04 Naked Games (14 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #Hard to Get

BOOK: 04 Naked Games
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She sat back and smiled. “I like the taste of wine much better this way, I have to admit.”
He chuckled. “Have I turned you into an alcoholic?”
She licked her lips and shrugged. “To tell the truth, the wine was sort of in the way of the flavor I really wanted.”
Dean shook his head. “Little tease.” He lifted her up and placed her back on the bed. Dean forgot about the wine when he watched her spread her legs, inviting him in. He bent his head and kissed her swollen pussy, then proceeded to lick and nibble until suddenly she was screaming out another climax. When she collapsed, all her muscles going slack, Dean took a moment to look at her. Her wet pussy and reddened tits were on display for him. She was a wicked temptation.
“Catherine.” Her name was all he could muster. She didn’t speak, merely opened her arms and waited. Dean moved on top of her, then thrust into her with a quick kind of force that had them both gasping for air.
He stayed still inside of her for a moment, enjoying the satiny clutch and the scorching heat that warmed him inside and out. Dean slowly pumped her tight channel, his movements growing faster and more furious as need swept through him, pushing all rational thought to the back of his mind. He ached for her. Only Catherine. She was a fire in his blood, and he had a primal need to bind her to him in some way.
Catherine lifted her hips, driving upward and forcing him deeper still. She came at him with her own brand of passion, her fingernails dug into his back as if marking her territory. He reached a hand between their bodies and touched off the beginning of a third orgasm for her. She screamed and wrapped her long legs tightly around his waist, squeezing, sending him over the edge. She shouted, and Dean pushed in and out several more times before he erupted, filling her with his hot come. Her inner muscles sucked onto his cock and milked him dry.
Mere seconds passed before Dean pulled out of her. With his body pressing hers into the mattress, Dean took a moment, transfixed at the sight of her sated body. She was still trembling from the orgasms he’d coaxed from her. A pleasant smile lit her face, and Dean wondered how he was every going to let her walk away from him when her visit with Gracie ended.
It hit him then, like a truckload of lumber. “Fuck, I can’t believe I forgot.”
She lifted her head and cocked her head to the side. “Huh?”
He got to his feet and raked his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t wear a condom.”
Catherine bit her lower lip and frowned. “I’m on the pill. And I received a clean bill of health the last time I went to the doctor.”
“Same here.”
One side of her mouth kicked up into a playful grin. “You’re on the pill too?”
He reached down and plucked the blindfold off. “Smart-ass,” he whispered, before kissing the temptation of her mouth. When he lifted it she was staring at him, her eyes half-closed. Her hair was a wreck and she had blotchy red marks all over her body, but Dean thought she looked more beautiful than ever.
“I’ve never experienced anything like that before, Dean,” she admitted in a quiet voice. “Never.”
Dean knelt down and, with one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back, he picked her up, cradling her close to his chest. “Me either,” he said as her arms snaked around his neck to hold him tight. The look of sheer pleasure on her face speared his heart. He started out of the room. “Time to wash, sweetheart, and I plan on taking my time cleaning every inch of you too.”
Catherine’s stomach grumbled, and she blushed. “Apparently I’m hungry.”
He kissed her nose. “I’ll spring for room service.”
“Sounds like a plan, but, Dean?”
“Yeah, sweets?”
“I’m going to want to wash you too. Every inch.”
For the first time that he could remember, Dean actually got a little weak.
he next morning, Catherine was floating on a cloud. She and Dean had shared something profound the night before, and it went beyond hot and heavy sex. She knew it. Could feel it. There was something about the way Dean had looked at her when he’d slowly drawn the blindfold off, as if she meant something to him. Did he see her as more than a good time? He’d been so tender and loving when he’d washed her afterward in the Jacuzzi-style tub. As if he cared. He hadn’t said anything to indicate he was becoming emotionally involved, but didn’t actions speak louder than words? Catherine wanted to think there was more to their relationship than mutual desire, chemistry, and sating each other’s needs.
In the past, Catherine had dated men who’d seen her as a comfortable companion. The wild, erotic stuff had only been something she’d read about in books. She’d never once experienced anything quite as intense as what she’d shared with Dean. And there’d definitely never been a deeper connection with any of the other men she’d dated. She wasn’t sure what to think, and she had absolutely nothing to compare it to, which was sad when she thought about it. Heck, every man she’d ever gone out with had been Mr. Reliable. No frills and for sure no surprises. Yet Dean made her feel alive and sexy and wicked. Even a little bit cherished.
She’d known him only a few days. Good Lord, what kind of woman fell for a man she barely knew outside the bedroom?
Could she be any more pathetic? She’d never believed in
love at first sight.
Until now.
When she thought of how many times she’d orgasmed, Catherine couldn’t seem to help the smile that beamed across her face. Seriously, what woman wouldn’t grin like a fool after a night like she and Dean had shared? Her orgasm meter had been dangerously in the red zone before meeting him.
