Read 04.Die.My.Love.2007 Online
Authors: Kathryn Casey
5here was little Piper appeared to enjoy more than time with her children, here with Paxton and Callie on the beach.
Photo courtesy of Loni Gosnell
'rom the beginning, Piper,
pictured here at a neighbor-
hood party, stood out from
the other women, those she
labeled “Stepford wives.”
-oni Gosnell was Piper’s best
friend. “She taught me how
to enjoy life,” she says. “How
to drink my wine out of my
best crystal, and not save it for
a day that never happened.”
Kathryn Casey
'rom the outside, all ap-
peared happy at the
Rountree-Jablin house on
Hearthglow Lane. What
went on inside, however,
was far from tranquil.
Kathryn Casey
0ver the years, his of-
fice at the University
of Richmond Campus
became a refuge for
Fred Jablin, as life at
home became ever more
Kathryn Casey
1iper’s business card
was as unusual as she
was. On the immediate
left, the dark winged an-
gel of justice she painted
for the card.
1iper’s fish, Soul Rays.
The children helped
her paint it, and it memo-
rialized the loss of children
who grieved as her own
children would just a few
years later.
Kathryn Casey
*n this glass block, Piper
Rountree immortalized
a young boy’s loss: his
father’s suicide, a bullet
suspended in the glass.
Kathryn Casey
"t her clinic in an old house in Houston, Tina Rountree was well known, caring for many women in the neighborhood.
Kathryn Casey
$aptain Stem had been with
Henrico County for more )enrico County Investigator Coby Kelley loved the
than two decades, and he’d challenge of an investigation, watched police work change getting the suspect to open up with scientific advances.
and confess.
Kathryn Casey
Kathryn Casey
4et back off the road, behind a strip center and a line of trees, the Homestead Suites was a perfect place to hide.
Kathryn Casey