Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (163 page)

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“Your ass is night and tight, Kate,” Paul told her. He placed the tip of his penis against Kate’s hole, and Kate’s eyes sprang open.
This is it
, she thought.


“Give your big brother a scream!” Paul cried out, and rammed his organ right into Kate’s ass.


The pain was incredible, and Kate couldn’t help but indeed give a scream. The foreign organ invading her ass was gone after a second, but it was back again after another second. This time, it dug deeper, harder, and faster. Kate gave another scream and writhed on the bed, more from pain than pleasure this time. But she couldn’t totally move as Paul had her hips pinned with his strong thighs.


“Paul, it hurts!” Kate screamed.


“Ssshhh,” Paul said softly. “It’s not going to hurt now.”


True to his word, Paul rammed his tool inside Kate’s asshole more gently this time. To Kate, though, it didn’t make much of a difference. She gripped her pillows tight while Paul continued to fuck her in the anus. She couldn’t understand why some people preferred to be fucked anally. She couldn’t see the point. It was disgusting and painful. Where’s the fun in that?


“On your fours now,” Paul ordered her. Kate followed suit and placed herself on all fours. Keeping her hips steady with his hands, Paul went on thrusting his rod in and out of Kate’s hole. Kate suddenly found herself feeling a wee bit of pleasure.
Could this be what they were referring to?
she wondered.


With Paul thrusting behind her, Kate reached down with one hand and played with her clit. Paul saw what she was doing and, aroused at the sight of Kate playing with herself, rammed himself harder into her behind. Kate, instead of flinching, now moved her hips behind as if to absorb as much of Paul’s member as she can. She fiddled, pinched, and pressed with her clitoris nonstop. The waves of pleasure surged all over her, from all parts of her body. She reached even further down and found she was very, very wet. She slid a finger inside her cunt, drew it out, and inserted it in her mouth, licking off the white fluid glistening all over her finger.


Paul cried out loud when he saw Kate do what she did. “Naughty bitch!” he exclaimed, unable to help himself. He pulled his penis from Kate’s ass and pushed her down the bed again, this time on her back. A split second after Kate drew in some breath, she found Paul already on top of her. This time, he was sliding himself in and out of her pussy, which was already soaked to the brim with her juices. Paul’s thrusts grew faster and deeper, but Kate barely felt any pain. She rose up to meet Paul’s thrusts, and it wasn’t long before they finally found the rhythm that got them all worked up.


The stepsiblings were now both so wet that they made smacking, squelching sounds with each bump and grind. Flat bellies smacked against each other. Lips met again, hungrier and more passionate this time. Round breasts pressed against muscled pectorals, and perked-up nipples grazed against still-rousing peaks. Hands got entangled in hair and moved around furiously. The bedsprings squeaked and creaked in tune with the thrusting and grunting. Moans, both feminine and masculine, filled the air. Hips rose, buckled, and rose again. Harsh panting sounds replaced the moaning sounds, and some pillows flew from the bed and into the floor.


Kate felt she was about to burst. She threw her head back and shrieked. Paul covered her mouth with his and kept on thrusting inside her. His penis was almost entirely inside Kate now. He varied his motions, making figures-of-eight inside her this time. Kate removed her lips from Paul’s and bit down, hard, on his shoulder. The bite hurt, but Paul let her. He felt Kate beginning to quiver around his tool, and he knew she was going to come anytime now.


“You’re the best stepsister in the planet,” Paul whispered. Kate answered by giving another scream of pleasure and surrendering to the shudders that were ravaging her body. She came, almost nonstop, and Paul held her close while she did. She clawed at anything she could get her hands on. Her legs made scissoring motions, but they could only go so far with Paul’s legs around them.


Kate’s orgasm seemed to never end, but eventually, it did. She grew limp and weak in Paul’s arms, panting harshly and trying to catch her breath. Paul kept on thrusting in and out of her, about to come to the brink of pleasure himself. Kate helped him by grabbing one of her tits and thrusting it inside his mouth, which grabbed and sucked greedily. Kate ran her fingers all over her other breast, making sure Paul saw very clearly how she was playing with her breast.


Paul was a visual creature. The sight of Kate playing with any part of her body always turned him on like he couldn’t believe. It took only a few minutes before he felt himself about to explode. He clamped his mouth tighter on Kate’s breast and moved even faster inside her. Kate wrapped her legs tighter around Paul, making herself tighter and more snug against his flesh. With that, it wasn’t long before Paul let out a cry, pounded his fist against the bed, and released his bodily juices that have been pent up for so long inside him.


He poured his seed inside Kate’s pussy. He was leaking so much that some of his juices trickled out from inside Kate and into her floral-patterned sheets. Paul’s muscles went from tense to relaxed, and he collapsed on top of Kate. They held each other for quite a while. Both were breathing heavily, but it was only a while before they managed to catch their breath again.


Kate’s green eyes met Paul’s blue ones. In a split second, they both burst into laughter and collapsed into each other’s arms again. Kate nibbled lightly at Paul’s chin. Paul kissed her forehead in return.


