#1 Fan (5 page)

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Authors: Andrew Hess

BOOK: #1 Fan
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Chapter 6-Evan


              Evan found it difficult to focus on anything other than Sara. He barely touched his turkey and brie sandwich at lunch, and kept quiet throughout both limo rides.

              “Is everything okay,” Kat asked.

              “Yeah, I’m just looking forward to…” He caught himself mid-sentence, knowing he was about to admit he cared more about meeting with Sara than the upcoming book signing.

              Kat studied his face. The corners of her lips curled into a smile. “You heard from her; didn’t you?”

              “What gave it away?”

              “You look happy and distant. You got that way after signing that girl’s book this afternoon. So when are you going out with her?”

              “Tonight, right after we get done with the next book signing.”

              “Good thing we didn’t plan a big dinner to celebrate tonight.” Evan looked at her with surprise. Kat leaned in closer. “Mr. Waters realized these book signings aren’t really suitable for him. He’s dropping us off at the signing and taking the town car back home.” Evan’s eyes grew wide with panic, wondering how he was going to pick up Sara for their date. Kat patted his hand gently. “It’s okay, we still have the limo for a few hours after the signing. You’ll drop me off at my hotel and you can use the limo for whatever you want.”

              “Thank you,” Evan whispered.

              The limo pulled into a strip mall parking lot, parking itself in front of a beige building with forest green signage on top. Mr. Waters was the first to step out and looked up at the building. He turned to Evan and shook his head.

              “Alright Evan, Kat is going to be by your side for the rest of the night. You handled the first signing like a pro. You should have no problem with this one. If anything comes up, let Kat know and she’ll handle everything.” He leaned in, planting a kiss on Kat’s cheek before re-entering the limo.

              “Wait, what about the…”

              Kat grabbed his hand. “Don’t worry about it.” She opened the door and pushed Evan inside. “You worry about the signing, and I’ll handle everything else.”

              The store was much smaller than the one they visited earlier that afternoon. The bookshelves were higher and left little space to maneuver around. His table was hidden in the back behind a wall of shelves. Evan was escorted by one of the associates before disappearing into the back room. They returned moments later with a box filled with books.

              “Can we get you anything, Mr. Taylor?”

              “A bottle of water and something to sign with should be fine.”

              The employee scampered off with the box of books towards the front of the store, leaving Evan alone. His mind wandered off, forgetting about the signing and thinking more about meeting up with Sara later that night. His eyes were fixated on his phone, wondering if she would message him again before the signing. The screen remained dimly lit with a picture of a sunset as the wallpaper.

              “Oh stop,” Kat said as she strutted towards the table. “You’ll see the girl in a couple of hours.” Her fingers wrapped around the top of the phone and gently lifted it from Evan’s grasp. “Let me hold onto this. I’ll find a charger so your battery doesn’t die. Besides, we’re starting in a few minutes.”

              Evan sat up in his chair, smoothed his hands over his suit jacket, and wiped the glazed look from his eyes. A bottle of water sat at the edge of the desk, waiting, just like he asked. He took several sips before placing the cap on it.

              “I think I’m all set,” Evan said. Kat nodded to the employee standing at the front of the line. He remembered the first fan stepping up to the table, and then, everything became a blur. It was a steady stream of people walking up to him, holding books for him to sign before taking a picture with him. After an hour, there was only an open space.

              “That’s everyone,” the employee said. “You can hang out back here if you want in case any more people come in.”

              “Thanks,” Evan replied. He stared blankly at the bookstore employee until they turned and headed towards the front. “What time is it?”

              Kat checked white crystalized cell and placed it back in her purse nonchalantly. “It’s five-thirty. We’re supposed to be here for another half hour.” She walked to the edge of the bookshelves and checked out the front of the store. “It doesn’t look like there’s anyone else coming. Do you want me to call the limo and have it meet us out front?”

              “Sounds good, but…can I have my phone first?”

              Sure,” Kat replied with a giggle. “Let me get it for you and let the sales people know we’re leaving in a few minutes.”

              Evan got up from the chair and paced back and forth. Thoughts of Sara pulled at his stomach. It was a feeling he couldn’t explain. She was some random woman he met at a bar, but somehow felt like she was more than that. She was someone he wanted to get to know more.

              “Hey loverboy,” Kat shouted from around the corner. “Get ready; the limo will be here any minute.”

              Evan’s pace came to a halt. His eyes caught a glimpse of Kat smiling from the aisle. “Awesome,” he whispered loudly. She led the way to the driver, whispering something in his ear which went unnoticed by Evan. The driver nodded in agreement while holding the door open for her.

              Once inside, the limo drove to the nearest florist and parked out front. The driver opened Evan’s door and waited for him to exit. “What’s going on,” he asked. “This isn’t the hotel.”

              “I know.” Kat turned to face Evan. “You like this girl; right?” Evan’s silent acknowledgement confirmed her theory. “Then make it special. Show up on her doorstep with flowers, take her out to a nice restaurant, and see where the night goes.”

              Evan pulled out his wallet. Three folded twenties sat in the otherwise nearly empty wallet. “I don’t really have the money to…”

              Kat’s hand shot into the air, silencing Evan from his excuse. She dug into her purse and pulled out a black credit card, the same one she used to buy Evan’s suit. “I managed to convince Mr. Waters into letting us use the card tonight.” She slipped it in Evan’s jacket pocket. “I think you’ll need this more than me.”

