Read 3013: FATED Online

Authors: Susan Hayes

3013: FATED (12 page)

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Dane nuzzled her ear again. “No one can see or hear us. Nobody will get to see this sexy body but us and no one else is going to hear you when we make you come. And we are going to make you come, angel. Over and over again.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but all that came out was a moan. Her thoughts derailed into a tangled wreck as Vance dipped his head and drew one taut nipple into his mouth. Taking their advice, Ciara closed her eyes and let them lead her to a place of pleasure. Dane nipped at her earlobe as his hands drifted slowly down her body. When he reached her pants, he hooked a finger in on each side and started easing them downward, a task made easier when Vance joined in.

Vance released her from his mouth and dropped to his knees in front of her, baring her legs an inch at a time. When he reached her ankles, he helped her step out of her clothes.

She kept her eyes closed as the chill air sent flurries of goose bumps chasing across her skin.

“Cold?” Vance asked, his voice a husky rumble.

“A little,” she admitted.

“Let me give you something else to think about, then,” Vance said as Dane’s arms came around to circle her waist, holding her fast. Vance pressed his face to her stomach, his breath fanning across her skin as he drew his fingers up her inner thigh. When he reached the slick lips of her pussy, he stroked along their outer edge, teasing the sensitive flesh. She rolled her hips, seeking more, and he obliged by sliding one long finger into her folds. He circled the swollen flesh of her clit, teasing her until she parted her thighs.

Vance groaned and added another digit, capturing her clitoris between his fingers. Her knees trembled, and if Dane hadn’t been holding her, she might have stumbled. She moaned again as Dane locked one arm around her waist and lifted his free hand to cup a breast, his calloused fingers closing around her nipple.

“That’s right, angel. We’ve got you,” Dane said.

“And we’re not going to let you go. Fuck, Dane, you should see how wet she is. You like what we’re doing to you, don’t you, Ciara?”

“Yes. Fuck yes. I didn’t know…”

Vance chuckled, a rich, sensual sound that made her heart flutter in her chest. “Not yet, you don’t. I’m going to enjoy showing you what it can be like to be shared, beautiful Ciara.”

“Not just shared, worshipped,” Dane agreed, his fingers still working her nipple. Every tug and twist seemed to send an electric current sizzling straight to her clit. Between the two of them, she was dangerously close to orgasm, and they’d barely even touched her.

“Got her?” Vance asked.

“Always,” Dane replied as a strong hand wrapped around her ankle as she felt herself being lifted slightly, her feet suddenly dangling a few inches off the ground as she floated, held up by…nothing at all.

“What the hell?” she asked, her eyes snapping open.

“Sorry, I forgot to warn you again.” Dane laughed and loosened his hold on her waist, turning her slightly so he could capture her lips in a slow, sinful kiss.

“There are times I really envy you that skill,” Vance said as he pushed her legs further apart. She was too busy kissing Dane to notice what he was doing until Vance’s face was buried between her thighs. He draped her legs over his shoulders as his tongue stroked over her clit in short, rapid flicks that sent her dancing close to the edge of her control.

This wasn’t the way Vance had envisioned the evening unfolding, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to question their good fortune. If Ciara wanted to play first and talk later, he was onboard with that plan. So long as before morning came, she knew they wanted more than a single night with her. Having tasted her sweet body and witnessed her passion first hand, he was determined to keep her as long as they could.

He reached up and slid two fingers into her channel, groaning as he felt how tight she was. His dick was hard enough to drill through hull plating as it was. The thought of burying himself inside her channel and having those walls grip him hard nearly had him coming on the spot.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, angel. I wish you could see yourself right now. Vance looks like he’s died and gone to heaven. Make her come for us, Doc.”

Dane’s dirty talk made Ciara buck her hips harder, and a fresh flood of cream spread over Vance’s tongue. He sucked her clit into his mouth, working it with the tip of his tongue as he crooked his fingers deep inside her, angling to hit the perfect spot that would set her free. Her broken cry filled the air seconds later, her legs tightening around his head as her orgasm hit.

