Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (73 page)

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They sat still like that for several minutes, with neither of them saying a word. They were too spent. Both were taking deep breaths, attempting to calm their racing hearts.


Dave felt something sticky run down his thighs. He didn’t have to look down to know it was come. He didn’t know, though, whose come it was. He removed a hand from Maya’s behind and, with a finger, took a bit of the dripping fluid leaking into his thighs. He brought the white-smeared finger up to Maya’s lips, which devoured the sticky substance and licked his finger clean.


“You’re an animal, you know that?” Dave said admiringly. His hand ran down Maya’s body and settled on her breast, constantly flicking his thumb over the nipple.


Maya leaned back a bit so she could look at Dave in the face. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” she asked, pursing her lips slightly.


Dave’s eyes twinkled. “You slut. Of course it’s a good thing.” He kissed her lightly on the chin, smelling himself on her mouth. She moaned and stirred a little at his kiss. He reached out and yanked hard at her hair. She squealed and stopped moaning.


“What did you do that for?” she demanded.


“We can’t have more of what we just did, baby,” Dave said gently. But his finger was now inside Maya’s crack, where it probed and explored stealthily. Of course Maya felt this invasion, and her eyes widened in disbelief. He felt her getting aroused, getting wet again, and he had to stop himself from laughing.


“Dave, what are you doing?” she asked. Her breath had started to hitch.


“What do you think?” he asked back pleasantly. Two of his fingers were now inside her cunt, and they explored in a more frenzied manner. Maya started to buck her hips in time with his fingers. He knew she was enjoying this, and for a few minutes he let her enjoy it.


Abruptly he pulled his fingers from her cunt and ran them down her buttocks. She was too stunned at the sudden change of plans to react or even say anything. He saw the shock in her eyes, and he smiled back then gently pushed her off him.


Maya slid off him quite easily. She stood over him, hands on her hips. “You fucking tease,” she said through gritted teeth.


Dave stood up and pinched her softly down there. She gasped.


“We don’t have time, babe,” he said as he got dressed. “Maybe next time.”


Maya slid the sheer teddy over her body. “You’ll pay for this,” she swore.


Then Dave kissed her deeply on the lips. “That would be my pleasure.”


Together, they crept out the door and walked back to their everyday office-work life.



The Engagement

“Liz, we’ll see you at 8 tonight. Bring Eric.” Samantha said.


“No I won’t bring Eric. I prefer to go alone tonight. I’m not in a very Eric-ish mood. Besides, it is your engagement party. I’ll be a good friend and not steal the spotlight.” Liz said jokingly.


She put down the phone and sagged on the couch. The truth is that things between her and Eric are not so good. It’s been three nights since the last time they had spoken. She just didn’t want to tell her friend the news over the phone. Not on her engagement night either. She thought about going to the party alone. The last time she did something like this was months ago. Heck, it should be more fun than staying at home, she thought. She glanced at the grandfather’s clock a few steps away. It was 4 pm. There’s plenty of time for a light snack and a soothing bubble bath later. Just thinking about the bath made her feel a lot better.


She walked towards the kitchen and made herself some toasts. She grabbed some salami, some greens, and cream cheese and ate. Deciding she needs some caffeine, she made some chocolate banana smoothie with a dash of espresso. Yes, she’s not one to scrimp on food to maintain her weight. Being active is her way to shape up. A few minutes after her snack, she soaked in her tub and surrounded herself with the scent of rosemary and thyme. Her herbal baths are something she always looked forward to.


Liz looked at her clothes and looked for something simple yet fits like a glove. She decided on a bright coral shade cocktail dress that shows off her legs and jewelled antique shoes. At least her outfit won’t reveal to one and all just how awful she feels. One giant spritz of Calyx above her head and she’s ready to go. She grabbed her purse and let her night begin.


