1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (83 page)

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45. Unsigned (but probably Political Department, JA), "Futuwwa," 30 October 1946, CZA S25-9o66.
46. Levenberg, Military Preparations ofArab Community in Palestine, 210.
47- Shimoni (?) to Eliahu Sasson, 20 January 1948, CZA S25-4o15 aleph.
48. See, e.g., unsigned, "Meeting with Arab Mulchtars," 18 January 1948, IDFA 2644/49//352. See also Morris, Birth of Palestinian Problem Revisited, 96-97; and Cohen, Army of Shadows, 232-234.
49. Cohen, Army of Shadows, 263 -267. Quotation from Anderson, Imagined Communities, 7-
5o. Josh Palmon, "Interrogation of a Prisoner Captured in the Battle of Yehiam on 21.1.48," HA 105/215 aleph.
51. Gershon Gilead, "The ALA," undated but from the mid-195os, IDFA 922/ 75//648; Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 1:207-267.
5a. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 56-57-
53. Sela, "ALA in Galilee," 237-238.
54. Nazzal, Palestinian Exodus from Galilee, 45, 5o, 56, 65 - 66 ff.
55• Gelber, "Druze and Jews," 229-252.
56. Nazzal, Palestinian Exodus from Galilee, 11.
57. Ehud to Carmeli Brigade, "Report on Operation against Arms Convoy and Arab commanders on 17.3.1948," i9 March 1948, IDFA 5942/49//1o.
58. A. L., "Arab League Military Committee," 2 April 1948, CZA Sz5-8996; Levenberg, Military Preparations ofArab Community in Palestine, 198.
59• Mordechai Rosenberg (Kidron) to Golda Myerson, 5 November 1947, CZAS259215.
6o. A. L., "A Conversation with Za`afar Dajani, chairman of the Jaffa Chamber of Commerce," 26 November 1947, CZA S25 -3300.
61. Pirim, "The Feeling among Palestine's Arabs," 29 October 1947, CZASz5-3300.
62. FIGS-Operations, "Summary of the Situation of the [Haganah] Organization, Enemy Forces-in Light of the Recent Disturbances," i9 December 1947, IDFA 481/49//23.
63. Haganah spokesman, "A Trip across the Country," z February 1948, CZA S257719-
64. HIS, "The Atmosphere and Happenings among the Arab Christians," 9 February 1948, IDFA Soo/48//60.
65. HIS, "Attacks on Christians," undated but from February or March 1948, HA 105/195.
66. Yavne to HIS-AD, ii April1948, HA 105/257-
67. HIS-AD to Hillel, 3o November 1947, HA 73/98.
68. Page of Haganah logbook covering z December 1947, HA 73/98; HIS-AD to Darin and Yisrael Galili, I December 1947, HA 73/98.
69. HIS, "HIS Information Circular," 9 December 1947, HA 105/61.
70. See S. P. Emory to bishop of Jerusalem, 13 December 1947, SAMECA, J&EM LXXI/ 2.
71. For more, see Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 65-16z.
72. Na'im, "Details from a Tall, with Dr. Dajani," 24 December 1947, HA 105/115 aleph.
73. British Military HQ, Palestine, "Fortnightly Intelligence Newsletter," 30 January 1948, PRO WO-275-64.
74. "The Fifth Meeting [of the Haifa NC]," 9 December 1947, in Goren, Fall of Arab Haifa, 256-257.
75. The text of the communique is reproduced in Goren, Fall of Arab Haifa, 263 - 264.
76. Gelber, Palestine, 1948, 77; Hashmonai, "Doings among the Arabs," 12 January 1948, IDFA 500/48//60.
77. Tulkarm NC, communique, 27 February 1948, HA 105/102.
78. Hussein to Tiberias NC, undated but from March 1948, HA 105/257; Yavne to HIS-AD, 18 March 1948, reporting on a British censor's report on a letter from Hussein to the Jerusalem NC of 8 March. See also Yavne, report, 21 March 1948, and Gershon Avner to HIS-AD, 19 March 1948, both in HA 105/257-
79. HIS-AD, "The Migratory Movement ... ," 30 June 1948, HHA-ACP 10.95.13 (1).
8o. Campbell to Jerusalem, 25 May 1946, PRO CO 537-1756.
81. Pirie -Gordon to FO, 24 September 1947, PRO FO 371-61529; Segev, ed., Behind the Screen, 5o.
8z. Unsigned, "Summary of Intelligence for 4.12.47, 13:00-19:oo Hours," CZA Sz5-9210.
83. HIS, "Summary of Hiram Information," 1o February 1948, IDFA 7249/ 49//152.
84. HIS, "HIS Information," 28 March 1948, IDFA 900/52//58.
85. "Report of'Shahar' [the Palmah's Arab Platoon] Patrol in Haifa," 1o April 1948, HA 105/257•
86. Hashmonai to general distribution, "State of Readiness for Tuesday and Wednesday, 23-24.12.47," IDFA Soo/48//60.
87. JA, "In the Arab Public," z March 1948, HA io5/ioo.
88. Committee for Economic Defense, "Information on the Arab Economy, Bulletin No. i," ii April 1948, HA 105/146.
89. "Zarhi Says," 9 December 1947, IDFA 481/49//62.