When her passion was spent, he gently unwound her legs from his shoulders and set her feet back on the ground. He looked up to find her staring down at him. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair tumbling around her face, and a dazed expression in her lovely eyes. Satisfaction filled him at knowing he was the one to put that look on her face.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he got to his feet and finally got a good look at her naked body. She was breathtaking. Different. Beautiful. Instead of the sexually charged curves of an enhanced woman, Ciara had a slender, delicate form that made his mouth water and his cock ache. “You are one of the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”

She shook her head. “I’ve seen plenty of enhanced women. They look like every man’s fantasy come to life. I know I can’t compete with them.”

Dane growled. “Like hell you can’t. You’re gorgeous. If I hear you put yourself down again, I’ll put you over my knee.”

Ciara’s head snapped up. “You wouldn’t dare!”

There was a shadow in Ciara’s eyes as she stared up at them, a darkness that reminded Vance that a woman alone in the badlands always had to be on guard for threats. He hated the idea that this gentle, giving woman could ever be in danger, and Dane’s expression made it clear he felt the same way.

“Angel, we’d never hurt you. You know that.”

Vance wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Never.”

She relaxed into his side. “Sorry. I know you wouldn’t hurt me. What you said surprised me, that’s all.”

“One day, I want to know why you live out there where you don’t have any protection. I know you want to help people, but the badlands are not exactly civilized,” Dane said.

“You want me to talk about that now?” Ciara asked.

“If you want to, then yes, we can talk about it now.” Vance stroked a hand over her bare stomach, enjoying the silken warmth of her skin.

“But I thought…”

“What? You thought all we want to do is fuck you? If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re wrong. You matter to us. So, if you want to talk, then we’ll listen.

Dane nodded. “And
we’ll take you to bed. This is a full service arrangement, angel.”

Ciara looked at her two men and knew they were serious. If she said the word, they’d stop everything and let her talk about her past. Not that there was much to tell, and now wasn’t the time. She was ready to make new memories, not dwell on old ones. “I think I’d rather have you both naked right now, and we can talk later. After we decide whose bed we’re sleeping in tonight. I’m not sure both of you are going to fit in mine.”

Vance hugged her, then walked her over to the hot tub and lifted her over the edge, lowering her into the water with care. “You don’t want to sleep in Dane’s room. Not even the cleaning bots can keep up with him. You’re coming to bed with me tonight.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad! Don’t listen to him. He’s just trying to make you like him better,” Dane grumbled, already tugging his shirt over his head.

Ciara took a moment to admire the hard, chiseled lines of his body. Vance was stripping down, too, and she found it hard to stop staring as her vision filled up with two near-perfect male forms. Dane managed to beat Vance by a few seconds, and Ciara actually found herself blushing as he hopped into the water, and she got a quick glimpse of his gloriously naked and very aroused body. Holy nova, the man was hot.

He grinned at her as if he could read her thoughts, moving to claim the seat to her right before pulling her onto his lap. “I’ve been dreaming of this moment.”

“You’ll have to forgive him. He gets grabby when there’s something he wants. It’s a sad holdover from his life as a juvenile delinquent.” Vance slid into the water on her left with the grace of a predator. Side by side, she was struck by the similarities between the two men. Despite the difference in their skin color they were nearly a match in height and body type, and even their faces shared a few traits. Strong jaws, aquiline profile, and of course, nearly identical military haircuts. She reached out to trace their faces, wet fingers trailing across warm skin, and then laughed aloud.

“I know he’s funny looking, angel, but it’s not nice to mock the unfortunate to their face,” Dane said, smirking at Vance.

“Until this moment, I had no idea I had a type. But now I’m looking at the two of you, and damn it, I do.”

“Lucky for us, huh?” Dane turned his head to nibble on her fingertips.

“Luck. Fate. Whatever you call it, I’m glad it happened.” Vance tangled his fingers into her hair, tugging her head back so he could kiss her.

She found herself caught between them again, drifting in the heated water as Vance took the kiss deeper, and Dane began a leisurely exploration of her body. Lust surged through her veins, leaving her giddy and drunk with the pleasure of being the center of two men’s complete attention. Strong arms cradled her, and hands seemed to be touching her everywhere at once. Time slowed as the collection of sensations blurred together into a single, blissful experience.