The minute she entered the huge house, she was filled with a sense of nostalgia. Samantha has been her friend for 15 years. They used to play here as kids and in a few months, Sam will be married. Samantha greeted her at the door, her fiancé Allan just a step behind her. After a few greetings and niceties, Liz was forced to mingle and find some ways to kill time. She went to the bar to get some punch and toured the house slowly--- going over the paintings and antiques she’d been so familiar with. She looked through the open French doors and saw that people have gathered outside where the band was playing. She could see the engaged couple from her vantage point. A smile touched her lips. Samantha is positively glowing. She focused on her friend’s fiancée. Yes, surely they would make a fine couple. She had been with Eric far longer than these two dated, she thought. Liz sighed and leaned against the wall. She suddenly felt claustrophobic and decided to hide in Sam’s room. On her way, a very tall and handsome guy stopped her tracks. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Steven, Allan’s stepbrother.” He said as he extended his hand. Liz smiled politely. “Liz.” With that, she started walking again. Just then, the band started to play Michael Jackson’s “Fall Again”. Liz thought she found her chance to be alone when Steven extended his hand again, inviting her to dance. Reluctantly, she placed her hand on top of his and allowed herself to be led. Then, they started swaying with the music. Liz forced herself to relax. This man is a stranger. It’s not a big deal that she’s dancing with him. This would be the first and last time she’d see him. That’s for sure.


The electricity of the music cracked in the air and they danced in harmony. “I knew Allan’s fiancé has been your friend for many years. I never knew you are this pretty.”He said as he held her. For a crazy moment, Liz actually thought that she misheard him. There was something in the way he held him that really made her forget about where she is and who she is. The music climaxed and weirdly enough, she started to feel something hard through the thin fabric of her dress. That familiar male hardness cooed her to come closer. It was totally addictive. He held her a bit tighter as his hand touched her lower back in the most sensual manner, robbing her of all sense.  She’s becoming more aroused by the minute and with that realization, some heat coloured her cheeks. Just when the music stops, he whispered to her. “Come with me.”


Without even thinking, she started walking with him upstairs. “Where are we going?”


“Here.” He said as he opened the door swiftly. She suddenly recognized it as one of the guest rooms she used to be assigned as a kid when visiting Sam.


He closed the door and walked towards her, his face intent. Without saying a word, they came into each other’s arms like two hungry lovers who haven’t seen each other for a long time. Steven held her tight as he rubbed his nose on her eyelids, making her shiver with delight. He kissed her lips, tentatively at first until her lips parted willingly. She caressed his nape as his tongue teased her lips and slowly slid inside her warm mouth. She felt so warm and silky inside and the kiss they shared intensified as their bodies rubbed seductively against each other.


Their bodies rocked together, his hardness against her softness. Liz sighed as his hand trailed along her body, his other hand lightly massaging her butt. It was a delightfully new experience for her and her body responded willingly, without any resistance. They looked at each other for a while and now, it was Liz turn to touch him. She rested both hands on his chest and for the first time tonight, noted how damnably handsome he is. Her hand felt the hardness of him and the look in his eyes made her even more excited. Very slowly, he undressed her and moved his face against her warm breasts. She moaned sexily as he licked the valley there over and over, before licking her nipples. His other hand travelled all the way down her navel, down to her warm mound. She forgot to breathe as his hand found clit and rubbed it seductively. He held her as he stroked her, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear. She moaned and moaned and allowed him to explore her deepest folds. He carried her to the bed and she rolled over, giving him a delectable view of her juicy backside. He adjusted her legs so that his head could go inside and licked her that way. Liz found it hard to breathe as his tongue tortured her, driving her to a different state of madness. He parted her kitty lips with his tongue and licked rapidly now, over and over until her body experienced a very strong quake. Her juices trickled down her thighs and he licked vigorously, not letting a drop escape his mouth. He shifted position again and this time massaged his butt with his hands. Little by little, his cock slid inside her and before she knew it, he filled her, her insides opened up for him. He moved slowly at first then found his rhythm. He rocked her back and forth, and she moaned in response. He rubbed against her G spot deliciously, as if they’ve been doing this for a long time. He cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples as he moved inside her, urging her to move with him. Liz arched her body as he dove inside her, holding the bed for support. She moved her hips in time for his rhythm and she urged him to go faster. Steven’s cock felt so good inside her, which is why she was awakened from her reverie when he pulled out completely. “Lie down.”


