1 Straight to Hell (33 page)

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Authors: Michelle Scott

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: 1 Straight to Hell
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I wasn’t sure if he was trying to tease me out of my depression or seduce me.  With William, it was never easy to tell.  “Sleeping
all I do in here,” I said.

“Then let’s fix that,” he said, offering option number two.  “I promise that I can make you forget your troubles.”  He took my hand and began kissing the tip of each finger.

I drew my hand away from his.  Too late, I realized that I should have entered through the kitchen.  “Is that why you were spying on me at the post office?” I asked.

“Maybe.”  He reached for me again.  “You know that I want you, Lilith.  Very, very much.”  His dark eyes held a wanton invitation.

Ever since sleeping with Tommy, the thought of sex made me feel dirty, but it was hard to resist William’s supernatural allure, especially when he had been so kind and understanding only a few minutes before.  For all his arrogance and selfishness, I
that there was good buried inside his heart, no matter how deep it was or how hard he tried to hide it.

The thought of using sex to make my pain go away had its appeal.  Feeling anything, even lust, would be better than the guilt and anxiety I’d been living with.  Right now, I wanted to put my arms around William’s waist and rub my cheek against the stubble on his chin.  I wanted to feel his hands slip under my shirt and beneath my bra.

At the same time, I also wanted a real relationship.  I moved farther down the bed.  “You promise to make me forget my problems, but will you also promise to stay with me once the passion has ended?”

His expression clouded over.  “You know better than that.  Pleasure, Lil.  Pure pleasure.  That’s what I can offer you.”

As good as that sounded, it wasn’t enough.  “I’m sorry,” I said, “but no.”

At that moment, I heard the front door open and my daughter and niece come inside.  “Mom,” Grace yelled.  “Mom!?  Are you here?”

I stood up.  “I think you’d better leave.”

William looked sulky, but he stood up as well.  He cupped my chin in his hand.  “I’m not giving up on the idea of you and me and that bed.  Someday, Lil, you’ll appreciate what I have to offer.”

Unless that someday included a genuine commitment, I wasn’t about to let it happen.  And since demons weren’t allowed to love, it wasn’t likely that either of us would get what we wanted.


This ends the sample of
Straight to Heaven
.  The second Lilith Straight book is on sale in the
Amazon Kindle store


For news and a sample chapter of the upcoming novel,
Straight Shot
, visit my webpage:


Other e-Books by Michelle Scott



Uncommon Magic
– YA fantasy/romance - $.99


In Mira Meadowmarsh's world, Magicians have complete control over ordinary people like herself. Magicians rule with iron fists, levying taxes, seizing property, and meting out harsh punishment to those who break the rules. But while the un-magical commons cannot defend themselves against the Magician's magic, there is one thing that Magicians fear: inventions. So when rumors spread that the un-magical are building machines and planning an uprising, the Magicians retaliate with even harsher laws.

At first, all of this means nothing to Mira who doesn't give a fig about politics. She's in love, and life is sweet. But when she discovers that her brother is an inventor who's suddenly the most wanted man in the country and that the boy she loves, her companion since childhood, is really a Magician, Mira finds herself in the middle of a brewing revolution.


Dead Ends and Dark Alleys
– Three urban fantasy novellas - $.99

The Fourteenth of April - Everyone tells David that what he thinks of as foretelling the future is really only self-fulfilling prophecy. But although he can’t convince them, he knows something dreadful is waiting for him on the 14th of April. And what’s more, he’s pretty sure he won’t survive it.
Both Sides of the Devil’s Door - Claire was always fascinated by Barry’s connection to the supernatural, and it’s why she endured his egotistical, overbearing company for so long. But when she finally gets fed up and leaves him, she discovers how strong his connections to the dark world are and how far his reach extends.
Unreachable - Bruce is pretty sure the thing living in his son’s room is not his son. And he’s convinced that the monster sleeping at the end of his bed is not his dog. But he has no idea what happened to his real loved ones, and doesn't have the courage to go looking in the terrible place he thinks they've ended up.



We call ourselves indie writers, but honestly, there’s nothing independent about us.


No writer works in a vacuum, and I’m no exception.  I owe a great deal to my fellow writers who have supported me by providing advice and a listening ear.  I also am indebted to my beta readers, and everyone else who helped me polish this book.


Finally, I need to thank my ever-patient family.  I’m convinced that I’d never take on the momentous task of writing books without their constant encouragement.  Steve, you’re the best husband a girl could ever have!  And kids, sorry I had to chase you out of my office all those times.  I really was working, I swear it!  None of you will ever know how much your faith in my writing means to me.

About the Author

Michelle Scott
received her MFA from Wayne State University.  Her stories have appeared in such places as “Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show”, “All Possible Worlds”, and “Realms”.  Her fantasy novel,
The Dragons of Hazlett
was nominated for a 2009 EPPIE Award.  Michelle lives in southeast Michigan with her husband and three children. Her new novel,
An Anthem for the Battle Lands
has just been released from Mundania Press LLC.

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