3013: STOWAWAY (3013: The Series) (12 page)

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He walked back into the holo-room and all the blood rushed to his dick as he caught sight of Sonja lost in the throes of an orgasm. She was arched backward, her perfect breasts gleaming in the light and her eyes closed as she gave voice to her pleasure. She was so fucking beautiful it was hard to believe she was theirs, but the marks on her face declared that she was, and always
would be. “I can’t leave you two alone for a minute. At least this time there weren’t any spectators.”

Sonja opened her eyes and got an enjoyable eyeful of Trevar, naked and still wet from his earlier dip. “Right now the only spectator is you. Are you coming back to join us?”

“No, kitten. You’re going to come to me.” He pointed to the bed. “Move your cute, little ass.”

Stars, she loved it when they got bossy. It didn’t really make sense, because she hated being told to do by anyone else, but when they did it she turned gooey inside. Deke nuzzled her neck one last time and then lifted her off his still hard cock. “Bedtime, sweetheart.”

He helped her out of the pool first, then climbed out himself and tossed her over his shoulder before she could take a step. Head down, ass up, all she could do was laugh and kick her feet in mock protest as he carried her back to the bed and dropped her into the midst of the furs. They were sinfully soft, and she stretched out in them with a happy sigh. Trevar joined her a heartbeat later, the warm bulk of his body pressing her down into the bed as he kissed her heatedly.

Deke moved in on her other side, settling himself on his back as he took one of her hands, lacing their fingers together before tapping his chest. “Up you get, sweetheart. I wasn’t done with you yet.”

She laughed, the sound captured by Trevar’s mouth as he kissed her yet again. He kept her pinned to the mattress, using his weight to keep her in place.

“Share, you greedy bastard, or at the very least let the woman breathe,” Deke said, reaching over to swat Trevar’s shoulder.

Trevar lifted his head and Sonja sucked in a lungful of cool air which did almost nothing to ease the fire blazing inside her. “You ready to have us both?” he asked her and she nodded, stroking back his hair to trace the line of the scar that ran along his brow.

“I’m ready.”

“Then come here and let us love you,” Deke said, squeezing her hand.

She went to Deke, straddling his hips so that his cock was trapped between them and her hands were on the broad expanse of his chest. He was looking up at her with adoration, his hazel eyes glowing with love that shone even brighter than the lust that simmered in their depths. He arched his hips, and then he was inside her again, filling her completely.

Trevar moved behind her and she tensed a little in anticipation, but all he did was lay a warm hand on her back. “Relax, kitten. We’d never hurt you. We’re going to go nice and slow. Deke, under the pillow to your right is a little something I picked up today. I think you should keep our chosen distracted while I get her ready.

Deke reached under the pillow and started feeling around. “What did you…ah, I got it. Oh, sweetheart, you’re going to like this.” He pulled out his hand and revealed a small vibrator with flattened section near the tip. Before she could get a good look at it he was already sliding his hand between their bodies, placing the vibrator against her clit before turning it on.

“Wow!” she exclaimed as a low vibration thrummed through her, nearly making her come right then and there.

“Fuck, that’s good. I can feel it, too. Does that feel good, sweetheart?”

Sonja couldn’t manage more than a broken moan in response. She rocked her hips, grinding her pussy against his cock and the vibrator. The double stimulation was incredible, and all she wanted was to feel more of it.

“Lean all the way forward,” Trevar instructed her and she did so, moaning again when the change in angles sent the vibrator dancing over a new part of her clit. When his slick fingers
started sliding between her nether cheeks, Sonja was too far gone to feel anxious. All she felt was pleasure, wave after wave of it that washed over her and kept her from focusing on anything else. Deke’s hands were in her hair and he drew her down for a long, deep kiss, his tongue dancing with hers in the same slow give and take as their lovemaking.

Something cool and slippery flowed over her skin, intensifying everything
she was feeling. Trevar stroked it in slow circles until she relaxed again, and then he pressed the tips of his fingers into her tight hole. She felt a brief bite of discomfort at that intrusion, but it soon faded to a subtle burn that rode the edge between pleasure and pain. She rocked backward, pushing him deeper. He added a second finger and the burn returned, a little stronger this time. She moaned, her pussy gripping Deke’s cock tighter as a flood of cream flowed from her pussy.