90. Committee for Economic Defense, "Information on the Arab Economy, Bulletin No. ii," ii May 1948, HA 105/146.
91. Untitled memorandum, possibly by HIS, undated but probably from mid- or late May 1948, HA 105/119.
92. Jenkins, "Conference of Arab Prime Ministers-December 1947," 3o December 1947-
93. Unsigned (possibly Reuven Zaslani), untitled memorandum, ii December 1947, CZA S25-4o46; unsigned, "Protocol of Meeting on Arab Affairs from 9.3.48," IDFA 8275/49//126.
94. Ben-Pazi, "Citrus Harvest."
95. HIS, "Information Circular," 24 November 1947, IDFA 900/52//58.
96. Unsigned, "Aryeh," ii December 1947, CZA S25-4.o11.
97. Unsigned, untitled report, HIS, 31 December 1947, HA 105/123.
98. Cunningham to colonial secretary, 3 January 1948, PRO FO 816/115.
99• See, e.g., re Haifa, Haddad to Adina, 24 January 1948, CZA S25-4o15 aleph.
ioo. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 19 January 1948, 163.
101. Haifa NC, "Communique No. 7," 22 February 1948, HA 105/$4 aleph.
io2. JA Political Department/Arab Division, "In the Arab Camp," 21 December 1947, CZA S25-9o51; high commissioner to secretary of state, "Weekly Intelligence Appreciation," 3 January 1948, PRO FO 816/115.
103. HIS-AD to Hillel, 4 December 1947, HA 73/98.
104. For example, Ephraim Ben-Haim, of Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim: "It had not yet occurred to anybody to see those disturbances as a real war" (KiryatAnavim, 86).
io5. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting, JAE, 6 January 194.8, CZA.
io6. Gelber, Emergence of Jewish Army, 214, quoting Reuven Zaslani, Shiloah, to Shertok, ii December 1947.
107. Galili, protocol of meeting, Defense Committee, 13 November 1947, CZA Sz59343
io8. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting, Defense Committee, 4 December 1947, CZA S25-9344.
109. Cunningham to colonial secretary, 9 December 1947, PRO FO 371-61797-
no. Hillel, "Meeting of [Haganah] N[ational] C[ommand] io/iz," IDFA 481/ 49//64.
iii. Hillel to Sasha (Yigal Allon), "Operational Order 5.1.48," 5 January 1948, IDFA 922/75//12o6.
112. Galil, protocol of meeting, Defense Committee, 11 December 1947, CZA Sz59344.
113. Jerusalem Information Bureau to members of Haganah, Jerusalem, io December 1947, CZA S25-921o.
114. Yigael Yadin to Alexandroni Battalion, "Document [i.e., Order] for Retaliatory Strike A," 9 December 1947, IDFA 922/75//949-
115. Arils, "The Sharon Battalion's Operation," 12 December 1947, IDFA 922/ 75//94-9-
116. Ben-Gurion to Eli`ezer Kaplan, 14 December 1947, CZA S25-1700-
117- Yadin to brigade OCs, etc., "Instructions on Planning Initiated Operations," 18 January 1948, IDFA 1196/5z//i.
118. Alexandroni OC to battalions, 19 December 1947, IDFA 2687/49//35.
119. See, e.g., Hashmonai, "Relations with the Neighboring Villages," 24 December 1947, IDFA 500/48//6o.
izo. Haganah, "To the Arabs of Palestine," 29 December 1947, CZA Sz5-9o51.
121. Yirmiyahu to battalions, etc., 3 February 1948, IDFA 9zz/75//1224.
122. Galili to brigade OCs, 24 March 1948, IDFA 922/75//1219. Similar thinking informed a memorandum by two senior JA Political Department officials submitted a few days before (see Haim Berman and Sasson, "Proposals," 13 March 1948, CZA Sz5-9383). The memorandum also proposed, despite the threemonth-long Palestinian Arab assault on the Yishuv, the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state that would coexist, according to UN 1947 partition plan borders, alongside Israel.
123. "Summary of the Meeting of the Arab Affairs Advisers in Dora Camp, 313.48," IDFA 4663/49//125.
124. "Summary of the Meeting of the Arab Affairs Advisers in Dora Camp 6.4.48," IDFA 4663/49//125.
125. Haganah HQ, "To Our Members, Daily Information Bulletin No. 1o," 18 December 1947, HA 105/61.
126. Transcript of broadcast on 7 December 1948, HA 105/358.
127. Lapidot, Flames of Revolt, 285; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 1:52.
,z8. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 2:50-51.
129. Cunningham to colonial secretary, 5 January 1948, PRO FO 371-68500.
130. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:85 -88.
