a couch potato.


“How do we overcome this fear?” asked a young woman.


“It's a good question. I'm glad you asked," said the chairman.


“This fear of 'will I die' arises from a
fear of the unknown -
because of a lack of knowledge, not worldly knowledge but spiritual knowledge. This is the root cause of any and every fear, this state of
not knowing
is what keeps you imprisoned. The moment you know the answer i.e. when you grow bigger than your problems, this fear disappears."


"How do we find out the answer(s)?" asked an old man.


"Another good question," said the chairman. "By listening, not to the outer world but to your inner voice that has all the answers (if you ask questions), which is why the Latin word 'educate' means to draw from within - not to shove from outside."


"This brings us to another interesting topic - negativity," said the chairman.


"People are not negative as the case is made out to be; your 'being' tricks you into believing there is danger (when in many cases there is no danger) and paints a situation negative. It is constantly evaluating in 1s (It's safe) and 0's (It's not safe), and the result of this evaluation is what makes people negative. Ironically, negativity prolongs your longevity. You live long - but have you truly lived is the big question."


"Is there a way out?" asked a worried young woman.


"Of course," boomed the chairman, which sent strong ripples of positive energy out into the room. This lifted everyone's spirit once more. "We'll discuss it shortly."


"For now, remember that this "blueprint of blueprints - this 0 and 1" controls everything - from your financial destiny to your social life to your culinary choices to the type of games you play." 

“So to recap - you are bleeding precious energy because you daydream, blame, complain and criticize, because you are infatuated, because you are weighed down by useless memories, because of sin and guilt, and the fear of death, since you are unaware of a higher and supreme truth that you
are immortal, that you can never die, that nothing can kill you.




The Turnaround

“Are you now able to understand why the vast majority will never be rich?” asked the chairman, as he studied their faces intently.

“Also, you now begin to realize why most are popping along in life, one pill after the other,” said the chairman, wistfully.

"Yeah, we always thought that money was about business, socializing and marrying into rich families," said one man. "Looks like we’re gonna have to reassess our plans.”

“Now I know why higher education is meaningless, they never mention any of this,” said one gal in frustration.

“Why talk about higher education? Schools fill children with so much crap nowadays,” added a young man.

“Makes sense to me, I got hammered in school and look what happened to me,” another guy chimed in.

“Looks like we’re all sailing in the same boat,” said an older gentleman.

The chairman listened intently to the spirited dialogue he had triggered.

“Consciously or not, our school system’s purpose is to train students to do a job they dislike, and ironically expect them to give it their all,” said a young guy. “You know, so much schooling is completing tasks that one has no aptitude or heart for, or tasks that are simply academic. And after 12 years of this bullshit, students refuse to embrace a challenge unless there's drudgery, senseless repetition and insanity involved.”

“Which is why more and more people are home schooling children nowadays,” said one gal.

“I guess that’s why those who drop out of school end up smarter; lesser conditioning leads to lesser memories which gives you the freedom to come up with original thoughts,” said a woman with a wry smile.

“The little ones are precious. If the early years are filled with fear, doubt, criticism and anger, then all efforts to turn a new leaf are met with stiff resistance,” said the chairman.

“This leads to a hunger, a hunger to be validated, to be appreciated, to be loved, the bigger the hunger the bigger the malediction for megalomania.”

“This hunger drives you wayward as you push for name, fame and recognition; you are searching for the “affection and appreciation” you never got when you were little.” 

“You run roughshod over all the blessings and miracles waiting for you, if only you had slowed down and embraced them, what a beautiful life this would have been!”

“I’m now beginning to understand why most people are so afraid of life. The fear, the guilt, the conditioning, the memories… ugh,” said an elderly lady, shaking her head in disgust.

“I just want to take this bag of poop I’ve been carrying all my life and throw it in the ocean,” said another.

“We’ve been driving with the hand brake on, burning precious energy on nothing,” said a senior gentleman.

most people don’t even know where the hand-brake is
,” uttered another.

“I like where this is going,” said one man, with a smile so big that you could have walked right into it.

“Me too, it’s the exact opposite of what we’ve been taught so far,” beamed another.

“Looks like we’ve been making the wrong dickcisions for a long time,” said a young guy.

"But how do we begin if we have very little or nothing to start the journey?" asked a distraught young woman.

To attain fulfillment one has to start with fulfillment,
contentment, is being in a state of fulfillment at all times
," said the chairman smiling.

"You make it sound so easy," she said giggling.

“I say we take a pledge that from this moment on we’re gonna LIVE, and not leak and creak our way through life, and no more fear or guilt, screw that crap,” said one man, as he put his hand out.

Everyone put their hand out and yelled: “YEAH.”

"Can anyone tell me what you guys just did?" asked the chairman. They shook their heads in the negative.

You changed your attitude, and the right attitude is priceless.

"We'll now discuss something so simple yet so profound that the sooner you embrace it, the faster your fortunes will turn around. It's ancient but timeless, and it's the
most precious thing
I possess when it comes to making money, it's called - Actionless Action."

Other thought provoking, life changing chapters include - Mother's Special Recipe for Success, Reverse Engineering your Deepest Fear, Be Very Selfish & Don't Forget the 'F' Word, Living in the Now, The Secret of the Billion Bits, The Essence and a Big Surprise at the very end.

Further Reading - Chapters 9 to 16

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I want to thank all of people who read
Blue Coyote Motel
and encouraged me to write a sequel to it.  The question people always asked was “What happened to Maria?” She was responsible for this book and the soon-to-be published final book of the trilogy,
Coyote Comes Home
, now being written.

As always, I could not have written this without the help of my husband, Tom. He became adept at fixing dinner, doing laundry, and taking care of the garden. Thank you!

And to Michelle, Bernie, Travis, John, Chris, Kirstin, Noelle, Duncan, Marsha, and Jackie, thanks for your support, answering my constant questions, and giving me valuable feedback. Your support and friendship are greatly valued by me.

And to all of you who have read my books and taken the time to contact me and give me your input, please know how very much it’s appreciated. None of this would be possible without you. Thank you!



         Dianne lives in Huntington Beach, California with her husband, Tom, a former California State Senator, and her dog, Rebel. She is currently at work on
Coyote Comes Home
as well as the second book in the
Tea Party Teddy


[email protected]

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Tea Party Teddy
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Blue Coyote Motel
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Blue Coyote Motel,
an Amazon Kindle Best Seller
was a quarterfinalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award Contest and was also a Goodreads Psychological Thriller of the Month Book.
Tea Party Teddy
is an Amazon Kindle Best Seller as well.

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