“You like that, don’t you? Fuck, kitten, you are so ready for me.” Trevar withdrew his fingers, leaving her feeling suddenly empty, but then there was
more cooling lubricant and something thicker than his fingers pressing against the opening and she took a low, slow breath. She forced herself to relax as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle and into her body. Deke’s fingers tightened in her hair and he groaned into her mouth as Trevar’s cock slid deeper, filling her impossibly full.

There was a growl of approval from Trevar, then both men went still, giving h
er body time to adjust. What little pain there was slowly morphed into pleasure, and Sonja moaned softly, relaxing against Deke’s chest.

“Ours,” Trevar declared.

“Always,” Deke murmured in agreement.

“Damn right I am, and you’re mine. Both of you.”
Sonja wiggled her hips and both men groaned.

“Impatient, are we?” Trevar asked, slapping her lightly on one ass cheek.

“Very,” she retorted, deliberately flexing her inner walls around them both. Trevar slapped her ass again, harder this time, the tiny bite of pain only heightening her pleasure. The two of them began to move, finding a rhythm that kept her balanced on the edge of ecstasy as they fucked her in concert. Deke started moving the vibrator again and Trevar swore under his breath, his cock twitching and thickening as the vibrations travelled through her body to affect both her men. She surrendered her body to them and let go of everything but the pleasure coursing through her as they worked her body together, filling her body over and over again as the three of them became one.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, Deke dialed the vibrator up to a higher setting and threw her into orbit, her entire body singing with need as she shattered into tiny pieces of shimmering bliss.

“Oh fuck, that’s too good,” Trevar growled, his fingers tightening on her hips as he drove himself in deep and came hard enough she could feel his cock throb and pulse inside her, Deke held back until she was nearly over her release, then he came, too, calling her name as he shuddered beneath her, holding her to him as though he would never let her go.

“Love you,” Deke’s whispered words brought her back from her dazed state. Trevar was still slumped over her back, his breath fanning across her skin, and Deke was stroking her hair away from her face.

“Love you, too. Both of you. And I vote we do that again very soon. Only…not until I get back enough energy to move.”

Trevar chuckled and pressed a kiss to her back.
We’ve got all night.”

“Sounds good to me,” she purred, and she meant it. There was no other place in all the worlds that she would rather be. This was where she belonged. They were her bonded. Wherever they were, that’s where she would be. Forever.

Another thought flashed into her brain, one that made her burst out in peals of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Deke demanded.

“I just realized I’ve got a new name. Sonja Storm-Wilde, or Wilde-Storm.”

“Sonja Wilde-Storm.” Trevar said, laughing so hard there were tears on his cheeks.

“You sure?” Deke asked.

“I’m sure. It’s perfect. Our chosen…a force of fucking nature.”






The closer
they got to X2 Station, the more difficult it was to avoid thinking about what would happen when they got there. Deke lay awake every night, running scenarios and trying to plan for every contingency. He knew it was weighing on everyone, but they all kept silent. They’d worked out their best plan the day after claiming Sonja, and now there was nothing to do but wait and try to enjoy what time they had left.

It things went badly, it could be the only time they’d ever be together.

He shook his head to clear away the dark thoughts that were gathering like storm clouds at the edges of his mind. He had to calm himself so he could sync with the ship’s computer, but that wasn’t easy to do right now. Closing his eyes, Deke relaxed into his chair in the cockpit and went over the plan one more time.

They had received official orders to dock the
and immediately surrender themselves and their passenger to Alliance personnel upon arrival at X2. The instructions had come in with a priority code so high that the ship’s AI had overridden Deke’s previous settings and delivered it the second it had arrived. Not that it was a surprise. After what had gone down at Jikrat, they’d been expecting it and planned accordingly.

Once the
had finished her jump, he and Sonja would fly the shuttle out of the cargo bay and fall in behind the much larger freighter. Distortion from the ship’s engines should mask their presence long enough for them to get close to the station. Once they were in the heavier traffic that always surrounded the station, Deke would break away and make for the one of the smaller shuttle pads. If they were lucky, they’d slip in among the other shuttles and land before anyone figured out what they were up to.

With all eyes on the freighter, Deke and Sonja were going to make a run for the Krytos bar, the Black Hole. No one, not even the Alliance, would dare to breach an officially sanctioned Krytos sanctuary. It was part of their arrangement with each host station.

After they lost their home world to the Zyphir, the Krytos scattered across the stars. Some became mercenaries, other’s traders, but most made new homes for themselves on various planets, moons and space stations. They defended their territory fiercely, having vowed that they will never lose their homes again. To host a Krytos sanctuary is an honor, but within those walls the rules are sacrosanct. No violence. No one under Krytos protection could be removed from the sanctuary without their consent, and whatever differences any beings had with one another were to be left at the door…or else. Violators were dealt with swiftly, and they usually needed a long stay in a medical bay to recover once the Krytos were finished with them.

