1812: The Navy's War (94 page)

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Authors: George Daughan

Tags: #War of 1812

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Allen, Henry
Allen, Howard
Allen, William H.
Military alliance
American Revolution
Amiens, Treaty of
Arbuthnot, James
Armistead, George
See also
Ghent, negotiations at; Peace treaty
Armstrong, John
and Canada
and Montreal
and Washington (capital)
Army, expansion of
Astor, John Jacob
Aylwin, John
Backus, Electus
Bainbridge, Joseph
Bainbridge, William
and Algeria
and Decatur
and military strategy
vs. Lambert
Baker, Anthony
Ballard, Edward J.
Barclay, Robert Heriot
Barlow, Joel
Barnaby, Pitt
Barney, Joshua
and Baltimore
and Washington (capital)
Barrie, Robert
Barring, Alexander
Barron, James
Bastard, John
Bathurst, Henry
and Ghent, negotiations at
Bayard, James
Baynes, Edward
Beckwith, Sir Sydney
Beresford, John
Berkeley, Sir George
Bernadotte (of Sweden)
Biddle, James
vs. Dickinson
Bingham, Arthur
Black, William
Bladen, Thomas
Blakeley, Johnston
Bloomfield, Joseph
Blount, Willie
Blyth, Samuel
Boerstler, Charles
Bonaparte, Joseph
Boundaries, revision of
Boyd, John
Braimer, David
Brine, Augustus
Brock, Isaac
and Canada
Broke, Philip B. V.
vs. Hull (Isaac)
Brooke, Arthur
Broom, James
Brown, Jacob
and Canada
Brown, Thomas
Brush, Henry
Budd, George
Burrows, William Ward II,
Bush, William
Bushnell, David
Byron, Richard
Cabot, George
Calhoun, John C.
Campbell, John B.
Canning, George
Cannon, underwater.
See also
Weapons, unconventional
Card, John
Carden, John S.
Carroll, William
Cass, Lewis
Cassin, John
Castlereagh, Robert Stewart
and Ghent, negotiations at
and Orders in Council, repeal of
and peace treaty
and prisoners of war
and United States, peaceful relationship with
Chads, Henry D.
Chandler, John
Chauncey, Isaac
and Canada
and Perry
vs. Yeo
Cheves, Langdon
Chichagov, Pavel
Christie, John
Clay, Henry
and Ghent, negotiations at
and peace treaty
Clinton, DeWitt
Cochrane, Alexander F. I.
and Baltimore
and New Orleans
and Washington (capital)
Cockburn, George
and Baltimore
and Chesapeake Bay
and Washington (capital)
Coffee, John
Collier, Sir George
Conkling, Augustus H. M.
Constitution (U.S.)
amendments to
Convoy Act
Cox, William
Crane, William
Crawford, William
Creighton, John O.
Croghan, George
Croker, John W.
Crowninshield, Benjamin William
Crysler’s Farm, Battle of
Dacres, James
Dallas, Alexander
Dallas, George M.
De Rottenburg, Francis
De Salaberry, Charles
Dearborn, Henry
and Canada
and Hull, court-martial of
Decatur, Stephen
and Algeria
and Bainbridge
and British blockade
and military strategy
surrender of
vs. Carden
vs. Oliver
and weapons, unconventional
Declaration of war
and armistice
and impressment
and Orders in Council, repeal of
and public opinion
Denison, Henry
Dent, John H.
Dickinson, James
Dickson, Alexander
Dobbins, Daniel
Dobbs, Alexander
Douglas, George
Downie, George
Drummond, Gordon
Duckworth, Sir John T.
Dwight, Theodore
Earl, Hugh
Eckford, Henry
Elliott, Jesse D.
and Canada
and Jefferson
Embargo Act
Emery, George
Eppes, John W.
Epworth, Farmery P.
Erskine, David
(Algerian warship)
Eustis, William
and Canada
Evans, Samuel
Everard, Thomas
Falcon, Gordon
Farragut, David
Finlay, James
Finnis, Robert A.
Fisher, Peter
Foreign Seamen’s Act
Fort Jackson, Treaty of
Fort Wayne, Treaty of
Foster, Sir John Augustus
Fox, Charles James
Frankfurt Proposals
Frederick William
French Revolution
Fulton, Robert
Gale, Thadeus
Gallatin, Albert
and Ghent, negotiations at
and military strategy
and Russia as mediator
Gambier, James
Gamble, John
Gates, Horatio
Ghent, negotiations at
and boundaries, revision of
and impressment
and Indian buffer state
See also
Armistice; Peace treaty
Ghent, Treaty of.
See also
Peace treaty
Gibbs, Sir Samuel
Giles, William
Goldsborough, Charles
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, James
Goulburn, Henry
Grenville, Lord
Griffith, Edward
Grundy, Felix
Hall, Amos
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Paul
and military strategy
Hampton, Wade
Hanks, Porter
Hanson, Alexander C.
Haraden, Nathaniel “Jumping Billy,”
Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman
and New England
Harper, John Adams
Harper, William
Harris, John Levett
Harrison, George
Harrison, William Henry
and Canada
Hartford Convention

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