              “Are you sure? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

              “Trust me, it’ll be no trouble at all. Now I called ahead and placed the order for you. All you have to do is pick it up and go get the girl.”

              Evan hurried into the store, which by the small sign on the door, said they closed an hour earlier. “Hi, I’m here to pick up some flowers.”

              The woman behind the counter looked up at Evan. Her eyes narrowed in and looked him up and down in an attempt to decide if he was a nice guy or an arrogant rich prick. “Are you Mr. Taylor?”

              “Yes, yes I am.”

              The florist walked towards the three glass door fridge and pulled a large colorful bouquet. “Then these are for you.” She placed them on the counter and rang up the order. “That’ll be eighty-two dollars.

              Evan’s eyes grew wider, panic stricken that the assortment of flowers would be too expensive and overwhelming. He dipped his hands into his jacket pocket, and hesitantly plucked the black credit card from the soft fabric of the suit. Once in the clear, he returned to the limo with a look of distress.

              “What’s wrong,” Kat asked.

              “These flowers…”

              “I know; they’re gorgeous right?”

              “Yes, but expensive. I don’t have that kind of money.”

              “Right now, that’s not something I want you to worry about.” Kat’s finger stroked the lapel of Evan’s suit. “This was something beyond your price range, but we purchased it for you and look at the results. You look better than the day we met, and you have this new confidence that is allowing you to take control of your life.”

              “Yeah, but expensive things aren’t me. I don’t buy eighty dollar flowers. I don’t drive around in limos.”

              “I’m just doing what I can to increase your confidence going into the date.” Kat let out a sigh. “If you don’t want my help…”

              Evan took a brief moment to think about what Kat has done for him. She picked out a suit that his agent purchased. She’s let him use the limo for his date, and picked out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers he had ever seen. Was he really going to be upset that she went out of her way to do all of this for him?

              “I’m sorry; you’re right.” He stared out the window, looking out at the city as they drove back to Kat’s hotel. “I just don’t want her to think I’m something I’m not.”

              “Evan, this might not be who you are now, but this could be your future. You just have to decide if you want it.” The limo pulled up in front of a large hotel. The driver came around to the back and opened the door for Kat. She turned towards Evan one last time before she left him. “Keep the card for tonight. Take your girl someplace nice. Make it a night neither of you will forget.” With her parting words, Kat exited the limo and disappeared through the hotel lobby doors.

              Evan let the conversation replay in his head throughout the drive to Sara’s apartment. The driver held the door open for him and waited while Evan walked up to the front door. He knocked twice. Only silence replied, forcing his insecurities to rise.
Maybe she second guessed her choice
, he thought. He knocked one more time before turning back to the limo. The door creaked open as his foot touched the last step.

              “Evan,” a woman’s voice echoed from the doorway. He turned and saw the dark haired beauty standing in front of him wearing a black and white striped dress with matching black heels that glistened in the street lights.

              He walked back the building. “You look incredibly beautiful.” He presented the flowers to her with a shy smile. “These are for you.”

              “Evan, they’re beautiful. You didn’t have to.”

              “I know, but I wanted to.”

              Sara inhaled the scent of the bouquet which made her eyes come alive with desire. “They’re heavenly.” She took them into her hands and brought them closer to her face. “Let me bring these inside and put them in water before we go.” She hurried up the stairs only to return three minutes later.

              “All set,” Evan asked. She laced her fingers with his. He gave her hand a quick squeeze before leading her to the waiting limo. “Did you decide where you wanted to go for dinner?”

              “I know a nice Italian restaurant that’s not far from here.” She whispered the name and address to the driver. He confirmed his knowledge of the restaurant before opening the limo door for them.

              They drove in silence for fifteen minutes, until they arrived at a large brick building with maroon awnings. They entered the restaurant and were greeted right away.

              “Good evening,” a short Italian man said. “Two? Come with me.”

              Evan and Sara walked past the marble tables with the light brown chairs, and entered the main dining area. The white chairs surrounded tables covered in white table cloths. It was nicer than Evan thought or even considered taking Sara to. Had he taken her here a week ago, there would be no way he could afford it. His mind drifted to Kat’s parting words and decided he was going to live the life he wanted, not the one he had. He pulled Sara’s chair out for her before taking his own seat.

              The waiter approached moments after they sat down. “Good evening; my name is Antonio, and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

              Evan scanned the wine list. If he was going to make this a memorable night, he was going all out on the date. “Can I get a bottle of your Sonoma Cutrer?”

              Sara leaned in to whisper her objection. “That’s pretty expensive.”

              “It’s fine; I’ve got it covered.”

              The waiter nodded and hurried to the back before anyone changed their minds. “Evan, you don’t have to do that.”

              “Do what?”

              “Try to impress me.”

              Evan thought Sara would respond like she was. She didn’t seem like the type of girl who wanted a sugar daddy or to be spoiled with gifts and expensive dinners. “I’m sorry. My agent’s personal assistant found out about our date and wanted to make sure we had a great time. So she gave me the company card to ensure we had the night of our lives.”

              He saw the hesitation in Sara’s eyes, and knew his reasoning sounded a bit far-fetched. But then again, it wasn’t every day someone offered to order a bottle of wine.

              “Okay, but I don’t want to go overboard tonight,” Sara replied.

              They agreed and opened up their menus. To anyone looking at their table, it appeared Evan and Sara were studying the menu with intense pleasure. They used them as a screen to hide the enjoyment from their faces as they glanced at each other from the tops of them. They placed their orders with the waiter and surrendered the comfort of their menus.

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