At the moment, Catherine sat on the couch, dressed in Dean’s black tee and a pair of white cotton bikini panties. He’d woken her early with a kiss, which had quickly turned to more. He’d ordered breakfast and they’d talked. Now, as he talked on his cell a few feet away, Catherine couldn’t help but stare. The solid wall of his bare chest kept her spellbound. His jeans rode low on his hips and he was barefoot. He looked hot barefoot. He looked hot no matter what, Catherine admitted to herself.
When he ended the call and tossed the phone onto the desk, Catherine finally saw her chance to find out more about him. Maybe even spend the day together. “Who was that?”
“A guy who works for me,” he explained, frowning. “There’s a problem with some material that was supposed to arrive this morning. I’m afraid I need to go in and deal with it.”
Catherine’s hopes plummeted. There went her grand idea of spending the day with him. “Oh.” She looked at her computer, which was still sitting open on the coffee table from the night before. “I suppose I could check e-mail and get some things done. And I’m meeting Gracie later. She’s taking me to see the orchestra that’s performing in town.”
He crossed the room and took her face in his palms, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Or you could come with me. Want to see my office? I promise to have you back in time for the performance.”
Her heartbeat sped up at the thread he was tossing her way. A chance to see him outside the bedroom? Yeah, like she’d pass that up. “I’d love to! Just give me a minute to get dressed.” She jumped off the couch and was headed for the bedroom when his deep voice calling her name stopped her. She turned and quirked a brow. “Yeah?”
He grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m going to need my shirt.”
Feeling naughty, Catherine smiled and grasped the hem, then yanked it over her head. She tossed it at him, but it landed on the floor. Dean didn’t even try to catch it. He only stood there, staring at her, a dark look in his eyes. Unsure if she’d done something wrong, Catherine started out of the room. A pair of strong hands stopped her.
“You’re the devil,” he whispered against her ear. “A delicious, red-haired devil.”
“Um, your shirt. It’s going to get all wrinkled,” she said, not that she cared with him pressed against her. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock nudging her butt cheeks, and her pussy reacted with a flow of damp heat.
“Later for that,” he mumbled. “First there’s this.” He cupped her pussy through her panties, and Catherine’s legs went as weak as wet noodles.
Oh, God, yes,
she thought. “Will we be late?” she asked, as she felt his mouth against the pulse in her neck.
Dean froze, then cursed a few times. “Probably.”
Catherine gathered enough strength to pull out of his arms and turn around. She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Hold that thought for later, then,” she said against his lips. “When we have more than a few minutes to spare.”
He closed his eyes tight and fisted his hands at his sides. “Go, woman, cover up that hot body before I forget I have employees waiting on me and I take you against the damn wall.”
Catherine’s blood heated at the guttural words. Without another teasing remark, she sped from the room.
Catherine was suitably impressed with Dean’s business. It was bigger than she’d imagined. He was quite successful. He’d shown her the lumberyard and she’d met his foreman, a kind man with gray hair and a strong workingman’s build. A few men had whistled at her, but when Dean glared at them they’d quickly gone back to work. Now he was seated at his desk going over a bid he’d worked up for an office building. She walked around the room and smiled when she spied a picture of his family. She picked it up and realized it must have been taken at a family get-together. He had his arm around Deanna, and she was smiling. Jonas stood to Deanna’s right. Wade and Gracie were on opposite sides of Mrs. Harrison. Not for the first time, Catherine wondered what it would’ve been like to grow up in a family like that. Love and laughter, sibling rivalry. Her parents had been wonderful, but they were old school. Homework and chores after school, then dinner and bedtime. If it’d hadn’t been for Mary’s friendship her life would’ve been horribly boring and lonely.
She turned toward Dean and held the picture in the air. “You have a beautiful family, Dean. You’re very lucky.”
Dean looked up, then crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”
She put the picture back the way she found it and crossed the room. “Yes?”
He stood and caged her in with both arms on either side of the desk. “I see something more beautiful,” he murmured.
Catherine knew he was referring to her, but she couldn’t wrap her mind around it. When he touched his mouth to hers and stroked his tongue over her bottom lip, her body thrummed to life. One arm came around her lower back and pulled her toward him. He moved backward, and before she knew it she was in his lap.
Scandalized by the fact they were in his office and anyone could walk in at any moment, Catherine pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss. “Dean, we shouldn’t. Not here.”
“Yes, here,” he said in a tone that left no room for argument. She hesitated, torn between what she wanted and propriety. Dean immediately took advantage of her indecision by coaxing her lips apart and slipping his tongue inside. His taste, now so familiar, was better than cheesecake and chocolate put together. He explored the inside of her mouth and slid his palm lower to cup her bottom. Catherine wound her arms around his neck and sank into his seductive touch.
Since arriving at his office, he’d been rather distant. As if he didn’t want anyone to know they were more than merely friends. It made her want to throttle him. Now that she had him close, she wasn’t going to waste any time. She drifted her hands down his nape to his shoulders, then his pecs and ripped abs. He was so hard and muscular all over it nearly melted her every time she touched him. He was a powerful, arrogant, handsome god. Feeling wild and impetuous, Catherine coasted her palm over the bulge in his faded jeans, cupping his rigid length. He was as turned on as she, Catherine was pleased to notice.