The sensual assault continued until she was trembling and aching with need. When Dane’s fingers slide into her pussy, she arched her hips hard against his hand, craving more.

“You’re ready for me, aren’t you, angel?” Dane’s voice was a low, rough whisper.

She broke her kiss with Vance to nod. “I want this. You. I want both of you.”

Dane lifted Ciara back into his lap and kissed her, not caring that for this one moment he was being selfish. He needed this. Needed to have her in his arms, her body wrapped around his, the taste of her on his tongue.

All mine.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into his mouth, her legs straddling his thighs so her pussy was brushing against his dick. It was heaven and hell at the same time. Close enough to feel her, but not close enough to bury his cock inside her slick channel. He gripped her hips and pulled her in tighter, bringing their bodies together. He reached between them, guiding his cock to where he needed to be. Ciara threw her head back, opening the angle of their upper bodies as she took control. He’d intended to go slowly, letting her body adjust, but she didn’t give him the chance.

She drew herself down on top of him, driving his cock into her with a shuddering moan. Her inner walls flexed around him, milking his cock as their bodies merged. Every one of her moans added fuel to the fire already burning inside him. As far as he was concerned there was nothing in the cosmos as sexy as a woman giving free rein to her passions. She was a goddess out of legend—regal, beautiful, and wanton.

Dane tightened his hands on her hips, holding her in place as he reclaimed control of their lovemaking. Heated jets of water swirled around them as he pistoned in and out of her body. His control slipped, and he fucked her harder, sending water sloshing in all directions.

Vance moved in closer and Ciara reached for him, eliciting a low groan as she wrapped her fingers around the other man’s dick. Vance placed a hand on her shoulder, steadying her against Dane’s thrusts, and the three of them fell into a near perfect rhythm, playing off of each other as they chased their pleasure.

Nails raked Dane’s shoulder hard enough to sting a mere second before she leaned in and kissed him. Their dance grew frenzied, tongues twining, wet skin sliding together, and Dane knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He worked a hand between their bodies, positioning his fingers so every time their bodies came together he pressed down on her clit.

She came on a cry, her body shuddering as she rode out her climax in his arms. Her pleasure triggered his, all control lost as he gathered her close and drove himself deep inside her welcoming heat. He came harder than he had in his entire life, until his thighs shook and his breath was coming in ragged gasps.

“Holy fucking nova,” he muttered when he finally regained the ability to speak.

“I second that statement,” Ciara murmured.

“That was by far the sexiest thing I have ever seen,” Vance agreed, his voice tight with barely restrained need.

Ciara’s head was still spinning from what Dane had done to her, but she didn’t feel complete yet. This evening was about the three of them, together. “I need you, too, Vance.”

“And you’ll have me. I’m holding on by a thread here, but I thought we might want to take this inside.”

Despite the fact she’d just come for the second time tonight, Ciara’s pussy pulsed and her breathing quickened at the thought of being with Vance. She nodded and eased herself off of Dane’s lap. “Take me to bed, then.”

Vance’s lips split into a dangerous grin. “Who said anything about a bed?”

“Beds are for sleeping, angel. We’ve got no plans to let you sleep for hours yet.”

A shiver ran down her spine, and heat pooled in her womb as her two lovers looked at her with raw hunger in their gazes. “Sounds good to me.”

Dane hopped out of the water, giving her a tantalizing few of his muscular body. “I’ll go check on Annie while you get our girl inside. Try not to start without me.”

“I’m not making any fucking promises,” Vance said, tugging her into his arms to kiss her.

His eyes shimmered with heat as he slanted his mouth across hers, the heavy shaft of his cock pressing into the soft curve of her stomach. She could taste traces of herself on his lips, mingling with the unique flavor that was all his own.

“At the rate you’re moving, we’ll still be here when he gets back,” she teased.

“You’re distracting. I look at you, and I forget all my plans…and good intentions.” He nipped her lower lip, then swept her up into his arms and carried her to the edge of the tub.

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