It was the safest place for Sonja until the dust settled.

He found a moment of calm and jacked into the ship’s computer, letting his awareness shift to the strange plane where he and the AI could coexist. Data flowed past him in rivers of light, weaving through the darkness to create a glowing tapestry of information that was forever changing. Deke had never been able to find a way to describe the datum planes to anyone else. He had learned to create elaborate holo-programs in an attempt to capture the experience, but it was incomplete. In a holo-program, the users were outside the projection, but in the datum plane, Deke was more than that. He was part of the program, a digital version of himself, and he wasn’t alone.

The computer’s AI was there with him, an electronic phantom. When Sonja had first come aboard, he had tampered with the computer, making it appear that she was valid passenger named Sonja Kitts. Now, he was going to tamper with it again, overriding the system so he could send a brief, untraceable message to T’karra, the Krytos who ran the sanctuary. He wanted her to be aware they were coming, and trouble was likely going to be only a few steps behind them.

He had no doubt that the ship’s communications were being monitored now, so he had to make sure that no one else saw the message. He wasn’t sure how it had happened, but he was now breaking the rules and bending regulations almost as often as Trevar. The man had finally gotten to him, or maybe it was all because of Sonja.

Either way, the list of charges he was going to be facing if this went badly was getting longer by the damned day.




“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sonja asked Trevar again. They were in the observation lounge, Trevar pacing the length of the room while she sat on the edge of a chair and tried not to let worry overwhelm her.

“We’ve been over this. The only way you are going to have any chance of getting to the Black Hole is if I distract the men who are going to be waiting for us at X2.”

“And what good does sanctuary do me if you and Deke are arrested?” she asked. She hated this plan. More than that, she hated the idea that if things went badly, this might be the last time she saw them. Over the last few days she had spent hours trying to push the limits of her gift, but all she had gotten was a lingering headache and a sense that dark times were ahead.

“If your family has even half the pull I think they do, then I want you protected. We have to do it this way, kitten. I haven’t filed our claim on you because I didn’t want them to have time to react, so as far as the Alliance is concerned, you’re an unclaimed, fertile female who may be held against her will. There are questions that need to be answered, and until that’s dealt with, we want you somewhere your family can’t reach you. You’re ours, and no one is taking you away from us. Not now. Not ever.”

“I hate this plan.”

He scrubbed a hand through his hair, leaving it standing up in rumpled spikes. “I know. I don’t like leaving you either, but it has to be this way.” He crossed the room and dropped to his knees at her feet, taking her hands in his. “I love you. The universe did not bring the three of us together only to tear us apart again after so little time. The three of us are going to have a lifetime together, and I will do
to make sure that happens.”

The lump in her throat made her words come out in a hoarse whisper. “I love you, too. And I will do everything I can to make sure we have that lifetime. Even if that means I have to move to Mars.”

“My chosen is never setting foot on that fucking hellhole of a planet!”

“Then you better make sure you don’t end up getting sent there, because wherever you go, I go.”

Damn, he loved this woman. She was as stubborn and crazy as he was, and far braver then would have ever imagined. If he had known how much trouble and joy their little stowaway was going to be...he laughed as he rose up and captured her mouth in a kiss. If he had known…he wouldn’t have changed a thing.

It only took a gentle tug to bring her into his arms, and as he held her close he tried not to consider that this might be the last time he got to do this. He pushed the thought away, but that wasn’t enough to stop him from trying to commit this moment to memory. The way she smelled, the taste of her lips, the silken fall of her hair across his hands.
Their bodies fit together like they’d been designed by a master craftsman, and he could have held onto her forever.

But they didn’t have forever.

His wrist unit chimed, and he activated it with a flick of a finger. “What is it?”

“It’s time.” Deke’s words filled Trevar’s veins with ice.

“We’ll meet you in the cargo bay,” he replied, then turned the unit off again. Sonja burrowed deeper into his embrace, and Trevar felt his heart twist at the thought of leaving her. He could feel her worry, and her love, and it was tearing him up inside.

“I still hate this plan,” she muttered.

“Yeah, me, too. But it’s the only one we’ve got.”