As he continued to eat at her mouth, Catherine played. Soon, his free hand moved up her calf, beneath the back of the knee-length skirt she’d worn. He caressed his way up her thigh and cupped her mound. Catherine lurched at the feel of him there. It was in the middle of the workday and they were at his office. What were they thinking?
With the little willpower she still had left, Catherine forced her mouth off his and moved her hand away from his crotch. “Stop, Dean,” she said in a hushed whisper. “We could be seen.”
Dean chuckled. “We won’t be seen, sweetheart. I locked the door when you were nosing around earlier. Now, be still and let me have some fun.”
Catherine wanted to protest the nosy comment, but his mouth moved to her neck and he began to nibble and lick. She’d protest later, she decided. “God, I love when you do that.”
Dean moved to her ear and whispered, “I’ve only just begun.” He sat back in the chair. “Straddle me so I can play.”
Catherine cringed as she became aware that she had all her weight on him. “I’m not too heavy?”
He frowned, clearly confused. “Heavy?”
She plucked at her skirt. “I’m larger than average, that’s all.”
In a flash, Dean gripped her around the waist and lifted her. “Straddle me,” he demanded. When she obeyed, he plopped her back down on top of his thighs. Her skirt was hiked up to midthigh and her satin-covered pussy was now pressed against his fly. “Do not put yourself down. You aren’t heavy. You’re perfect. Every inch of you.”
Her face heated. “I wasn’t putting myself down.” His black look called her a liar. “I have a mirror, Dean.”
He grasped a handful of her hair in a possessive hold. “Every man here leered at you the minute you walked onto the property. I can’t keep my damn hands off you for five minutes, and you think you’re heavy?” He shook his head as if exasperated with her. Catherine started to protest his ridiculous claim, but Dean plowed right over her. “Make no mistake, sweetheart, you are in my mind day and night. I think of you when I go to bed. Your touch, your sweet, sweet curves, and this pretty mouth. I can’t get enough.”
Her eyes welled up, but she refused to let the tears spill over. “I think of you too. I’ve never wanted a man more than I want you.”
His smile was possessive and proud. “Good, let’s keep it that way, shall we?”
Her heart seemed to stop beating for a second. What was he saying? Catherine wanted him to clarify. Was she more than a sex partner to him? As he went back to kissing her, Catherine knew that discussion time was over. In true Dean style, he chose to prove his point by showing, rather than telling.
His talented mouth pressed against hers, and Catherine’s mind fogged over. There was only Dean. All her questions fell away. She opened her mouth and danced her tongue over his lips. At his rumble of approval, Dean took over and their tongues mated. Catherine’s hands clutched onto Dean’s biceps, anxious and aching. Her body was on fire. She wanted him, inside of her, around her, drinking her in and filling her up. He was a craving in her blood, one she could no more deny than she could her next breath.
Catherine’s fingers trailed over his muscular arms, and she drew in a breath when they came around her waist and pulled her in tight. A moan escaped. He was so strong, so virile. She was safe and secure with Dean. As the thought flitted through her mind, Catherine went still. Fear shot through her as she realized the truth. She was in love with him. Her body already belonged to him, only now her soul seemed tethered to him as well.
“I want this pussy. It’s mine,” Dean quietly declared. “Say you want me. Deep. Here and now.”
“Yes, right here. I can’t wait a second more.”
He slipped his hands beneath her skirt and pushed her panties aside. “Unzip me,” he whispered.
Catherine’s fingers fumbled over the buttons in his jeans as she tried to obey. When she had his fly open, she peeked at his navy blue boxer-briefs and her desire increased tenfold. She licked her lips and gently drew him out. The head of his cock tempted her to taste, but in their position there was no way she would be able to get him into her mouth, not unless she moved to her knees on the floor.
Dean stroked her hair and murmured, “Later, we’ll take our time,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. “For now I need to feel your tight little pussy holding my dick.”
It was the same for her. “Yes.”
“Guide me in,” he instructed. “Show me how much you want it. Take us both there, sweetheart.”
His erotic words had her heart pounding harder and her body quaking with need. “My pussy is dripping for you,” she said, giving him the carnal words she knew he wanted to hear. “It’s been too long, Dean.”
He chuckled. “It was only this morning.”
“Like I said, too long,” she whispered. Then she took his heavy cock in her hand and slid him inside. Her body closed around him, tight and hot. She shuddered, flung her head back, and rode him.
“That’s my girl. Fuck it good,” Dean urged as he clutched her hair in his fist and tugged until her back was resting against his arm. He lowered over her and sipped on her breasts right through the plum-colored blouse she’d put on earlier. The heat of his mouth seeped through the thin material, sucking the breath out of her and driving her into another world. When his fingers found their way over her nub, expertly flicking it the way she liked, Catherine’s nerve endings sizzled to life. Her muscles clenched as she rode him faster, harder, their bodies wrapped around each other, melding until there was no separating them.

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