Read 101 Things to Do With a Vibrator Online
Authors: Marisa Bennett
Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction, #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality
In Your Hot Seat
Lady parts are not the only areas that get aroused from a hot water massage. While in the shower, face away from the spray and bend forward to allow the water to pound against your backside. From the inside of your thighs, to your cheeks, to in between, your bum is one of the most sensitive areas of your whole body. Even if you are not partial to anal stimulation, the hot water against this sensitive naughty zone is a powerful hint to your other pleasure hubs that erotic enjoyment is on its way. Use your waterproof vibrator to entice your clitoris and fuck your pussy while the hot water stimulates your back end. This is a fun way to feel a little dirty while getting clean!
Water pressure and vibrations are every woman’s allies. Draw half a bubble bath so that the water is not too high and lie down in the tub. Scoot your bum to the front of the tub by the faucet, letting your legs rest to the side or lie in an L position with them up against the wall. Make sure the water keeps you warm but is not so high that your face is underwater. Bring a vibrator with a rotating head in with you and slide it inside you so that it massages deep inside your vagina and stimulates your g-spot. Turn the faucet on full blast so that it sends a direct stream to your clitoris, sending a hard, intense pressure waterfall to launch you in to ecstasy. The powerful flow of water will overwhelm your pleasure hub and, in tandem with the massager inside you, will bring you to a full-body, mind-blowing orgasm.
Get saucy and sensual to the beat of music, but add this extra step. Choose a song that you find particularly enticing or gets you revved up, preferably if it has a lot of repetition in its lyrics. Select a word or a particular phrase that comes up in the song a lot. Keep your vibrator in neutral until each time you hear this word or phrase, and then turn the vibrator on full throttle. This trick will give you quick spurts of erotic excitement and maintain a heightened level of desire. If you want to keep going, just put the song on repeat!
Hot Hot Heat
Turn up the heat on your playtime by incorporating hot oils and warming lubricants. Massage your body with warm oil to feel slippery and sexy. The warmth will tingle against your skin and the oil will make you feel primed and ready for some penetrative vibrations. Rub your whole body, from your breasts, to your sides, to the insides of your legs and all around your sexy zone. Use warming lubricants over the vibrator shaft; making sure it is slick as you ease it inside you. The heat from the lubricant will send radiating pleasure inside you that will make your eventual orgasm feel like it is practically glowing.
Sometimes spanking is to show who is the Dom and who is the Sub during kinky playtime. Other times, it is more of a natural reaction, as in, “Holy shit, this feels so good, I need to smack something!” Whichever way you like to get red in the cheeks, try it with some sensory overload. Using a vibrating cock ring for him or a vibrating egg for her, turn on the naughty by letting the vibes roll. While the slow vibrations and subtle hum to your sweet spots get you primed, get feisty, too! Be the spanker or the spankee and add some spice to your scenario. Use an open palm and leave a nice red handprint, or purchase a kinky spanking paddle that leave verbal imprints like “FUCK ME” and “KINKY.” Be nice and get a fuzzy paddle to soften the blow. Whichever your fancy, the tantric tango between the vibrations and a little painful pleasure will offer you a sex romp you will feel long after you’ve come!
Power Play
Getting turned on with your partner when you think you might get caught is super sexy, but see what happens when only he has access to the Off button. The next time you are out on the town, insert your remote-controlled egg or bullet and give him the switch. He gets all the control while you sit tight, waiting for that buzz of pleasure. As you spend your night out at a show, dinner, or huddled close at a packed bar, the anticipation of a little surprise ecstasy will get you both in a hot vibe. He can choose to start off slowly, with small spurts of light vibrations to have you inching your way to a mind-blowing orgasm. If he thinks you have been a little naughty, he can skip the foreplay and give you full power doses to have you climaxing at every pause in the conversation. Whether he takes the whole evening to get you worked up, or constantly throws you over the edge while you try to order your drinks, this will be one evening you will love to lose control!
Pleasure for Your Caboose
Butt Stuff Safety
Using toys for anal play can be a really fun and exciting experience for you and your partner, but there are a few rules to follow to make sure you have a safe and stress-free experience.
What Goes in Must Come Out
The most important rule for butt play is that you shouldn’t put anything in anyone’s ass unless you’re sure you can get it back out. Someone once said to me that “a vagina’s a cul-de-sac, but your ass is a freeway!” which is one of the strangest non-sequiturs I’ve ever heard but is also a helpful reminder that while the vagina is a closed system with no way for a toy to get “lost,” your ass is not, and a “lost” toy can create serious medical issues. To stay safe, only use toys that are sold explicitly for anal play, and make sure that your toys have a base that is thicker than the rest of the toy so that they cannot accidentally be inserted all the way.