She lifted her head from his chest at last and gave him a tiny smile. “If this doesn’t work, I’m going to spend the rest of our lives pointing out that we should have gone with my plan to run away to Helios and hide out in the jungle.”

“You only think so because you’ve never seen the bugs on that planet. They’re
. I’ll take my chances with the Alliance, thank you.”

They got to their feet in silence, and Sonja slipped her hand into his as they made their way to the cargo bay. There wasn’t anything more to be said. He had been tempted a hundred times to ask her what she’d seen when she tried to look into the future, but he never had. He wasn’t the kind of man who liked knowing the odds. Besides, she couldn’t see far enough ahead to know for certain how any of this would turn out.

Deke was waiting for them by the shuttle. He appeared calm on the outside, but Trevar could feel the emotions boiling beneath the surface. Sonja had done that for Deke, given him back the ability to care. She’d made them both better men in such a short time, Trevar wondered what they’d be like after a lifetime together.

He hoped like hell they got a chance to find out.

Sonja found herself tugged into Trevar’s arms for one last scorching kiss, his mouth slanting across hers in a declaration of ownership and passion that she felt all the way down to her toes. When he lifted his head, she saw all of his love shining in his steel-gray eyes. “I’ll see you soon. Keep your head down, your ass moving, and don’t let anything stop you from getting to T’karra.”

Trevar and Deke shared a look, and then Deke nodded. “Try not to piss everyone off before I get there, huh?”

“I make no promises. Take care of our chosen. Anything happens to either of you, I am going to take it out of your hide, kid.”

“I’d like to see you try, old man.”

Trevar took her hand and kissed her knuckles in an old fashioned gesture before handing her over to Deke. “Get going. We’re due to drop into normal space any minute.”

Sonja followed Deke inside the shuttle, only allowing herself a single look back as the doors closed behind them, but by then Trevar was gone.

And then there were two…

The first part of the plan went off without a hitch. They timed their departure perfectly, slipping out the cargo bay doors within seconds of the
transition back to normal space. Deke piloted them into position behind the much larger freighter, keeping close enough that the station’s sensors would not be able to detect them. It wasn’t an easy maneuver, and the small cockpit was cloaked in silence as he focused on keeping them hidden. With nothing to see but the stern of the
, Sonja closed her eyes and tried to relax. There was no point in using her gift yet, they were still too far away from the events that mattered.

She sighed and Deke’s hand covered hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Stop trying to see what’s going to happen, sweetheart. I can tell you how it’s going to be. We’re going to make it to the bar, and T’karra is going to protect you while Trevar and I go see the station’s commander and explain to him what’s going on. He’s going to yell, and swear, and threaten to send our asses to Mars, but in the end, it’s all going to work out.”

She opened her eyes and looked over to find him smiling at her. “You can’t be certain of that.”

“Like hell I can’t. That’s the only outcome I’m going to accept. I don’t need to see my future to know that you’re part of it.” Deke’s fingers flicked out a dismissive gesture she had come to know so well.

“So, we’re going to make our own destiny?”

“Exactly. But if you get a sudden sense that maybe we should turn left instead of right, you let me know.”

She laughed at that. “Deal.”

They couldn’t risk open communication between the two ships, but Trevar did send a single ping to Deke’s wrist unit when it was time for him to break away. When it came, Deke let go of her hand and began putting some distance between the two ships. That’s when she finally got her first view of Alpha Station X2.

It was suspended in the darkness of space, a colossus of steel illuminated by a myriad of lights. The five docking
arms radiated out from a saucer-shaped centerpiece, each of them occupied by at least a few ships. Most bore Alliance markings, but not all. Beneath the center hub was a secondary platform, and Sonja knew that was where they were headed. Even from this distance she could catch flickers of movement as shuttles came and went from the landing zone. Unlike the main docking area, where the larger ships were assigned docking space and watched over by flight traffic controllers, the shuttle pads were a free-for-all affair. With no one watching, they had a good chance of arriving undetected.

By the time they touched down, Sonja’s stomach was in knots and she was pretty
sure the armrests of her chair had a few new, finger-sized dents.

it always like that?” She asked, aware that her voice was a little shaky.

Deke shot her a sidelong look and his brows creased as he got a good look at her. “Shit, are you okay? You look a little green.”

“I’ll live, but for the record I am
starting to dislike shuttles. Every time I get in one I end up queasy and scared half to death.”

“Duly noted. We’ll have to teach you to fly them yourself, that way you’ll be too busy piloting to worry about anything else.” Deke shrugged out of his harness and Sonja did the same.

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