She did what she was asked and opened her legs for him. He entered her more swiftly this time but he was gentle, making sure that she got her fill and that she did. His cock teased her insides and her legs wrapped around his waist, loving the feel of him. “Faster now.”


He increased his pace and Liz moaned all over again, her hips going crazy for him. His rhythm quickened and Liz met every thrust with enthusiasm. Soon, they were coming together, in an explosion of supreme ecstasy. For a while they lay beside each other, their breathing in synchrony. Steven stroked her hair and kissed her face over and over. Liz looked up at him and smiled, her face glowing. Her hand stroked his chest and started licking his neck. In seconds, his rod came to life, getting ready for a second round. Liz started to go down, her tongue tracing his entire length. The party has begun.



Nadine Takes Another Round

Nadine studied the file before her. “Hank Thomas,” it read. There was a photo printed beside the name, and she studied it closely. Hank Thomas was a rough-looking man who seemed to have seen better days. But there was a quiet charm to him, a kind of confidence that was deeply concealed yet was definitely there. The roughness of his looks added to his natural manly appeal, and she felt a stirring between her legs.


Without thinking about it, she thrust her hand inside her skirt and touched her most private part. She shoved the crotch of her panties aside and felt for the soft flesh beneath that her silk panties tried to conceal. She wasn’t surprised when she felt a certain kind of dampness and stickiness in her crotch. She was aroused, she realized.


Nadine laughed. “You naughty girl,” she told herself out loud. Why, she couldn’t recall the last time she had wet herself simply over a photo of some man. But why bother with the past when the future was more exciting, she mused, as the hand inside her skirt began to move. Fingers began to squirm and wiggle through the secret flesh, and soon, she was sitting back in her office chair, breathing harshly and bucking her hips just enough to make the springs in the chair squeak and creak. She shut her eyes, all the better to heighten her senses and make the moment feel more intense. The smell of her wet pussy began to fill the air, and her rough panting mingled with the smell.


She came quickly enough. She felt her own fluids cream her fingers, wrapping them up in their sticky liquid embrace. She sighed as one final shudder tore through her then she removed her hand and straightened her skirt. She looked at her fingers for a moment. What the heck, she thought. She shrugged and slipped her come-covered fingers inside her mouth. She enjoyed the slightly foreign sensation of her own fingers in her own mouth. The thought excited her again.


While she licked and sucked at her digits, this time she slid one hand inside her blouse and rubbed furiously at her nipple. She was completely bare beneath her silk top. The article of clothing was built with some breast coverage within, so it was useless to wear a bra. She didn’t wear the top every day. Its only function was for days with a special purpose such as this one, when she would have to have a bit of “chitchat” with a man. Of course it was always a man. Today she was having Hank Thomas.


Her fingers still in her mouth, Nadine started to moan as she felt her nipple come to life. She felt the tiny nub stir and grow into a large and almost pebbly existence. Once her nipple was erect, she began to tug, squeeze, and pull at it, gently at first then harder the next. Her arousal was heightened now. She sucked on her fingers as if she was sucking someone’s dick.


Hank Thomas’s dick, she thought.