No Sharp Edges
You shouldn’t have trouble with this if you follow the rules and only use toys intended for anal play, but it’s worth repeating: the skin inside your ass is sensitive and delicate, so make sure any toy you use is smooth and has no sharp edges.
Use Lube
Butts don’t make their own lube like vaginas sometimes do, so you’re going to need a good personal lubricant to enjoy yourself. Water-based lube is a good bet, since it’s the only kind safe for use with condoms and all sex toy materials. Using oil or other petroleum-based lubes (like petroleum jelly) can damage some toys and degrade condoms. This goes for natural oil lubes like coconut oil, as well.
Keep It Clean
It’s important to clean your toys before and after you use them to keep them squeaky clean, and this is especially true for anal toys, which can carry germs that can make you sick. The easiest way to keep toys clean is to use a condom: when you’re done you can just peel it off and you’re set! You can also use a female condom for this purpose, which works just as well to prevent mess, and may even be more comfortable, but they are also potentially less effective at preventing transmission of STDs, so if this is a concern for you, stick with the male condom.
Even if you are using a condom, you should clean your toys before and after play, with some soap and hot water. You should make sure your anal toys are made out of a nonporous material that is easily sterilized, like silicone, borosilicate glass, and stainless steel. Stay away from jelly and rubber, which are much more difficult to keep clean.
It Shouldn’t Hurt
It is really important to remember when engaging in anal play that if it hurts, you are doing something wrong. Do not “tough it out,” and stay away from numbing lubes, because if it is hurting, you may be doing damage and the pain is there to tell you to stop what you are doing! If you take it slow, use plenty of lube, and stop whenever it becomes uncomfortable, you should have a good experience!
Plug It In
Vibrating butt plugs are fun for anal play beginners and long time fans alike! You can get butt plugs in just about any size or shape you want. Some plugs come in sets ranging in size, which are made to help you get used to larger plugs and stimulators. Beginner plugs are usually smaller and are often called “trainer” plugs. Check out the tips on page 140 to help you pick out a safe toy.
You can play with a butt plug by yourself, or play with your partner! First, get warmed up: anal play works best when you’re relaxed and super turned on. Make out with your partner, masturbate, maybe play with a vibrator, and get yourself revved up before you try the plug. When you’re ready, lube up the toy and slowly and gently slide it into your ass. If you’re playing with your partner, it can be fun to grind against them as you slide yourself onto the plug. Keep going until the larger part of the plug is inside you and the wide base is sitting at the outside of your asshole. Then, turn on the plug and experience the new sensation! Men and women can both enjoy playing with butt plugs: men especially can get a special thrill out of the toy, which stimulates their prostate, the sensitive gland that some people call the “male g-spot.”
Oral and Butt Plug
Oral sex and back door stimulation is a winning combo for both partners, so try this during foreplay, or as the main course! Start by going down on your partner, then as things get hot and heavy, use your fingers to gently circle their asshole. Use your fingers to add lube (and try not to get lube in your mouth), and then slowly insert the plug. Don’t slow down or pause your oral ministrations, if you can help it! Turn on the plug and enjoy the fireworks! Use a hand or other convenient body part to brace the plug if your partner wants to grind against it.
If your partner is a dude, pay extra attention to his cock as you’re putting in the plug, and try out alternating between slow deep throating and faster pumping strokes. Play with his balls to add to the total overwhelming mix of sensations!
If your partner is a lady, make sure to concentrate on her clitoris, and alternate your speed and technique. Slide your fingers inside of her and stroke her g-spot: follow her lead and let her grind against you and set her own tempo.
Butt Plug Double Penetration
Double penetration is a winning move in the pornos, and now you can try it in the comfort of your own home! Vibrating butt plugs work great for this position, because unlike other toys, they stay put. You can swing this move in a couple different positions, so try a few to find out what works best for you! If your man is a little bigger, girl-on-top may be your best bet: once the butt plug toy is in place, have your partner help you turn it on. Then climb on top and slowly slide him into you, taking time to get used to the deep, rumbly full feeling. In Cowgirl or reverse Cowgirl, you’ll have the most control over the speed and depth of his thrusts. Or for a wilder ride, try it doggy style! Using a butt plug, you might find that your regular doggy style angle doesn’t work: in this case, use a pillow under your hips to help you get the right fit, and adjust by moving from resting on your hands and knees to resting on your elbow and knees, or lying with your upper body on the bed. This position is much more butt-centric, and it will give your partner a great view as you’re going at it! Plus your partner will be free to readjust the toy or just slap that ass.