12.Deadly.Little.Secrets.2012 (18 page)

BOOK: 12.Deadly.Little.Secrets.2012
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Not long after his wife’s death, Matt Baker,
with Kensi and Grace.


In the fall of 2005, the music minister’s
daughter, Vanessa Bulls, began attending Crossroads.

Trial exhibit


The limo for Kensi’s birthday party, with Matt
Baker and Vanessa Bulls, far right. Kensi, wearing tiara, and Grace, front row
in front of her father.


Texas Ranger Matt Cawthon wanted to pursue the
case but found little cooperation from the Hewitt Police Department.


Bill Johnston was a former U.S. prosecutor, one
who’d stepped on toes. He knew how to investigate a case and who to get to help


Retired deputy U.S. Marshal Mike McNamara and
retired undercover DPS agent John Bennett, who delved into Matt Baker’s dark


Shannon Gamble, whose son thought the world of
his teacher, Kari Baker. When Kari died, Shannon rallied others behind the


Summer 2006, Vanessa Bulls in Matt Baker’s new

Trial exhibit


The bumper stickers: a campaign waged throughout
Central Texas, as many fought for Justice for Kari.


Guy James Gray was a well-known Texas prosecutor
who’d become a defense attorney. In the end, many wondered if the switch had sat
well with him.


Abdon Rodriguez, an investigator in the McLennan
County DA’s office, knew how to lean on a source to get information.


Kari’s daughters, Kensi and Grace, were all Jim
and Linda Dulin had left of their daughter, and they feared for their


The grand old lady, the McLennan County
Courthouse, where the drama would unfold.


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