![]() | BIBLIOGRAPHY | ![]() |
| AA | | American Anthropologist |
| AmAnt | | American Antiquity |
| AJHG | | American Journal of Human Genetics |
| AAAG | | Annals of the Association of American Geographers |
| CA | | Current Anthropology |
| HE | | Human Ecology |
| JAH | | Journal of American History |
| JAR | | Journal of Archaeological Research |
| JB | | Journal of Biogeography |
| LAA | | Latin American Antiquity |
| NH | | Natural History |
| NYT | | New York Times |
| PNAS | | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
| QI | | Quaternary International |
| QR | | Quaternary Research |
| QSR | | Quaternary Science Reviews |
| WA | | World Archaeology |
| WMQ | | William and Mary Quarterly |
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