She came a second time. She collapsed back in the office chair, quite too spent to move. She sat still for a moment, commanding her wildly beating heart to be calm and steady. She was having the chitchat in a few minutes, and it wouldn’t do for her to have the process done with a racing heart. She shut her eyes again and took slow deep breaths. Her fingers were wet and shiny with her saliva. Her silk office top was askew, slightly revealing the round breasts that lay hidden underneath it. Her panties felt damp and sticky, and she wanted out of them. She enjoyed playing with herself, and she could come for the rest of her life. But she hated the dirty, sticky feeling that came after every orgasm. Still, that wasn’t stopping her from getting one every time she felt like it. She suddenly wanted out of her underwear. She knew she couldn’t concentrate on talking to Hank Thomas with something uncomfortable between her legs.


A thought came to Nadine. If she wanted to do away with her panties, heck, why not?


Her lips curved into a mischievous smile, and she laughed again. She reached down, pulled her panties down her legs, and removed it off her ankles. She was now completely naked beneath her professional-looking top and skirt, and the thought thrilled her. Boy, was Hank Thomas going to get a surprise!


She brought her stained panties to her face for an inspection. She had come, all right. The crotch of her silk panties was stained with a clear whitish substance that certainly looked sticky even to the naked eye. She brought the item closer to her nose and sniffed. She smelled . . . sexy, mysterious, kind of musky and alluring at the same time.


Nadine was amazed to find she smelled like that. No wonder they always kept coming back. No wonder they always couldn’t seem to get enough. With her pinky finger, she wiped a bit of her come off her panties and dabbed it on her lips. Her pink tongue crept out and licked the tiny dot of jizz of her lips. She burst out laughing again. She couldn’t be this vain, could she, licking her own juice off her own panties?


No matter. She glanced at her wristwatch and saw it was almost time for the so-called chitchat to commence. She stashed her stained underwear in her drawer. She sat up straight and fixed her hair and her clothes. She gave herself a final thorough inspection before Hank Thomas was scheduled—not to mention expected—to walk through the door. She was satisfied with what she saw. She looked polished and professional, just how she wanted herself to appear. She shifted slightly in her seat and felt her bare legs rub against each other. She was delighted. Hank Thomas was going to have no idea what was coming for him, she thought. She was completely happy with the idea.


Nadine barely had time to adopt her “Look at me, I’m the boss around here” look and position when the door slowly opened. She looked up with a firm yet cold smile on her lips, and in walked the man she was scheduled to have a “consultation” with. She was finally seeing him in person, Hank Thomas in nothing but real flesh and pure muscle. She was excited at the thought and felt something funny in her stomach.


This is it, she thought.


Hank Thomas slowly, almost hesitantly walked into the room. Nadine saw he was as tall as she expected. The man was about six feet two according to her estimates. If he looked rough in the photo, he looked even rougher in person. His hair was a sandy blond. His eyes were a soft shade of hazel, but they were cold and piercing. He had shoulders that looked as if they could carry the weight of the world and two more planets on them. They were that broad.


Nadine’s eyes glinted as they traveled down his chest, stomach, and waist area. Through his solid and sturdy polo, she could see he had a chest that was built to hold women against them and to impress. His waistline was small for a man so tall and large, but it complemented his build and figure very nicely. It didn’t take for a rocket scientist to see his stomach was ripped and fit as a cord. She wondered how it would feel like to run her tongue all over those ripped stomach muscles. The stirring in her legs came again but much stronger this time. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long to find out. Her eyes went down the crotch of his jeans.


She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Hank Thomas was born to fuck. The front of his jeans didn’t have an obvious bulge in them, but the fabric gave faint but sure outlines to the huge—literally—possibility of the object in question beneath them. Yes, the man was gifted with a powerful fucking tool, and she intended to have that tool at all cost. She squinted a bit, straining to see more of the outlines of the humongous dick the man was sporting, but then he turned to shut the door, and the sight of his cock was hidden from her prying eyes at least for a while.


Nadine stood up as Hank Thomas walked toward her. Again she felt her bare legs brush against each other and her suddenly erect nipples rub against the soft fabric of her silk top. “Good morning, Mr. Thomas,” she said in the most professional tone she could muster. “I’m Nadine Collins, and I’ll be interviewing you today.” She held a hand out and had to suppress a giggle when she realized it was the hand she had used to give herself a bit of instant pleasure.


