2 A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body (10 page)

BOOK: 2 A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body
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“I just wanted to thank you,” he said quietly, his face a sallow reflection of the pictures she had seen splashed all over the internet. “If it wasn't for you, I would have buried my mother never knowing the truth.”

“I'm sorry Dan,” Bekki said with a sigh. “I'm so sorry that this happened to you and to your mother.”

“So am I,” Dan agreed and stepped a little closer to her. “You know, I just never pictured a time when she wouldn't be here.”

“She's still here,” Bekki promised him. “I mean, everything she taught you, all the love she shared with you, none of that will ever truly be gone.”

“You're right,” he nodded solemnly but her words did not seem to give him much comfort. “I only wish I had paid more attention to her advice. She warned me about Julie, and I didn't listen. I thought I was in love.”

“It's not your fault Dan,” Bekki said firmly. “She was manipulating you from the start. You were her target, and her victim.”

Dan nodded a little and then managed a half-smile. “Well, I just want you to know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, feel free to contact me. Okay?”

Bekki nodded and smiled in return. “Thanks Dan.”

As he was turning to leave, he paused and turned back. “Also, the cake for your friend is in the freezer, I found it after Mom died and put it there in case someone came to pick it up
I know that my mother would have hated to see anyone miss out on a birthday cake. Please give it to your friend, find something to celebrate in all of this. That's what she would have wanted.”

“Okay, I will,” Bekki smiled warmly as she watched him walk out of the salon. It struck her that it didn't matter how much fame or wealth someone had, it did not provide them with any protection from some of the perils of life.


Later that night, when Dan had already begun his journey home, and Julie was safely behind bars, Bekki sat on her front porch, gazing up at the stars. The poles of the porch were lined with balloons and streamers. A big happy birthday sign hung in the window. As she took a sip of her glass of wine she reflected on how strange the entire week had been. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and she didn't want Sammy to think that her birthday was forgotten.

“Hi there,” Sammy called out as she walked up the driveway. “Is all of this for me?” she smiled.

“Yes,” Bekki stood up to greet her friend and offered her a warm hug. “I'm sorry I've missed so many birthdays Sammy.”

“It's okay Bekki,” Sammy smiled at her. “I always admired you for getting out of this place and joining the real world. Didn't you know that?”

“No I didn't,” Bekki laughed. “But I can tell you this. Now that I'm back, I wouldn't trade Harroway for a million cities.”

“We wouldn't trade you either,” Sammy winked lightly.

“Cake!” a shout came from the end of the driveway where Nick had parked his car. He was balancing a large sheet cake in his hands and not looking very confident about it.

“Wow!” Sammy gasped. “That has to be the biggest cake I have ever seen!”

“It was supposed to be a big party,” Bekki laughed. “But I bet we can handle it.”

She hurried over to Nick to help him steady the cake on his way up the steps. Once they were all inside Nick laid the cake down on the dining room table.

“It's still a little frozen,” he explained as he opened the lid.

“Not too frozen to taste the frosting I see,” Bekki grinned when she noticed a finger mark in the creamy frosting.

“Oh uh,” Nick blushed a little and then reached up to wipe at his mouth with a guilty expression.

“Tsk, tsk,” Bekki laughed and grabbed a knife and some plates. As Bekki sliced into the cake Sammy smiled over her shoulder.

"It looks delicious, I only wish she was here to share it with us."

"In a way, maybe she is," Bekki said with a small smile as she served Sammy the first slice.

"At least now everyone knows the truth," Nick said as he slung an arm across Bekki's shoulders. "Thanks to the best detective without a badge."

"I don't need a badge, I can always borrow yours," she smiled up at Nick. He leaned down and kissed her gently.

"Look at the two of you, just like a blast from the past," Sammy laughed, her eyes wide and shining.

"No," Nick said firmly as he held Bekki close. "This isn't the past. This is the future."

As the three friends shared their cake, and the small town of Harroway once more fell into an assumption of safety, Bekki felt as if things were finally falling into place. Maybe it was time to let go of the hurt that Trevor had caused her with his betrayal. Maybe it was time to begin trusting again.


The End


Other Books in the Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mystery Series

Hairspray and Homicide

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

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