131. Shertok, protocol of meeting, US Section, JAE, z6 September 1947, CZA Z559.
132. See, e.g., unsigned, "A Meeting with Nahariya Council on 14.10.47," CZA S25210.
133. Galili, protocol of meeting, Defense Committee, 1o February 1948, CZA S259346.
134. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 2:66 -75.
135. Unsigned, "Reliable Information from 10.2.48," IDFA Soo/4-8//6o; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:203.
136. Investigating Committee, "Report of the Yishuv's Investigating Committee into the Disaster That Occurred in the Haifa Oil Refinery on Tuesday ... (30.12.47)," 25 January 1948, CZA S25-4o37•
137. oiioi to HIS-AD, i January 1948, HA 105/23.
138. Palmah logbook of operations, entry for 5 January 1948, IDFA 661/69//36; oioii to HIS-AD, 6 January 1948, HA 105/32 aleph; ooooi to HIS-AD, "The Attacks on Balad ash Sheikh and Hawassa," 9 January 1948, HA 105/32 aleph; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 2:93-97-
139. Yaakov Riftin and Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of Defense Committee, i January 1948, CZA S25-9345.
140. Milstein, History ofthe War of Independence, 2:142-144.
141. Pinhas to Ali, "Report on Khisas Operation," zz December 1947, IDFA 922/ 75//1224; Cunningham to colonial secretary, 20 December 1947, PRO FO 371-61796; Moshe Dayan to Ya`alcov Dori, 3o December 1947, IDFA 481/ 49//23; Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 79-
142. Ezra Danin to Sasson, 23 December 1947, CZA S25-4o57; Yosef Sapir, protocol of meeting of Defense Committee, 25 December 1947, CZA S25-9344.
143. Gelber, Palestine, 2948, 6z.
144. Milstein, History ofthe War of Independence, 2:261-269.
145. Karmi, In Search ofFatima, 90.
146. Unsigned, "Following Is a Summary of Information on Hotel Semiramis, a Regional Arab Base for Security in Katamon," 8 January 1948, CZA S25-4o13.
147. Protocol of meeting of JAE, 1i January 1948, CZA.
148. Cunningham to colonial secretary, 7 January 1948, PRO FO 816/115; Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of JAE, 6 January 1948, CZA; Ben-Gurion to Cunningham, 8 January 1948, CZA S25-4o13.
149. HIS-AD, "Summary of the Influence of the Jewish Reprisals on the Arabs," 11 May 1948, HA 105/31.
15o. Unsigned, "Report on the Ben Shemen Incident," undated, CZA S25-4148.
151. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:43.
152. Levenberg, Military Preparations ofArab Community in I'alestine, 192-193.
153. HIS, "Information from Tubas," 27 January 1948, HA 1o5/215 aleph.
1$4. Cunningham to colonial secretary, 4 February 1948, PRO FO 371-68367.
155• UK Delegation to the UN to FO, 9 February 1948, PRO FO 371-68366.
156. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:46-53.
157. Palmah HQ, "Daily Report," 16 February 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066; Shertok, meeting of US Section, JAE, 11 March 1948, CZA Z5-2381.
158. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:72.
159. Baruch to Golani, "Report on the Attack on Tirat-Tzvi on 16.2.48," 4 March 1948, IDFA 1196/52//1; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:668o; Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 17 February 1948, 250-251; al-Qawugji, "Memoirs, 1948," pt. r:27-58.
,6o. Uzi, untitled memorandum, 19 January 1948, IDFA 922/75//283; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:325.
161. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:1-4-0.
162. Tall, Memoirs, 18.
163. Collins and Lapierre, Jerusalem, 173-175-
164. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:1o6 -107.
165. Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of Defense Committee, 24 February 1948, CZA S25-9346.
166. HIS, "Explosion in Ben-Yehuda Street (Tentative Summary)," undated, CZA S25-4151; Committee of Investigation of the Ben-Yehuda Street Bombing, "Session 5," z March 1948, CZA S25-1o391; Ben-Gurion, protocol of meeting of Defense Committee, 24 February 1948, CZA S25-9346; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3:109 -113.
167. Leo Kohn to William Macatee,16 March 1948, and Macatee to Kohn, 18 March 1948, both in CZA S25-4151; Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 3: 113 -118.
168. See, e.g., al-Qawugji, "Memoirs, 1948," Pt. 1:31-34--
169. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 4:108 -116.
170 . Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 4:121-59; Kohn, "Note for the Record," 28 March 1948, and unsigned, untitled memorandum, z8 March 1948, both in CZA S25-4147-
171. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 4:8o-107-
172 - Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 4:161.
173. Milstein, History of the War of Independence, 4:160-18o.
174. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 137-
175. Cunningham to colonial secretary, "Weekly Intelligence Appreciation," 3 April 1948, PRO FO 371-68503.
176. JA Statistical Department, "Summary of Casualties in the Disturbances during the Months of December 1947-January-March 1948," May 1948, CZA Sz53986. The Arabs had suffered a similar number of dead (see "Summary of Events on 9/4/48," PRO CO 537-3857-"967" Arabs killed by "8/9.4.48").

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