Good luck, Mr. Thomas, she thought mischievously. Things were going to be very exciting, she was certain.


Hank Thomas, oblivious to the event that had transpired before his arrival, took Nadine’s hand and shook it firmly. She was laughing inside now as she wondered whether Hank would notice that her hand felt slightly sticky to touch. She watched his face closely for any kind of reaction. When he didn’t give any indication he had felt something different in her hand, she nodded inwardly. His appearance of indifference gave points to his favor.


“Good morning, Ms. Collins,” Hank said. He had a deep, manly voice with a neutral accent. The guy could come from anywhere, and nobody would suspect a thing, something Nadine instantly liked. She was starting to feel light and heady toward this hunk of a man.


His folks should’ve called him Hunk Thomas, she thought. She bit on her lip to fight back the wave of giggles that were threatening to escape from her.


“Have a seat, Mr. Thomas,” Nadine said. She gestured to the lone chair that sat in front of her large wooden table, and Hank promptly sat down.


She settled into her own office chair and took the paper with Hank’s file on it. She pretended to study the file. “Could you tell me something about yourself, Hank?”


“Certainly, Ms. Collins,” Hank said courteously. “For starters, I like women with big tits.”


His tone was so normal and polite that it took a while before his words sank into Nadine. Wait, she couldn’t be hearing that, could she? She looked up at him, her brow slightly furrowed, the only thing that indicated the sudden confusion she was feeling inside. “Excuse me?”


“I said I like women with big tits,” Hank repeated patiently. His tone didn’t change, nor did his eyes waver or shift a bit.


Nadine had to admire the man’s guts. She had never been told that before. In all the interviews she had done, she had always held the upper hand, which was the way it should be since the interviewee’s fate lay in her well-manicured hands. This was the first time someone dared to speak to her that way. It intrigued her, teased at her senses. She felt the stirrings again, but she pushed it away, at least for the meantime.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Thomas,” Nadine said curtly. Not that she felt an inch of curtness inside, but she had a reputation to protect and a company to uphold.


Hank didn’t appear fazed. He stared at her as if he wanted to tell her something but wanted her to find that something herself instead. “Ms. Collins, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” he responded. “I know about you folks. I know about you. Everyone does. I know what you’re up to, I know what you want, and I know how you play your game.” He chuckled. His chuckle, though rough, was melodic. “Come on now. Not every man who walks here is an ignorant sod.” He shrugged. “At least I’m not.”


Nadine adopted an icy tone. “I don’t appreciate you talking that way, Mr. Thomas,” she said, trying to stare him down. “And I certainly don’t appreciate you talking that way to me, about me. I could cut this interview short, and I could have you escorted out of this building.” She looked at him coolly.


Instead of faltering and being intimidated at the least, Hank burst out laughing. Even his laughter was marked with a manly quality. Against her better judgment, Nadine was aroused. Hank Thomas may be a total ass, not to mention have the mouth of a total asshole, but she was attracted to him—and his gorgeous body.


“On the contrary, I think you do, Ms. Collins,” Hank said. And before Nadine could react, he stood up, leaned across the table and toward her, and planted his lips over hers. He tasted of coffee and cigarettes, an irresistible combination for Nadine. His lips were soft but firm, and they aggressively forced themselves upon her puckers. His kiss was insistent and demanded of something. He nibbled slightly on her lower lip. She opened her mouth to tell him off, and that was when he inserted his tongue inside her mouth.


Nadine gasped. She pushed him back with all her might, and he toppled back into his chair. He stared at her with a grin that said it all, and she knew she was caught.


“You’re a total ass,” she said, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her top. “You jerk. You sucker.”


“I know,” Hank said, still grinning. He stood up. So did Nadine. A split second later, they were in each other’s arms.

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