“You’re the greatest, sibling,” Kate told Paul affectionately.


“I know,” Paul responded.


They stepsiblings dove back into the sheets again.


When Best Friends Kiss


"You gonna be okay?" My best friend Will said as I sat down on the sofa beside him. His thick Spanish accent still came through even though he had been in America for ten years. William was the tall dark and handsome type so it was a very rare moment that I could catch him at his place without having some random slut there. But despite his playboy persona, he was always the one person I could go to when I needed to feel better.


"Yeah...I'll be fine." I sighed and rested my head on his lap. The loud crash of thunder from outside made me jump a little bit.


"You sure?" He said, and I could hear the concern in his voice.


"I said I'm fine, just drop it okay?"


"Alright, sheesh." I didn't mean to be so short with him, but I was tired of talking about the break up with my sorry ass ex.


"Sorry Will."


"It's cool. You're allowed to do it this one time." I smiled, and he put his arm across my waist. The room was nearly dark except for the light coming from the television. We sat comfortably like this for awhile, and I could feel my eyes getting heavier. The stress from the day and the exhaustion from crying my eyes out had taken its toll on me. Just as I was about to drift off I felt his hand gently caress the side of my face. My eyes had been close for a few minutes so I guess he assumed that I was sleeping.


The path of his hand moved down further to my neck. My mind started to race as his finger lightly brushed over my nipple. The living room was bit chilly so the thin white shirt I was wearing did little to cover up the fact that I was a little cold.


It was a little bit awkward at first to have him touch me this way. This was my best friend for God sake. Not that I had never thought about him in that way, but to have it actually happening was unreal.


He adjusted his legs and let out a deep sigh.


"Will?" It seemed like forever before he said anything.


"Yes." I sat up and faced him. His dark brown eyes were filled with lust, and the red wine we'd had earlier was clearly taking over both of our emotions.


"Kiss me."


"Ava...I-" His breathing got heavier as I straddled him, putting my breasts in his face. I softly pressed my lips against his and he moved his hands to my ass gently squeezing it. The kiss deepened and he snaked his tongue inside my mouth. He only broke the kiss to take off his shirt, then he practically attacked my mouth again. I grinded my hips against him, feeling his dick growing bigger beneath me. He suddenly picked me up and carried me down the hall to his bedroom, laying me down on the bed.


His skilled hands took worked their way down to my shorts, sliding them slowly off, hooking my underwear along with them. I sat up and took my shirt off, leaving me completeley naked beneath him. My eyes closed as I felt his wet tongue slide across my right breast. His long fingers were finding their way down to my dripping wet opening exploring and caressing the depths of my womanhood. The rough sucking on my nipple was enough, but when he begin to lick his way down my body towards my wetness it was almost too much.


"Spread your legs sweetheart." I immediately did what he asked, and his rough tongue touched my clit. A soft moan escaped my lips, and he continued to push his fingers in me faster, now gently sucking my clit. My hands went to his soft hair, my hips grinding into his face. The sound of my moaning got louder and louder as he brought me closer to my climax.


"You're so damn wet." I responded with another moan, and he suddenly stopped.


"I don't want you to cum yet." He got off the bed for a second and grabbed a condom out of his drawer, taking off his jeans an boxers. After he rolled it on he climbed back onto the bed and got in between my legs. He rubbed his tip around my opening, teasing me. The next thing I felt was my hands being grabbed and pinned above me. My eyes flew open to look at him. He had a sly, sexy smile on his face.


"You ready for me?" I nodded, and felt the pinch of him pushing his hard cock into me. I'd never felt anything like it before. Even if he hadn't been HUGE inside me he knew exactly what to do with it. His strokes started slow, pushing deeper into my wetness each time. The thrusts got faster and harder and I dug my fingernails into the skin on his back. My screams got louder and after awhile he stopped, and pulled out.


"What are you doing?"


"Turn over. Now." His deep, authoritative voice turned me on even more, and I didn't hesitate. My legs spread a bit wider, and I felt him enter me again. It was different this time, in a good way. His hands grabbed my hips and he started his pace again but harder this time. My hands reached up to grab the headboard as he slammed into me. I could feel his balls hitting my clit, and the sound of his body smacking against mine bounced off the walls in the room. I screamed and moaned his name until I was hoarse. He slapped me on my ass, then reached under me to rub my clit. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I came all over his dick. He let out a loud, animalistic moan and pushed into me as far as he could get. He fell on top of me, my legs legs shaking underneath him. It was an awkward moment for both of us.


As we lay there in his bed limbs still intertwined, I could practically hear what he was thinking. I didn't know if this had been a mistake or not, but at that moment, all I wanted to do was be in his arms. He slowly pulled out of me, throwing the condom away in the wastebasket near the bed and pulled me close to him.






"What's gonna happen to us now?" I said quietly.


"I don't know...I don't know." Neither one of knew what to say after that, and we eventually fell asleep in eachother's arms.

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